Module whatsapp4j

Package it.auties.whatsapp4j.binary

package it.auties.whatsapp4j.binary
  • Class Summary
    A utility class that wraps an array of bytes It provides an easy interface to modify said data, convert it or generate it This is intended to only be used for WhatsappWeb's WebSocket binary operations
    A class used to decode an encrypted BinaryArray received from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
    A class used to encode a WhatsappNode and then send it to WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
    The constants of this utility class describe the various tokens used by WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various flags that can be used when sending a WhatsappNode, encrypted using BinaryEncoder, to WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various metrics that can be used when sending a WhatsappNode, encrypted using BinaryEncoder, to WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various tags used by an encrypted BinaryArray.