Class StoreException

    • Constructor Detail

      • StoreException

        public StoreException​(java.lang.String message,
                              StoreErrorCodes error)
      • StoreException

        public StoreException​(java.lang.String message,
                              java.lang.Throwable e,
                              StoreErrorCodes error)
      • StoreException

        public StoreException​(java.lang.Throwable e,
                              StoreErrorCodes error)
    • Method Detail

      • resolveErrorCode

        public static StoreErrorCodes resolveErrorCode​(java.lang.Throwable t)
        Resolve the error code from Throwable. This is to determine if exception is related to real disk I/O issue.
        t - the Throwable to check
        the StoreErrorCodes based on the error message in exception/error.