Interface CUIRegion

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConvexPolyhedralRegionSelector, CuboidRegionSelector, CylinderRegionSelector, EllipsoidRegionSelector, ExtendingCuboidRegionSelector, Polygonal2DRegionSelector, PolyhedralRegionSelector, SphereRegionSelector

public interface CUIRegion
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    describeCUI(LocalSession session, Actor player)
    Sends CUI events describing the region for versions of CUI equal to or greater than the value supplied by getProtocolVersion().
    Sends CUI events describing the region for versions of CUI smaller than the value supplied by getProtocolVersion().
    Returns the type ID to send to CUI in the selection event if the CUI is in legacy mode.
    Returns the CUI version that is required to send up-to-date data.
    Returns the type ID to send to CUI in the selection event.
  • Method Details

    • describeCUI

      void describeCUI(LocalSession session, Actor player)
      Sends CUI events describing the region for versions of CUI equal to or greater than the value supplied by getProtocolVersion().
    • describeLegacyCUI

      void describeLegacyCUI(LocalSession session, Actor player)
      Sends CUI events describing the region for versions of CUI smaller than the value supplied by getProtocolVersion().
    • getProtocolVersion

      int getProtocolVersion()
      Returns the CUI version that is required to send up-to-date data. If the CUI version is smaller than this value, the legacy methods will be called.
      the protocol version
    • getTypeID

      String getTypeID()
      Returns the type ID to send to CUI in the selection event.
      the type ID
    • getLegacyTypeID

      String getLegacyTypeID()
      Returns the type ID to send to CUI in the selection event if the CUI is in legacy mode.
      the legacy type ID