

package io

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AlohaReadable[A] extends FileReadable[A] with NonFileReadable[A]

  2. trait ContainerReadable[C[_]] extends AnyRef

  3. trait ContainerReadableByString[C[_]] extends ContainerReadableCommon[C]

    Support for various ways of reading data by converting the input type to a String and calling fromString.

  4. trait ContainerReadableCommon[C[_]] extends ContainerReadable[C]

  5. trait FileReadable[A] extends AnyRef

  6. trait FileReadableByInputStream[A] extends FileReadable[A]

  7. trait GZippedReadable[A] extends AnyRef

    When mixed in with a[A], this will provide a method gz that will read gzipped versions of files.

  8. trait LocationLoggingContainerReadable[C[_]] extends ContainerReadable[C]

    Logs the locations of identifiable resources from which the objects are read.

  9. trait LocationLoggingReadable[A] extends FileReadableByInputStream[A]

    Logs the locations of identifiable resources from which the objects are read.

  10. trait NonFileReadable[A] extends AnyRef

  11. trait ReadableByReader[A] extends AlohaReadable[A] with FileReadableByInputStream[A]

  12. trait ReadableByString[A] extends AlohaReadable[A] with FileReadableByInputStream[A]

    Support for various ways of reading data by converting the input type to a String and calling fromString.

Value Members

  1. object StringReadable extends ReadableByString[String] with GZippedReadable[String] with LocationLoggingReadable[String] with Logging

    Provides a very easy way to read data input a string.

  2. package fs

    This provides a standard way to deal with different file systems.

  3. package multiple

    Provides a way of parsing multiple resources in bulk so that the factory object can be thrown away once all resources are parsed and converted to objects.

  4. package sources

  5. package vfs
