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ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Accepted - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
202 - Request was accepted.
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Header that is set in the response of OPTIONS request that specifies the allowed methods.
ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Header that is set in the response of OPTIONS request that specifies the validity of the options returned.
AccessDenied - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
An authenticated client is not authorized to access a resource.
Account - Class in com.github.ambry.account
A representation of an Ambry user.
ACCOUNT_REPORT - com.github.ambry.server.StatsReportType
ACCOUNT_SERVICE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
Account.AccountStatus - Enum in com.github.ambry.account
The status of the account.
accountAndContainerNamePreconditionCheck(RestRequest) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Check preconditions for request if the restRequest contains the target account and container.
AccountBuilder - Class in com.github.ambry.account
A builder class for Account.
AccountBuilder(short, String, Account.AccountStatus) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
AccountBuilder(Account) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
AccountCollectionSerde - Class in com.github.ambry.account
Serialize and deserialize json objects that represent a collection of accounts.
AccountCollectionSerde() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.AccountCollectionSerde
accountId(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets the accountId of the MessageInfo to build.
ACCOUNTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
ACCOUNTS_CONTAINERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
AccountService - Interface in com.github.ambry.account
An AccountService is a component that can respond to queries for Account by id or name, and add/update Accounts for future queries.
AccountServiceCallback - Class in com.github.ambry.account
AccountServiceCallback(AccountService) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceCallback
Construct a AccountServiceCallback object
AccountServiceConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Common config for AccountServiceConfig
AccountServiceConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
AccountServiceErrorCode - Enum in com.github.ambry.account
All the error codes that accompany a AccountServiceException.
AccountServiceException - Exception in com.github.ambry.account
Exceptions thrown by AccountService.
AccountServiceException(String, AccountServiceErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceException
AccountServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.account
AccountServiceFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate an AccountService.
accountsFromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountCollectionSerde
Deserialize a json object representing a collection of accounts.
accountsToJson(Collection<Account>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountCollectionSerde
Serialize a collection of accounts to a json object that can be used in requests/responses.
accountToJsonNoContainers(Account) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountCollectionSerde
Serialize an account to a json object, stripping out its containers.
AclService<P> - Interface in com.github.ambry.account
A service that handles authorization of requests.
AclService.Operation - Enum in com.github.ambry.account
The type of operation to perform on a AclService.Resource.
AclService.Resource - Interface in com.github.ambry.account
An interface that represents an ACLed resource.
ACTIVE - com.github.ambry.account.Account.AccountStatus
ACTIVE - com.github.ambry.account.Container.ContainerStatus
add(String, StatsSnapshot) - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
addAccountUpdateConsumer(Consumer<Collection<Account>>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Adds a Consumer for newly created or updated Accounts.
addBlobStore(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Add a new BlobStore with given ReplicaId.
addListener(VirtualReplicatorClusterListener) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorCluster
Add VirtualReplicatorClusterListener to listen for cluster change.
addOrUpdateContainer(Container) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Adds a Container for the Account to build.
addToRequestProcessingTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker
Adds to the time taken to process the request at the NIO layer.
addToRequestProcessingTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
Adds to the time taken to process a request at the scaling layer.
addToRequestProcessingWaitTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
Adds to the scaling layer processing wait time for a request.
addToResponseProcessingTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker
Adds to the time taken to process the response at the NIO layer.
addToResponseProcessingTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
Adds to the time taken to process a response at the scaling layer.
addToResponseProcessingWaitTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
Adds to the scaling layer processing wait time of a response.
aggregate(StatsSnapshot, StatsSnapshot) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
Performs recursive aggregation of two StatsSnapshot and stores the result in the first one.
All - com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
All - com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions.OperationType
Return blob info and blob data in the response.
ALL_TO_ALL - com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationModelType
ALLOW - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
allowAccess(P, AclService.Resource, AclService.Operation, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AclService
Allow the provided principal to perform an AclService.Operation on a AclService.Resource.
allowServiceIdBasedPostRequest - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Boolean indicator to specify if frontend should allow the post requests that carry serviceId used as target account name.
Already_Exist - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Already_Updated - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
AMBRY_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
mandatory in request; string; default unset; content type of blob
AMBRY_STATE_MODEL_DEF - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
AmbryHealthReport - Interface in com.github.ambry.server
Health report for reporting various stats within a node.
AmbryUnavailable - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Insufficient Ambry DataNodes could be contacted to successfully complete an operation.
appendFrom(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Write
Appends the buffer into the underlying write interface (eg: file).
appendFrom(ReadableByteChannel, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Write
Appends the channel to the underlying write interface.
AsyncWritableChannel - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
A channel that is used to perform writes asynchronously.
attachTrackingInfo - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Boolean indicator to specify if tracking information should be attached to responses.
Authorization_Failure - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
AVAILABLE - com.github.ambry.clustermap.HardwareState
AverageBandwidth - com.github.ambry.commons.PerformanceIndex
Average speed of data being transmitted (bytes/sec).
await() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
Await the completion of this request
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
Await the completion of this request (up to the given time interval)


BACKUP_DIRECTORY_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
BACKUP_DIRECTORY_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
backupDir - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
The directory on the local machine where account data backups will be stored before updating accounts.
backupDir - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
The directory on the local machine where account data backups will be stored before updating accounts.
Bad_Request - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
BadInputChannel - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Unexpected error reading from the input channel for puts.
BadRequest - com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
Request has invalid arguments.
BadRequest - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
400 - Request was not correct.
BadRequest - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Generic BadRequest error code when a client provides a request that is not fit for processing.
Blob - com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
Blob_Already_Exists - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Already_Undeleted - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Already_Updated - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Authorization_Failure - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Deleted - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Deleted_Permanently - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Expired - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
BLOB_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
The blob ID requested by the URL.
Blob_Life_Version_Conflict - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Not_Deleted - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Blob_Not_Found - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
BLOB_PART - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.MultipartPost
BLOB_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
mandatory in request; long; size of blob in bytes
Blob_Update_Not_Allowed - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
BlobAuthorizationFailure - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
ContainerId or AccountId from blobId doesn't match these in store server.
BlobDeleted - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Blob has been deleted and so cannot be retrieved.
BlobDoesNotExist - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
No Blob could be found for specified blob id.
BlobExpired - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
TTL of Blob has expired and so Blob cannot be retrieved.
BlobInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.messageformat
A BlobInfo class that contains both the blob property, the usermetadata and the lifeVersion for the blob.
BlobInfo - com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
BlobInfo - com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.SubResource
User metadata and BlobProperties i.e., blob properties returned in headers and user metadata as content/headers.
BlobInfo - com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions.OperationType
Return just the blob info in the response.
BlobInfo(BlobProperties, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo
Constructor to create a BlobInfo.
BlobInfo(BlobProperties, byte[], short) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo
Constructor to create a BlobInfo.
BlobNotDeleted - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Blob is not yet deleted.
BlobOutput - Class in com.github.ambry.messageformat
Contains the blob output
BlobOutput(long, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobOutput
The blob output that helps to read a blob
BlobProperties - Class in com.github.ambry.messageformat
The properties of a blob that the client can set at time of put.
BlobProperties - com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
BlobProperties(long, String, short, short, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
BlobProperties(long, String, short, short, boolean, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
BlobProperties(long, String, String, String, boolean, long, long, short, short, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
BlobProperties(long, String, String, String, boolean, long, short, short, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
BlobReplicaSourceType - Enum in com.github.ambry.notification
The enumeration of all the sources by which a replica can be created in the system
blobSegment(int) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
BlobTooLarge - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Blob is too large.
BlobType - Enum in com.github.ambry.messageformat
Set of flags used to identify different types of blob content
BlobUndeleted - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Blob already undeleted so it can't not be undeleted again.
BlobUpdateNotAllowed - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
The update has been rejected
BlobUserMetadata - com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
BOOTSTRAP - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
Bootstrap state is an intermediate state between OFFLINE and STANDBY.
BootstrapFailure - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If bootstrap process fails at some point for specific replica.
BoundedByteBufferSend - Class in com.github.ambry.network
A byte buffer version of Send to buffer the outgoing responses before sending.
BoundedByteBufferSend(Send) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
BoundedByteBufferSend(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
BoundedNettyByteBufReceive - Class in com.github.ambry.network
A netty ByteBuf version of Receive to buffer the incoming request or response.
BoundedNettyByteBufReceive() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedNettyByteBufReceive
build() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Builds an Account object.
build() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Builds a Container object.
build() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Builds a MessageInfo object.
buildBlobProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Builds BlobProperties given the arguments associated with a request.
buildContentRangeAndLength(ByteRange, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Build the value for the Content-Range header that corresponds to the provided range and blob size.
Builder(MessageInfo) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Constructor to create a builder from MessageInfo.
Builder(StoreKey, long, short, short, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Constructor to create a builder.
buildGetBlobOptions(Map<String, Object>, RestUtils.SubResource, GetOption, int) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Build a GetBlobOptions object from an argument map for a certain sub-resource.
buildUserMetadata(byte[]) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets deserialized metadata from the byte array if possible
buildUserMetadata(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Builds user metadata given the arguments associated with a request.
BYTE_RANGE_UNITS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
ByteRange - Class in com.github.ambry.router
Represents a byte range for performing ranged get requests.
ByteRange.ByteRangeType - Enum in com.github.ambry.router
ByteRanges - Class in com.github.ambry.router


CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
cacheValiditySeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Cache validity in seconds for non-private blobs for GET.
Callback<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.commons
A callback interface that the user can implement to allow code to execute when the request is complete.
CallbackUtils - Class in com.github.ambry.router
Utilities for working with Callback.
CallbackUtils() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.CallbackUtils
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
CAPACITY_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
chainCallback(AsyncOperationTracker, Callback<?>, ThrowingConsumer<? super T>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.CallbackUtils
Create a Callback that handles common tasks like updating metrics via a AsyncOperationTracker and handling errors that may occur in the callback body.
Channel_Closed - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
ChannelClosed - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
The channel returned to the user in a getBlob operation has been closed before operation completion.
ChannelOutput - Class in com.github.ambry.network
The receive on the connected channel provides a ChannelOutput that can be used to read the output from.
ChannelOutput(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.ChannelOutput
checkInConnection(ConnectedChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPool
The connected channel that needs to be put back into the pool after a successful usage
checkLocalPartitionStatus(PartitionId, ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Check if a certain partition is available locally.
checkOutConnection(String, Port, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPool
Returns a connected channel that represents the give host and port.
checkThresholds(Map<PerformanceIndex, Long>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.commons.Thresholds
Check if input data satisfy all thresholds.
CHUNK_UPLOAD - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Boolean field set to "true" for getting chunk upload URLs with GET /signedUrl that will eventually be stitched together.
CHUNK_UPLOAD_INITIAL_CHUNK_TTL_SECS_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
chunkedGetResponseThresholdInBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Specifies the blob size in bytes beyond which chunked response will be sent for a getBlob() call
ChunkInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.router
ChunkInfo(String, long, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
chunkUpload(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptionsBuilder
chunkUploadInitialChunkTtlSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The blob TTL in seconds to use for data chunks uploaded in a stitched upload session.
CLIENT - com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory.Mode
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Close the cluster map.
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Terminate the participant.
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClient
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Close this selector
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Closes this request channel and releases all of the resources associated with it.
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Closes the underlying network channel immediately.
close() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Closes the router and releases any resources held by the router.
close(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Close a connection by given connection id
closeConnection(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.RequestResponseChannel
Closes the connection on which the original request came
CLOUD_BACKED - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaType
CLOUD_BATCH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_BLOB_COMPACTION_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_BLOB_COMPACTION_INTERVAL_HOURS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_BLOB_COMPACTION_QUERY_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_BLOB_COMPACTION_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_BLOB_COMPACTION_STARTUP_DELAY_SECS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_BLOB_CRYPTO_AGENT_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_COMPACTION_LOOKBACK_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_COMPACTION_NUM_THREADS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_COMPACTION_PURGE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_COMPACTION_QUERY_BUCKET_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_DELETED_BLOB_RETENTION_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_DESTINATION_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_IS_VCR - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_MAX_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_QUERY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_RECENT_BLOB_CACHE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_REPLICA_MOUNT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
CLOUD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CLOUD_UPLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
CloudBased - com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenType
cloudBatchRequestTimeout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The request timeout in msec for cloud batch operations.
cloudBlobCompactionEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Whether dead blob compaction is enabled.
cloudBlobCompactionIntervalHours - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The dead blob compaction interval in hours
cloudBlobCompactionQueryLimit - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The result set limit to set on the dead blobs query used in compaction.
cloudBlobCompactionShutdownTimeoutSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Maximum time to wait for in-flight compaction operation to complete on shutdown.
cloudBlobCompactionStartupDelaySecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Delay in seconds before compaction begins on VCR startup.
cloudBlobCryptoAgentFactoryClass - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The cloud blob crypto agent factory class name.
cloudCompactionLookbackDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
cloudCompactionNumThreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
cloudCompactionPurgeLimit - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Max number of blobs to be purged for a single partition in each round of compaction.
cloudCompactionQueryBucketDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The time range used for bucketing compaction queries.
CloudConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for cloud related configurations.
CloudConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
cloudDefaultRetryDelay - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The default delay in ms between retries of cloud operations.
cloudDeletedBlobRetentionDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
How long (in days) a blob must be in deleted state before it is compacted.
cloudDestinationFactoryClass - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The cloud destination factory class name.
cloudIsVcr - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
True for VCR node, false for live serving node.
cloudMaxAttempts - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The maximum number of attempts for each cloud operation in live serving mode;
cloudQueryRequestTimeout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The request timeout in msec for metadata queries.
cloudRequestTimeout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The request timeout in msec for single-blob cloud operations.
CloudToStoreReplicationManagerListener - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateModelListenerType
The partition state change listener owned by cloud-to-store replication manager.
cloudUploadRequestTimeout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The request timeout in msec for single-blob cloud uploads.
CLUSTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
ClusterAgentsFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A factory interface to get cluster agents such as ClusterMap and ClusterParticipant.
ClusterMap - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The ClusterMap provides a high-level interface to DataNodeIds, PartitionIds and ReplicaIds.
CLUSTERMAP_CLUSTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
CLUSTERMAP_DATA_NODE_CONFIG_SOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
CLUSTERMAP_DATACENTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
CLUSTERMAP_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
CLUSTERMAP_MAX_DISK_CAPACITY_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
CLUSTERMAP_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
ClusterMapChangeListener - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A ClusterMap listener that takes actions on local node when cluster map is changed.
clusterMapClusterAgentsFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The clustermap agent factory to use for instantiating the Cluster Map and the Cluster Participant.
clusterMapClusterChangeHandlerType - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The cluster change handler to use for Cluster Map.
clusterMapClusterName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The name of the associated cluster for this node.
ClusterMapConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for resource state.
ClusterMapConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
clustermapCurrentXid - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The current xid for this cluster manager.
clusterMapDatacenterName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The name of the associated datacenter for this node.
clusterMapDataNodeConfigSourceType - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The DataNodeConfigSource implementation to use with the Helix-based Cluster Map.
clusterMapDcsZkConnectStrings - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Serialized json containing the information about all the zk hosts that the Helix based cluster manager should be aware of.
clusterMapDefaultPartitionClass - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The partition class to assign to a partition if one is not supplied
clustermapEnableAggregatedMonthlyAccountReport - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
True to enable aggregation task to generate a base account report for each month.
clustermapEnableContainerDeletionAggregation - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
True to enable aggregation phase for container deletion.
clusterMapEnablePartitionOverride - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Indicate if cluster manager enables override on properties of partition.
clustermapEnableStateModelListener - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Whether to enable state model listeners to take actions when state transition occurs.
clusterMapFixedTimeoutDatanodeErrorThreshold - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The threshold for the number of consecutive errors to tolerate for a datanode.
clusterMapFixedTimeoutDataNodeRetryBackoffMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The time to wait before a datanode is retried after it has been determined to be down.
clusterMapFixedTimeoutDiskErrorThreshold - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The threshold for the number of errors to tolerate for a disk.
clusterMapFixedTimeoutDiskRetryBackoffMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The time to wait before a disk is retried after it has been determined to be down.
clusterMapFixedTimeoutReplicaErrorThreshold - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The threshold for the number of errors to tolerate for a replica.
clusterMapFixedTimeoutReplicaRetryBackoffMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The time to wait before a replica is retried after it has been determined to be down.
clusterMapHostName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The host name associated with this node.
clustermapListenCrossColo - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
If set to false, the Helix based cluster manager will only listen to changes to the cluster in the local colo.
clustermapMaxDiskCapacityInBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Max capacity of a disk in bytes.
clusterMapPort - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The port number associated with this node.
clustermapRecoveryTestHardwareLayout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Hardware layout json for recovery test cluster map.
clustermapRecoveryTestPartitionLayout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Partition layout json for recovery test cluster map.
clustermapReplicaCatchupAcceptableLagBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The maximum replication lag in bytes that is acceptable to consider replica has caught up.
clustermapReplicaCatchupTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The minimum number of peers that a bootstrap replica is required to catch up with.
clusterMapResolveHostnames - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Indicates if a reverse DNS lookup should be used to try and obtain the fully qualified domain names of cluster map host entries.
clusterMapResourceStatePolicyFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The factory class used to get the resource state policies.
clustermapRetryDisablePartitionCompletionBackoffMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Time to wait before checking if disabling partition has completed.
ClusterMapSnapshotConstants - Class in com.github.ambry.clustermap
List of constants that an implementation of ClusterMap.getSnapshot() may use
ClusterMapSnapshotConstants() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
clusterMapSslEnabledDatacenters - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
List of Datacenters to which local node needs SSL encryption to communicate
clustermapStateModelDefinition - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
State model definition to register with helix cluster.
clustermapUpdateDatanodeInfo - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Whether to allow participant to dynamically update its datanode info in cluster.
clustermapVcrDatacenterName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
Name of the datacenter of vcr nodes.
clustermapWritablePartitionMinReplicaCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
The minimum number of replicas in local datacenter required for a partition to serve PUT request.
ClusterParticipant - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A ClusterParticipant is a component that makes up the Ambry cluster.
com.github.ambry.account - package com.github.ambry.account
com.github.ambry.clustermap - package com.github.ambry.clustermap
com.github.ambry.commons - package com.github.ambry.commons
com.github.ambry.config - package com.github.ambry.config
com.github.ambry.frontend - package com.github.ambry.frontend
com.github.ambry.messageformat - package com.github.ambry.messageformat
com.github.ambry.network - package com.github.ambry.network
com.github.ambry.notification - package com.github.ambry.notification
com.github.ambry.protocol - package com.github.ambry.protocol
com.github.ambry.quota - package com.github.ambry.quota
com.github.ambry.replication - package com.github.ambry.replication
com.github.ambry.rest - package com.github.ambry.rest
com.github.ambry.router - package com.github.ambry.router
com.github.ambry.server - package com.github.ambry.server
com.github.ambry.store - package com.github.ambry.store
compareTo(DataNodeId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
completeBootstrap() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Take actions (if any) to complete the bootstrap (i.e, delete bootstrap file in store directory)
completed() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
Has the request completed?
completedReceives() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
The list of receives that completed on the last poll() call.
completedSends() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
The list of sends that completed on the last poll() call.
Composite - com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationBlobType
COMPOSITE_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
COMPOSITE_INSTANCE_CONFIG_PRIMARY - com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
COMPOSITE_PROPERTY_STORE_PRIMARY - com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
CompositeAccountServiceConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configs for CompositeAccountService
CompositeAccountServiceConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
Config - Annotation Type in com.github.ambry.config
CONFIG_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
Conflict - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
409 - Request conflicts with the current state of the server
Conflict - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Request conflicts with the current state of the server.
connect() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectedChannel
Connect remote host.
connect(InetSocketAddress, int, int, PortType) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Begin establishing a socket connection to the given address identified by the given address
connected() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
The list of connections that completed their connection on the last poll() call.
ConnectedChannel - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
A channel that is connected to a specific remote host and port.
ConnectionPool - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
A Connection pool interface that pools a list of connections, does connection management and connection cleanup.
ConnectionPoolConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for connection pool.
ConnectionPoolConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
connectionPoolConnectTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
Connect timeout in milliseconds for a connection.
connectionPoolMaxConnectionsPerPortPlainText - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
The max connections allowed per host per port for plain text
connectionPoolMaxConnectionsPerPortSSL - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
The max connections allowed per host per port for ssl
connectionPoolReadBufferSizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
The read buffer size in bytes for a connection.
connectionPoolReadTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
Read timeout in milliseconds for a connection.
connectionPoolSocketEnableTcpNoDelay - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
Enable TCP_NODELAY socket option
connectionPoolSocketResetOnError - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
Use TCP RST instead of FIN on replication socket error
ConnectionPoolTimeoutException - Exception in com.github.ambry.network
Exception used by the connection pool to indicate that the operation timedout
ConnectionPoolTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException
ConnectionPoolTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException
ConnectionPoolTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException
connectionPoolWriteBufferSizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ConnectionPoolConfig
The write buffer size in bytes for a connection.
ConnectionUnavailable - com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClientErrorCode
Request could not be sent because a connection could not be checked out.
CONSISTENCY_CHECKER_INTERVAL_MINUTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
CONSISTENCY_CHECKER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MINUTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
consistencyCheckerIntervalMinutes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
The time interval in minutes for checking consistency in account data between primary and secondary sources.
consistencyCheckerShutdownTimeoutMinutes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
The timeout in minutes to shut down the consistency checker of CompositeAccountService.
Container - Class in com.github.ambry.account
A representation of a container.
CONTAINER_ID_START_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
CONTAINER_STORAGE_QUOTA_IN_JSON - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
Container.ContainerStatus - Enum in com.github.ambry.account
Status of the container.
ContainerBlobsResource - Class in com.github.ambry.account
An AclService.Resource that represents the blobs in a Container.
ContainerBlobsResource(Container) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
Construct the resource from a container.
ContainerBuilder - Class in com.github.ambry.account
A builder class for Container.
ContainerBuilder(short, String, Container.ContainerStatus, String, short) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Constructor for a ContainerBuilder taking individual arguments.
ContainerBuilder(Container) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
containerId(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets the containerId of the MessageInfo to build.
containerIdStartNumber - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
The numeric container Id to be used for the first container created within an account.
ContainerMetrics - Class in com.github.ambry.frontend
Metrics for an operation on a specific container.
containers(Collection<Container>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Clear the set of containers for the Account to build and add the provided ones.
containersFromJson(JSONObject, short) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountCollectionSerde
Deserialize a json object representing a collection of containers.
containersToJson(Collection<Container>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountCollectionSerde
Serialize a collection of containers to a json object that can be used in requests/responses.
containerStorageQuotaInJson - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
A JSON string representing storage quota for all containers.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
content() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
content() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedNettyByteBufReceive
content() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
content() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Send
Return the data which is held by this ByteBufHolder.
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
controlCompactionForBlobStore(PartitionId, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Disable compaction on the PartitionId id.
controlReplicationForPartitions(Collection<PartitionId>, List<String>, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationAPI
Enables/disables replication of the given ids from origins.
convert(RestRequest, String, Callback<String>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.IdConverter
Converts an ID.
convert(Collection<? extends StoreKey>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreKeyConverter
Returns a mapping for every StoreKey in input.
COOKIE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Header to contain the Cookies
count() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
crc(Long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets crc of the MessageInfo to build.
CREATE - com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Operation
Create new content within a resource.
Created - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
201 - Resource was created.
createSSLEngine(String, int, SSLFactory.Mode) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory
Create SSLEngine for given host name and port number.
CREATION_TIME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
not allowed in request.
Criteria - Class in com.github.ambry.commons
Criteria is a data structure that holds predefined threshold value and its type (UpperBound or LowerBound).
Criteria(long, Criteria.BoundType) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.commons.Criteria
Criteria ctor
Criteria.BoundType - Enum in com.github.ambry.commons
CryptoService<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
Crypto Service to assist in encrypting and decrypting bytes and keys T refers to the key type that this CryptoService accepts.
CryptoServiceConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required by a CryptoService.
CryptoServiceConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.CryptoServiceConfig
cryptoServiceEncryptionDecryptionMode - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CryptoServiceConfig
The mode to encrypt or decrypt.
CryptoServiceFactory<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
CryptoService Factory to assist in fetching an instance of CryptoService which is capable of encrypting or decrypting bytes for a given key Ensure that KeyManagementService implementation is compatible with the same key type.
cryptoServiceIvSizeInBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CryptoServiceConfig
The iv size that the CryptoService will populate on CryptoService.encrypt(ByteBuffer, Object)


Data - com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions.OperationType
Return just the blob data in the response.
Data_Corrupt - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
DATA_NODE_DATACENTER - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_DISKS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_HOSTNAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_PORT_CONNECT_TO - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_PORTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_RACK_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_SSL_ENABLED_DATACENTERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATA_NODE_XID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DataBlob - com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobType
Datacenter - com.github.ambry.router.OperationTrackerScope
DATACENTER_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATACENTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATACENTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.TrackingHeaders
Response header for the the name of the datacenter that the frontend responding belongs to.
DATACENTER_NODES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DATACENTERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DataChunk - com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationBlobType
DataNode - com.github.ambry.router.OperationTrackerScope
DataNodeConfigSourceType - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
Represent the type of DataNodeConfigSource implementation to use.
DataNodeId - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A DataNodeId has many devices.
DATE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
DB_INFO - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
dbInfo - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
Serialized json containing the information about all mysql end points.
DeactivationFailure - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If failure occurs during Standby-To-Inactive transition.
decrypt(ByteBuf, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoService
Decrypts the toDecrypt with the given key.
decrypt(ByteBuffer, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoService
Decrypts the toDecrypt with the given key.
decryptKey(ByteBuffer, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoService
Decrypts the key using the given key
Default - Annotation Type in com.github.ambry.config
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
DEFAULT_BATCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_CLOUD_BLOB_CRYPTO_AGENT_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_CLOUD_COMPACTION_NUM_THREADS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_CLOUD_DESTINATION_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_CLOUD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_LOOKBACK_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_PURGE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_QUERY_BUCKET_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_QUERY_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_CRYPTO_SERVICE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
DEFAULT_KMS_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
DEFAULT_KMS_SERVICE_KEY_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_LATENCY_TOLERANCE_QUANTILE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_MIN_TTL_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_OPERATION_TRACKER_HISTOGRAM_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_CACHEABLE_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_DELETE_TRIGGER_TIME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The delete trigger time of Container.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The description for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified private.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_ENCRYPTED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The encryption setting of Container.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The id for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified private.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_MEDIA_SCAN_DISABLED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The media scan disabled setting for Container.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The name for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified private.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The parent account id of Container.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_PREVIOUSLY_ENCRYPTED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The previously encrypted flag for Container.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_STATUS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The status for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified private.
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER_TTL_REQUIRED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The ttl required setting for Container.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_CACHEABLE_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_DELETE_TRIGGER_TIME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The delete trigger time of Container.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The description for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified public.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_ENCRYPTED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The encryption setting of Container.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The id for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified public.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_MEDIA_SCAN_DISABLED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The media scan disabled setting for Container.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The name for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified public.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The parent account id of Container.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_PREVIOUSLY_ENCRYPTED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The previously encrypted flag for Container.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_STATUS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The status for the containers to be associated with the blobs that are put without specifying a target container, but are specified public.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER_TTL_REQUIRED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The ttl required setting for Container.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONTAINER.
DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_RECENT_BLOB_CACHE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_REQUEST_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
DEFAULT_RETENTION_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_VALUE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_STATE_MODEL_DEF - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_VCR_CLUSTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_VCR_CLUSTER_SPECTATOR_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_VCR_CLUSTER_ZK_CONNECT_STRING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_VCR_HELIX_STATE_MODEL_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_VCR_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_REPLICATOR_CLUSTER_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
defaultRouterGetOption - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The default GetOption that the frontend has to use when constructing GetBlobOptions for Router.getBlob(String, GetBlobOptions) (or the callback equivalent).
delete(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Deletes all the messages in the list.
Delete - com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaOperation
DELETE - com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Operation
Delete existing content from a resource.
DELETE - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - com.github.ambry.account.Container.ContainerStatus
deleteBlob(String, String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a blob to be deleted asynchronously and returns a future that will eventually contain information about whether the request succeeded or not.
deleteBlob(String, String, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a blob to be deleted asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the request completes.
Deleted - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Resource has been deleted or has expired.
destroyConnection(ConnectedChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPool
The connected channel that needs to be destroyed/disconnected after an error
disabledOnError() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
disableReplica(ReplicaId) - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
Disable given replica on current node (this will trigger LEADER -> STANDBY -> INACTIVE transition)
disconnect() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectedChannel
Disconnect remote host.
disconnect(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Begin disconnecting the connection identified by the given connection id
disconnected() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
The list of connections that finished disconnecting on the last poll() call.
DisconnectionFailure - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If disconnection process fails on specific replica.
Disk - com.github.ambry.router.OperationTrackerScope
DISK_BACKED - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaType
DISK_DOWN - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
Disk_Error - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
Disk is in bad state due to failures/errors.
DISK_MOUNT_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
DISK_NODE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
Disk_Ok - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
Disk responds in time and is proper functioning.
Disk_Unavailable - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
DiskId - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A DiskId stores ReplicaIds.
DiskManagerConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
DiskManagerConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.DiskManagerConfig
diskManagerEnableSegmentPooling - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.DiskManagerConfig
diskManagerRequiredSwapSegmentsPerSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.DiskManagerConfig
diskManagerReserveFileDirName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.DiskManagerConfig
The name of the folder where the reserve disk segment pool will be.
done(T, Exception) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
Mark this request as complete and unblock any threads waiting on its completion.
doPrefetch(int, long, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
Do data prefetch from store.
DOWN - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
dropCache() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreKeyConverter
Drops the cache reference used by StoreKeyConverter
DROPPED - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
End state of a replica that is decommissioned.
duplicate() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend


EmptyRequest - Class in com.github.ambry.server
The request class used to identify the end of the network communication
ENABLE_ADDED_CHANNEL_HANDLERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
ENABLE_AGGREGATED_MONTHLY_ACCOUNT_REPORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
ENABLE_SERVE_FROM_BACKUP - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
ENABLE_STORAGE_QUOTA_SERVICE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
ENABLE_UNDELETE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
enableReplica(ReplicaId) - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
Enable given replica on current node (this will trigger OFFLINE -> BOOTSTRAP -> STANDBY transition)
enableServeFromBackup - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
If true, HelixAccountService would load the account metadata from local backup file when fetching from helix fails.
enableStorageQuotaService - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Set to true to enable storage quota in frontend.
enableUndelete - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Set to true to enable undelete in frontend.
encrypt(ByteBuf, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoService
Encrypts the toEncrypt with the given key.
encrypt(ByteBuffer, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoService
Encrypts the toEncrypt with the given key.
ENCRYPTED_IN_STORAGE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Header that is set in the response of GetBlobInfo.
encryptKey(T, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoService
Returns the encrypted form of the key in bytes.
ensureRequiredHeadersOrThrow(RestRequest, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Ensures the required headers are present.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.Port
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
equals(Object) - Method in exception com.github.ambry.router.RouterException
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
error() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
The error thrown (generally on the server) while processing this request
ERROR - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
When replica behaves unexpectedly and Helix makes replica in this state.
expirationTimeInMs(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets expirationTime in ms of the MessageInfo to build.
EXPIRES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
EXTERNAL_ASSET_TAG - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
An externalAssetTag for this blob.


FAIL_IF_TTL_REQUIRED_BUT_NOT_PROVIDED_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
failIfTtlRequiredButNotProvided - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
File_Not_Found - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
FILE_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig
FILE_PATH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig
findEntriesSince(FindToken, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Finds all the entries from the store given a find token
FindInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.store
Contains the information from the store after a find operation.
FindInfo(List<MessageInfo>, FindToken) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.FindInfo
findKey(StoreKey) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Return MessageInfo of given key.
findMissingKeys(List<StoreKey>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Finds all the keys that are not present in the store from the input keys
FindToken - Interface in com.github.ambry.replication
The find token used to search entries in the store
FindTokenFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.replication
A factory interface to create the FindToken
FindTokenHelper - Class in com.github.ambry.replication
Helper class to get findtoken based on replica type or input stream.
FindTokenHelper() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenHelper
FindTokenHelper(StoreKeyFactory, ReplicationConfig) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenHelper
Create a FindTokenHelper object.
FindTokenType - Enum in com.github.ambry.replication
The type of replica token
Forbidden - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
403 - Request forbidden
FROM_START_OFFSET - com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange.ByteRangeType
If this range specifies a start offset to read from to the end of an object.
fromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Deserializes a JSONObject to an account object.
fromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.frontend.StitchRequestSerDe
fromJson(JSONObject, short) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Deserializes a JSONObject to a container object.
fromLastNBytes(long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
fromLastNBytes(long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRanges
Construct a range that represents the last N bytes of an object.
fromOffsetRange(long, long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
fromOffsetRange(long, long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRanges
Construct a range from a start offset to an end offset.
fromStartOffset(long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
fromStartOffset(long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRanges
Construct a range from a start offset to the end of an object.
FRONTEND_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.TrackingHeaders
Response header for the hostname of the responding frontend.
FrontendConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required by the Ambry frontend.
FrontendConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
FutureResult<T> - Class in com.github.ambry.router
A class that implements the future completion of a request.
FutureResult() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult


get() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
get(List<? extends StoreKey>, EnumSet<StoreGetOptions>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Returns the store info for the given ids
GET - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
GET_CLUSTER_MAP_SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
GET_OPTION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
optional in request; defines an option while getting the blob and is optional support in a RestRequestService.
GET_PEERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
GET_SIGNED_URL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
getAccountById(short) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Gets an Account by its id.
getAccountByName(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Gets an Account by its name.
getAccountFromArgs(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Extract the injected Account from a map of arguments.
getAccountId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getAccountId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getAccountService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the AccountService that the factory generates.
getAggregateIntervalInMinutes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.AmbryHealthReport
Get the cluster wide aggregate period for the health report in minutes.
getAllAccounts() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Gets all the Accounts in this AccountService.
getAllContainers() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Gets all the containers of this account in a Collection.
getAllDataNodeIds() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorCluster
Gets all nodes in the cluster.
getAllPartitionIds(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets a list of all partitions in the cluster.
getArgs() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Gets all the arguments passed as a part of the request.
getAssignedPartitionIds() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorCluster
Gets all PartitionIds assigned to current node.
getBlob(String, GetBlobOptions) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for blob (info, data, or both) asynchronously with user-set GetBlobOptions and returns a future that will eventually contain a GetBlobResult that can contain either the BlobInfo, the ReadableStreamChannel containing the blob data, or both.
getBlob(String, GetBlobOptions, Callback<GetBlobResult>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for the blob (info, data, or both) asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the request completes.
getBlobBytesReceived() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Gets the number of bytes read as part of the blob data at this point in time.
getBlobDataChannel() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobResult
getBlobId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
getBlobInfo() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobResult
GetBlobOptions - Class in com.github.ambry.router
Represents any options associated with a getBlob request when making a Router.getBlob(String, GetBlobOptions, Callback) call.
GetBlobOptions.OperationType - Enum in com.github.ambry.router
Describes the type of getBlob operation to perform.
GetBlobOptionsBuilder - Class in com.github.ambry.router
A builder for GetBlobOptions objects.
GetBlobOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
getBlobProperties() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo
GetBlobResult - Class in com.github.ambry.router
Represents the result of a getBlob operation.
GetBlobResult(BlobInfo, ReadableStreamChannel) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobResult
Construct a GetBlobResult.
getBlobSegmentIdx() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
getBlobSegmentIdx() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
getBlobSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read a boolean value from the properties instance
getBooleanHeader(Map<String, Object>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets the value of a header as a boolean.
getBootstrapReplica(String, DataNodeId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Attempt to get a bootstrap replica of certain partition that is supposed to be added onto specified data node.
getBytes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Serializes the ID of this PartitionId to bytes.
getBytesRead() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken
Returns the total bytes read so far until this token
getBytesReceived() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Gets the number of bytes read from the request body at this point in time.
getCapacityInBytes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets the capacity in bytes for this ReplicaId.
getChunkSizeInBytes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
getClusterMap() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterAgentsFactory
Construct and return the reference or return the reference to the previously constructed ClusterMap
getClusterName() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
getClusterParticipants() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterAgentsFactory
Construct and return the references or return the references to the previously constructed ClusterParticipant(s).
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkReceive
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
getContainer(String, String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Get an existing container from a given account.
getContainerById(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Gets the Container of this account with the specified container id.
getContainerByName(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Gets the Container of this account with the specified container name.
getContainerFromArgs(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Extract the injected Container from a map of arguments.
getContainerId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getContainerId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getContainerQuota() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaSource
Return the storage quota of each container.
getContainersByStatus(Container.ContainerStatus) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Gets a collection of Containers in the given status.
getContainerStorageUsage() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageUsageRefresher
Return the current storage usage for each container.
getContentType() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getContentTypeWhitelistForFilenamesOnDownload() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
getConverted(StoreKey) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreKeyConverter
Returns converted storeKey.
getCorrelationId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.SendWithCorrelationId
getCrc() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getCreationTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getCriteria(PerformanceIndex) - Method in class com.github.ambry.commons.Thresholds
Get the Criteria associated with the specified PerformanceIndex
getCryptoService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.CryptoServiceFactory
Instantiates and returns the CryptoService
getCurrentDataNodeId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorCluster
Gets DataNodeId representation of current node.
getCurrentJsonVersion() - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
getCurrentState() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
getDatacenterName() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Gets the DataNodeId's datacenter
getDatacenterName(byte) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets the name of the datacenter from the ID.
getDataNode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
getDataNodeId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DiskId
Gets the data node of this disk.
getDataNodeId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets the DataNodeId that stores this ReplicaId.
getDataNodeId(String, int) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets a specific DataNodeId by its hostname and port.
getDataNodeIds() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets the DataNodeIds for all nodes in the cluster.
getDeleteTriggerTime() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the delete trigger time of the container.
getDescription() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the description of the container.
getDigest() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Gets the digest as specified by the digest algorithm set through RestRequest.setDigestAlgorithm(String).
getDisabledReplicas() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Get a list of replicas that have been disabled.
getDiskId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets the DiskId that stores this ReplicaId
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Get a required argument as a double
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Get an optional argument as a double
getDoubleInRange(String, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getEndOffset() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
getEndPositionOfLastPut() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
getEndTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.TimeRange
getEnum(String, Class<E>, E) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getError() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.router.RouterException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.store.StoreException
getException() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.TransformationOutput
getExpirationTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
getExpirationTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getExternalAssetTag() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getFindToken() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.FindInfo
getFindToken(DataInputStream) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenFactory
The find token created using the input stream provided
getFindTokenFactoryFromReplicaType(ReplicaType) - Method in class com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenHelper
Get FindTokenFactory object based on ReplicaType
getGetOption() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
getGetOption(RestRequest, GetOption) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets the GetOption required by the request.
getHardDeleteChannel() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.HardDeleteInfo
getHardDeletedMessageSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.HardDeleteInfo
getHardDeleteMessages(MessageReadSet, StoreKeyFactory, List<byte[]>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageStoreHardDelete
Returns an iterator over the HardDeleteInfo of the messages in the readSet.
getHeader() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsWrapper
getHeader(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Gets the current value of the header with headerName.
getHeader(Map<String, ?>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets the value of the header header in args.
getHost() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
getHostname() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Gets the hostname of this DataNodeId.
getHttp2Port() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Gets the DataNodeId's HTTP2 connection port number.
getId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
getId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the id of the container.
getID() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
Get the key in String form
getIdConverter() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.IdConverterFactory
Returns an instance of the IdConverter that the factory generates.
getIdSigningService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.IdSigningServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the IdSigningService that the factory generates.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ChannelOutput
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkRequest
The request as an input stream is returned to the caller
getInputStream() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.EmptyRequest
getInstance() - Static method in class com.github.ambry.server.EmptyRequest
getInt(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read a required integer property value or throw an exception if no such property is found
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read an integer from the properties instance
getInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getIntInRange(String, int, int) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getIntInRange(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read an integer from the properties instance.
getKey(short, short) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.KeyManagementService
Fetches the key associated with the pair of AccountId and ContainerId.
getKey(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.KeyManagementService
Fetches the key associated with the specified context.
getKeyAt(int) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
Returns the key of the ith message
getKeyManagementService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.KeyManagementServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the KeyManagementService that the factory generates.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Get the created/modified time of this Account
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Get the created/modified time of this Container
getLastNBytes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
getLifeVersion() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo
getLifeVersion() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.store.IdUndeletedStoreException
getLifeVersion() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getLocalDatacenterId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets the id of the local datacenter.
getLocalPartitions() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Get all partitions that are managed by StoreManager on local node.
getLong(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read a required long property value or throw an exception if no such property is found
getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read an long from the properties instance
getLongForm() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
Get a long form of the key for printing.
getLongHeader(Map<String, ?>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets the value of a header as a Long
getLongInRange(String, long, long, long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read an long from the properties instance.
getMaxUploadSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
getMessageEntries() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.FindInfo
getMessageInfo() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.Message
getMessageReadSet() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreInfo
getMessageReadSetInfo() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreInfo
getMessageSetInfo() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageWriteSet
Returns info about the messages contained in this write set.
getMetricRegistry() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets the MetricRegistry that other users of the ClusterMap ought to use for metrics.
getMetricsTracker() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Gets the RestRequestMetricsTracker instance attached to this RestRequest.
getMountPath() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DiskId
Gets the absolute path to the mounted device
getMountPath() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets the absolute path to the mounted device that stores this ReplicaId.
getMsg() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.TransformationOutput
getName() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
getName() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the name of the container.
getNetworkClient() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClientFactory
Construct and return a new NetworkClient
getNewFindToken() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenFactory
Provides a new token to bootstrap the find operation
getNewInstance(SSLConfig) - Static method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory
Instantiate SSLFactory based on the provided config.
getNioServer() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.NioServerFactory
Returns an instance of the NioServer that the factory generates.
getNumericalHeader(Map<String, ?>, String, boolean, Function<String, T>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets the value of a header as a Number, using the provided converter function to parse the string.
getOperationOrBlobId(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
getOperationTimeMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getOperationType() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
getOption(GetOption) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
GetOption - Enum in com.github.ambry.protocol
The list of options for the Get request.
getOwnerId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getParentAccountId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the if of the Account that owns this container.
getPartitionClass() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
getPartitionId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets the PartitionId of which this ReplicaId is a member.
getPartitionIdFromStream(InputStream) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets PartitionId based on serialized bytes.
getPartitionState() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Gets the state of this PartitionId.
getPartitionStateChangeListeners() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
getPath() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Return the path (the parts of the URI after the domain excluding query parameters).
getPathAfterPrefixes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
For use cases that only require prefixes to be removed from a request path but do not need special handling for blob IDs and sub-resources.
getPayload() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkResponse
Provides the send object that can be sent over the network
getPayload() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
getPeerReplicaIds() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets list of this ReplicaId's peers.
getPort() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Gets the DataNodeId's connection port number.
getPort() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.Port
getPort() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
getPortToConnectTo() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Returns the Port of this node to connect to.
getPortType() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.Port
getPrefetchedData(int) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
Return prefetched data at given index.
getPrefix() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getRackId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Get the DataNodeId's server rack ID.
getRandomKey() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.KeyManagementService
Generate and return a random key (of type T)
getRandomWritablePartition(String, List<PartitionId>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Get a writable partition chosen at random that belongs to given partitionclass.
getRange() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
getRangeSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
getRawCapacityInBytes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DiskId
Gets the raw capacity in bytes for this DiskId.
getReceivedBytes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkReceive
getReceiveStartTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkReceive
getRecentHealthReport() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.AmbryHealthReport
Get the most recent health report in the form of a Map.
getRecoveryInfo() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.HardDeleteInfo
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectedChannel
Gets the remote host that this channel is connected to
getRemotePort() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectedChannel
Gets the remote port that this channel is connected to
getRemoteReplicaLagFromLocalInBytes(PartitionId, String, String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationAPI
Gets the replica lag of the remote replica with the local store
getReplica(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Get replicaId on current node by partition name.
getReplicaId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
getReplicaIds() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Gets Replicas that comprise this PartitionId.
getReplicaIds(DataNodeId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets the ReplicaIds stored on the specified DataNodeId.
getReplicaIdsByState(ReplicaState, String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Gets Replicas from specified datacenter that are in required state.
getReplicaPath() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Gets the absolute path to the directory in which this ReplicaId's files are stored on this DataNodeId.
getReplicaSyncUpManager() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Gets the ReplicaSyncUpManager object.
getReplicationPolicy() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
getReplicaType() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
getReportName() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.AmbryHealthReport
Get the name of the health report.
getRequest() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkResponse
The original request object that this response maps to
getRequest() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
getRequestInfo() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
getRequestPath(RestRequest) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Extract the RequestPath object from RestRequest arguments.
getRequestResponseChannel() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkServer
Provides the request response channel used by this network server
getResourceId() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Resource
getResourceId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
getResourceName() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
getResourceStatePolicy() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicyFactory
getResourceType() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Resource
getResourceType() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
getResponseStatus(RestServiceErrorCode) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
Gets the ResponseStatus that corresponds to the restServiceErrorCode.
getRestMethod() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Gets the generic RestMethod that this request desires.
getRestRequestContext() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
getRestRequestHandler() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestResponseHandlerFactory
Returns an instance of the RestRequestHandler that the factory generates.
getRestRequestService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the RestRequestService that the factory generates.
getRestResponseHandler() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestResponseHandlerFactory
Returns an instance of the RestResponseHandler that the factory generates.
getRestServiceErrorCode(AccountServiceErrorCode) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Gets the RestServiceErrorCode that corresponds to the accountServiceErrorCode.
getRestServiceErrorCode(RouterErrorCode) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Gets the RestServiceErrorCode that corresponds to the routerErrorCode.
getRoundTripTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
getRouter() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.RouterFactory
Returns an instance of the Router that the factory generates.
getSealedReplicas() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Get a list of replicas that are marked as sealed (read-only).
getSealedReplicas() - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
getSecurityService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the SecurityService that the factory generates.
getSendCreateTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
getSendStartTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
getServerSecurityService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.ServerSecurityServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the ServerSecurityService that the factory generates.
getServiceId() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
ServiceId of the uploader of the blob
getShort(String, Short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getShortFromAllowedValues(String, Short, Short[]) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Read a short from the properties instance.
getShortInRange(String, Short, Short, Short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
getSignedId(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.IdSigningService
Get a signed ID based on the input blob ID and provided metadata.
getSignedUrl(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.UrlSigningService
Gets a signed URL as described by restRequest.
getSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobOutput
getSize() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel
Return the size of stream that is available on this channel.
getSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Get size of message in bytes
getSizeInBytes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Returns the size of the store in bytes
getSnapshot() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
getSnapshot() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.Resource
getSnapshot() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsWrapper
getSnapshotVersion() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
The snapshot version is generally the number of modifications to the account that were expected to have occurred before the current time.
getSnapshotVersion() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The snapshot version is generally the number of modifications to the container that were expected to have occurred before the current time.
getSSLContext() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory
Returns a configured SSLContext.
getSSLPort() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Gets the DataNodeId's SSL connection port number.
getSSLSession() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
If this request was over HTTPS, gets the SSLSession associated with the request.
getStartOffset() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
getStartOffsetInMessage() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.HardDeleteInfo
getStartTimeInMs() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkRequest
Gets the start time in ms when this request started
getStartTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.EmptyRequest
getStartTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.TimeRange
getState() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Gets the state of the DataNodeId.
getState() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DiskId
Gets the state of the DiskId.
getStatsFieldName() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.AmbryHealthReport
Get the field name (accessor) to fetch stats in the health report.
getStatsReportType() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.AmbryHealthReport
Get the type of stats report specified in this health report.
getStatsSnapshots(Set<StatsReportType>, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreStats
Fetches specified types of stats for corresponding Store as a map whose key is StatsReportType and value is StatsSnapshot.
getStatus() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
getStatus() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the status of the container.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Gets the current ResponseStatus.
getStatusCode() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
getStoppedReplicas() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Get a list of replicas that are marked as stopped.
getStoppedReplicas() - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
getStorageQuotaService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaServiceFactory
Return an instance of StorageQuotaService that the factory generates.
getStore(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
getStore(Properties) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreFactory
Returns the store after creating the store instance with the given properties
getStoreKey() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
getStoreKey(DataInputStream) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreKeyFactory
The store key created using the stream provided
getStoreKey(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreKeyFactory
The store key created using the input provided
getStoreKeyConverter() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreKeyConverterFactory
Returns an instance of the StoreKeyConverter that the factory generates.
getStoreStats() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Get the corresponding StoreStats instance for this store.
getStream() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobOutput
getStream() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.Message
getStreamHeaderFrameReceiveTime() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
getStreamSendTime() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
getStreamSize() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ChannelOutput
getString(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Get a string property or throw and exception if no such property is defined.
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
Get a string property, or, if no such property is defined, return the given default value
getSubMap() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
getSubResource() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
getThresholdValue() - Method in class com.github.ambry.commons.Criteria
getTimeFromDateString(String) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Fetch time in ms for the dateString passed in, since epoch
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader
getTimeToFirstByteInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
getTimeToLiveInSeconds() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
getType() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken
Returns the type of FindToken
getType() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
getUnreachableStores() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader
getUri() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Return the request URI.
getUrlSigningService() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.UrlSigningServiceFactory
Returns an instance of the UrlSigningService that the factory generates.
getUserMetadata() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo
getUuidBytesArray() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
The byte version of UUID for this key
getValidSize(TimeRange) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.StoreStats
Gets the size of valid data at a particular point in time.
getValue() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
getVersion() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken
Returns the version of the FindToken
getVirtualReplicatorCluster() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorClusterFactory
getWritablePartitionIds(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Gets a list of partitions that are available for writes.
getXid() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Get the xid associated with this node.
Gone - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
410 Gone - Resource has been deleted or has expired.


handleAdminRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Handles an administration request.
handleDelete(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Handles a DELETE operation.
handleDeleteRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Deletes the blob from the store.
handleGet(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Handles a GET operation.
handleGetRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Gets blob property, user metadata or the blob from the specified partition.
handleHead(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Handles a HEAD operation.
handleOptions(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Handles an OPTIONS request.
handlePost(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Handles a POST operation.
handlePut(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Handles a PUT operation.
handlePutRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Puts a blob into the store.
handleReplicaMetadataRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Gets the metadata required for replication.
handleRequest(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestHandler
Submit a request for handling along with a channel on which a response to the request may be sent.
handleRequests(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Handle a request.
handleResponse(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel, ReadableStreamChannel, Exception) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseHandler
Submit a response for a request along with a channel over which the response can be sent.
handleTtlUpdateRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Updates the TTL of a blob as required in request.
handleUndeleteRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.protocol.RequestAPI
Undelete the blob from the store.
HardDeleteInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.store
A class that contains information about a hard delete message.
HardDeleteInfo(ReadableByteChannel, long, long, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.HardDeleteInfo
HardwareState - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The states that a hardware component may be in.
hasAccess(P, AclService.Resource, AclService.Operation) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AclService
Makes a resource access decision.
hasBlobSegmentIdx() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
hasDatacenter(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Checks if datacenter name corresponds to some datacenter in this cluster map's hardware layout.
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.Port
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
hasHttp2Port() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Returns true if HTTP2 port exists for the DataNodeId.
hasSSLPort() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Returns true if SSL port exists for the DataNodeId.
HEAD - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
Headers() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
HELIX_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
The id for to save account metadata in ambry.
HELIX_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
HELIX_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The id for HelixAccountService to store Account metadata.
HELIX_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
HELIX_PROPERTY_ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
HELIX_PROPERTY_STORE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
HELIX_ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
HELIX_ZK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
HELIX_ZK_CLIENT_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
HelixAccountServiceConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
HelixAccountServiceConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
helixPropertyRootPath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
The root path of helix property store in ZooKeeper for HelixStorageUsageRefresher.
HelixPropertyStoreConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The config that is needed to operate a HelixPropertyStore.
HelixPropertyStoreConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
HelixUpdateFailure - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If updating cluster info in Helix fails at some point for specific replica.
HOST_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
hostName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
Hostname of server.
HTTP_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
HTTP2 - com.github.ambry.network.PortType
HTTP2_BLOCKING_CHANNEL_ACQUIRE_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_BLOCKING_CHANNEL_POOL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_BLOCKING_CHANNEL_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_BLOCKING_CHANNEL_SEND_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_DROP_REQUEST_ON_WRITE_AND_FLUSH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_FRAME_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_PER_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_MIN_CONNECTION_PER_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_NETTY_EVENT_LOOP_GROUP_THREADS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP2_WRITE_AND_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
http2BlockingChannelAcquireTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Maximum time allowed for acquire a stream channel from http2 connection.
http2BlockingChannelPoolShutdownTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Maximum waiting time for shutting down Http2BlockingChannelPool and its EventLoopGroup.
http2BlockingChannelReceiveTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Maximum waiting time for receiving a response.
http2BlockingChannelSendTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Maximum time allowed for netty write and flush a request.
Http2ClientConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for HTTP/2 Client
Http2ClientConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
http2DropRequestOnWriteAndFlushTimeout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Drop request if waiting time longer than http2WriteAndFlushTimeoutMs.
http2FrameMaxSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
The maximum allowed http2 frame size.
http2InitialWindowSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
The initial window size used in http streams.
http2MaxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Maximum concurrent number of streams allowed per HTTP/2 connection.
http2MaxContentLength - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Maximum content length for a full HTTP/2 content.
http2MinConnectionPerPort - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Minimum number of http2 connection per port we want to keep.
http2NettyEventLoopGroupThreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Number of threads in a Netty event loop group.
http2WriteAndFlushTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
Show warn message if waiting time longer than this threshold.


id(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Sets the id of the Account to build.
ID_Deleted - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
ID_Deleted_Permanently - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
ID_Not_Deleted - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
ID_Not_Found - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
ID_Undeleted - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
IdConverter - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
This is a service that can be used to convert IDs across different formats.
idConverterFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The IdConverterFactory that needs to be used by FrontendRestRequestService to convert IDs.
IdConverterFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
IdConverterFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a IdConverter.
IdConverterServiceError - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Indicates that IdConverter encountered some exception during ID conversion
idleConnectionTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
HTTP/2 connection idle time before we close it.
IdSigningService - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
Responsible for providing and verifying blob IDs that are signed with some additional metadata.
idSigningServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
IdSigningServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
IdSigningServiceFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a IdSigningService.
IdUndeletedStoreException - Exception in com.github.ambry.store
This is a dedicated exception for StoreErrorCodes.ID_Undeleted.
IdUndeletedStoreException(String, short) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.store.IdUndeletedStoreException
Constructor to create a IdUndeletedStoreException.
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Header to be set by the clients during a Get blob call to denote, that blob should be served only if the blob has been modified after the value set for this header.
Illegal_Index_Operation - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Illegal_Index_State - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
IMPLEMENTATION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
IN_DIRECT_MEM - com.github.ambry.store.IndexMemState
Index should be in direct (off-heap) memory.
IN_HEAP_MEM - com.github.ambry.store.IndexMemState
Index should be in heap memory.
INACTIVE - com.github.ambry.account.Account.AccountStatus
INACTIVE - com.github.ambry.account.Container.ContainerStatus
INACTIVE - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
Inactive is an intermediate state between OFFLINE and STANDBY.
Include_All - com.github.ambry.protocol.GetOption
Indicates that the blob should be returned regardless of whether it is deleted or expired
Include_Deleted_Blobs - com.github.ambry.protocol.GetOption
Indicates that the blob should be returned even if it is deleted
Include_Expired_Blobs - com.github.ambry.protocol.GetOption
Indicates that the blob should be returned even if it is expired
Index_Creation_Failure - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Index_Version_Error - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
IndexBased - com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenType
IndexMemState - Enum in com.github.ambry.store
Values for different ways in which the index of a Store can be maintained.
initialDelayUpperBoundInSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StatsManagerConfig
The upper bound for the initial delay in seconds before the first stats collection is triggered.
Initialization_Error - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
initiateBootstrap(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Initiate bootstrap process if the replica is newly added and needs to catch up with peer ones.
initiateDeactivation(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Initiate deactivation process if the replica should become INACTIVE from STANDBY on current node.
initiateDisconnection(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Initiate disconnection process to stop replica and make it offline.
initStorageQuota(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaEnforcer
Initialize the storage quota in StorageQuotaSource.
initStorageUsage(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaEnforcer
Initialize the storage usage in StorageQuotaEnforcer.
injectContainerMetrics(ContainerMetrics) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
injectMetrics(RestRequestMetrics) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
Injects a RestRequestMetrics that can be used to track the metrics of the RestRequest that this instance of RestRequestMetricsTracker is attached to.
INSTANCE_CONFIG - com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
InsufficientCapacity - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
507 - Insufficient capacity to complete the request.
InsufficientCapacity - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
There is insufficient capacity to service the request.
InsufficientCapacity - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Insufficient capacity available in Ambry for object to be stored.
InternalError - com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
Account service experienced an internal error.
InternalKeys() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
InternalServerError - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
500 - Internal server failure resulted in request not being honored.
InternalServerError - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Generic InternalServerError that is a result of problems on the server side that is not caused by the client and there is nothing that a client can do about it.
InvalidAccount - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
The account is not valid.
InvalidArgs - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Client has sent arguments (whether in the URI or in the headers) that are not in the format that is expected or if the number of values for an argument expected by the server does not match what the client sent.
InvalidBlobId - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Caller passed in an invalid blob id and so operation could not be attempted.
InvalidContainer - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
The container is not valid.
InvalidPutArgument - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
InvalidRequestState - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Client has sent request content without sending request metadata first or has sent content when no content was expected (for e.g.
IO_Error - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
IOError - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
isAccountContainerMatch(short, short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
isBackupEnabled() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
isBootstrapInProgress() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
isCacheable() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
isCancelled() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
isChunkUpload() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
isChunkUpload(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Determine if RestUtils.Headers.CHUNK_UPLOAD is set in the request args.
isClientError() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
isDecommissionInProgress() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
isDeleted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
isDeleted(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets isDeleted flag of the MessageInfo to build.
isDone() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
isDown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Returns true if the replica is down
isDown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicy
Checks to see if the state is down (soft or hard).
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
isEncrypted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
isEncrypted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
isEqual(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Compares the PartitionId to a string representation of another PartitionId
isExpired() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
isHardDown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicy
Checks to see if the state is permanently down.
isIdSigned(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.IdSigningService
Implementations of this method should transparently handle any valid ID prefixes or suffixes (leading slashes, etc.) that may be added by an IdConverter.
isInstanceConfigAware() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
isKeyDeleted(StoreKey) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Checks if the key is deleted.
isMediaScanDisabled() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
isOpen() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Check whether the selector is open.
isPrivate() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
isPrivate(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Gets the isPrivate setting from the args.
isPropertyStoreAware() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
isRawMode() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
isReadComplete() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedNettyByteBufReceive
isReadComplete() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Receive
Indicates if the read has been completed
isRedirection() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
isRequestSigned(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.UrlSigningService
isSatisfied() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
Return whether the rest request is satisfied or not.
isSealed() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
isSecurePathRequired() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
isSendComplete() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
isSendComplete() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Send
Returns true if the all data has been written
isServerError() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
isSslUsed() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
isStarted() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
isSuccess() - Method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
isSyncUpComplete(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Whether given replica has synced up with its peers.
isTtlRequired() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
isTtlUpdated() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
isTtlUpdated(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets isTtlUpdated flag of the MessageInfo to build.
isUndeleted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
isUndeleted(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets isUndeleted flag of the MessageInfo to build.


JournalBased - com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenType
JSON_ACCOUNT_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig
Prefix used for all configuration options of the JSON account service.
JSON_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
JSON_VERSION_1 - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
JSON_VERSION_2 - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
JsonAccountConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Config for JsonAccountService.
JsonAccountConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig
jsonAccountFilePath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig


KEEP_ALIVE_ON_ERROR_HINT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
To be set if the operation knows the keep-alive behavior it prefers on error.
KeyManagementService<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
Interface that defines the Key management service.
KeyManagementServiceFactory<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
KeyManagementServiceFactory is a factory to instantiate a KeyManagementService.
KMS_SERVICE_KEY_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
KMSConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required by a KeyManagementService.
KMSConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.KMSConfig
kmsKeyGenAlgo - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.KMSConfig
The Key gen algorithm that is compatible with the key Ensure this algo goes hand in hand with CryptoService implementation
kmsRandomKeySizeInBits - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.KMSConfig
The key size that the KMS will populate for random key generations
kmsServiceKeyContext - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The kms service factory class name.


LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
LAST_N_BYTES - com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange.ByteRangeType
If this range specifies the number of bytes to read from the end of an object.
lastModifiedTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Sets the created/modified time of the Account to build.
LEADER - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
The state in which replica is fully functioning.
LEADER_BASED - com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationModelType
LIFE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
The lifeVersion of the blob.
Life_Version_Conflict - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
LIFE_VERSION_FROM_FRONTEND - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
lifeVersion(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets the lifeVersion of the MessageInfo to build.
LifeVersionConflict - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
LifeVersions from two responses are different.
LIVENESS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
LOCATION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
LowerBound - com.github.ambry.commons.Criteria.BoundType


MalformedRequest - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Client has sent a request that cannot be decoded using the REST protocol (usually HTTP).
markDiskDown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Marks the disk as down if all stores on disk are unavailable.
markDiskUp() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaId
Marks the disk as up if at least one store on disk is available.
markFailure() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
Marks that the request is failed so that metrics can be tracked.
markFirstByteSent() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker
Marks the time at which the first byte of the response is sent.
markRequestCompleted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker
Marks the time at which request was completed so that request RTT can be calculated.
markRequestCompleted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
Marks the time at which request was completed so that request RTT can be calculated.
markRequestReceived() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker
Marks the time at which the request was received.
markRequestReceived() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
Marks the time at which the request was received.
markStopped(List<ReplicaId>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
Sets a list of replicaIds to stopped status
markUnsatisfied() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
Marks that the request is unsatisfied so that metrics can be tracked.
matchesOperation(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
This will check if the request path matches the specified operation.
MAX_ACCEPTABLE_TTL_SECS_IF_TTL_REQUIRED_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
MAX_BACKUP_FILE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
MAX_JSON_REQUEST_SIZE_BYTES_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
MAX_RETRY_COUNT_ON_UPDATE_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
The maximum size of the blob that can be uploaded using the URL.
maxAcceptableTtlSecsIfTtlRequired - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
maxBackupFileCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
The maximum number of local backup files kept in disk.
maxBackupFileCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
The maximum number of local backup files kept in disk.
maxJsonRequestSizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The maximum size in bytes for the JSON body of a "POST /stitch" request.
maxRetryCountOnUpdateFailure - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
The number of retry times when the update accounts fails by marking delete_in_progress container status to inactive;
maxUploadSize(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptionsBuilder
maySetSendStartTimeInMs() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
Message - Class in com.github.ambry.store
Representation of a message in the store.
Message(MessageInfo, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.Message
MessageFormatFlags - Enum in com.github.ambry.messageformat
Set of flags used to identify different types of messages
MessageInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.store
A message info class that contains basic info about a message
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, boolean, boolean, boolean, long, Long, short, short, long, short) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, boolean, boolean, boolean, short, short, long, short) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, boolean, boolean, long, short, short, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, boolean, boolean, long, Long, short, short, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, boolean, boolean, short, short, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, long, short, short, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, short, short, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo(StoreKey, long, short, short, long, short) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
MessageInfo.Builder - Class in com.github.ambry.store
A builder class for MessageInfo.
MessageReadSet - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
This represents a list of messages from a given store.
MessageStoreHardDelete - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
The component used by the store to hard delete entries in the log.
MessageStoreRecovery - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
The recovery component used by the store to recover the index from the log.
MessageWriteSet - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
The message set that needs to be written to a write interface
MetadataBlob - com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobType
MethodNotAllowed - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
405 Method Not Allowed - Method in request is not allowed on the resource
MissingArgs - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Client has sent a request that is missing some arguments (whether in the URI or in the headers) necessary to service the request.
MMAP_WITH_FORCE_LOAD - com.github.ambry.store.IndexMemState
Index should be mmap-ed and force loaded into memory.
MMAP_WITHOUT_FORCE_LOAD - com.github.ambry.store.IndexMemState
Index should be read from an mmap-ed file, but not forced to reside in memory.
MultipartPost() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.MultipartPost
MYSQL_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
MySqlAccountServiceConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configs for MySqlAccountService
MySqlAccountServiceConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig


name(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Sets the name of the Account to build.
NETTY_METRICS_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_METRICS_STOP_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_MULTIPART_POST_MAX_SIZE_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
NETTY_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
NETTY_SERVER_BLACKLISTED_QUERY_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_BOSS_THREAD_COUNT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_CLOSE_DELAY_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_ENABLE_SSL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_IDLE_TIME_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_MAX_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_MAX_INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_REQUEST_BUFFER_WATERMARK - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_SO_BACKLOG - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_SSL_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
NETTY_SERVER_WORKER_THREAD_COUNT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
nettyBlacklistedQueryParams - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
A comma separated list of query parameters that should not be honored when forwarded to the RestRequestService layer.
NettyConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required by Netty.
NettyConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
nettyMetricsRefreshIntervalSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The interval to update netty metrics in the collecting thread.
nettyMetricsStopWaitTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The duration to wait for netty metrics collector to stop before forcelly shutting it down.
nettyMultipartPostMaxSizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The threshold (in bytes) for POSTs via multipart/form-data.
nettyReceiveBufferSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
The socket receive buffer size for netty http2 channel.
nettySendBufferSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.Http2ClientConfig
The socket send buffer size for netty http2 channel.
nettyServerBossThreadCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
Number of netty boss threads.
nettyServerCloseDelayTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The duration to wait for before closing the netty channel in case of failures.
nettyServerEnableSSL - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
Enable the netty server SSL port.
nettyServerIdleTimeSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The amount of time a channel is allowed to be idle before it's closed.
nettyServerMaxChunkSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The maximum size of a chunk that is prepared for processing (in bytes).
nettyServerMaxHeaderSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The maximum size of a header in a request (in bytes).
nettyServerMaxInitialLineLength - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The maximum length of the initial line in a request (in bytes).
nettyServerPort - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
Port on which to run netty server for plaintext connections.
nettyServerRequestBufferWatermark - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
The threshold of the size of buffered data at which reading from a client channel will be suspended.
nettyServerSoBacklog - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
Socket backlog size.
nettyServerSslFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
If set, use this implementation of SSLFactory to use for the netty HTTP server.
nettyServerSSLPort - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
Port on which to run netty server for SSL connections.
nettyServerWorkerThreadCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
Number of netty worker threads.
NETWORK_CLIENT_ENABLE_CONNECTION_REPLENISHMENT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
NETWORK_CLIENT_MAX_REPLENISHMENT_PER_HOST_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
NetworkClient - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
A NetworkClient provides a method for sending a list of requests to one or more destinations, and receiving responses for sent requests.
networkClientEnableConnectionReplenishment - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
Whether the client should attempt to replenish connections when the number of connections to a host drops below a minimum number of active connections.
NetworkClientErrorCode - Enum in com.github.ambry.network
Errors that can be received from the NetworkClient.
NetworkClientFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
A factory class used to get new instances of a NetworkClient
networkClientMaxReplenishmentPerHostPerSecond - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The max number of new connections to a remote host that should be created per second when replenishing connections.
NetworkConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for network layer
NetworkConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
NetworkError - com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClientErrorCode
A network error was encountered.
NetworkReceive - Class in com.github.ambry.network
Contains the information about the initial send and the response bytes from the destination
NetworkReceive(String, BoundedNettyByteBufReceive, Time) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkReceive
NetworkRequest - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
Simple request
NetworkResponse - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
Simple response
NetworkSend - Class in com.github.ambry.network
Contains the destination information and bytes to send
NetworkSend(String, Send, ServerNetworkResponseMetrics, Time) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
NetworkSend(String, Send, ServerNetworkResponseMetrics, Time, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
NetworkServer - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
Basic network server used to accept / send request and responses
nioMetricsTracker - Variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
NIO related metrics tracker instance.
NioMetricsTracker() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker
NioServer - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
Represents a NIO (non blocking I/O) server.
NioServerFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
NioServerFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a NioServer.
NO_BLOB_SEGMENT_IDX_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
No_Error - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
NODE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
Node_Response - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
Node is up and responds in time.
Node_Timeout - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
Node fails to respond before timeout and connection is lost.
NON_COMPLIANCE_WARNING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Response header indicating the reason a request is non compliant.
NON_SUCCESS_REST_REQUEST_TOTAL_TIME_THRESHOLD_STR - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
None - com.github.ambry.protocol.GetOption
This is the default.
nonSuccessRequestThresholds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
NotAllowed - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Action not allowed
NotFound - com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
Account or container is not found in underlying metadata store.
NotFound - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
404 Not Found - Resource was not found.
NotFound - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Resource was not found.
NotificationBlobType - Enum in com.github.ambry.notification
Denotes the type of blob created.
NotificationSystem - Interface in com.github.ambry.notification
A pluggable notification interface that is used to notify any external system about the server operations.
Notifier<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.commons
A Notifier is a hub that dispatches messages of various topics to TopicListeners.
NotModified - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
304 Not Modified
NUM_IO_THREADS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
numIoThreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The number of io threads that the server uses for carrying out network requests


OFFLINE - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
Initial state of replica when starting up.
OFFSET_RANGE - com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange.ByteRangeType
If this range specifies a start and end offset to read between.
Ok - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
200 OK - Resource found and all good.
OLD_STATE_MODEL_DEF - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ClusterMapConfig
onBlobCreated(String, BlobProperties, Account, Container, NotificationBlobType) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when a new blob is created
onBlobDeleted(String, String, Account, Container) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when an existing blob is deleted
onBlobReplicaCreated(String, int, String, BlobReplicaSourceType) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when a blob is replicated to a node
onBlobReplicaDeleted(String, int, String, BlobReplicaSourceType) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when a deleted state of a blob is replicated to a node
onBlobReplicaUndeleted(String, int, String, BlobReplicaSourceType) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when a undeleted state of a blob is replicated to a node.
onBlobReplicaUpdated(String, int, String, BlobReplicaSourceType, UpdateType, MessageInfo) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when a updated state of a blob is replicated to a node
onBlobTtlUpdated(String, String, long, Account, Container) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when the ttl of an existing blob is updated
onBlobUndeleted(String, String, Account, Container) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationSystem
Notifies the underlying system when the blob is undeleted.
onBootstrapComplete(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Bootstrap on given replica is complete.
onBootstrapError(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
When exception/error occurs during bootstrap.
onCompletion(StatsSnapshot, Exception) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceCallback
When the aggregation report has been generated successfully, this method will be invoked and associated AccountService will select container which valid data size equals to zero from DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Container set and mark it INACTIVE in zookeeper.
onCompletion(T, Exception) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.Callback
The callback method that the user can implement to do asynchronous handling of the response.
onDeactivationComplete(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Deactivation on given replica is complete.
onDeactivationError(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
When exception/error occurs during deactivation.
onDisconnectionComplete(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
When disconnection completes on given replica and then it becomes offline.
onDisconnectionError(ReplicaId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
When exception/error occurs during disconnection.
onError() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicy
Should be called by the caller every time an error is encountered for the corresponding resource.
onHardDown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicy
Should be called if the caller knows outside of the policy that the resource has gone down.
onHardUp() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicy
Should be called if the caller knows outside of the policy that the resource is up.
onMessage(String, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.TopicListener
After the TopicListener has subscribed the topic, this method will be called when there is a new message for the topic.
onNewContainerStorageQuota(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaSource.Listener
onNewContainerStorageUsage(Map<String, Map<String, Long>>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageUsageRefresher.Listener
onPartitionAdded(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorClusterListener
Action to take when new Partition is added.
onPartitionBecomeBootstrapFromOffline(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes bootstrap from offline.
onPartitionBecomeDroppedFromError(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes dropped from error.
onPartitionBecomeDroppedFromOffline(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes dropped from offline.
onPartitionBecomeInactiveFromStandby(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes inactive from standby.
onPartitionBecomeLeaderFromStandby(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take on becoming leader of a partition.
onPartitionBecomeOfflineFromError(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes offline from error.
onPartitionBecomeOfflineFromInactive(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes offline from inactive.
onPartitionBecomeStandbyFromBootstrap(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when partition becomes standby from bootstrap.
onPartitionBecomeStandbyFromLeader(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take on being removed as leader of a partition.
onPartitionRemoved(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorClusterListener
Action to take when new Partition is removed.
onReplicaAddedOrRemoved(List<ReplicaId>, List<ReplicaId>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapChangeListener
Take actions when replicas are added or removed on local node.
onReplicaEvent(ReplicaId, ReplicaEventType) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Performs the required action for a replica related event.
onReset(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionStateChangeListener
Action to take when reset method is called on certain partition.
onResponseComplete(Exception) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Notifies that response handling for the request is complete (whether the request succeeded or not) and tasks that need to be done after handling of a response is complete can proceed (e.g.
onRoutingTableChange() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapChangeListener
Take actions when there is a routing table update.
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ResourceStatePolicy
May be called by the caller when the resource is responsive.
Operations - Class in com.github.ambry.frontend
Defines all the operations that are expressed as a part of the URI
Operations() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
OperationTimedOut - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Operation did not complete within specified time out.
operationTimeMs(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets the operationTime in ms of the MessageInfo to build.
OperationTrackerScope - Enum in com.github.ambry.router
The metric scope adopted by operation tracker.
operationType(GetBlobOptions.OperationType) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
OPTIONS - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
optionsAllowMethods - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Value of "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" in response headers for OPTIONS requests.
optionsValiditySeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Value of "Access-Control-Max-Age" in response headers for OPTIONS requests.
outputFilePath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StatsManagerConfig
The file path (including filename) to be used for publishing the stats.
OWNER_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
optional in request; string; default unset; member id.


parse(RestRequest, List<String>, String) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
Parse the request path (and additional headers in some cases).
parse(String, Map<String, Object>, List<String>, String) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
This is similar to RequestPath.parse(RestRequest, List, String) but allows usage with arbitrary paths that are not part of a RestRequest.
parseSignedId(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.IdSigningService
Verify that the signed ID has not been tampered with and extract the blob ID and additional metadata from the signed ID.
PartialContent - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
206 - Partial content.
participate() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.VirtualReplicatorCluster
Join the cluster as a participant.
participate(List<AmbryHealthReport>, Callback<StatsSnapshot>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Initiate the participation of cluster participant.
Partition - com.github.ambry.router.OperationTrackerScope
PARTITION_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
PARTITION_CLASS_REPORT - com.github.ambry.server.StatsReportType
PARTITION_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
Partition_ReadOnly - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
The partition which replica belongs to is in ReadOnly state.
Partition_ReadOnly - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
PARTITION_REPLICAS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
PARTITION_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
Partition_Unknown - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
PARTITION_WRITE_STATE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
PartitionId - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A PartitionId consists of one or more ReplicaIds.
PARTITIONS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
PartitionState - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The valid states for a PartitionId.
PartitionStateChangeListener - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
PartitionStateChangeListener takes action when partition state changes.
pathPrefixesToRemove - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The comma separated list of prefixes to remove from paths.
PerformanceConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required to help evaluate performance of Ambry(i.e latency, health).
PerformanceConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
PerformanceIndex - Enum in com.github.ambry.commons
The indices used to evaluate performance of single request.
PLAINTEXT - com.github.ambry.network.PortType
poll(long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Make progress on any I/O operations in-flight (connections, disconnections, existing sends, and receives)
poll(long, List<NetworkSend>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Firstly initiate any sends provided, and then make progress on any other I/O operations in-flight (connections, disconnections, existing sends, and receives)
port - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The port to listen and accept connections on
Port - Class in com.github.ambry.network
Represents a port containing port number and PortType
Port(int, PortType) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.Port
PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
PortType - Enum in com.github.ambry.network
Supported port types
Post - com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaOperation
POST - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
postProcessRequest(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Similar to SecurityService.postProcessRequest(RestRequest, Callback) but returns a Future instead of requiring a callback.
postProcessRequest(RestRequest, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Performs security validations (if any) on the RestRequest when it has been fully parsed.
PRAGMA - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
PreconditionFailed - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
412 Precondition Failed - The conditions given in the request header fields evaluated to false
PreconditionFailed - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
The conditions given in the request header fields evaluated to false.
prepare() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Prepares the request for reading.
preProcessRequest(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Similar to SecurityService.preProcessRequest(RestRequest, Callback) but returns a Future instead of requiring a callback.
preProcessRequest(RestRequest, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Performs security validations (if any) before any processing of the restRequest begins and invokes the callback once done.
PRIMARY - com.github.ambry.notification.BlobReplicaSourceType
The blob replica was created by a primary write.
PRIVATE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
optional in request; 'true' or 'false' case insensitive; default 'false'; indicates private content
processRequest(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Similar to SecurityService.processRequest(RestRequest, Callback) but returns a Future instead of requiring a callback.
processRequest(RestRequest, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Performs security validations (if any) on the RestRequest asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the validation completes.
processResponse(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel, BlobInfo) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Similar to SecurityService.processResponse(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel, BlobInfo, Callback) but returns a Future instead of requiring a callback.
processResponse(RestRequest, RestResponseChannel, BlobInfo, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.SecurityService
Performs security validations (if any) on the response for RestRequest asynchronously, sets headers if need be and invokes the Callback when the validation completes.
PROPERTY_STORE - com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
ProxyAuthenticationRequired - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
407 - Proxy authentication required
publish(String, T) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.Notifier
Publishes a message for the specified topic.
publishPeriodInSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StatsManagerConfig
The time period in seconds that configures how often stats are published.
put(MessageWriteSet) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Puts a set of messages into the store.
PUT - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
putBlob(BlobProperties, byte[], ReadableStreamChannel, PutBlobOptions) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a new blob to be put asynchronously and returns a future that will eventually contain the BlobId of the new blob on a successful response.
putBlob(BlobProperties, byte[], ReadableStreamChannel, PutBlobOptions, Callback<String>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a new blob to be put asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the request completes.
PutBlobOptions - Class in com.github.ambry.router
Represents any options associated with a putBlob request.
PutBlobOptions(boolean, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
PutBlobOptionsBuilder - Class in com.github.ambry.router
A builder for PutBlobOptions objects.
PutBlobOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptionsBuilder


QUEUED_MAX_REQUESTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
queuedMaxRequests - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The number of queued requests allowed before blocking the network threads
QuotaMode - Enum in com.github.ambry.quota
Quota service mode.
QuotaOperation - Enum in com.github.ambry.quota
Operations for quota service.


range(ByteRange) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
RANGE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
RangeNotSatisfiable - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
416 Range Not Satisfiable - A range request is invalid or outside of the bounds of an object.
RangeNotSatisfiable - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Range request is not satisfiable (because the provided range is invalid or outside of the bounds of an object.)
RangeNotSatisfiable - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
The range offsets provided for a getBlob operation are invalid for the specified blob.
rawMode(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
Read - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
Provides a read interface into the underlying storage layer
READ - com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Operation
Read content from a resource.
READ_ONLY - com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionState
READ_WRITE - com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionState
ReadableStreamChannel - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
A channel that represents a stream of bytes that can be read into different types of destinations asynchronously.
readFrom(ReadableByteChannel) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedNettyByteBufReceive
readFrom(ReadableByteChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Receive
Reads some bytes from the provided channel
readInto(AsyncWritableChannel, Callback<Long>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel
Reads all the data inside this channel into the given asyncWritableChannel asynchronously.
readInto(ByteBuffer, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Read
Read from the underlying store(file) into the buffer starting at the given position in the store.
receive() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectedChannel
Receives a response from the remote host
Receive - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
Used to receive data from the network channel.
receiveRequest() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.RequestResponseChannel
Receives the request from the channel
recentBlobCacheLimit - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The max size of recently-accessed blob cache in each cloud blob store.
recordMetrics() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
Records the metrics.
recordMetrics(long, ResponseStatus) - Method in class com.github.ambry.frontend.ContainerMetrics
Emit metrics for an operation on this container.
recover(Read, long, long, StoreKeyFactory) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageStoreRecovery
Recovers the messages from the underlying store using the read interface.
recoverFromDecommission() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
REFRESHER_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
refresherPollingIntervalMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
The interval in milliseconds for refresher to refresh storage usage from its source.
register(short, short) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.KeyManagementService
Registers with KMS to create key for a unique pair of AccountId and ContainerId
register(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.KeyManagementService
Registers with KMS to create key for a unique context.
registerClusterMapListener(ClusterMapChangeListener) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Register a listener of cluster map for any changes.
registerListener(StorageQuotaSource.Listener) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaSource
Register your listener to StorageQuotaSource.
registerListener(StorageUsageRefresher.Listener) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageUsageRefresher
Register your listener to StorageUsageRefresher.
registerListeners(StorageQuotaSource, StorageUsageRefresher) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaEnforcer
Register listeners in StorageQuotaSource and StorageUsageRefresher.
registerPartitionStateChangeListener(StateModelListenerType, PartitionStateChangeListener) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Register a listener for leadership changes in partitions of this node.
release() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkRequest
Release any resource this request is holding.
removeAccountUpdateConsumer(Consumer<Collection<Account>>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Removes a previously-added Consumer from the AccountService.
removeBlobStore(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Remove store from storage manager.
removeContainer(Container) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Removes a Container in this builder, so that an Account to build will not have this Container.
REPAIRED - com.github.ambry.notification.BlobReplicaSourceType
The blob replica was created by a repair operation.
replace(ByteBuf) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
replace(ByteBuf) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedNettyByteBufReceive
replace(ByteBuf) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
Replica_Available - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
The replica responds in time and is available for requests.
REPLICA_DISK - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
REPLICA_NODE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
REPLICA_PARTITION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
REPLICA_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
REPLICA_STOPPED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
REPLICA_TOKEN_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
REPLICA_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
Replica_Unavailable - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
The replica is unavailable because it is either stopped or unreachable.
Replica_Unavailable - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
REPLICA_WRITE_STATE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
ReplicaEventType - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The response codes conveyed to the cluster map when there is a replica related event.
ReplicaId - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A ReplicaId is part of some PartitionId.
replicaMetadataRequestVersion - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The version of metadata request to be used for replication.
ReplicaNotFound - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If replica is not present in Helix and not found on current node.
ReplicaOperationFailure - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If failure occurs during replica operation (i.e.
Replicas - com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.SubResource
All the replicas of the blob ID returned as content (Admin only).
ReplicaState - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The states of ambry replica that are managed by Helix controller.
ReplicaStatusDelegate - Class in com.github.ambry.clustermap
Delegate class allowing BlobStore to set the replica sealed/stopped status
ReplicaStatusDelegate(ClusterParticipant) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
ReplicaSyncUpManager - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A class helps check if replicas have synced up.
REPLICATION_CLOUD_TOKEN_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
REPLICATION_MODEL_ACROSS_DATACENTERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
REPLICATION_STANDBY_WAIT_TIMEOUT_TO_TRIGGER_CROSS_COLO_FETCH_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
ReplicationAPI - Interface in com.github.ambry.replication
This defines the API implemented by Ambry replication nodes.
replicationCloudTokenFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The factory class the replication uses to create cloud token
ReplicationConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for the replication layer "
ReplicationConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
replicationConnectionPoolCheckoutTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The timeout to get a connection checkout from the connection pool for replication
replicationContainerDeletionEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
True to enable skip deprecated containers in replication.
replicationContainerDeletionRetentionDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
How long (in days) a container must be replicated before it's been deleted during compaction.
replicationEnabledWithVcrCluster - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
If set to true, the Ambry data nodes will also replicate from vcr nodes based on vcr helix cluster map.
replicationEnableHttp2 - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
Use http2 connection for replication if this is true.
ReplicationException - Exception in com.github.ambry.replication
ReplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationException
ReplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationException
ReplicationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationException
replicationFetchSizeInBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The fetch size is an approximate total size that a remote server would return on a fetch request.
replicationIncludeAll - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
If true, replication Get requests asks for deleted and expired blobs as well to succeed in scenarios where blobs get deleted or expired after replication metadata exchange.
replicationInterReplicaThreadThrottleSleepDurationMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The time (in ms) to sleep between replication cycles to throttle the replica thread in case the thread handles inter datacenter replicas
replicationIntraReplicaThreadThrottleSleepDurationMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The time (in ms) to sleep between replication cycles to throttle the replica thread in case the thread handles intra datacenter replicas
ReplicationManagerListener - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateModelListenerType
The partition state change listener owned by replication manager.
replicationMaxPartitionCountPerRequest - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The maximum number of partitions on remote node can be replicated within a single replication request.
replicationModelAcrossDatacenters - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
To specify the type of replication to be used for inter colo replication.
ReplicationModelType - Enum in com.github.ambry.replication
The model used for cross-colo replication Under ALL_TO_ALL mode, all replicas of local data center replicate from all peer replicas in remote data centers Under LEADER_BASED mode, only the leader replica of local data center (as elected by helix) will replicate with other leader replicas in remote data centers
replicationNumOfInterDCReplicaThreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The number of replica threads on each server that runs the replication protocol for inter dc replication
replicationNumOfIntraDCReplicaThreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The number of replica threads on each server that runs the replication protocol for intra dc replication
replicationPersistTokenOnShutdownOrReplicaRemove - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
If true, replication token will be persisted when shutdown or replica remote.
replicationReplicaThreadIdleSleepDurationMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The time (in ms) to sleep between replication cycles when the replica thread is not doing any useful work
ReplicationSkipPredicate - Class in com.github.ambry.replication
ReplicationSkipPredicate(AccountService, ReplicationConfig) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationSkipPredicate
Construct a ReplicationSkipPredicate object
replicationStandbyWaitTimeoutToTriggerCrossColoFetchSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The time (in seconds) for standby replicas to wait before fetching missing keys from replicas in cross colo data centers.
replicationStoreTokenFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The factory class the replication uses to creates its tokens
replicationSyncedReplicaBackoffDurationMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The time (in ms) to temporarily disable replication for a replica in order to reduce wasteful network calls
replicationTokenFlushDelaySeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The initial delay to start the replica token flush thread
replicationTokenFlushIntervalSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
The flush interval for persisting the replica tokens to disk
replicationTrackPerDatacenterLagFromLocal - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
If true, register metrics that track remote replica's lag from local at datacenter level.
replicationTrackPerPartitionLagFromRemote - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
If true, replication will register metric for each partition to track lag between local and remote replicas.
replicationVcrRecoveryPartitions - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ReplicationConfig
Comma separated list of partitions to recover.
ReplicaType - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The type of replica.
REQUEST_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
The key for the RequestPath that represents the parsed path of an incoming request.
RequestAPI - Interface in com.github.ambry.protocol
This defines the server request API.
RequestChannelClosed - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Indicates that a RestRequest has been closed and an operation could not be performed on it.
RequestInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.network
A class that consists of a request to be sent over the network in the form of Send, and a destination for it in the form of a host and a Port.
RequestInfo(String, Port, SendWithCorrelationId, ReplicaId) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
Construct a RequestInfo with the given parameters
RequestPath - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
RequestResponseChannel - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
RequestResponse Channel used by the network layer to queue new requests and send responses over the network from the channel.
RequestResponseQueuingFailure - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Indicates that the submitted request or response could not be queued in the AsyncRequestResponseHandler.
RequestTooLarge - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
413 Request Entity Too Large - The request is larger than what the server is willing to accept
RequestTooLarge - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
The request is larger than what the server is willing or is configured to accept.
resetPartitionState(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Reset given partition to initial state.
RESOLVE_RANGE_ON_EMPTY_BLOB - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
Set to true to indicate that ambry should return a successful response for a range request against an empty (0 byte) blob instead of returning a 416 error.
resolveErrorCode(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.github.ambry.store.StoreException
Resolve the error code from Throwable.
resolveRangeOnEmptyBlob() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
resolveRangeOnEmptyBlob(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptionsBuilder
Resource - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A Resource represents a DiskId, DataNodeId, a PartitionId or a ReplicaId
RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
ResourceConflict - com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
There is a conflicting account or container.
ResourceDirty - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Resource scan has deducted that the resource is not safe for serving
ResourceScanInProgress - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Resource scan still in progress and result not yet available
ResourceStatePolicy - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
ResourceStatePolicy is used to determine if the state of a resource is "up" or "down".
ResourceStatePolicyFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
responseFramesCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
ResponseInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.network
The response from a NetworkClient comes in the form of an object of this class.
ResponseInfo(RequestInfo, NetworkClientErrorCode, ByteBuf) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
Constructs a ResponseInfo with the given parameters.
ResponseInfo(RequestInfo, NetworkClientErrorCode, ByteBuf, DataNodeId) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
Constructs a ResponseInfo with the given parameters.
ResponseStatus - Enum in com.github.ambry.rest
All the REST response statuses.
REST_REQUEST_QUOTA_STRING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
RestMethod - Enum in com.github.ambry.rest
Generic equivalents of HTTP methods truncated to ones that Ambry supports.
RestRequest - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
RestRequest represents a HTTP request as a generic object that can be understood by all the layers in a RESTful frontend.
RestRequest.RestRequestContext - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
The RestRequestContext that carries some of the internal states of different implementation.
RestRequestHandler - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
Meant to be the component that handles and routes all incoming requests.
RestRequestMetrics - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
A metrics object that is provided as input to RestRequestMetricsTracker.injectMetrics(RestRequestMetrics).
RestRequestMetrics(Class, String, MetricRegistry) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetrics
Creates an instance of RestRequestMetrics for requestType and attaches all the metrics related to the request to the given ownerClass.
RestRequestMetricsTracker - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
Construct to support end-to-end metrics tracking based on request type.
RestRequestMetricsTracker() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
RestRequestMetricsTracker.NioMetricsTracker - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
Tracker for updating NIO related metrics.
RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
Helper for updating scaling related metrics.
restRequestQuota - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
Quotas for rest requests, in JSON string.
RestRequestResponseHandlerFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
RestRequestResponseHandlerFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate RestRequestHandler and RestResponseHandler.
RestRequestService - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
RestRequestService defines a service that handles RestRequest.
RestRequestServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
RestRequestServiceFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a RestRequestService.
RestResponseChannel - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
The RestResponseChannel is meant to provide a NioServer implementation independent way to return responses to the client.
RestResponseHandler - Interface in com.github.ambry.rest
Meant to be the component that handles and routes all outgoing responses.
restServerAccountServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The AccountServiceFactory that needs to be used by FrontendRestRequestService to get account-related information.
RestServerConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required by RestServer and Rest infrastructure
RestServerConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
restServerEnableAddedChannelHandlers - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
Set true to enable added channel handlers in RestServer.
restServerHealthCheckUri - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
Health check URI for load balancers (VIPs)
restServerNioServerFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The NioServerFactory that needs to be used by the RestServer or AmbryServer for bootstrapping the Frontend NioServer or Storage Node HTTP2 Server.
restServerPublicAccessLogRequestHeaders - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
Request Headers that needs to be logged as part of public access log entries
restServerPublicAccessLogResponseHeaders - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
Response Headers that needs to be logged as part of public access log entries
restServerRequestHandlerScalingUnitCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The number of scaling units in RestRequestHandler that will handle requests.
restServerRequestResponseHandlerFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The RequestResponseHandlerFactory that needs to be used by the RestServer or AmbryServer HTTP2 for bootstrapping the RestRequestHandler and RestResponseHandler
restServerResponseHandlerScalingUnitCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The number of scaling units in RestResponseHandler handle responses.
restServerRestRequestServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The RestRequestServiceFactory that needs to be used by the RestServer for bootstrapping the RestRequestService.
restServerRouterFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RestServerConfig
The RouterFactory that needs to be used by the RestServer for bootstrapping the Router.
RestServiceErrorCode - Enum in com.github.ambry.rest
All the error codes that accompany a RestServiceException.
RestServiceException - Exception in com.github.ambry.rest
Exceptions thrown by different layers of the RESTful frontend.
RestServiceException(String, RestServiceErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceException
RestServiceException(String, RestServiceErrorCode, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceException
RestServiceException(String, Throwable, RestServiceErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceException
RestServiceException(Throwable, RestServiceErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceException
RestUtils - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
Common utility functions that will be used across implementations of REST interfaces.
RestUtils() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
RestUtils.Headers - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
Ambry specific HTTP headers.
RestUtils.InternalKeys - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
Ambry specific keys used internally in a RestRequest.
RestUtils.MultipartPost - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
RestUtils.SubResource - Enum in com.github.ambry.rest
Permitted sub-resources of a blob.
RestUtils.TrackingHeaders - Class in com.github.ambry.rest
result() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult
The result for the request
Retry_After_Backoff - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
RETRY_DELAY_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
retryDelayMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.AccountServiceConfig
The sleep time between each retry action when the update accounts fails by marking delete_in_progress container status to inactive;
revokeAccess(P, AclService.Resource, AclService.Operation, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AclService
Prevent the provided principal from performing an AclService.Operation on a AclService.Resource.
rootPath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
The root path of helix property store in the ZooKeeper.
RoundTripTime - com.github.ambry.commons.PerformanceIndex
Time duration in milliseconds from request arrival to its fully completion.
Router - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
The router interface for Ambry that helps to interact with Ambry server.
ROUTER_BACKGROUND_DELETER_MAX_CONCURRENT_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_BLOBID_CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CLOUD_REQUEST_PARALLELISM - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CLOUD_SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CONNECTION_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CONNECTIONS_LOCAL_DC_WARM_UP_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CONNECTIONS_REMOTE_DC_WARM_UP_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CONNECTIONS_WARM_UP_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CROSS_COLO_REQUEST_TO_DC_WITH_MOST_REPLICAS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CRYPTO_JOBS_WORKER_COUNT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_CRYPTO_SERVICE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_DATACENTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_DELETE_REQUEST_PARALLELISM - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_DELETE_SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_DROP_REQUEST_ON_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_ENABLE_HTTP2_NETWORK_CLIENT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_CROSS_DC_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_ELIGIBLE_REPLICAS_BY_STATE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_INCLUDE_NON_ORIGINATING_DC_REPLICAS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_OPERATION_TRACKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_REPLICAS_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_REQUEST_PARALLELISM - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_GET_SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_HOSTNAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_KEY_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_LATENCY_TOLERANCE_QUANTILE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_MAX_IN_MEM_GET_CHUNKS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_MAX_IN_MEM_PUT_CHUNKS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_MAX_PUT_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_MAX_SLIPPED_PUT_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_METADATA_CONTENT_VERSION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_CUSTOM_PERCENTILES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_EXCLUDE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_HISTOGRAM_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_HISTOGRAM_DUMP_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_HISTOGRAM_DUMP_PERIOD - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_MAX_INFLIGHT_REQUESTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_METRIC_SCOPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_MIN_DATA_POINTS_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_RESERVOIR_DECAY_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_RESERVOIR_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_OPERATION_TRACKER_TERMINATE_ON_NOT_FOUND_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_PUT_REQUEST_PARALLELISM - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_PUT_SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_PUT_USE_DYNAMIC_SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_SCALING_UNIT_COUNT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_SCALING_UNIT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_PORT_PLAIN_TEXT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_SCALING_UNIT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_PORT_SSL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_TTL_UPDATE_REQUEST_PARALLELISM - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_TTL_UPDATE_SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_UNDELETE_REQUEST_PARALLELISM - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
ROUTER_USE_GET_BLOB_OPERATION_FOR_BLOB_INFO - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
routerBackgroundDeleterMaxConcurrentOperations - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of outgoing delete operations in background deleter.
routerBlobidCurrentVersion - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The version to use for new BlobIds.
RouterClosed - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Thrown when an operation is attempted after the Router is closed.
routerCloudRequestParallelism - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of parallel requests allowed when sending requests to cloud replicas.
routerCloudSuccessTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The minimum number of successful responses required for a cloud operation of any type.
RouterConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Configuration parameters required by a Router.
RouterConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Create a RouterConfig instance.
routerConnectionCheckoutTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Timeout for checking out an available connection to a (datanode, port).
routerConnectionsLocalDcWarmUpPercentage - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The percentage of RouterConfig.routerScalingUnitMaxConnectionsPerPortSsl or RouterConfig.routerScalingUnitMaxConnectionsPerPortPlainText to warm up for data nodes in the local datacenter during startup.
routerConnectionsRemoteDcWarmUpPercentage - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The percentage of RouterConfig.routerScalingUnitMaxConnectionsPerPortSsl or RouterConfig.routerScalingUnitMaxConnectionsPerPortPlainText to warm up for data nodes in remote datacenters during startup.
routerConnectionsWarmUpTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The max time allowed to establish connections to local DC in the startup
routerCrossColoRequestToDcWithMostReplicas - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
When request didn't succeed in local dc, whether to let router send request to remote dc with most replicas first.
routerCryptoJobsWorkerCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Number of crypto jobs worker count
routerCryptoServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The CryptoServiceFactory that will be used to fetch CryptoService
routerDatacenterName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The name of the datacenter in which the router is located.
routerDeleteRequestParallelism - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of parallel requests allowed for a delete operation.
routerDeleteSuccessTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The minimum number of successful responses required for a delete operation.
routerDropRequestOnTimeout - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
true if the router should tell the network layer about requests that have timed out.
routerEnableHttp2NetworkClient - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Whether or not to use HTTP/2 network client
RouterErrorCode - Enum in com.github.ambry.router
All the error codes that accompany a RouterException.
RouterException - Exception in com.github.ambry.router
Exceptions thrown by a Router.
RouterException(String, RouterErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.router.RouterException
RouterException(String, Throwable, RouterErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.router.RouterException
RouterException(Throwable, RouterErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.router.RouterException
RouterFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.router
RouterFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a Router.
routerGetCrossDcEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Indicates whether get operations are allowed to make requests to nodes in remote data centers.
routerGetEligibleReplicasByStateEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
if true, operation tracker will get replicas in required states based on the type of operation.
routerGetIncludeNonOriginatingDcReplicas - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Indicates whether get operations are allowed to make requests to nodes in non-originating remote data centers.
routerGetOperationTrackerType - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The OperationTracker to use for GET operations.
routerGetReplicasRequired - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Number of replicas required for GET OperationTracker when routerGetIncludeNonOriginatingDcReplicas is False.
routerGetRequestParallelism - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of parallel requests issued at a time by the get manager for a get operation on a chunk.
routerGetSuccessTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The minimum number of successful responses required for a get operation on a chunk.
routerHostname - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The hostname of the node upon which the router runs.
routerKeyManagementServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The KeyManagementServiceFactory that will be used to fetch KeyManagementService
routerLatencyToleranceQuantile - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
If an adaptive operation tracker is being used, a request is discounted from the parallelism count if it has been outstanding for more than the quantile defined here (compared to latencies of other requests of the same class).
routerMaxInMemGetChunks - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The max number of chunks per GetBlobOperation that may be buffered in memory.
routerMaxInMemPutChunks - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The max number of chunks per PutOperation that may be buffered in memory.
routerMaxPutChunkSizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The max chunk size to be used for put operations.
routerMaxSlippedPutAttempts - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of times to retry putting any chunk of a put operation
routerMetadataContentVersion - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The version to use for new metadata blobs.
routerOperationTrackerCustomPercentiles - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The custom percentiles of Histogram in operation tracker to be reported.
routerOperationTrackerExcludeTimeoutEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Indicates whether to enable excluding timed out requests in Histogram reservoir.
routerOperationTrackerHistogramCacheTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The timeout in ms for a cached histogram value used by operation tracker.
routerOperationTrackerHistogramDumpEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Indicates whether to dump resource-level histogram to log file.
routerOperationTrackerHistogramDumpPeriod - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The period of dumping resource-level histogram in seconds(if enabled).
routerOperationTrackerMaxInflightRequests - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of inflight requests that allowed for adaptive tracker.
routerOperationTrackerMetricScope - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The metric scope that is applied to operation tracker.
routerOperationTrackerMinDataPointsRequired - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The minimum required data points to populate histogram in operation tracker.
routerOperationTrackerReservoirDecayFactor - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The decay factor of histogram reservoir in operation tracker.
routerOperationTrackerReservoirSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum size of histogram reservoir in operation tracker.
routerOperationTrackerTerminateOnNotFoundEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
If this config is set to true the operation tracker would terminate operations when there are more than 2 NOT_FOUND responses returned from originating dc.
routerPutRequestParallelism - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of parallel requests issued at a time by the put manager for a chunk.
routerPutSuccessTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The minimum number of successful responses required for a put operation.
routerPutUseDynamicSuccessTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Whether to use dynamic success target for put operation in router.
routerRequestTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Timeout for requests issued by the router to the network layer.
routerScalingUnitCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
Number of independent scaling units for the router.
routerScalingUnitMaxConnectionsPerPortPlainText - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The max connections allowed per (datanode, port) for plain text
routerScalingUnitMaxConnectionsPerPortSsl - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The max connections allowed per (datanode, port) for ssl
routerTtlUpdateRequestParallelism - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of parallel requests issued at a time by the TTL update manager for a chunk.
routerTtlUpdateSuccessTarget - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The minimum number of successful responses required for a TTL update operation.
routerUndeleteRequestParallelism - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
The maximum number of parallel requests issued at a time by the undelete manager for a blob.
routerUseGetBlobOperationForBlobInfo - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.RouterConfig
If this config is set to true the router will use GetBlobOperation instead of GetBlobInfoOperation for getBlobInfo calls.


SAMPLING_PERCENTAGE_FOR_GET_CONSISTENCY_CHECK - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
samplingPercentageForGetConsistencyCheck - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CompositeAccountServiceConfig
Percentage of GET requests we want to compare results between primary and secondary sources.
scalingMetricsTracker - Variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
Scaling related metrics tracker instance.
ScalingMetricsTracker() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker.ScalingMetricsTracker
scheduleNextForCompaction(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Schedules the PartitionId id for compaction next.
seal(ReplicaId) - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
Sets replicaId to read-only status
securePathPrefix - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The secure path to validate if required for certain container.
SecurityService - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
Responsible for performing any security validations on the Rest request and response.
securityServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The SecurityServiceFactory that needs to be used by FrontendRestRequestService to validate requests.
SecurityServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
SecurityServiceFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a SecurityService.
Segment - com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.SubResource
Used when fetching individual segments/data blobs from a composite blob.
Selectable - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
An interface for asynchronous, multi-channel network I/O
selectInactiveContainersAndMarkInStore(StatsSnapshot) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
SELECTOR_EXECUTOR_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
SELECTOR_MAX_KEY_TO_PROCESS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
SELECTOR_USE_DIRECT_BUFFERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
selectorExecutorPoolSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The size of the pool if selector executor pool is employed.
selectorMaxKeyToProcess - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The max number of ready keys can be processed in a selector.poll() call.
selectorUseDirectBuffers - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
True to allocate direct buffers within the selector (for things like SSL work).
send(Send) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectedChannel
Sends the request to a remote host
Send - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
Any data that needs to be sent over the network can implement this interface
SEND_FAILURE_REASON - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
To be set to true if failures reason should be attached to frontend responses.
SEND_TRACKING_INFO - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
To be set to true if tracking info should be attached to frontend responses.
SEND_USER_METADATA_AS_RESPONSE_BODY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
Set to true (assumed false if absent) if the user metadata needs to be sent as the body of the response.
sendAndPoll(List<RequestInfo>, Set<Integer>, int) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClient
Attempt to send the given requests and poll for responses from the network.
sendRequest(NetworkRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.RequestResponseChannel
Sends a request over the network.
sendResponse(Send, NetworkRequest, ServerNetworkResponseMetrics) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.RequestResponseChannel
Queue's the response into the channel for the network server to pick up
SendWithCorrelationId - Interface in com.github.ambry.network
Most Sends include a correlation ID that is used to associate a request/response pair.
SERVER - com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory.Mode
serverAccountServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
Implementation class for accountServiceFactory
ServerConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for the server
ServerConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
ServerErrorCode - Enum in com.github.ambry.server
The error codes that the server returns on a failed request
serverHandleUndeleteRequestEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
True to enable ambry server handling undelete requests.
serverMessageTransformer - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
Implementation for message transformation.
ServerNetworkResponseMetrics - Class in com.github.ambry.network
Tracks a set of metrics for a network response by a Server
ServerNetworkResponseMetrics(Histogram, Histogram, Histogram, Histogram, Histogram, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.network.ServerNetworkResponseMetrics
serverParticipantsConsistencyCheckerPeriodSec - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The period of participants consistency checker in second.
serverQuotaStatsAggregateIntervalInMinutes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The frequency in mins at which cluster wide quota stats will be aggregated
serverRequestHandlerNumOfThreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The number of request handler threads used by the server to process requests
serverSchedulerNumOfthreads - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The number of scheduler threads the server will use to perform background tasks (store, replication)
ServerSecurityService - Interface in com.github.ambry.server
Responsible for performing any security validations on the HTTP2 connection terminating on server.
serverSecurityServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The ServerSecurityServiceFactory that needs to validate connections and requests coming to server.
ServerSecurityServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.server
serverStatsPublishHealthReportEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The option to enable or disable publishing stats via Health Reports
serverStatsPublishLocalEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The option to enable or disable publishing stats locally.
serverStatsReportsToPublish - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The comma separated list of stats reports to publish in Helix.
serverStoreKeyConverterFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
Implementation class for StoreKeyConverterFactory
serverValidateRequestBasedOnStoreState - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig
The option to enable or disable validating request based on store state.
SERVICE_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
mandatory in request; string; name of service
ServiceUnavailable - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
503 - Service is unavailable
ServiceUnavailable - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Indicates that the service is unavailable because one or more of the components is not started, is shutdown, has crashed or is temporarily unable to respond.
SESSION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
This header will carry a UUID that represents a "session." For example, when performing a stitched upload, each chunk upload should be a part of the same session.
setArg(String, Object) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Sets one argument as a key-value pair.
setBackupEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the backup setting of the Container to build
setBlobSize(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
setBlobStoreStoppedState(List<PartitionId>, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Set BlobStore Stopped state with given PartitionId id.
setCacheable(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the caching setting of the Container to build
setContentTypeWhitelistForFilenamesOnDownload(Set<String>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the whitelist for the content types for which filenames can be sent on download
setCurrentJsonVersion(short) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Set the JSON version to serialize in.
setCurrentState(ReplicaState) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Set current state of the store.
setDefaults(MetricRegistry) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
setDeleteTriggerTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the delete trigger time of the Container to build.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the description of the Container to build.
setDigestAlgorithm(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequest
Set the digest algorithm to use on the data that is being streamed from the request.
setEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the encryption setting of the Container to build.
setHeader(String, Object) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Sets header headerName to headerValue.
setId(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the ID of the Container to build.
setInitialLocalPartitions(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Set initial local partitions that the cluster participant hosts.
setLastModifiedTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the created/modified time of the Container
setLifeVersion(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo
Set the lifeVersion of this blob.
setMediaScanDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the media scan disabled setting of the Container to build
setName(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the name of the Container to build.
setParentAccountId(short) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the ID of the parent Account of the Container to build.
setPreviouslyEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the previously encrypted setting of the Container to build.
setQuotaMode(QuotaMode) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaEnforcer
Change the StorageQuotaEnforcer's mode to the given value.
setQuotaMode(QuotaMode) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaService
Change the StorageQuotaService's quotaMode to the given value.
setReplicaDisabledState(ReplicaId, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Set or reset the disabled state of the given replica
setReplicaSealedState(ReplicaId, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Set or reset the sealed state of the given replica.
setReplicaStoppedState(List<ReplicaId>, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Set or reset the stopped state of the given replica.
setReplicationPolicy(String) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the replication policy desired by the Container.
setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus) - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestMetricsTracker
setSecurePathRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the secure path validation required setting of the Container.
setSnapshotVersion(int) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the snapshot version of the Container to build.
setStatus(Container.ContainerStatus) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the status of the Container to build.
setStatus(ResponseStatus) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Sets the response status.
setStreamHeaderFrameReceiveTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
setStreamSendTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
setSubMap(Map<String, StatsSnapshot>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
setTimeToLiveInSeconds(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
setTtlRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBuilder
Sets the ttl required setting of the Container.
setupResponseHandler(RestResponseHandler) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
setUserMetadataHeaders(byte[], RestResponseChannel) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Sets the user metadata in the headers of the response.
setValue(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
shouldIncludeExceptionMessageInResponse() - Method in exception com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceException
shouldReleaseOnError() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
shouldThrottle(short, short, QuotaOperation, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaEnforcer
Return true if the given QuotaOperation should be throttled.
shouldThrottle(short, short, QuotaOperation, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaService
Return true if the given QuotaOperation should be throttled.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPool
Shutsdown the connection pool.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkServer
Shuts down the network server
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.RequestResponseChannel
Shuts down the request response channel
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaService
Shutdown the StorageQuotaService.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.NioServer
Do shutdown tasks for the NioServer.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestHandler
Does shutdown tasks for the RestRequestHandler.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Does shutdown tasks for the RestRequestService.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseHandler
Does shutdown tasks for the RestResponseHandler.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Shuts down the store
shutdownBlobStore(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Shutdown BlobStore with given PartitionId id.
SIGNED_ID_METADATA_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
The key for the metadata Map<String, String> to include in a signed ID.
SIGNED_ID_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
SIGNED_URL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
The signed URL header name in the response for signed url requests.
Simple - com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationBlobType
size(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets the size of the MessageInfo to build.
sizeInBytes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
sizeInBytes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Send
The total size in bytes that needs to be written to the channel
sizeInBytes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
The size of the serialized version of the key
sizeInBytes(int) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
Returns the size of the ith message
sizeRead() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedNettyByteBufReceive
The total size in bytes that needs to receive from the channel It will be initialized only after header is read.
snapshotVersion(int) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Sets the snapshot version of the Account to build.
SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
SOCKET_REQUEST_MAX_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_BYTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
socketReceiveBufferBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The SO_RCVBUFF buffer of the socket sever sockets
socketRequestMaxBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The maximum number of bytes in a socket request
socketSendBufferBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NetworkConfig
The SO_SNDBUFF buffer of the socket sever sockets
SOFT_DOWN - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
SOURCE_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
sourcePollingIntervalMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
The interval in milliseconds for quota source to refresh each container's storage quota.
SSL - com.github.ambry.network.PortType
SSL_FACTORY_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.NettyConfig
sslCipherSuites - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL supported cipher suites, a comma separated list of values
sslClientAuthentication - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL client authentication config
SSLConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for SSL
SSLConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
sslContextProtocol - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL protocol for SSLContext
sslContextProvider - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL provider for SSLContext
sslEnabledProtocols - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The enabled protocols for SSLEngine, a comma separated list of values
sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL endpoint identification algorithm
sslFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The implementation of SSLFactory to use.
SSLFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.commons
Simplifies the creation of new SSLEngines and SSLContext objects that can be used by components that require SSL support.
SSLFactory.Mode - Enum in com.github.ambry.commons
Whether the ssl engine should operate in client or server mode.
sslHttp2Factory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The implementation of SSLFactory to use.
sslHttp2SelfSign - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
Use self signed HTTP2 SSL certification if set to true.
sslKeymanagerAlgorithm - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL keymanager algorithm.
sslKeyPassword - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL key password The key store protects each private key with its individual password
sslKeystorePassword - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL key store password There could be multiple keys in one key store This password is to protect the integrity of the entire key store
sslKeystorePath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL key store path
sslKeystoreType - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL key store type
sslSecureRandomAlgorithm - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SecureRandom PRNG algorithm to use for SSL cryptography operations.
sslTrustmanagerAlgorithm - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL trustmanager algorithm This is only honored by JdkSslFactory.
sslTruststorePassword - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL trust store password
sslTruststorePath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL trust store path
sslTruststoreType - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.SSLConfig
The SSL trust store type
STANDBY - com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
The state in which replica is fully functioning.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.ConnectionPool
Starts the connection pool.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkServer
Starts the network server
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.quota.StorageQuotaService
Start the StorageQuotaService with all the initialization logic.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.NioServer
Do startup tasks for the NioServer.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestHandler
Does startup tasks for the RestRequestHandler.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestRequestService
Does startup tasks for the RestRequestService.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseHandler
Does startup tasks for the RestResponseHandler.
start() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Starts the store
startBlobStore(PartitionId) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.StoreManager
Start BlobStore with given PartitionId id.
StateModelListenerType - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The type of partition state model listener.
StateTransitionException - Exception in com.github.ambry.clustermap
An extension of RuntimeException used to record exceptions occurred during state transition.
StateTransitionException(String, StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException
StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode - Enum in com.github.ambry.clustermap
All types of error code that associate with StateTransitionException.
StatsHeader - Class in com.github.ambry.server
A model object that contains metadata information about some reported stats.
StatsHeader() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader
StatsHeader(StatsHeader.StatsDescription, long, int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader
StatsHeader.StatsDescription - Enum in com.github.ambry.server
StatsManagerConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for stats.
StatsManagerConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.StatsManagerConfig
StatsManagerListener - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateModelListenerType
The partition state change listener owned by stats manager.
StatsReportType - Enum in com.github.ambry.server
Type of stats reports which are used by StatsManager and would be transmitted to Helix.
StatsSnapshot - Class in com.github.ambry.server
A model object to encapsulate stats in the form of a directory or tree.
StatsSnapshot() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
StatsSnapshot(Long, Map<String, StatsSnapshot>) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.server.StatsSnapshot
StatsWrapper - Class in com.github.ambry.server
A wrapper model object that contains a StatsSnapshot and a StatsHeader with metadata about the StatsSnapshot.
StatsWrapper() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.server.StatsWrapper
StatsWrapper(StatsHeader, StatsSnapshot) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.server.StatsWrapper
status(Account.AccountStatus) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.AccountBuilder
Sets the status of the Account to build.
STITCH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
stitchBlob(BlobProperties, byte[], List<ChunkInfo>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a new metadata blob to be put asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the request completes.
stitchBlob(BlobProperties, byte[], List<ChunkInfo>, Callback<String>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a new metadata blob to be put asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the request completes.
StitchRequestSerDe - Class in com.github.ambry.frontend
Methods to serialize and deserialize the body of a stitch request.
STORAGE_QUOTA_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
STORAGE_QUOTA_SERVICE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
StorageManagerListener - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateModelListenerType
The partition state change listener owned by storage manager.
StorageQuotaConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Config for Storage Quota service.
StorageQuotaConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
Constructor to create a StorageQuotaConfig.
StorageQuotaEnforcer - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
StorageQuotaEnforcer enforces the traffic throttling based on the storage quota and the current storage usage.
StorageQuotaService - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
StorageQuotaService is the component to handles storage quota for different Account and Container.
storageQuotaServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
StorageQuotaServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
StorageQuotaServiceFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate an StorageQuotaService.
StorageQuotaSource - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
The interface of the source of storage quota for each container.
StorageQuotaSource.Listener - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
A listener interface registered with StorageQuotaSource.
StorageUsageRefresher - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
An interface to initialize the storage usage of each container and save them in memory.
StorageUsageRefresher.Listener - Interface in com.github.ambry.quota
A listener interface registered with StorageUsageRefresher.
Store - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
The object store's underlying store
Store_Already_Started - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Store_Include_Deleted - com.github.ambry.store.StoreGetOptions
This option indicates that the store needs to return the message even if it has been marked for deletion as long as the message has not been physically deleted from the store.
Store_Include_Expired - com.github.ambry.store.StoreGetOptions
This option indicates that the store needs to return the message even if it is expired as long as the message has not been physically deleted from the store.
Store_Not_Started - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Store_Shutting_Down - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
storeAlwaysEnableTargetIndexDuplicateChecking - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeAlwaysEnableTargetIndexDuplicateCheckingName - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeCompactionCheckFrequencyInHours - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The frequency (in hours) at which a store is checked to see whether it is ready for compaction.
storeCompactionEnableDirectIO - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Whether direct IO are to be enable or not for compaction.
storeCompactionFilter - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The IndexSegmentValidEntryFilter type to use for compaction.
storeCompactionMinBufferSize - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The minimum buffer size for compaction copy phase.
storeCompactionOperationsBytesPerSec - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The rate of I/O allowed per disk for compaction.
storeCompactionPolicyFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The factory class used to get the compaction policy
storeCompactionPolicySwitchCounterDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
How often the HybridCompactionPolicy switch from StatsBasedCompactionPolicy to CompactAllPolicy based on counter value.
storeCompactionPolicySwitchTimestampDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
How often the HybridCompactionPolicy switch from StatsBasedCompactionPolicy to CompactAllPolicy based on timestamp.
storeCompactionTriggers - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Comma separated list of the compaction triggers that should be enabled.
StoreConfig - Class in com.github.ambry.config
The configs for the store
StoreConfig(VerifiableProperties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeContainerDeletionEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
True to enable container deletion in store.
storeContainerDeletionRetentionDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
How long (in days) a container must be in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS state before it's been deleted during compaction.
STORED_DATA_SIZE - com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader.StatsDescription
storeDataFilePermission - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the permissions for data files in store.
storeDataFlushDelaySeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The delay after which the data flush thread starts on startup
storeDataFlushIntervalSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The frequency at which the data gets flushed to disk
storeDeletedMessageRetentionDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
How long (in days) a key must be in deleted state before it is hard deleted.
storeEnableBucketForLogSegmentReports - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
True to enable bucket reports for log segment.
storeEnableHardDelete - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Whether hard deletes are to be enabled or not
StoreErrorCodes - Enum in com.github.ambry.store
The error codes that the store returns
StoreException - Exception in com.github.ambry.store
StoreException(String, StoreErrorCodes) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.store.StoreException
StoreException(String, Throwable, StoreErrorCodes) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.store.StoreException
StoreException(Throwable, StoreErrorCodes) - Constructor for exception com.github.ambry.store.StoreException
StoreFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
The storage engine factory that is used to create a given type of a store
StoreGetOptions - Enum in com.github.ambry.store
The list of options that can be used while reading messages from the store
storeHardDeleteOperationsBytesPerSec - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The rate of I/O allowed per disk for hard deletes.
storeIndexBloomMaxFalsePositiveProbability - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The max probability of a false positive for the index bloom filter
storeIndexMaxMemorySizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The max size of the index that can reside in memory in bytes for a single store
storeIndexMaxNumberOfInmemElements - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The max number of the elements in the index that can be in memory for a single store
storeIndexMemState - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Provides a hint for how indexes should be treated w.r.t memory
storeIndexMemStateName - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeIndexPersistedEntryMinBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the minimum size that index entries should occupy when they get persisted.
storeIndexRebuildBloomFilterEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Whether to rebuild index bloom filter during startup.
StoreInfo - Class in com.github.ambry.store
The info returned by the store on a get call
StoreInfo(MessageReadSet, List<MessageInfo>) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.StoreInfo
storeIoErrorCountToTriggerShutdown - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the threshold I/O error count of store to trigger shutdown operation on the store.
storeKey(StoreKey) - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo.Builder
Sets the key of the MessageInfo to build.
StoreKey - Class in com.github.ambry.store
Represents the index key.
StoreKey() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
StoreKeyConverter - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
This is a service that can be used to convert store keys across different formats.
StoreKeyConverterFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
StoreKeyConverterFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a StoreKeyConverter.
storeKeyFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The factory class the store uses to creates its keys
StoreKeyFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
Factory to create an index key
StoreManager - Interface in com.github.ambry.server
High level interface for handling and managing blob stores.
storeMaxNumberOfEntriesToReturnFromJournal - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The max number of entries that the journal will return each time it is queried for entries
storeMinLogSegmentCountToReclaimToTriggerCompaction - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The minimum number of log segments to be reclaimed to trigger compaction.
storeMinUsedCapacityToTriggerCompactionInPercentage - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The minimum capacity that has to be used (as a percentage of the total capacity) for the store to trigger compaction
StoreNotStarted - com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
If store is not started and unavailable for specific operations.
storeOperationFilePermission - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the permissions for operation files in store.
storeReadOnlyEnableSizeThresholdPercentage - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the size threshold (as percentage of maximum size) of a store for converting the chunk to RO from RW
storeReadOnlyEnableSizeThresholdPercentageName - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeReadWriteEnableSizeThresholdPercentageDelta - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the size threshold delta below StoreConfig.storeReadOnlyEnableSizeThresholdPercentageName that a store will be converted from RO to RW
storeReadWriteEnableSizeThresholdPercentageDeltaName - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeReplicaStatusDelegateEnable - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Enables or disables ReplicaStatusDelegate to dynamically set the replica sealed/stopped status
storeReplicaStatusDelegateEnableName - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeSegmentSizeInBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The size of a single segment in the log.
storeSetFilePermissionEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Whether to set certain permissions for files in store.
storeSetLocalPartitionStateEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Whether to set local partition state through InstanceConfig in Helix.
StoreStats - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
Exposes important stats related to a Store.
storeStatsBucketCount - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The number of buckets for stats bucketing, a value of 0 will disable bucketing.
storeStatsBucketSpanInMinutes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The time span of each bucket in minutes.
storeStatsIndexEntriesPerSecond - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the number of index entries that can be read per second for stats collection.
storeStatsRecentEntryProcessingIntervalInMinutes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Period in minutes to specify how frequent is the queue processor executed.
storeStatsWaitTimeoutInSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
The upper limit in seconds for requests to wait for a ongoing construction of buckets (that contains the answer) to complete.
storeTtlUpdateBufferTimeSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Specifies the minimum number of seconds before a blob's current expiry time (creation time + TTL) that the current time has to be in order for a TTL update operation on the blob to succeed.
storeTtlUpdateBufferTimeSecondsName - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
storeUuidBasedBloomFilterEnabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Whether to populate bloom filter with UUID only for index segment.
storeValidateAuthorization - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StoreConfig
Enables or disables accountId and containerId validation for GET/DELETE request.
subscribe(String, TopicListener<T>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.Notifier
Let a TopicListener subscribe to a topic.
SUCCESS_REST_REQUEST_TOTAL_TIME_THRESHOLD_STR - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
successGetAverageBandwidthThreshold - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
The average bandwidth (bytes/sec) threshold for success GET request(2xx status code).
successGetTimeToFirstByteThreshold - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
The time to first byte (millisecond) threshold for success GET request(2xx status code).
successPostAverageBandwidthThreshold - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
The average bandwidth (bytes/sec) threshold for success POST request(2xx status code).
successRequestThresholds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.PerformanceConfig
supportsStateChanges() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
supportsStateChanges() - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate


TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
for get account request; short; numerical ID of target account
TARGET_ACCOUNT_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
The key for the target Account indicated by the request.
TARGET_ACCOUNT_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
for put or get account request; string; name of target account
TARGET_CONTAINER_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.InternalKeys
The key for the target Container indicated by the request.
TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
for put request; string; name of the target container
Temporarily_Disabled - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
test(MessageInfo) - Method in class com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationSkipPredicate
Determines if MessageInfo container in the status of DELETED_IN_PROGRESS or INACTIVE.
Thresholds - Class in com.github.ambry.commons
A data structure holding various thresholds based on different criteria.
Thresholds(Map<PerformanceIndex, Criteria>) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.commons.Thresholds
Thresholds constructor
Throttling - com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaMode
TimeoutError - com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClientErrorCode
Request timed out.
TimeRange - Class in com.github.ambry.store
A TimeRange is the range between two times in milliseconds
TimeRange(long, long) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.TimeRange
Instantiates a TimeRange referring to a reference time with an allowed error margin
TIMESTAMP_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
TimeToFirstByte - com.github.ambry.commons.PerformanceIndex
Time duration in milliseconds from request arrival to the first byte of response being received.
toBytes() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken
Returns the contents of the token in bytes
toBytes() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.StoreKey
The byte version of this key
toJson() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Gets the metadata of the container.
toJson(boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Gets the metadata of the account in JSONObject.
toJson(List<String>) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.frontend.StitchRequestSerDe
TooManyRequests - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
429 Application rate limit exceeded/Application quota limit exceeded.
TooManyRequests - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Application rate limit exceeded/Application quota limit exceeded.
toPathString() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Returns a strictly numerical String that uniquely represents the PartitionId.
TopicListener<T> - Interface in com.github.ambry.commons
A TopicListener can subscribe topics for messages through a Notifier.
toResolvedByteRange(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
Given the total size of a blob, generate a new ByteRange of type ByteRange.ByteRangeType.OFFSET_RANGE with defined start and end offsets that are verified to be within the supplied total blob size.
toResolvedByteRange(long, boolean) - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
Given the total size of a blob, generate a new ByteRange of type ByteRange.ByteRangeType.OFFSET_RANGE with defined start and end offsets that are verified to be within the supplied total blob size.
toSecondsPrecisionInMs(long) - Static method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils
Reduces the precision of a time in milliseconds to seconds precision.
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Generates a String representation that uniquely identifies this account.
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
Generates a String representation that uniquely identifies this container.
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.ContainerBlobsResource
toString() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId
Returns a String that uniquely represents the PartitionId.
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.Port
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.RequestInfo
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ResponseInfo
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.rest.RequestPath
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.ChunkInfo
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.router.PutBlobOptions
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.MessageInfo
toString() - Method in class com.github.ambry.store.TimeRange
TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_VERSION_TO_KEEP - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
totalNumberOfVersionToKeep - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
Total number of previous versions of account metadata to keep in the system.
Tracking - com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaMode
TRACKING_HEADERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.TrackingHeaders
A list of all tracking headers.
TrackingHeaders() - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.TrackingHeaders
transform(Message) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Transformer
Transforms the input Message into an output Message.
TransformationOutput - Class in com.github.ambry.store
A class that holds the result of a transformation (by the Transformer).
TransformationOutput(Message) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.TransformationOutput
Instantiate an instance of this class with a message.
TransformationOutput(Exception) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.store.TransformationOutput
Instantiate an instance of this class with an exception.
Transformer - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
An interface for a transformation function.
TTL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
optional in request; date string; default unset ("infinite ttl")
TTL_Expired - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
TTL_UPDATE - com.github.ambry.notification.UpdateType
TtlUpdate - com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaOperation


Unauthorized - com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
401 - Request Unauthorized
Unauthorized - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Client has sent a request that cannot be processed due to authorization failure.
UNAVAILABLE - com.github.ambry.clustermap.HardwareState
undelete(MessageInfo) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Undelete the blob identified by id.
UNDELETE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
undeleteBlob(String, String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a blob to be undeleted asynchronously and returns a future that will eventually contain information about whether the request succeeded or not.
undeleteBlob(String, String, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests for a blob to be undeleted asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the request completes.
UnexpectedInternalError - com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Router experienced an unexpected internal error.
Uninitialized - com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenType
UNKNOWN - com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
The id of unknown account.
UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
The name of the unknown account.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_CACHEABLE_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The cache setting of Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_DELETE_TRIGGER_TIME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The delete trigger time of Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The description of Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ENCRYPTED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The encryption setting of Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_MEDIA_SCAN_DISABLED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The media scan disabled setting for Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The parent account id of Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_PREVIOUSLY_ENCRYPTED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The previously encrypted flag for Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_STATUS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_TTL_REQUIRED_SETTING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
The ttl required setting for Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER.
UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID - Static variable in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap
Indicates that a blob ID does not have a datacenter ID
Unknown_Error - com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Unknown_Error - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
UNKNOWN_PORT - Static variable in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeId
Can be used for DataNodeId objects that represent in-process entities without a real port.
unmarkStopped(List<ReplicaId>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
Sets a list of replicaIds to started status
unseal(ReplicaId) - Method in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaStatusDelegate
Sets replicaId to read-write status
unsubscribe(String, TopicListener<T>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.commons.Notifier
Let a TopicListener unsubscribe from a topic, so it will no longer receive the messages for the topic.
UnsupportedHttpMethod - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Client is requesting a HTTP method that is not supported.
UnsupportedRestMethod - com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Indicates a RestMethod is not supported (May also indicate a bug where behaviour for a new RestMethod has not been defined in the implementation).
UP - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapSnapshotConstants
UPDATE - com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Operation
Update existing content within a resource.
UPDATE_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
UPDATE_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
Update_Not_Allowed - com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
UPDATE_TTL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.frontend.Operations
updateAccounts(Collection<Account>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Makes update for a collection of Accounts.
updateBlobTtl(String, String, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests that a blob's TTL be updated asynchronously and returns a future that will eventually contain information about whether the request succeeded or not.
updateBlobTtl(String, String, long, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.Router
Requests that a blob's TTL be updated asynchronously and returns a future that will eventually contain information about whether the request succeeded or not.
updateContainerMap(Collection<Container>) - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Account
Adds a collection of Container(s) to this account and updates internal maps accordingly.
updateContainers(String, Collection<Container>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.account.AccountService
Add or update a collection of containers in an existing account.
updateDataNodeInfoInCluster(ReplicaId, boolean) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterParticipant
Update disk/replica infos associated with current data node in cluster (this occurs when replica addition/removal on current node is complete and local changes will be broadcast to all listeners in this cluster)
updateDisabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
If true, HelixAccountService would reject all the requests to update accounts.
updateDisabled - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
If true, MySqlAccountService would reject all the requests to update accounts.
UpdateDisabled - com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
Updates to the account service are disabled.
updateLagBetweenReplicas(ReplicaId, ReplicaId, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Update replica lag (in byte) between two replicas (local and peer replica)
updateQueueTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ServerNetworkResponseMetrics
Updates the time spent by the response in the queue before being sent out
UPDATER_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig
UPDATER_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
UPDATER_POLLING_INTERVAL_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
UPDATER_SHUT_DOWN_TIMEOUT_MINUTES - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
UPDATER_SHUT_DOWN_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
updaterPollingIntervalMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
The time interval in second between two consecutive account pulling for the background account updater of HelixAccountService.
updaterPollingIntervalMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.JsonAccountConfig
The time interval in milliseconds between polling the local account JSON file for changes.
updaterPollingIntervalSeconds - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
The time interval in seconds between two consecutive account pulling for the background account updater of MySqlAccountService.
updaterShutDownTimeoutMinutes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.MySqlAccountServiceConfig
The timeout in minutes to shut down the account updater of MySqlAccountService.
updaterShutDownTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
The timeout in ms to shut down the account updater of HelixAccountService.
updateSendTime(long) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.ServerNetworkResponseMetrics
Updates few metrics when send completes
updateServerResponseMetrics() - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.NetworkSend
updateTotalBytesReadByRemoteReplica(PartitionId, String, String, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationAPI
Updates the total bytes read by a remote replica from local store
updateTtl(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Store
Updates the TTL of all the messages in the list.
UpdateType - Enum in com.github.ambry.notification
UpperBound - com.github.ambry.commons.Criteria.BoundType
URL_SIGNER_ENDPOINTS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
URL_TTL - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
The TTL (in secs) of the signed URL.
URL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
The type of signed URL requested (for e.g, POST or GET).
urlSignerDefaultMaxUploadSizeBytes - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The default maximum size (in bytes) that can be uploaded using a signed POST URL unless otherwise specified at the time of URL creation (depends on implementation).
urlSignerDefaultUrlTtlSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The default time (in seconds) for which a signed URL is valid unless otherwise specified at the time of URL creation (depends on implementation).
urlSignerEndpoints - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The various endpoints for signed URLs, in JSON string.
urlSignerMaxUrlTtlSecs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The maximum amount of time a signed URL is valid i.e.
UrlSigningService - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
Responsible for providing and verifying signed URLs.
urlSigningServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.FrontendConfig
The UrlSigningServiceFactory that needs to be used by FrontendRestRequestService to sign and verify URLs.
UrlSigningServiceFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.frontend
UrlSigningServiceFactory is a factory to generate all the supporting cast required to instantiate a UrlSigningService.
USE_NEW_ZNODE_PATH - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
useNewZNodePath - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
If true, then use the new znode path to store list of blob ids that point to account metadata content.
USER_META_DATA_ENCODED_HEADER_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
prefix for header containing encoded user metadata.
USER_META_DATA_HEADER_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.Headers
prefix for any header to be set as user metadata for the given blob
USER_METADATA_PART - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.MultipartPost
UserMetadata - com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.SubResource
User metadata on its own i.e., no "blob properties" headers returned with response.


validateConnection(SSLSession) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.ServerSecurityService
Similar to ServerSecurityService.validateConnection(SSLSession, Callback) but returns a Future instead of requiring a callback.
validateConnection(SSLSession, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.ServerSecurityService
Performs security validations (if any) before allowing the HTTP2 connection setup to be complete and invokes the callback once done.
validateRequest(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.ServerSecurityService
Similar to ServerSecurityService.validateRequest(RestRequest, Callback) but returns a Future instead of requiring a callback.
validateRequest(RestRequest, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.server.ServerSecurityService
Performs security validations (if any) on the individual stream RestRequest asynchronously and invokes the Callback when the validation completes.
value() - Method in annotation type com.github.ambry.config.Config
value() - Method in annotation type com.github.ambry.config.Default
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.Account.AccountStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.Container.ContainerStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.HardwareState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateModelListenerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.commons.Criteria.BoundType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.commons.PerformanceIndex
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClientErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.network.PortType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.notification.BlobReplicaSourceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationBlobType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.notification.UpdateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.protocol.GetOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationModelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.SubResource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange.ByteRangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions.OperationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.OperationTrackerScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader.StatsDescription
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.server.StatsReportType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.store.IndexMemState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.store.StoreGetOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.Account.AccountStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.AccountServiceErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.AclService.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.account.Container.ContainerStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.DataNodeConfigSourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.HardwareState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateModelListenerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.clustermap.StateTransitionException.TransitionErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.commons.Criteria.BoundType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.commons.PerformanceIndex
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.commons.SSLFactory.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.messageformat.MessageFormatFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClientErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.network.PortType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.notification.BlobReplicaSourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.notification.NotificationBlobType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.notification.UpdateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.protocol.GetOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.quota.QuotaOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.replication.FindTokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.replication.ReplicationModelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.ResponseStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestServiceErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.rest.RestUtils.SubResource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.ByteRange.ByteRangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.GetBlobOptions.OperationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.OperationTrackerScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.router.RouterErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.server.ServerErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.server.StatsHeader.StatsDescription
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.server.StatsReportType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.store.IndexMemState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.store.StoreErrorCodes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.ambry.store.StoreGetOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VCR_ASSIGNED_PARTITIONS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_CLUSTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_CLUSTER_SPECTATOR_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_CLUSTER_ZK_CONNECT_STRING - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_CRYPTO_SERVICE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_HELIX_STATE_MODEL_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_HTTP2_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_KMS_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_MIN_TTL_DAYS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_SOURCE_DATACENTERS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VCR_SSL_PORT - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
vcrAssignedPartitions - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The comma-separated list of statically assigned partitions.
vcrClusterName - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The name of the associated vcr cluster for this node.
vcrClusterSpectatorFactoryClass - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The class used to instantiate com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterSpectatorFactory
vcrClusterZkConnectString - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The ZK connect string of the vcr cluster.
vcrCryptoServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The CryptoServiceFactory that will be used to fetch CryptoService
vcrHelixStateModelFactoryClass - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
State model name for the vcr helix cluster.
vcrHttp2Port - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The HTTP2 port number associated with this node.
vcrKeyManagementServiceFactory - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The KeyManagementServiceFactory that will be used to fetch KeyManagementService
vcrMinTtlDays - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Minimum TTL in days required for blobs to be uploaded to cloud.
vcrProxyHost - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The proxy host, if any, providing network path to cloud services.
vcrProxyPort - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The proxy port (used only vcrProxyHost is non-null.
vcrRequireEncryption - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Require blobs to be encrypted prior to cloud upload?
vcrSourceDatacenters - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
Comma separated set of datacenters which can act as peer for cross colo replication.
vcrSslPort - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The ssl port number associated with this node.
VerifiableProperties - Class in com.github.ambry.config
Verifiable properties for configs
VerifiableProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
verify() - Method in class com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties
verifySignedRequest(RestRequest) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.UrlSigningService
Verifies that the signature in restRequest is valid.
verifySignedRequest(RestRequest, Callback<Void>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.frontend.UrlSigningService
Verifies that the signature in restRequest is valid.
VIRTUAL_REPLICATOR_CLUSTER_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
VirtualReplicatorCluster - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
The VirtualReplicatorCluster provides a high-level interface to Virtual Replicator Cluster.
VirtualReplicatorClusterFactory - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
A factory interface to get VirtualReplicatorCluster.
virtualReplicatorClusterFactoryClass - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.CloudConfig
The virtual replicator cluster factory class name.
VirtualReplicatorClusterListener - Interface in com.github.ambry.clustermap
VirtualReplicatorClusterListener takes actions on VirtualReplicatorCluster partition add or removal.


waitBootstrapCompleted(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Wait until bootstrap on given replica is complete.
waitDeactivationCompleted(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Wait until deactivation on given replica is complete.
waitDisconnectionCompleted(String) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.clustermap.ReplicaSyncUpManager
Wait until disconnection on given partition is complete.
wakeup() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClient
Wake up the NetworkClient if it is within a NetworkClient.sendAndPoll(List, Set, int) sleep.
wakeup() - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Selectable
Wakeup this selector if it is blocked on I/O
warmup(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.Transformer
Warms up transformer with message infos representing messages it will transform later
warmUpConnections(List<DataNodeId>, int, long, List<ResponseInfo>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.NetworkClient
Warm up connections to dataNodes in a specified time window.
wasPreviouslyEncrypted() - Method in class com.github.ambry.account.Container
write(ByteBuf, Callback<Long>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.AsyncWritableChannel
Write data in src to the channel and the callback will be invoked once the write succeeds or fails.
write(ByteBuffer, Callback<Long>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.rest.RestResponseChannel
Adds a sequence of bytes to the body of the response.
write(ByteBuffer, Callback<Long>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.router.AsyncWritableChannel
The data in src will be eventually written to the channel and the callback will be invoked once the write succeeds/fails.
Write - Interface in com.github.ambry.store
A write interface provided by the underlying store to write to it
writeTo(int, WritableByteChannel, long, long) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
Write the message referred by the index in this set to the given channel from the given relative offset up to maxSize.
writeTo(AsyncWritableChannel, Callback<Long>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Send
Placeholder to support AsyncWritableChannel
writeTo(AsyncWritableChannel, Callback<Long>) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageReadSet
This method is intend to write prefetched data from MessageReadSet to AsyncWritableChannel.
writeTo(Write) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.store.MessageWriteSet
Write the messages in this set to the given write channel
writeTo(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class com.github.ambry.network.BoundedByteBufferSend
writeTo(WritableByteChannel) - Method in interface com.github.ambry.network.Send
Writes content into the provided channel


ZK_CLIENT_CONNECT_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
ZK_CLIENT_CONNECT_STRING_KEY - Static variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
zkClientConnectAddress - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.StorageQuotaConfig
The ZooKeeper server address to connect to.
zkClientConnectionTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
Time in ms to time out a connection to a ZooKeeper server.
zkClientConnectString - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixAccountServiceConfig
The ZooKeeper server address.
zkClientSessionTimeoutMs - Variable in class com.github.ambry.config.HelixPropertyStoreConfig
Time in ms defines disconnection tolerance by a session.
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