
Class MessageDialog

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.facebook.FacebookDialog , com.facebook.share.Sharer

    public final class MessageDialog
    extends FacebookDialogBase<ShareContent, Sharer.Result> implements Sharer

    Provides functionality to send content via the Facebook Message Dialog

    SUPPORTED SHARE TYPES - ShareLinkContent - ShareCameraEffectContent

    UNSUPPORTED SHARE TYPES (DEPRECATED AUGUST 2018) - ShareOpenGraphContent - SharePhotoContent - ShareVideoContent - Any other types that are not one of the four supported types listed above

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getShouldFailOnDataError()
      void setShouldFailOnDataError(boolean shouldFailOnDataError)
      static void show(Activity activity, ShareContent shareContent) Helper to show the provided com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent using the providedActivity.
      static void show(Fragment fragment, ShareContent shareContent) Helper to show the provided com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent using the providedFragment.
      static void show(Fragment fragment, ShareContent shareContent) Helper to show the provided com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent using the providedFragment.
      static boolean canShow(Class<out ShareContent> contentType) Indicates whether it is possible to show the dialog for of the specified type.
      • Methods inherited from class com.facebook.internal.FacebookDialogBase

        canShow, getRequestCode, registerCallback, show
      • Methods inherited from class com.facebook.share.Sharer

        getShouldFailOnDataError, setShouldFailOnDataError
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageDialog

        MessageDialog(Activity activity)
        Constructs a MessageDialog.
        activity - Activity to use to send the provided content.
      • MessageDialog

        MessageDialog(Fragment fragment)
        Constructs a MessageDialog.
        fragment - to use to send the provided content.
      • MessageDialog

        MessageDialog(Fragment fragment)
        Constructs a MessageDialog.
        fragment - to use to send the provided content.
    • Method Detail

      • show

         static void show(Activity activity, ShareContent shareContent)

        Helper to show the provided com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent using the providedActivity. No callback will be invoked.

        activity - Activity to use to send the provided content
        shareContent - Content to send
      • show

         static void show(Fragment fragment, ShareContent shareContent)

        Helper to show the provided com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent using the providedFragment. No callback will be invoked.

        fragment -
        shareContent - Content to send
      • show

         static void show(Fragment fragment, ShareContent shareContent)

        Helper to show the provided com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent using the providedFragment. No callback will be invoked.

        fragment -
        shareContent - Content to send
      • canShow

         static boolean canShow(Class<out ShareContent> contentType)

        Indicates whether it is possible to show the dialog for of the specified type.

        contentType - Class of the intended com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent to send.