
Interface FacebookDialog

    • Method Detail

      • canShow

         abstract Boolean canShow(CONTENT content)

        Indicates whether the dialog can be shown for the content passed in.

        content - the content to check
      • show

         abstract Unit show(CONTENT content)

        Shows the dialog for the content passed in.

        content - the content to show
      • registerCallback

         abstract Unit registerCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback<RESULT> callback)

        Allows the registration of a callback that will be executed once the dialog is closed, with success, cancel or error details. This should be called in the or methods.

        callbackManager - CallbackManager instance that will handle the onActivityResult
        callback - Callback to be called upon dialog completion
      • registerCallback

         abstract Unit registerCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback<RESULT> callback, Integer requestCode)

        Allows the registration of a callback that will be executed once the dialog is closed, with success, cancel or error details. This should be called in the or methods.

        callbackManager - CallbackManager instance that will handle the Activity Result
        callback - Callback to be called upon dialog completion
        requestCode - The request code to use, this should be outside of the range of those reserved for the Facebook SDK com.facebook.FacebookSdk.isFacebookRequestCode.