

package lift

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CaseClassListModifyField[V, M] extends AbstractListModifyField[V, DBObject, M, List]

  2. class CaseClassListQueryField[V, M] extends AbstractListQueryField[V, V, DBObject, M, List]

  3. class CaseClassQueryField[V, M] extends AnyRef

  4. case class ExecutableFindAndModifyQuery[MB, M <: MB, RB, R](query: FindAndModifyQuery[M, R], db: QueryExecutor[MB, RB]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class ExecutableModifyQuery[MB, M <: MB, RB, State](query: ModifyQuery[M, State], db: QueryExecutor[MB, RB]) extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class ExecutableQuery[MB, M <: MB, RB, R, State](query: Query[M, R, State], db: QueryExecutor[MB, RB])(implicit ev: ShardingOk[M, State]) extends Product with Serializable

  7. trait HasMongoForeignObjectId[RefType <: MongoRecord[RefType] with ObjectIdKey[RefType]] extends AnyRef

  8. class LiftAdapter extends MongoJavaDriverAdapter[MongoRecord[_] with MongoMetaRecord[_], MongoRecord[_]]

  9. class LiftQueryExecutor extends QueryExecutor[MongoRecord[_] with MongoMetaRecord[_], MongoRecord[_]]

  10. trait LiftRogue extends AnyRef

  11. trait ObjectIdKey[OwnerType <: MongoRecord[OwnerType]] extends AnyRef

    Mix this into a Record to add an ObjectIdField

  12. class PaginatedQuery[MB, M <: MB, RB, R, +State <: Unlimited with Unskipped] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object LiftAdapter extends LiftAdapter

  2. object LiftDBCollectionFactory extends DBCollectionFactory[MongoRecord[_] with MongoMetaRecord[_], MongoRecord[_]]

  3. object LiftQueryExecutor extends LiftQueryExecutor

  4. object LiftQueryExecutorHelpers

  5. object LiftQueryHelpers

  6. object LiftRogue extends Rogue with LiftRogue
