

package concurrent

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncScheduledExecutorService extends ScheduledExecutorService

    Functions for scheduling of asynchronous tasks

  2. trait ExecutorService extends java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService

    Scala adaptations of j.u.c.ExecutorService.

  3. trait JExecutorServiceWrapper extends ExecutorService

    Wrapper of a java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService implementing the com.gilt.gfc.concurrent.ExecutorService trait.

  4. trait JScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper extends JExecutorServiceWrapper with AsyncScheduledExecutorService

    Wrapper of a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService implementing the com.gilt.gfc.concurrent.AsyncScheduledExecutorService trait.

  5. trait ScheduledExecutorService extends java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService with ExecutorService

    Scala adaptations of j.u.c.ScheduledExecutorService.

  6. case class ThreadFactoryBuilder extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class ThreadGroupBuilder extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object JavaConversions

    Implicit conversions from java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService and java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService to com.gilt.gfc.concurrent.ExecutorService and com.gilt.gfc.concurrent.AsyncScheduledExecutorService

  2. object JavaConverters

    Implicit conversions between scala functions and Java equivalents.

  3. object SameThreadExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext with Loggable

    For small code blocks that don't need to be run on a separate thread.

  4. object ScalaFutures

    Little helpers for scala futures

    Little helpers for scala futures


    11/Jul/2014 13:25

  5. object ThreadFactoryBuilder extends Serializable

    Simple ThreadFactoryBuilder, analogous to guava ThreadFactoryBuilder

  6. object ThreadGroupBuilder extends Serializable

    Simple Builder for java.lang.ThreadGroup

    Simple Builder for java.lang.ThreadGroup

    By default groups have the daemon flag set to false, as such a group will destroy itself if it ever becomes empty after having at least one thread, for example if the factory is used to create threads for an infrequently-used cached thread pool.


    09/Feb/2015 12:01

  7. object Timeouts

    Factory module to build timing out Futures.

    Factory module to build timing out Futures.


