All Classes and Interfaces

Simple implementation of ExecutorService which runs all tasks on thread the call was made from
Simple class used to register and connect NeovimNotificationHandler and NeovimRequestHandler It provides methods to register/unregister any kind of object as neovim handler, but only classes with methods annotated with NeovimNotificationHandler or NeovimRequestHandler can be useful, since this will find such methods and call them once notifications/requests arrive
Class acting as both a container of RpcListener.RequestCallback and RpcListener.NotificationCallback and as a listener
Annotation used to mark a method as a notification handler That means that this method will be called when notification with name matching value of this annotation arrives
Annotation used to mark a method as a request handler That means that this method will be called when request with name matching value of this annotation arrives
Annotation used to mark a method as a request listener That means that this method will be called when request with name matching value of this annotation arrives
Utilities for reflection required by this library, since all handlers are called reflectively