Class ProcessInitService


@Service @Transactional public class ProcessInitService extends Object
This service provides methods related to the initialization of the processes.
European Dynamics
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessInitService

      @Autowired public ProcessInitService(ProcessFileRepository processFileRepository, org.activiti.engine.RepositoryService repositoryService, CryptoDigestService cryptoDigestService)
  • Method Details

    • init

      @PostConstruct public void init()
      This method is executed during the deployment of the application.
    • updateProcessesFromResources

      public void updateProcessesFromResources()
      This method reads the .xml files located under the resources/processes folder and reads their content. If their content has already been persisted in the Activiti tables and no changes are found, nothing happens. In any other case, a new version of the process is created.