Class AbstractDatabaseObject

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AbstractSchema, AbstractSchemaChild, AbstractUser, ConnectionDefinition, VirtualSchema

    public abstract class AbstractDatabaseObject
    extends Object
    implements DatabaseObject
    Base class for database objects.

    Database objects in integration tests are in most cases owned by the TDDB. This means the TDDB created them and is also responsible for cleaning them up.

    On the other hand the TDDB can also attach to objects that already exist in the database. In that case the TDDB has a control object, but does not own the database object.

    • Field Detail

      • owned

        protected final boolean owned
        Is this object owned?
      • name

        protected com.exasol.db.Identifier name
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDatabaseObject

        public AbstractDatabaseObject​(com.exasol.db.Identifier name,
                                      boolean owned)
        Create a database object.
        name - name of the database object
        owned - true if the object is owned by the TDDB, false if the TDDB attached to a database object that already existed
    • Method Detail

      • isOwned

        public boolean isOwned()
        Description copied from interface: DatabaseObject
        Check whether the script is a control object for a database object that already existed in the database.
        Specified by:
        isOwned in interface DatabaseObject
        true if this is a control object attached to an existing database object