final case classInterner[T <: AnyRef]() extends Product with Serializable
Wraper around Guava's Interner class.
Originally I had a generic Intern object that had a map of Class[_] to Guava Interner
but that relies on a correct implementation of equals which can make it error
prone. For Example an Option[Char] can == an Option[Int]. So instead you have
to be explicit about creating an Interner.
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
Wraper around Guava's Interner class.
Originally I had a generic Intern object that had a map of Class[_] to Guava Interner but that relies on a correct implementation of equals which can make it error prone. For Example an Option[Char] can == an Option[Int]. So instead you have to be explicit about creating an Interner.