All Classes and Interfaces

HTTP Header Authentication Challenge defined in RFC 7235 Section 2.1
Authentication Challenge Parser for RFC 7235 HTTP Header value parsing
Authentication Credentials marker interface for generalized references
HTTP Header Authentication Parameter defined in RFC 7235 Section 2.1
Supported HTTP Authentication Schemes
HTTP Basic implementation of Proxy Authorization Provider based on RFC 7617
Broker Configuration for creating proxy socket connections
Brokered Authentication Exception indicates that the proxy server did not accept the provided credentials
Brokered Connect Exception wraps underlying socket communication exceptions and provides additional failure messages
Brokered Socket encapsulates Proxy Socket connectivity and provides access to connected Socket properties
Brokered Socket Factory implementation creates Sockets using provided configuration
ByteBuffer Encoder reads populated byte array contents of the provided buffer
HTTP CONNECT implementation of Socket Broker based on RFC 7231 Section 4.3.6
Standard delimiters for HTTP requests and responses
HTTP Header definition
HTTP Headers provides access to a collection of Header elements
HTTP Request with standard properties
HTTP Response with standard properties
Standard HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Response Status Line
Packet Decoder interface abstracts object deserialization from an Input Stream
Packet Decoding Exception indicating failure to read bytes or find expected information
Packet Encoder interface abstracts object serialization to byte arrays
HTTP Protocol Version
Proxy Authorization Provider supplies credentials for HTTP Request Proxy-Authorization Headers
Proxy Type
HTTP Request Header defined in supporting protocol standards
HTTP Request Methods
HTTP Response Header defined in supporting protocol standards
Socket Broker handles initial connectivity to a proxy server and the specified remote address
SOCKS Protocol Version 5 implementation of Socket Broker
SOCKS 5 Address Type defined in RFC 1928 Section 5
SOCKS 5 Authentication Methods according to RFC 1928 Section 3
SOCKS 5 Authentication Status according to RFC 1929
SOCKS 5 Client Greeting with required properties
SOCKS Message Code describes supported field values
SOCKS 5 Reply described in RFC 1928 Section 6
SOCKS 5 Reply Status defined in RFC 1928 Section 6
SOCKS 5 Request defined in RFC 1928 Section 4
SOCKS 5 Request Command defined in RFC 1928 Section 4
SOCKS 5 Reserved Field
SOCKS 5 Server Authentication response containing selected method described in RFC 1928 Section 3
SOCKS 5 Username Password Authentication defined in RFC 1929 Section 2
SOCKS 5 Username Password Status defined in RFC 1929 Section 2
SOCKS 5 Username Password Version defined in RFC 1929
SOCKS 5 Version according to RFC 1928 Section 3
Standard implementation of Authentication Challenge Parser supporting one scheme and multiple parameters
Standard implementation of Broker Configuration
Standard implementation of Username and Password Authentication Credentials
String Encoder converts provided sources to byte arrays using US-ASCII encoding
Unicode Standard Character Array Encoder converts provided sources to byte arrays using UTF-8 encoding
Unicode Standard String Encoder converts provided sources to byte arrays using UTF-8 encoding
Username Password Authentication Credentials with required properties