

package rogue

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. rogue
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait !<:<[A, B] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  2. abstract class AbstractListModifyField[V, DB, M, CC[X] <: Seq[X]] extends AnyRef

  3. abstract class AbstractListQueryField[F, V, DB, M, CC[X] <: Seq[X]] extends AbstractQueryField[CC[F], V, DB, M]

  4. abstract class AbstractModifyField[V, DB, M] extends AnyRef

  5. abstract class AbstractQueryField[F, V, DB, M] extends AnyRef

    Trait representing a field and all the operations on it.

  6. trait AddLimit[-In, +Out] extends Required[In, Unlimited]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  7. trait AddOrClause[-In, +Out] extends Required[In, HasNoOrClause]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  8. trait AddOrder[-In, +Out] extends Required[In, Unordered]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  9. trait AddSelect[-In, +Out, +One] extends Required[In, Unselected]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  10. trait AddShardAware[-In, +Specified, +AllOk] extends Required[In, ShardKeyNotSpecified]

  11. trait AddSkip[-In, +Out] extends Required[In, Unskipped]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  12. case class AllQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, vs: List[V]) extends IndexableQueryClause[List[V], Index] with Product with Serializable

  13. sealed trait AllShardsOk extends ShardAware

  14. trait BSONType[T] extends AnyRef

  15. case class BetweenQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, lower: V, upper: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  16. class BsonRecordListModifyField[M, B] extends AbstractListModifyField[B, DBObject, M, List]

  17. class BsonRecordListQueryField[M, B] extends AbstractListQueryField[B, B, DBObject, M, List]

  18. class BsonRecordModifyField[M, B] extends AbstractModifyField[B, DBObject, M]

  19. class BsonRecordQueryField[M, B] extends AbstractQueryField[B, B, DBObject, M]

  20. trait DBCollectionFactory[MB, RB] extends AnyRef

  21. class DateModifyField[M] extends AbstractModifyField[Date, Date, M]

  22. class DateQueryField[M] extends AbstractQueryField[Date, DateTime, Date, M]

  23. class DateTimeModifyField[M] extends AbstractModifyField[DateTime, Date, M]

  24. class DateTimeQueryField[M] extends AbstractQueryField[DateTime, DateTime, Date, M]

  25. case class Degrees(value: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  26. sealed trait DocumentScan extends MaybeIndexed

  27. class DummyField[V, R] extends Field[V, R]

  28. case class ElemMatchWithPredicateClause[V](fieldName: String, clauses: Seq[QueryClause[_]]) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, DocumentScan] with Product with Serializable

  29. case class EmptyQueryClause[V](fieldName: String) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, Index] with Product with Serializable

  30. class EnumIdQueryField[M, E <: Value] extends AbstractQueryField[E, E, Int, M]

  31. class EnumNameQueryField[M, E <: Value] extends AbstractQueryField[E, E, String, M]

  32. class EnumerationListModifyField[V <: Value, M] extends AbstractListModifyField[V, String, M, List]

  33. class EnumerationListQueryField[V <: Value, M] extends AbstractListQueryField[V, V, String, M, List]

  34. class EnumerationModifyField[M, E <: Value] extends AbstractModifyField[E, String, M]

  35. case class EqClause[V, Ind <: MaybeIndexed](fieldName: String, value: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, Index] with Product with Serializable

  36. case class ExistsQueryClause(fieldName: String, v: Boolean) extends IndexableQueryClause[Boolean, IndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  37. case class FindAndModifyQuery[M, R](query: Query[M, R, _], mod: MongoModify) extends Product with Serializable

  38. class ForeignObjectIdQueryField[F <: ObjectId, M, T] extends ObjectIdQueryField[F, M]

  39. class GeoModifyField[M] extends AbstractModifyField[LatLong, List[Double], M]

  40. class GeoQueryField[M] extends AbstractQueryField[LatLong, LatLong, List[Double], M]

  41. case class GtEqQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  42. case class GtQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  43. sealed trait HasNoOrClause extends AnyRef

  44. sealed trait HasOrClause extends AnyRef

  45. sealed trait HasntUsedIndex extends MaybeUsedIndex

  46. case class InQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, vs: List[V]) extends IndexableQueryClause[List[V], Index] with Product with Serializable

  47. sealed trait Index extends Indexable with IndexScannable

  48. sealed trait IndexScan extends IndexScannable

  49. sealed trait IndexScannable extends MaybeIndexed

  50. sealed trait Indexable extends MaybeIndexed

  51. abstract class IndexableQueryClause[V, Ind <: MaybeIndexed] extends QueryClause[V]

  52. type InitialState = Unordered with Unselected with Unlimited with Unskipped with HasNoOrClause with ShardKeyNotSpecified

  53. case class LatLong(lat: Double, long: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  54. sealed trait Lim extends Limited with Unlimited

  55. sealed trait Limited extends AnyRef

  56. class ListModifyField[V, M] extends AbstractListModifyField[V, AnyRef, M, List]

  57. class ListQueryField[V, M] extends AbstractListQueryField[V, V, AnyRef, M, List]

  58. case class LtEqQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  59. case class LtQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  60. final class MandatorySelectField[V, M] extends SelectField[V, M]

  61. class MapModifyField[V, M] extends AbstractModifyField[Map[String, V], Map[String, V], M]

  62. class MapQueryField[V, M] extends AnyRef

  63. sealed trait MaybeIndexed extends AnyRef

  64. sealed trait MaybeUsedIndex extends AnyRef

  65. case class ModQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: List[V]) extends IndexableQueryClause[List[V], IndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  66. class ModifyAddEachClause extends ModifyClause

  67. class ModifyBitClause extends ModifyClause

  68. class ModifyClause extends AnyRef

  69. class ModifyField[V, M] extends AbstractModifyField[V, AnyRef, M]

  70. class ModifyPullObjWithPredicateClause[V] extends ModifyClause

  71. class ModifyPullWithPredicateClause[V] extends ModifyClause

  72. class ModifyPushEachClause extends ModifyClause

  73. class ModifyPushEachSliceClause extends ModifyClause

  74. case class ModifyQuery[M, +State](query: Query[M, _, State], mod: MongoModify) extends Product with Serializable

  75. class MongoJavaDriverAdapter[MB, RB] extends AnyRef

  76. case class NeQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  77. case class NearQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, v: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  78. case class NearSphereQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, lat: Double, lng: Double, radians: Radians) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  79. case class NinQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, vs: List[V]) extends IndexableQueryClause[List[V], DocumentScan] with Product with Serializable

  80. sealed trait NoIndexInfo extends Indexable with IndexScannable

  81. class NumericModifyField[V, M] extends AbstractModifyField[V, V, M]

  82. class NumericQueryField[V, M] extends AbstractQueryField[V, V, V, M]

  83. class ObjectIdQueryField[F <: ObjectId, M] extends NumericQueryField[F, M]

  84. final class OptionalSelectField[V, M] extends SelectField[Option[V], M]

  85. sealed trait Or extends HasOrClause with HasNoOrClause

  86. sealed trait Ord extends Ordered with Unordered

  87. sealed trait Ordered extends AnyRef

  88. type OrderedQuery[M] = Query[M, M, OrderedState]

  89. type OrderedState = Ordered with Unselected with Unlimited with Unskipped with HasNoOrClause with ShardKeyNotSpecified

  90. sealed trait PartialIndexScan extends IndexScannable

  91. case class Query[M, R, +State](meta: M, collectionName: String, lim: Option[Int], sk: Option[Int], maxScan: Option[Int], comment: Option[String], hint: Option[ListMap[String, Any]], condition: AndCondition, order: Option[MongoOrder], select: Option[MongoSelect[M, R]], readPreference: Option[ReadPreference]) extends Product with Serializable

    The definition of methods needed to build a query.

  92. abstract class QueryClause[V] extends AnyRef

  93. trait QueryExecutor[MB, RB] extends Rogue

  94. class QueryField[V, M] extends AbstractQueryField[V, V, AnyRef, M]

  95. class QueryOptimizer extends AnyRef

  96. case class Radians(value: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  97. case class RawQueryClause(f: (BasicDBObjectBuilder) ⇒ Unit) extends IndexableQueryClause[Nothing, DocumentScan.type] with Product with Serializable

  98. case class RegexQueryClause[Ind <: MaybeIndexed](fieldName: String, actualIB: Ind, p: Pattern) extends IndexableQueryClause[Pattern, Ind] with Product with Serializable

  99. trait RequireShardKey[M, -S] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  100. class Required[-A, +B] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( "Cannot prove that ${A} <: ${B}" )
  101. class RequiredDummyField[V, R] extends RequiredField[V, R]

  102. trait Rogue extends AnyRef

    A utility trait containing typing shorthands, and a collection of implicit conversions that make query syntax much simpler.

  103. class RogueException extends RuntimeException

  104. trait RogueReadSerializer[R] extends AnyRef

  105. trait RogueSerializer[From, To] extends RogueReadSerializer[To] with RogueWriteSerializer[From]

  106. trait RogueWriteSerializer[R] extends AnyRef

  107. class SafeModifyField[V, M] extends AnyRef

  108. sealed trait Sel extends Selected with SelectedOne with Unselected

  109. sealed abstract class SelectField[V, M] extends AnyRef

    Fields that can be turned into SelectFields can be used in a .

  110. class SelectableDummyField[V, R] extends OptionalField[V, R]

  111. sealed trait Selected extends AnyRef

  112. sealed trait SelectedOne extends Selected

  113. class SeqModifyField[V, M] extends AbstractListModifyField[V, AnyRef, M, Seq]

  114. class SeqQueryField[V, M] extends AbstractListQueryField[V, V, AnyRef, M, Seq]

  115. sealed trait Sh extends ShardKeyNotSpecified with ShardKeySpecified with AllShardsOk

  116. sealed trait ShardAware extends AnyRef

  117. trait ShardKey[V] extends AnyRef

  118. trait ShardKeyClause extends AnyRef

  119. sealed trait ShardKeyNotSpecified extends AnyRef

  120. sealed trait ShardKeySpecified extends ShardAware

  121. trait Sharded extends AnyRef

  122. trait ShardingOk[M, -S] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  123. type SimpleQuery[M] = Query[M, M, InitialState]

  124. case class SizeQueryClause(fieldName: String, v: Int) extends IndexableQueryClause[Int, DocumentScan] with Product with Serializable

  125. sealed trait Sk extends Skipped with Unskipped

  126. sealed trait Skipped extends AnyRef

  127. case class StrictBetweenQueryClause[V](fieldName: String, lower: V, upper: V) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  128. class StringQueryField[F <: String, M] extends AbstractQueryField[F, F, F, M] with StringRegexOps[F, M]

  129. trait StringRegexOps[V, M] extends AnyRef

  130. class StringsListQueryField[M] extends AbstractListQueryField[String, String, String, M, List] with StringRegexOps[List[String], M]

  131. case class TypeQueryClause(fieldName: String, v: MongoType.Value) extends IndexableQueryClause[Int, IndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  132. sealed trait Unlimited extends AnyRef

  133. sealed trait Unordered extends AnyRef

  134. sealed trait Unselected extends AnyRef

  135. sealed trait Unskipped extends AnyRef

  136. sealed trait UsedIndex extends MaybeUsedIndex

  137. case class WithinBoxClause[V](fieldName: String, lat1: Double, lng1: Double, lat2: Double, lng2: Double) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

  138. case class WithinCircleClause[V](fieldName: String, lat: Double, lng: Double, radius: Double) extends IndexableQueryClause[V, PartialIndexScan] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object !<:<

  2. object AddLimit

  3. object AddOrClause

  4. object AddOrder

  5. object AddSelect

  6. object AddShardAware

  7. object AddSkip

  8. object BSONType

  9. object BitOps extends Enumeration

  10. object CondOps extends Enumeration

  11. object DocumentScan extends DocumentScan with Product with Serializable

  12. object Index extends Index with Product with Serializable

  13. object IndexScan extends IndexScan with Product with Serializable

  14. object Iter

    Iteratee helper classes

  15. object ModOps extends Enumeration

  16. object MongoHelpers extends Rogue

  17. object MongoType extends Enumeration

  18. object NoIndexInfo extends NoIndexInfo with Product with Serializable

  19. object PartialIndexScan extends PartialIndexScan with Product with Serializable

  20. object QueryHelpers

  21. object RequireShardKey

  22. object Required

  23. object Rogue extends Rogue

  24. object ShardingOk

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
