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any() - Static method in class com.exasol.matcher.Column
Create a new instance of a column description where the type is not validated.


Builder() - Constructor for class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher.Builder
Builder(List<Column>) - Constructor for class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher.Builder


column(String) - Static method in class com.exasol.matcher.Column
Create a new instance of a column description where the type is not validated.
Column - Class in com.exasol.matcher
Description of a column in a JDBC result set.
com.exasol.matcher - package com.exasol.matcher


describeMismatch(Object, Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.FuzzyCellMatcher
describeMismatchSafely(ResultSet, Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetMatcher
describeMismatchSafely(ResultSet, Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.Column
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.FuzzyCellMatcher
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetMatcher
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher


fuzzilyEqualTo(T) - Static method in class com.exasol.matcher.FuzzyCellMatcher
Creates a FuzzyCellMatcher that matches cell values in a more relaxed fashion.
FuzzyCellMatcher<T> - Class in com.exasol.matcher
Fuzzy matcher that matches cell contents with expected contents.
FuzzyCellMatcher(T) - Constructor for class com.exasol.matcher.FuzzyCellMatcher
Create a new instance of a FuzzyCellMatcher.


getTypeName() - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.Column
Get the name of the column's data type.


hasType() - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.Column
Check whether a data type is specified.


isSpecified() - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.Column
Check if any validation criteria are specified.


matches() - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher.Builder
Create a new matcher that matches cell types strictly.
matches(Object) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.FuzzyCellMatcher
matchesFuzzily() - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher.Builder
Create a new matcher that matches cell types fuzzily.
matchesResultSet(ResultSet) - Static method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetMatcher
Compares against a result set.
matchesSafely(ResultSet) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetMatcher
matchesSafely(ResultSet) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher


ResultSetMatcher - Class in com.exasol.matcher
This matcher compares two result sets.
ResultSetMatcher(ResultSet) - Constructor for class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetMatcher
Creates a new instance of ResultSetMatcher.
ResultSetStructureMatcher<T> - Class in com.exasol.matcher
Hamcrest matcher that compares JDBC result sets against Java object structures.
ResultSetStructureMatcher.Builder - Class in com.exasol.matcher
Builder for ResultSetStructureMatcher objects.
row(Object...) - Method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher.Builder
Add a row to the structure to be matched.


table() - Static method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher
Builder for a ResultSetMatcher that ignores the column metadata.
table(String...) - Static method in class com.exasol.matcher.ResultSetStructureMatcher
Builder for a ResultSetMatcher that ignores the column metadata.
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