
Object ProfilePictureView.Companion

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final String getTAG() Tag used when logging calls are made by ProfilePictureView
      final Integer getCUSTOM() Indicates that the specific size of the View will be set via layout params.
      final Integer getSMALL() Indicates that the profile image should fit in a SMALL X SMALL space, regardless of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen.
      final Integer getNORMAL() Indicates that the profile image should fit in a NORMAL X NORMAL space, regardless of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen.
      final Integer getLARGE() Indicates that the profile image should fit in a LARGE X LARGE space, regardless of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getTAG

         final String getTAG()

        Tag used when logging calls are made by ProfilePictureView

      • getCUSTOM

         final Integer getCUSTOM()

        Indicates that the specific size of the View will be set via layout params. ProfilePictureView will default to NORMAL X NORMAL, if the layout params set on this instance do not have a fixed size. Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView.

      • getSMALL

         final Integer getSMALL()

        Indicates that the profile image should fit in a SMALL X SMALL space, regardless of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen. Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView.

      • getNORMAL

         final Integer getNORMAL()

        Indicates that the profile image should fit in a NORMAL X NORMAL space, regardless of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen. Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView.

      • getLARGE

         final Integer getLARGE()

        Indicates that the profile image should fit in a LARGE X LARGE space, regardless of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen. Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView.