Package it.auties.whatsapp.api

package it.auties.whatsapp.api
  • Class
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various reasons for which a session can be terminated
    This interface allows to handle a socket error and provides a default way to do so
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various locations where an error can occur in the socket
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of actions that can be performed by an error handler in response to a throwable
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various chat history's length that Whatsapp can send on the first login attempt
    This interface allows to consume a qr code and provides default common implementations to do so
    This interface allows to consume a file created by QrHandler.toFile(Path, ToFileConsumer) easily
    The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of events regarding a socket
    A class used to interface a user to WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
    A configuration class used to specify the behaviour of Whatsapp