Interface NeovimNotificationHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NeovimNotificationHandler
    Represents a source of notifications coming from neovim. It separates notifications into multiple flows, and allows type safe access to these.
    • Method Detail

      • uiEvents

        java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher<NeovimRedrawEvent> uiEvents()
        Passes down a publisher of NeovimRedrawEvent objects received NeovimRedrawEvent is a special type of notification that is received when attached to Neovim It will never complete
        Flow.Publisher passing down ui events as they come
      • bufferEvents

        java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher<BufferEvent> bufferEvents()
        Passes down a publisher of BufferEvent objects received BufferEvent is a special type of notification that is received when attached to a buffer in Neovim It will never complete
        Flow.Publisher passing down buffer events as they come