

object treehuggerDSL

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. treehuggerDSL
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AnnotationInfoStart extends AnyRef

  2. class AnonFuncStart extends TreeDefStart[Forest.AnonFunc, Forest.Tree] with TptStart with VparamssStart

  3. case class CaseStart(pat: Forest.Tree, guard: Forest.Tree) extends Product with Serializable

  4. class ClassDefStart extends TreeDefStart[Forest.ClassDef, Forest.Tree] with TparamsStart with ParentsStart

  5. case class ContextBoundsStart(typcon: Forest.Type) extends TypeBoundsStart with Product with Serializable

  6. trait DefCreator extends AnyRef

  7. trait DefStart[ResultTreeType <: Forest.Tree, RhsTreeType <: Forest.Tree] extends AnyRef

  8. class DefSymStart extends SymVODDStart[Forest.DefDef, Forest.Tree] with DefCreator with TparamsStart with VparamssStart

  9. class DefTreeStart extends TreeVODDStart[Forest.DefDef] with DefCreator with TparamsStart with VparamssStart

  10. case class ForStart(enums: List[Forest.Enumerator]) extends Product with Serializable

  11. class ForValFromStart extends TreeVODDStart[Forest.ForValFrom]

  12. case class IfStart(cond: Forest.Tree, thenp: Forest.Tree) extends Product with Serializable

  13. class ImportSelectorStart extends AnyRef

  14. case class InfixStart(target: Forest.Tree, name: Forest.Name) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class InfixSymStart(target: Forest.Tree, sym: Forest.Symbol) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class LowerTypeBoundsStart(lo: Forest.Type) extends TypeBoundsStart with Product with Serializable

  17. class ModuleDefStart extends TreeDefStart[Forest.ModuleDef, Forest.Tree] with ParentsStart

  18. class NoBlockDefSymStart extends DefSymStart

  19. class NoBlockDefTreeStart extends DefTreeStart

  20. case class PRIVATEWITHIN(name: Forest.Name) extends Product with Serializable

  21. trait PackageCreator extends TreeDefStart[Forest.PackageDef, Forest.Tree]

  22. class PackageDefStart extends PackageCreator

  23. class PackageSymStart extends PackageCreator

  24. trait ParentsStart extends AnyRef

  25. trait ProcCreator extends AnyRef

  26. class ProcSymStart extends DefStart[Forest.ProcDef, Forest.Block] with ProcCreator with TparamsStart with VparamssStart

  27. class ProcTreeStart extends TreeDefStart[Forest.ProcDef, Forest.Block] with ProcCreator with TparamsStart with VparamssStart

  28. case class SelectStart(tree: Forest.Select) extends Product with Serializable

  29. case class SuperStart(tree: Forest.Super) extends Product with Serializable

  30. trait SymVODDStart[ResultTreeType <: Forest.Tree, RhsTreeType <: Forest.Tree] extends VODDStart[ResultTreeType, RhsTreeType]

  31. class SymbolMethods extends AnyRef

  32. trait TparamsStart extends AnyRef

  33. trait TptStart extends AnyRef

  34. class TraitDefStart extends ClassDefStart

  35. trait TreeDefStart[ResultTreeType <: Forest.Tree, RhsTreeType <: Forest.Tree] extends DefStart[ResultTreeType, RhsTreeType]

  36. class TreeMethods extends AnyRef

  37. trait TreeVODDStart[ResultTreeType <: Forest.Tree] extends VODDStart[ResultTreeType, Forest.Tree] with TreeDefStart[ResultTreeType, Forest.Tree]

  38. case class TryStart(body: Forest.Tree, catches: List[Forest.CaseDef], fin: Forest.Tree) extends Product with Serializable

  39. sealed trait TypeBoundsStart extends AnyRef

  40. trait TypeDefStart extends TreeDefStart[Forest.TypeDef, Forest.Tree] with TparamsStart

  41. class TypeDefSymStart extends TypeDefStart

  42. class TypeDefTreeStart extends TypeDefStart

  43. class TypeMethods extends AnyRef

  44. case class UpperTypeBoundsStart(hi: Forest.Type) extends TypeBoundsStart with Product with Serializable

  45. trait VODDStart[ResultTreeType <: Forest.Tree, RhsTreeType <: Forest.Tree] extends DefStart[ResultTreeType, RhsTreeType] with TptStart

    VODD, if it is not obvious, means ValOrDefDef.

  46. trait ValCreator extends AnyRef

  47. class ValNameStart extends TreeVODDStart[Forest.ValDef] with ValCreator

  48. class ValSymStart extends SymVODDStart[Forest.ValDef, Forest.Tree] with ValCreator

  49. class ValTreeStart extends TreeVODDStart[Forest.ValDef] with ValCreator

  50. case class ViewBoundsStart(target: Forest.Type) extends TypeBoundsStart with Product with Serializable

  51. trait VparamssStart extends AnyRef

  52. case class WhileStart(cond: Forest.Tree) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def AND(guards: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  7. def AND(guards: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  8. def ANNOT(typ: Forest.Type, args: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.AnnotationInfo

  9. def ANNOT(typ: Forest.Type, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.AnnotationInfo

  10. def ANONDEF(trees: Forest.Tree*): ClassDefStart

  11. def ANONDEF(parents: Iterable[Forest.Type]): ClassDefStart

  12. def ANONDEF(parent0: Forest.Type, parents: Forest.Type*): ClassDefStart

  13. def ARRAY(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  14. def ARRAY(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  15. def BACKQUOTED(name: Forest.Name): Forest.BackQuotedIdent

  16. def BACKQUOTED(sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.BackQuotedIdent

  17. def BLOCK(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Block

  18. def BLOCK(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Block

  19. def CASE(pat: Forest.Tree, ifs: IfStart): CaseStart

  20. def CASE(pat: Forest.Tree): CaseStart

  21. def CASECLASSDEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): ClassDefStart

  22. def CASECLASSDEF(name: Forest.Name): ClassDefStart

  23. def CASEOBJECTDEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): ModuleDefStart

  24. def CASEOBJECTDEF(name: Forest.Name): ModuleDefStart

  25. def CLASSDEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): ClassDefStart

  26. def CLASSDEF(name: Forest.Name): ClassDefStart

  27. def CONTRAVARIANT(symbol: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Symbol

  28. def CONTRAVARIANT(name: Forest.Name): Forest.Name

  29. def COVARIANT(symbol: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Symbol

  30. def COVARIANT(name: Forest.Name): Forest.Name

  31. def DEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): NoBlockDefSymStart

  32. def DEF(sym: Forest.Symbol, tp: Forest.Type): DefSymStart

  33. def DEF(name: Forest.Name): NoBlockDefTreeStart

  34. def DEF(name: Forest.Name, tp: Forest.Type): DefTreeStart

  35. def DEFAULT: CaseStart

  36. def DEFINFER(name: Forest.Name): DefTreeStart

  37. def DEFINFER(sym: Forest.Symbol): DefSymStart

  38. def DEFTHIS: DefTreeStart

  39. val FALSE: Forest.Literal

  40. def FOR(xs: Iterable[Forest.Enumerator]): ForStart

  41. def FOR(xs: Forest.Enumerator*): ForStart

  42. def ID(name: Forest.Name): Forest.Ident

  43. def ID(sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Tree

  44. def IF(tree: Forest.Tree): IfStart

  45. def IMPORT(expr: Forest.Tree, selectors: Iterable[Forest.ImportSelector]): Forest.Import

  46. def IMPORT(expr: Forest.Tree, selectors: Forest.ImportSelector*): Forest.Import

  47. def IMPORT(sym: Forest.Symbol, selectors: Iterable[Forest.ImportSelector]): Forest.Import

  48. def IMPORT(sym: Forest.Symbol, selectors: Forest.ImportSelector*): Forest.Import

  49. def IMPORT(pck: Forest.Name, selectors: Iterable[Forest.ImportSelector]): Forest.Import

  50. def IMPORT(pck: Forest.Name, selectors: Forest.ImportSelector*): Forest.Import

  51. def INFIX_CHAIN(sym: Forest.Symbol, trees: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  52. def INFIX_CHAIN(sym: Forest.Symbol, tree: Forest.Tree, trees: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  53. def INFIX_CHAIN(name: Forest.Name, trees: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  54. def INFIX_CHAIN(name: Forest.Name, tree: Forest.Tree, trees: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  55. def INTERP(name: Forest.Name, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Interpolated

  56. def INTERP(sym: Forest.Symbol, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Interpolated

  57. def LAMBDA(param: Iterable[Forest.ValDef]): AnonFuncStart

  58. def LAMBDA(param: Forest.ValDef*): AnonFuncStart

  59. def LAZYVAL(sym: Forest.Symbol): ValSymStart

  60. def LAZYVAL(sym: Forest.Symbol, tp: Forest.Type): ValSymStart

  61. def LAZYVAL(name: Forest.Name): ValNameStart

  62. def LAZYVAL(name: Forest.Name, tp: Forest.Type): ValNameStart

  63. def LEFT(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Tree

  64. def LIST(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  65. def LIST(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  66. object LIT extends (Any) ⇒ Forest.Literal

  67. def MAKE_MAP(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  68. def MAKE_MAP(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  69. def MATCHERROR(arg: Forest.Tree): Forest.Throw

    Top level accessible.

  70. def MINUS(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Select

  71. def NEW(tpt: Forest.Tree, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  72. def NEW(tp: Forest.Type, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  73. val NIL: Forest.Tree

  74. val NONE: Forest.Tree

  75. def NOT(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Select

  76. def NULL: Forest.Literal

  77. def OBJECTDEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): ModuleDefStart

  78. def OBJECTDEF(name: Forest.Name): ModuleDefStart

  79. def OR(guards: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  80. def OR(guards: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  81. def PACKAGE(sym: Forest.Symbol): PackageSymStart

  82. def PACKAGE(name: Forest.Name): PackageDefStart

  83. def PACKAGEHEADER(sym: Forest.Symbol): PackageSymStart

  84. def PACKAGEHEADER(name: Forest.Name): PackageDefStart

  85. def PACKAGEOBJECTDEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): ModuleDefStart

  86. def PACKAGEOBJECTDEF(name: Forest.Name): ModuleDefStart

  87. def PARAM(tree: Forest.Tree): ValTreeStart

  88. def PARAM(sym: Forest.Symbol): ValSymStart

  89. def PARAM(sym: Forest.Symbol, tp: Forest.Type): ValSymStart

  90. def PARAM(name: Forest.Name): ValNameStart

  91. def PARAM(name: Forest.Name, tp: Forest.Type): ValNameStart

  92. def PAREN(trees: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  93. def PAREN(trees: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  94. val PARTIALLY: Forest.Ident

  95. def PLUS(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Select

  96. def PROC(sym: Forest.Symbol): ProcSymStart

  97. def PROC(name: Forest.Name): ProcTreeStart

  98. def REF(name: Forest.Name): Forest.Ident

  99. def REF(pre: Forest.Type, sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Tree

  100. def REF(sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Tree

  101. def RENAME(name: Forest.TermName): ImportSelectorStart

  102. def RETURN(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Return

  103. def RIGHT(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Tree

  104. def SEQ(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  105. def SEQ(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  106. def SEQARG(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Typed

  107. val SEQ_WILDCARD: Forest.Ident

  108. def SOME(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  109. def SOME(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  110. def SUPER(name: Forest.Name): SuperStart

  111. def SUPER(sym: Forest.Symbol): SuperStart

  112. val SUPER: SuperStart

  113. def THIS: Forest.This

  114. def THIS(name: Forest.Name): Forest.This

  115. def THIS(sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Tree

    Typed trees from symbols.

  116. def THROW(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Throw

  117. def THROW(typ: Forest.Type, msg: Forest.Tree): Forest.Throw

  118. def THROW(typ: Forest.Type, msg: String): Forest.Throw

  119. def THROW(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Throw

    !!! should generalize null guard from match error here.

  120. def TILDE(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Select

  121. def TRAITDEF(sym: Forest.Symbol): ClassDefStart

  122. def TRAITDEF(name: Forest.Name): ClassDefStart

  123. val TRUE: Forest.Literal

  124. def TRY(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): TryStart

  125. def TRY(xs: Forest.Tree*): TryStart

  126. def TUPLE(trees: Iterable[Forest.Tree], flattenUnary: Boolean = false): Forest.Tree

  127. def TUPLE(trees: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  128. def TYPEVAR(sym: Forest.Symbol): TypeDefSymStart

  129. def TYPEVAR(name: Forest.Name): TypeDefTreeStart

  130. def TYPE_*(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  131. def TYPE_<%<(arg1: Forest.Type, arg2: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  132. def TYPE_<:<(arg1: Forest.Type, arg2: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  133. def TYPE_=:=(arg1: Forest.Type, arg2: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  134. def TYPE_ARRAY(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  135. def TYPE_BYNAME(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  136. def TYPE_EITHER(arg1: Forest.Type, arg2: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  137. def TYPE_FUNCTION(typs: Iterable[Forest.Type]): Forest.Type

  138. def TYPE_FUNCTION(typs: Forest.Type*): Forest.Type

  139. def TYPE_FUNCTION(args: Iterable[Forest.Type], result: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  140. def TYPE_ITERATOR(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  141. def TYPE_LEFT(arg1: Forest.Type, arg2: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  142. def TYPE_LIST(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  143. def TYPE_MAP(k: Forest.Type, v: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  144. def TYPE_OPTION(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  145. def TYPE_ORDERED(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  146. def TYPE_REF(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Type

  147. def TYPE_REF(name: Forest.Name): Forest.Type

  148. def TYPE_REF(sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Type

  149. def TYPE_RIGHT(arg1: Forest.Type, arg2: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  150. def TYPE_SEQ(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  151. def TYPE_SET(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  152. def TYPE_SINGLETON(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Type

  153. def TYPE_SOME(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  154. def TYPE_STRUCT(tree: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Type

  155. def TYPE_STRUCT(tree: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Type

  156. def TYPE_TUPLE(typs: Iterable[Forest.Type]): Forest.Type

  157. def TYPE_TUPLE(typs: Forest.Type*): Forest.Type

  158. def TYPE_VECTOR(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.Type

  159. def UNIT: Forest.Literal

  160. def VAL(tree: Forest.Tree): ValTreeStart

  161. def VAL(sym: Forest.Symbol): ValSymStart

  162. def VAL(sym: Forest.Symbol, tp: Forest.Type): ValSymStart

  163. def VAL(name: Forest.Name): ValNameStart

  164. def VAL(name: Forest.Name, tp: Forest.Type): ValNameStart

  165. def VALFROM(name: Forest.Name): ForValFromStart

  166. def VALFROM(name: Forest.Name, tp: Forest.Type): ForValFromStart

  167. def VAR(tree: Forest.Tree): ValTreeStart

  168. def VAR(sym: Forest.Symbol): ValSymStart

  169. def VAR(sym: Forest.Symbol, tp: Forest.Type): ValSymStart

  170. def VAR(name: Forest.Name): ValNameStart

  171. def VAR(name: Forest.Name, tp: Forest.Type): ValNameStart

  172. def VECTOR(xs: Iterable[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Tree

  173. def VECTOR(xs: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree

  174. def WHILE(tree: Forest.Tree): WhileStart

  175. object WILD

  176. val WILDCARD: Forest.Ident

  177. val ZERO: Forest.Literal

  178. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  179. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  180. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  181. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  182. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  183. def fn(lhs: Forest.Tree, op: Forest.Symbol, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree with Serializable

  184. def fn(lhs: Forest.Tree, op: Forest.Name, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Tree with Serializable

  185. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  186. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  187. def infix(lhs: Forest.Tree, op: Forest.Symbol, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Infix

  188. def infix(lhs: Forest.Tree, op: Forest.Name, args: Forest.Tree*): Forest.Infix

  189. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  190. def makePathType(tree: Forest.Tree): Forest.Type

  191. def makeRefinedType(args: List[Forest.Type]): Forest.Type

  192. def makeStructuralType(trees: List[Forest.Tree]): Forest.Type

  193. def makeTupleType(trees: List[Forest.Tree], flattenUnary: Boolean = false): Forest.Tree

  194. implicit def mkDocElementFromString(str: String): Forest.DocElement

  195. implicit def mkEnumeratorFromIfStart(ifs: IfStart): Forest.Enumerator

  196. implicit def mkEnumeratorFromValDef(tree: Forest.ValDef): Forest.Enumerator

  197. implicit def mkImportSelectorFromString(name: String): Forest.ImportSelector

  198. def mkInfixAnd(lhs: Forest.Tree, rhs: Forest.Tree): Forest.Infix

  199. def mkInfixOr(lhs: Forest.Tree, rhs: Forest.Tree): Forest.Infix

  200. implicit def mkSeqImportSelectorFromCandidates[A, M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Forest.ImportSelector): Seq[Forest.ImportSelector]

  201. implicit def mkSeqTreeFromCandidates[A, M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Forest.Tree): Seq[Forest.Tree]

  202. implicit def mkSeqTreeFromDefStarts[A <: Forest.Tree, M[A] <: Iterable[A], B <: Forest.Tree](in: M[DefStart[A, B]]): Seq[A]

  203. implicit def mkSeqTreeFromSelectStarts[M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[SelectStart]): Seq[Forest.Select]

  204. implicit def mkSeqTreeFromSuperStarts[M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[SuperStart]): Seq[Forest.Super]

  205. implicit def mkSeqTypeDefFromCandidates[A <: TypeDefStart, M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[A]): Seq[Forest.TypeDef]

  206. implicit def mkSeqTypeFromCandidates[A, M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Forest.Type): Seq[Forest.Type]

  207. implicit def mkSeqTypeTreeFromCandidates[M[A] <: Iterable[A]](in: M[Forest.Type]): Seq[Forest.TypeTree]

  208. implicit def mkSymbolMethodsFromSymbol(target: Forest.Symbol): SymbolMethods

  209. implicit def mkTreeFromDefStart[A <: Forest.Tree, B <: Forest.Tree](start: DefStart[A, B]): A

  210. implicit def mkTreeFromSelectStart(ss: SelectStart): Forest.Select

    (foo DOT bar) might be simply a Select, but more likely it is to be immediately followed by an Apply.

    (foo DOT bar) might be simply a Select, but more likely it is to be immediately followed by an Apply. We don't want to add an actual apply method to arbitrary trees, so SelectStart is created with an apply - and if apply is not the next thing called, the implicit from SelectStart -> Tree will provide the tree.

  211. implicit def mkTreeFromSuperStart(ss: SuperStart): Forest.Super

    (SUPER) might be simply a Super.

  212. implicit def mkTreeFromType(typ: Forest.Type): Forest.TypeTree

  213. implicit def mkTreeFromTypeDefStart(tds: TypeDefStart): Forest.TypeDef

  214. implicit def mkTreeMethods(target: Forest.Tree): TreeMethods

  215. implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSelectStart(ss: SelectStart): TreeMethods

  216. implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSuperStart(target: SuperStart): TreeMethods

  217. implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSymbol(target: Forest.Symbol): TreeMethods

  218. implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromType(target: Forest.Type): TreeMethods

  219. implicit def mkTypeFromString(str: String): Forest.Type

  220. implicit def mkTypeFromSymbol(sym: Forest.Symbol): Forest.Type

  221. implicit def mkTypeMethods(target: Forest.Type): TypeMethods

    Implicits - some of these should probably disappear *

  222. implicit def mkTypeMethodsFromSymbol(sym: Forest.Symbol): TypeMethods

  223. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  224. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  225. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  226. def nullSafe[T](f: (Forest.Tree) ⇒ Forest.Tree, ifNull: Forest.Tree): (Forest.Tree) ⇒ Forest.Tree

  227. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  228. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  229. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  230. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  231. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
