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AbstractManagersDownloader - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils
A class that loads plugins from an Internet remote repository.
AbstractManagersDownloader(URI, Path) - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.AbstractManagersDownloader
apply(String) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.BasicExtensionBuilder


backup(String, String...) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.JDbBackup
Makes a backup.
BasicExtensionBuilder - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils
A default extension builder that does nothing if an extension is already present and adds one if not.
BasicExtensionBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.BasicExtensionBuilder


check(String, int) - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.StringSplitter.EscapeZoneChecker
Tests whether the char at position in input starts a escaped zone.
clean() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.AbstractManagersDownloader
com.fathzer.jdbbackup - package com.fathzer.jdbbackup
The core classes of this api.
com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations - package com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations
Classes that manages backup destinations.
com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources - package com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources
Classes that manages backup sources.
com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils - package com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils
Some utility classes.
createTempFile() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.JDbBackup
Creates the temporary file that will be used by the source manager to create the backup.


decode(String, String) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder
Decodes a pattern.
decodePath(String) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder
Decodes a path.
decodePath(String, Function<String, CharSequence>) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder
Decodes a path and adds extension if needed.
DefaultPathDecoder - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
A path decoder that replaces patterns with their actual value.
DefaultPathDecoder() - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder
DefaultPathDecoder.IllegalNamePatternException - Exception in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
An exception that denotes a illegal pattern in path.
DefaultPathDecoder.StringSplitter - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
A String splitter that ignores delimiter in pattern.
DestinationManager<T> - Interface in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
An abstract class to manage where backup are saved.


FileManager - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations
A destination manager that saves the backups locally.
FileManager() - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations.FileManager


getCommand(String) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources.MySQLDumper
getCommand(String) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources.SourceManagerFromProcess
Gets the command line to execute to save the data source.
getDestinationManagers() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.JDbBackup
Gets the destination managers registry.
getExtensionBuilder() - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.SourceManager
Gets the extension builder of this manager.
getRemaining() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.StringSplitter
Gets the remaining characters of the String.
getScheme() - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DestinationManager
Gets the string that identifies the protocol.
getScheme() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations.FileManager
getScheme() - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.SourceManager
Gets the scheme used in the URL to identify the type of data source this manager can dump.
getScheme() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources.MySQLDumper
getSourceManagers() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.JDbBackup
Gets the source managers registry.
getURIMap() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.AbstractManagersDownloader


hasExtension(String) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.BasicExtensionBuilder
Test whether a path contains an extension.
hasNext() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.StringSplitter


IllegalNamePatternException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder.IllegalNamePatternException
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder
An instance with the default settings.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.BasicExtensionBuilder
An instance that adds sql.gz extension.


JDbBackup - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
A class able to perform a data source backup.
JDbBackup() - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.JDbBackup


MySQLDumper - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources
A source manager that dumps MYSQL database.
MySQLDumper() - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources.MySQLDumper


next() - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.StringSplitter


ProxyCompliant - Interface in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
A class that can communicate through a proxy.


save(String, File) - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.SourceManager
Saves a data source to the specified location.
save(String, File) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources.SourceManagerFromProcess
send(InputStream, long, Path) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations.FileManager
send(InputStream, long, T) - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DestinationManager
Sends the backup file to its final destination at the path passed in validate(String, Function).
setProxy(Proxy, PasswordAuthentication) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.JDbBackup
Sets the proxy.
setProxy(Proxy, PasswordAuthentication) - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.ProxyCompliant
Sets the proxy.
shouldLoad(URI, Path) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.AbstractManagersDownloader
SourceManager - Interface in com.fathzer.jdbbackup
A class able to dump a data source to a file.
SourceManagerFromProcess - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources
A class able to save data source obtained through a command line to a compressed (.gz) file.
SourceManagerFromProcess() - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.sources.SourceManagerFromProcess
StringSplitter - Class in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils
An iterator of delimited fields that allow to ignore escaped delimiters.
StringSplitter(String, char) - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DefaultPathDecoder.StringSplitter
StringSplitter(String, char, StringSplitter.EscapeZoneChecker) - Constructor for class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils.StringSplitter
StringSplitter.EscapeZoneChecker - Interface in com.fathzer.jdbbackup.utils
A function that detects escaped zones.


URI_PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DestinationManager
The / character.


validate(String, Function<String, CharSequence>) - Method in interface com.fathzer.jdbbackup.DestinationManager
Tests whether a destination is valid.
validate(String, Function<String, CharSequence>) - Method in class com.fathzer.jdbbackup.destinations.FileManager
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form