

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class JRateLimiter extends ThreadSafeRateLimiter

    Java-friendly version of ThreadSafeRateLimiter.

  2. trait LimitCallback[T <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

    Used by JRateLimiter in lieu of call-by-name from java.

  3. class RateLimiter extends AnyRef

    Used to rate-limit calls to a work function, e.

  4. class SingletonCache[K] extends AnyRef

    For objects that need their lifecycle to be managed and can't be just throw-away.

  5. class ThreadSafeRateLimiter extends RateLimiter

    Fairly heavy-handed thread safe version of the above.

  6. trait ExponentialBackoff extends AnyRef

    To avoid tight loops around errors.

Value Members

  1. object Retry

    Helper to retry potentially failing functions

  2. object Throwables

  3. package types

    Church boolean types for use in type-level programming
