Between 0 and 65535 (both inclusive)
The fm.common.ImmutableDate represented by the epochMilli
Between 0 and 281474976710655 (both inclusive) which is a 6-byte unsigned int
The java.time.Instant represented by the epochMilli
Is this UUID using a random node id?
The java.util.Date represented by the epochMilli
Between Short.MinValue (-32768) and Short.MaxValue (32767) (both inclusive)
Between 0 and 281474976710655 (both inclusive) which is a 6-byte unsigned int
{6-byte millis since epoch}{sep}{2-byte-counter}{sep}{2-byte-optional-node-id}{sep}{4-byte-random}
{6-byte millis since epoch}-{2-byte-counter}-{2-byte-optional-node-id}-{4-byte-random}
{upper 4-bytes of 6-byte millis since epoch}{sep}{lower 2-bytes of 6-byte millis since epoch}{sep}{2-byte-counter}{sep}{2-byte-optional-node-id}{sep}{4-byte-random}
{upper 4-bytes of 6-byte millis since epoch}-{lower 2-bytes of 6-byte millis since epoch}-{2-byte-counter}-{2-byte-optional-node-id}-{4-byte-random}
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
A custom UUID implementation (not to be confused with java.util.UUID or RFC4122 implementations) that allows natural sorting by timestamp based on the string or numeric representation.
The UUID consists of 16 bytes (128 bits) broken up into 2 longs:
timeAndCounter: {6-Byte Millis since epoch}{2-Byte Counter} nodeIdAndRandom: {2-Byte Node ID}{6-Byte Random Number}
The "pretty" hex encoded representation is: {6-byte millis since epoch}-{2-byte-counter}-{2-byte-optional-node-id}-{4-byte-random}
Example: 015247f01787-9740-85e0-3e9672a8dfa2