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CERT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSSLService
CertificateSignDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
CertificateSignDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.CertificateSignDTO
certificateToPEM(X509CertificateHolder) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoCAService
Converts a certificate to a PEM format encoded as X.509.
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
convertKeyToPEM(KeyPair, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
CPPHolderDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
An encapsulation of a key comprising of a public key, a private key and a certificate.
CPPHolderDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.CPPHolderDTO
CPPPemHolderDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
An encapsulation of a key comprising of a public key, a private key and a certificate in PEM format.
CPPPemHolderDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.CPPPemHolderDTO
createCA(CreateCADTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoCAService
Create a new Certificate Authority.
CreateCADTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
CreateCADTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.CreateCADTO
createKeyPair(CreateKeyPairDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Generates a new keypair consisting of a public key and a private key.
CreateKeyPairDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
A request to create a key pair.
CreateKeyPairDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.CreateKeyPairDTO
createKeystore(String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Creates an empty keystore.
CryptoAsymmetricService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
CryptoAsymmetricService() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
CryptoCAService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
Certificate Authority management.
CryptoCAService(CryptoAsymmetricService) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoCAService
CryptoDigestService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
Message digest algorithms.
CryptoDigestService() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoDigestService
CryptoInfoService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
A provider of information regarding the security algorithms and services available in the runtime.
CryptoInfoService() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
CryptoKeystoreService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
Utility methods to interact with keystores.
CryptoKeystoreService(CryptoAsymmetricService) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
CryptoSSLService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
SSL utilities.
CryptoSSLService(CryptoCAService, CryptoAsymmetricService) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSSLService
CryptoSymmetricService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service
Symmetric encryption/decryption utility methods.
CryptoSymmetricService() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService


decrypt(byte[], SecretKey, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Decrypts an encrypted message.
decrypt(byte[], SecretKey, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Decrypts an encrypted message prefixed with a 16 bytes IV.
decrypt(File, File, SecretKey, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Decrypts a file, optionally decoding an appended IV.
decrypt(File, File, SecretKey, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Decrypts a file also decoding an appended IV.
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, SecretKey, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Decrypts a file, optionally decoding an appended IV.
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, SecretKey, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Decrypts a file which is encrypted with a 16 byte IV prefixed.
decrypt(String, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Decrypts a payload encrypted with a public key using the private key.


encrypt(byte[], SecretKey, byte[], String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Encrypts a plaintext with a given IV.
encrypt(byte[], SecretKey, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Encrypts a plaintext with an internally generated IV.
encrypt(File, File, SecretKey, byte[], String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Encrypts a file producing an encrypted file with optionally appending the IV.
encrypt(File, File, SecretKey, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Encrypts a file producing an encrypted file prefixed with the internally generated IV.
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, SecretKey, byte[], String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Encrypts a stream producing an encrypted stream with optionally appending the IV.
encrypt(String, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Encrypts a payload.


generateCertificate(CertificateSignDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoCAService
Signs a key with another key providing a certificate.
generateIV() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Generates a random IV of 16 bytes.
generateIV(int) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Generates a random IV of specific length.
generateKey(int, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Generates a symmetric key.
generateKey(int, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Generates a symmetric key.
generateSecureRandom(int) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoDigestService
Generates a random seed.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.SecurityServiceDTO
getAlgorithmTypes() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
Returns all available security algorithms available in the runtime.
getSecureRandomAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Finds the requested secure random algorithm or returns the default one.
getSecurityProviders() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
Returns the security providers available in the runtime.
getSecurityServices(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
Returns the security services provided by a specific provider available in the runtime.
getSecurityServicesForAlgorithmType(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
Returns the security services providing a specific security algorithm.
getSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactoryDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSSLService
Creates an SSL socket factory to be used in clients requiring certificate-based authentication.


hmacSha256(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoDigestService
HMAC with SHA256.


isUnlimitedStrengthActive() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
Checks if unlimited strength cryptography is available.
ivFromString(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Generates the original IV from a Base64 encoded IV.


keyFromString(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoSymmetricService
Generates a SecretKey from a Base64 encoded symmetric key.
keystoreFromByteArray(byte[], String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Converts a byte array representing a KeyStore to a KeyStore.
keystoreToByteArray(KeyStore, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Converts a KeyStore to a byte array.
keyToByteArray(Key) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService


md5(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoDigestService
Prefer the SHA256 alternatives.


pemToCertificate(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoCAService
Parses a certificate in PEM format encoded as X.509.
pemToPrivateKey(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Converts a text-based private key (in PEM format) to PrivateKey.
pemToPublicKey(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Converts a text-based public key (in PEM format) to PublicKey.
prettyPrint(List<SecurityServiceDTO>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoInfoService
Pretty prints a list of services.
privateKeyFromByteArray(byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Converts a byte array holding a private key in DER format to a private key.
privateKeyToPEM(KeyPair) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Converts a private key to string in PEM format.
publicKeyFromByteArray(byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
publicKeyToPEM(KeyPair) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Converts a public key to PEM format.


readKeyFromKeystore(InputStream, String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Reads a key from the given keystore utilising the system's default keystore type and security provider.
readKeyFromKeystore(InputStream, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Reads a key from the given keystore.


saveCertificate(byte[], String, String, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Saves a certificate to the keystore.
savePrivateKey(byte[], String, String, String, String, byte[], String, String, String, Set<byte[]>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Saves a private (asymmetric) key to the keystore.
saveSymmetricKey(byte[], String, String, String, String, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoKeystoreService
Saves a symmetric key to the keystore.
SecurityProviderDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
Representation of a security provider.
SecurityProviderDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.SecurityProviderDTO
SecurityServiceDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
Representation of a security service.
SecurityServiceDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.SecurityServiceDTO
sha256(InputStream) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoDigestService
Calculates the SHA256 of the InputStream.
sha256(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoDigestService
Calculates the SHA256 of the given string.
sign(String, byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Signs a message with a private key.
sign(String, InputStream, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Signs a message using an InputStream.
SSLSocketFactoryCertificateDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
The representation of a certificate in PEM format to be used while creating an SSL socket factory.
SSLSocketFactoryCertificateDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.SSLSocketFactoryCertificateDTO
SSLSocketFactoryDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
SSL socket factory construction details encapsulation.
SSLSocketFactoryDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.SSLSocketFactoryDTO
SSLSocketFactoryPrivateKeyDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto
The representation of a private key in PEM format to be used while creating an SSL socket factory.
SSLSocketFactoryPrivateKeyDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.dto.SSLSocketFactoryPrivateKeyDTO


verifySignature(String, byte[], String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Verifies a signature.
verifySignature(String, InputStream, String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.crypto.service.CryptoAsymmetricService
Verifies a signature using an InputStream.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values