
Class CameraEffectArguments

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    android.os.Parcelable , com.facebook.share.model.ShareModel

    public final class CameraEffectArguments
     implements ShareModel

    This class represents a set of Arguments that are used to configure an Effect in the Camera.

    • Method Detail

      • getString

         final String getString(String key)

        Returns the value of a String argument associated with the passed in key. If the key does not exist, or if it points to an object that is not a String, null will be returned.

        key - Key for the value desired.
      • getStringArray

         final Array<String> getStringArray(String key)

        Returns the value of a String[] argument associated with the passed in key. If the key does not exist, or if it points to an object that is not a String[], null will be returned.

        key - Key for the value desired.
      • get

         final Object get(String key)

        Returns the value of the argument associated with the passed in key. If the key does not exist, null will be returned

        key - Key for the value desired.
      • keySet

         final Set<String> keySet()

        The set of keys that have been set in this instance of CameraEffectArguments