Returns the average time spent loading new values.
Returns the number of times an entry has been evicted.
Returns the number of times Cache lookup methods have returned a cached value.
Returns the ratio of cache requests which were hits.
Returns the total number of times that Cache lookup methods attempted to load new values.
Returns the number of times Cache lookup methods threw an exception while loading a new value.
Returns the ratio of cache loading attempts which threw exceptions.
Returns the number of times Cache lookup methods have successfully loaded a new value.
Returns a new CacheStats representing the difference between this CacheStats and other.
Returns the number of times Cache lookup methods have returned an uncached (newly loaded) value, or null.
Returns the ratio of cache requests which were misses.
Returns a new CacheStats representing the sum of this CacheStats and other.
Returns the number of times Cache lookup methods have returned either a cached or uncached value.
Returns the total number of nanoseconds the cache has spent loading new values.