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applicationSort(String, boolean, Function<Optional<SortMeta>, Order>) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Sorter.SortData
Replaces, or adds application sort criteria to the existing UI sort criteria If the sort criteria is new, it is placed at either highest or lowest order, depending on the highPriority parameter
applicationSort(String, Function<Optional<SortMeta>, Order>) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Sorter.SortData
Replaces, or adds application sort criteria to the existing UI sort criteria If the sort criteria is new, it is placed at the lowest sort order


caseInsensitive() - Element in annotation interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.LazyModelConfig
case-sensitivity of queries
com.flowlogix.datamodel - module com.flowlogix.datamodel
PrimeFaces JPA-backed JPALazyDataModel
com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces - package com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
PrimeFaces JPA-backed JPALazyDataModel
count(Map<String, FilterMeta>) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
Overridden from LazyDataModel.count(Map)
create(JPALazyDataModel.BuilderFunction<TT>) - Static method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
Set up this particular instance of the data model with entity manager, class and key converter


entityManagerSelector() - Element in annotation interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.LazyModelConfig
Override entity manager for the data model


filter(Filter.FilterData, CriteriaBuilder, Root<TT>) - Method in interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Filter
hook to supply custom filter
Filter<TT> - Interface in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Filter Hook
Filter.FilterColumnData - Class in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
filter data this is what you replace with your own filter
Filter.FilterData - Interface in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Interface that directly inherits from Map and adds replaceFilter(String, BiFunction) method
filterCaseConversion() - Element in annotation interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.LazyModelConfig
to which case (upper / lower) to convert during case-insensitive query
FilterColumnData() - Constructor for class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Filter.FilterColumnData


getResultField(String) - Static method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
Transforms JPA entity field to format suitable for hints.
getRowData(String) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
getRowKey(TT) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel


initialize(JPALazyDataModel.BuilderFunction<TT>) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
Initialize JPA Lazy Data model.


JPALazyDataModel<TT> - Class in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Easy implementation of PrimeFaces lazy data model using Lambdas, This is the main class in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces package
JPALazyDataModel.BuilderFunction<TT> - Interface in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Serializable builder lambda to easily facilitate creation of JPALazyDataModel
JPALazyDataModel.FilterCaseConversion - Enum Class in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
used in case-insensitive queries to convert case to lower / upper case


LazyModelConfig - Annotation Interface in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Optional Configuration annotation for JPALazyDataModel Use to make queries case-insensitive and pick an EntityManager
load(int, int, Map<String, SortMeta>, Map<String, FilterMeta>) - Method in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
LOWER - Enum constant in enum class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel.FilterCaseConversion


MergedSortOrder() - Constructor for class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Sorter.MergedSortOrder


Please see Developer's Guide - Search tag in Overview


replaceFilter(String, BiFunction<Predicate, TT, Predicate>) - Method in interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Filter.FilterData
Replacing a predicate in the filter list by field name
RESULT - Static variable in class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel
Automatic field that's added to the JPA's root object and can be used with JPALazyDataModel.getResultField(String) for result fields


sort(Sorter.SortData, CriteriaBuilder, Root<TT>) - Method in interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Sorter
Hook for sort criteria manipulation.
SortData(Map<String, SortMeta>) - Constructor for class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.Sorter.SortData
Sorter<TT> - Interface in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Sorter Hook
Sorter.MergedSortOrder - Class in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Sort order requested by the UI lives in Sorter.MergedSortOrder.requestedSortMeta, Sort order requested by the application lives in Sorter.MergedSortOrder.applicationSort Only one can exist, the other will always be null.
Sorter.SortData - Class in com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces
Manipulates sort criteria requested from the UI and possibly adds or replaces it with application-based sort criteria


UPPER - Enum constant in enum class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel.FilterCaseConversion


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel.FilterCaseConversion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.JPALazyDataModel.FilterCaseConversion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


wildcardSupport() - Element in annotation interface com.flowlogix.jeedao.primefaces.LazyModelConfig
wildcard support for filter queries
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form