Class StoreServiceLoader

    • Constructor Detail

      • StoreServiceLoader

        public StoreServiceLoader()
        Creates a reusable instance of the provider, service discovery occurs at this point!
      • StoreServiceLoader

        public StoreServiceLoader​(Map<Class<? extends StoreService>,​Integer> priorityOverrides)
        Creates a reusable instance of the provider, service discovery occurs at this point!
        priorityOverrides - Allows for manual overriding of StoreService.order().
    • Method Detail

      • newGenericStore

        public <K extends Comparable<K>,​V extends SerializableStore<K,​V> newGenericStore​(Class<K> keyClass,
                                                                                                       Class<V> valueClass)
        Generates a new generic store instance from the most appropriate service.
        Type Parameters:
        K - The key type which provides a 1:1 mapping to the value type. This type is also expected to be Comparable in order to allow for range operations.
        V - The value type.
        keyClass - The class of the keys.
        valueClass - The class of the values.
        A mono which provides a store instance.
      • newLongObjStore

        public <V extends SerializableLongObjStore<V> newLongObjStore​(Class<V> valueClass)
        Generates a new long-object store instance from the most appropriate service.
        Type Parameters:
        V - The value type.
        valueClass - The class of the values.
        A mono which provides a store instance.