The foreach implementation for the native IN type
The foreach implementation for the native IN type
The foreach implementation for an InputStream
The foreach implementation for an InputStream
Transform an InputStream to whatever our IN type is (IN can be an InputStream in which case this is a no-op)
Transform an InputStream to whatever our IN type is (IN can be an InputStream in which case this is a no-op)
Is line considered a blank line? (for skipping leading blank lines)
Is line considered a blank line? (for skipping leading blank lines)
Make a line reader given our IN instance
Make a line reader given our IN instance
Transform from a line reader to a FlatFileParsedRow reader (can be a no-op if LINE is already a FlatFileParsedRow)
Transform from a line reader to a FlatFileParsedRow reader (can be a no-op if LINE is already a FlatFileParsedRow)
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.