
Class AuthenticationTokenClaims

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class AuthenticationTokenClaims
     implements Parcelable

    This class represents an immutable claims for using AuthenticationToken. It includes all metadata or key values of the claims

    WARNING: This feature is currently in development and not intended for external usage.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String encodedClaims, String expectedNonce)
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends, String userBirthday, Map<String, Integer> userAgeRange, Map<String, String> userHometown, Map<String, String> userLocation, String userGender, String userLink)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
        userBirthday - End-User's birthday
        userAgeRange - End-User's age range
        userHometown - End-User's hometown
        userLocation - End-User's location
        userGender - End-User's gender
        userLink - End-User's link
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends, String userBirthday, Map<String, Integer> userAgeRange, Map<String, String> userHometown, Map<String, String> userLocation, String userGender)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
        userBirthday - End-User's birthday
        userAgeRange - End-User's age range
        userHometown - End-User's hometown
        userLocation - End-User's location
        userGender - End-User's gender
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends, String userBirthday, Map<String, Integer> userAgeRange, Map<String, String> userHometown, Map<String, String> userLocation)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
        userBirthday - End-User's birthday
        userAgeRange - End-User's age range
        userHometown - End-User's hometown
        userLocation - End-User's location
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends, String userBirthday, Map<String, Integer> userAgeRange, Map<String, String> userHometown)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
        userBirthday - End-User's birthday
        userAgeRange - End-User's age range
        userHometown - End-User's hometown
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends, String userBirthday, Map<String, Integer> userAgeRange)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
        userBirthday - End-User's birthday
        userAgeRange - End-User's age range
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends, String userBirthday)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
        userBirthday - End-User's birthday
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture, Collection<String> userFriends)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
        userFriends - End-User's friends
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email, String picture)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
        picture - URL of the End-User's profile picture
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName, String email)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
        email - End-User's preferred e-mail address
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName, String familyName)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
        familyName - End-User's family name in displayable form
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName, String middleName)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
        middleName - End-User's middle name in displayable form
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name, String givenName)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
        givenName - End-User's given name in displayable form
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub, String name)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        name - End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts
      • AuthenticationTokenClaims

        AuthenticationTokenClaims(String jti, String iss, String aud, String nonce, Long exp, Long iat, String sub)
        Creates a the claims component of
        jti - A unique identifier for the token
        iss - Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response
        aud - Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for
        nonce - String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token
        exp - Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing
        iat - Time at which the JWT was issued
        sub - Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer