Interface VoiceSendTaskFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VoiceSendTaskFactory
A factory to create a task that reads audio packets from an AudioProvider, encodes them and then sends them through a given raw packet sink.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    create(Scheduler scheduler, Consumer<Boolean> speakingSender, Consumer<ByteBuf> voiceSender, AudioProvider provider, discord4j.voice.PacketTransformer transformer)
    Create a task that is capable of handling outbound audio packets.
  • Method Details

    • create

      Disposable create(Scheduler scheduler, Consumer<Boolean> speakingSender, Consumer<ByteBuf> voiceSender, AudioProvider provider, discord4j.voice.PacketTransformer transformer)
      Create a task that is capable of handling outbound audio packets.
      scheduler - a dedicated Scheduler that can be used to run the task
      speakingSender - a sink capable to signaling speaking status to Discord
      voiceSender - a sink capable of sending outbound audio to Discord
      provider - a strategy to produce audio packets that can be encoded
      transformer - a strategy to encode a packet into a raw buffer
      a task that can process audio and send it