Interface RegionFunction

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BiomeCopy, BiomeReplace, BlockDistributionCounter, BlockReplace, CombinedBlockCopy, CombinedRegionFunction, Counter, ExtentBiomeCopy, ExtentBlockCopy, FloraGenerator, ForestGenerator, GardenPatchGenerator, IntersectRegionFunction, ItemUseFunction, NullRegionFunction, RegionMaskingFilter, RegionMaskTestFunction, RegionOffset, SimpleBlockCopy

public interface RegionFunction extends Filter
Performs a function on points in a region.
  • Method Details

    • apply

      boolean apply(BlockVector3 position) throws WorldEditException
      Apply the function to the given position.
      position - the position
      true if something was changed
      WorldEditException - thrown on an error
    • applyBlock

      default void applyBlock(FilterBlock block)
      Description copied from interface: Filter
      Make changes to the block here
      - e.g., block.setId(...)
      - Note: Performance is critical here
      Specified by:
      applyBlock in interface Filter