Class FlatPasswordField

    • Constructor Detail

      • FlatPasswordField

        public FlatPasswordField()
    • Method Detail

      • getPlaceholderText

        public String getPlaceholderText()
        Returns the placeholder text that is only painted if the text field is empty.
      • setPlaceholderText

        public void setPlaceholderText​(String placeholderText)
        Sets the placeholder text that is only painted if the text field is empty.
      • getLeadingIcon

        public Icon getLeadingIcon()
        Returns the leading icon that will be placed at the leading edge of the text field.
      • setLeadingIcon

        public void setLeadingIcon​(Icon leadingIcon)
        Specifies the leading icon that will be placed at the leading edge of the text field.
      • getTrailingIcon

        public Icon getTrailingIcon()
        Returns the trailing icon that will be placed at the trailing edge of the text field.
      • setTrailingIcon

        public void setTrailingIcon​(Icon trailingIcon)
        Specifies the trailing icon that will be placed at the trailing edge of the text field.
      • getLeadingComponent

        public JComponent getLeadingComponent()
        Returns a component that will be placed at the leading edge of the text field.
      • setLeadingComponent

        public void setLeadingComponent​(JComponent leadingComponent)
        Specifies a component that will be placed at the leading edge of the text field.

        The component will be positioned inside and aligned to the visible text field border. There is no gap between the visible border and the component. The laid out component size will be the preferred component width and the inner text field height.

        The component should be not opaque because the text field border is painted slightly inside the usually visible border in some cases. E.g. when focused (in some themes) or when an outline color is specified (see setOutline(Object).

      • getTrailingComponent

        public JComponent getTrailingComponent()
        Returns a component that will be placed at the trailing edge of the text field.
      • setTrailingComponent

        public void setTrailingComponent​(JComponent trailingComponent)
        Specifies a component that will be placed at the trailing edge of the text field.

        The component will be positioned inside and aligned to the visible text field border. There is no gap between the visible border and the component. The laid out component size will be the preferred component width and the inner text field height.

        The component should be not opaque because the text field border is painted slightly inside the usually visible border in some cases. E.g. when focused (in some themes) or when an outline color is specified (see setOutline(Object).

      • isShowClearButton

        public boolean isShowClearButton()
        Returns whether a "clear" (or "cancel") button is shown.
      • setShowClearButton

        public void setShowClearButton​(boolean showClearButton)
        Specifies whether a "clear" (or "cancel") button is shown on the trailing side if the text field is not empty, editable and enabled.
      • setSelectAllOnFocusPolicy

        public void setSelectAllOnFocusPolicy​(FlatTextField.SelectAllOnFocusPolicy selectAllOnFocusPolicy)
        Specifies whether all text is selected when the text component gains focus.
      • getPadding

        public Insets getPadding()
        Returns the padding of the text.
      • setPadding

        public void setPadding​(Insets padding)
        Specifies the padding of the text. This changes the location and size of the text view within the component bounds, but does not affect the size of the component.
      • getMinimumWidth

        public int getMinimumWidth()
        Returns minimum width of a component.
      • setMinimumWidth

        public void setMinimumWidth​(int minimumWidth)
        Specifies minimum width of a component.
      • isRoundRect

        public boolean isRoundRect()
        Returns whether the component is painted with round edges.
      • setRoundRect

        public void setRoundRect​(boolean roundRect)
        Specifies whether the component is painted with round edges.
      • getOutline

        public Object getOutline()
        Returns the outline color of the component border.
      • setOutline

        public void setOutline​(Object outline)
        Specifies the outline color of the component border.

        Allowed Values are:

        • null
        • string "error"
        • string "warning"
        • any color (type Color)
        • an array of two colors (type Color[2]) where the first color is for focused state and the second for unfocused state