
Class MessengerUtils

    public class MessengerUtils

    Utilities for Messenger Content Platform.

    Applications should specify the app id in their manifest or call } in their application startup path. For specifying in the manifest, add a meta tag in your <application> tag.

       <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="YOUR_APP_ID"/>

    When sharing to Messenger, apps should call the shareToMessenger method. For example,

        ShareToMessengerParams params = ShareToMessengerParams.newBuilder(uri, "image/*")
        MessengerUtils.shareToMessenger(this, REQUEST_CODE_SHARE_TO_MESSENGER, params);
    To handle receiving a composer shortcut or reply intent from Messenger, apps should put the following intent filter in their manifest for the activity that receives the intent:
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.PICK" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
                <category android:name="com.facebook.orca.category.PLATFORM_THREAD_20150311"/>
    When handling the intent, then call getMessengerThreadParamsForIntent to receive the parameters for messenger. When the user has clicked the Send button to send the content to Messenger, then call finishShareToMessenger to return the data back to Messenger.
    • Method Detail

      • shareToMessenger

         static void shareToMessenger(Activity activity, int requestCode, ShareToMessengerParams shareToMessengerParams)

        Starts an intent to share a piece of media on Messenger using the messenger content platform.

        activity - the activity sharing the content
        requestCode - a unique request code for startActivityForResult
        shareToMessengerParams - parameters for what to share
      • finishShareToMessenger

         static void finishShareToMessenger(Activity activity, ShareToMessengerParams shareToMessengerParams)

        Finishes the activity and returns the media item the user picked to Messenger.

        activity - the activity that received the original intent from Messenger
        shareToMessengerParams - parameters for what to share
      • hasMessengerInstalled

         static boolean hasMessengerInstalled(Context context)

        Checks whether any version of messenger is installed.

        context - an android context
      • openMessengerInPlayStore

         static void openMessengerInPlayStore(Context context)

        Opens the play store to install Messenger.

        context - an android context.