Interface DiskId

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface DiskId
    extends Resource
    A DiskId stores ReplicaIds. Each DiskId is hosted on one specific DataNodeId. Each DiskId is uniquely identified by its DataNodeId and mount path (the path to this Disk's device on its DataNode).
    • Method Detail

      • getMountPath

        java.lang.String getMountPath()
        Gets the absolute path to the mounted device
        absolute mount path.
      • getState

        HardwareState getState()
        Gets the state of the DiskId.
        state of the DiskId.
      • getRawCapacityInBytes

        long getRawCapacityInBytes()
        Gets the raw capacity in bytes for this DiskId.
        the raw capacity in bytes
      • getDataNodeId

        DataNodeId getDataNodeId()
        Gets the data node of this disk.
        DataNodeId hosting this disk.