

package country

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CountryInfo(iso2: String, iso3: String, isoNumeric: Int, fips: String, englishName: String, languages: List[String], geonameid: Option[Int], tld: String, population: Int, continent: String, currencyCode: String, currencyName: String, neighbors: List[String], postalCodeRegexString: String, phonePrefix: String, capital: String, areaSqKm: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class TimeZoneInfo(cc: String, tzid: String, gmtOffset: Double, dstOffset: Double, rawOffset: Double) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CountryInfo extends Serializable

  2. object CountryInfoFields extends Enumeration

  3. object CountryNames

  4. object CountryUtils

  5. object DependentCountryInfo

  6. object TimeZoneInfo extends Serializable

  7. object TimeZoneInfoFields extends Enumeration
