Class Thresholds

  • public class Thresholds
    extends java.lang.Object
    A data structure holding various thresholds based on different criteria.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Thresholds

        public Thresholds​(java.util.Map<PerformanceIndex,​Criteria> perfIndicesAndCriteria)
        Thresholds constructor
        perfIndicesAndCriteria - a map that holds PerformanceIndex and its Criteria. Criteria is a data structure that holds the bounds of threshold and helps to check if measured value meets the requirement(threshold).
    • Method Detail

      • checkThresholds

        public boolean checkThresholds​(java.util.Map<PerformanceIndex,​java.lang.Long> dataToCheck)
        Check if input data satisfy all thresholds.
        dataToCheck - a map whose key is PerformanceIndex and value is corresponding measured number.
        true if thresholds are satisfied. false otherwise.
      • getCriteria

        public Criteria getCriteria​(PerformanceIndex performanceIndex)
        Get the Criteria associated with the specified PerformanceIndex
        performanceIndex - to which the criteria is related
        the criteria or null if it doesn't exist