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A_BUTTON_BLOOD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AB_BUTTON_BLOOD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ABACUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
acceptGroupInvite(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Accepts the invite for a group
ACCORDION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
accountNumber() - Method in class
The account phone number
accountNumber(String) - Method in class
The account phone number
accountNumber(String) - Method in class
The account phone number
accountSignature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
accountSignature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
accountSignature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
accountSignature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder
accountSignature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
accountSignature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList.SignedKeyIndexListBuilder
accountSignatureKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
accountSignatureKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
accountSignatureKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder
accountType() - Method in class
The type of account
accountType() - Method in class
The type of this account
accountType(BusinessAccountType) - Method in class
The type of account
accountType(BusinessAccountType) - Method in class
The type of account
accountType(BusinessAccountType) - Method in class
The type of this account
accountType(BusinessAccountType) - Method in class
The type of this account
accuracy() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The accuracy in meters of the location that this message wraps
accuracy() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The accuracy in meters of the location that this message wraps
accuracy(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The accuracy in meters of the location that this message wraps
accuracy(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
accuracy(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The accuracy in meters of the location that this message wraps
accuracy(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
acknowledged() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
acknowledged(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
acknowledged(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction.NuxActionBuilder
action() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
Action - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model interface that represents an action
ActionDataSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ActionDataSync(byte[], ActionValueSync, byte[], Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
actionLink() - Method in class
Action link
actionLink(ActionLink) - Method in class
Action link
actionLink(ActionLink) - Method in class
Action link
ActionLink - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
An action link for a button
ActionLink(String, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
ActionLink.ActionLinkBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
ActionMessageRangeSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ActionMessageRangeSync(Chat, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
ActionMessageRangeSync(Long, Long, List<SyncActionMessage>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
ActionMessageRangeSync.ActionMessageRangeSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ActionValueSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ActionValueSync(long, StarAction, ContactAction, MuteAction, PinAction, QuickReplyAction, RecentStickerWeightsAction, RecentEmojiWeightsAction, LabelEditAction, LabelAssociationAction, ArchiveChatAction, DeleteMessageForMeAction, MarkChatAsReadAction, ClearChatAction, DeleteChatAction, FavoriteStickerAction, AndroidUnsupportedActions, AgentAction, SubscriptionAction, UserStatusMuteAction, TimeFormatAction, NuxAction, PrimaryVersionAction, StickerAction, RemoveRecentStickerAction, ChatAssignmentAction, ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction, SecurityNotificationSetting, PushNameSetting, LocaleSetting, UnarchiveChatsSetting, RecentStickerMetadata, KeyExpiration, ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature.PrimaryFeatureBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
actualActors() - Method in class
The actual actors of this account
actualActors(BusinessActorsType) - Method in class
The actual actors of this account
actualActors(BusinessActorsType) - Method in class
The actual actors of this account
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
Adds a contact to a group
ADD_ME_TO_GROUPS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Refers to who should be able to add you to groups
addActionListener(OnAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers an action listener
addActionListener(OnWhatsappAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers an action listener
addAnyMessageStatusListener(OnAnyMessageStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message status listener
addAnyMessageStatusListener(OnWhatsappAnyMessageStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message status listener
addAppKeys(Collection<AppStateSyncKey>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Adds the provided keys to the app state keys
addChain(byte[], SessionChain) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
addChat(Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a chat in memory
addChat(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a chat in memory
addChatDirect(Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a chat in memory without executing any check
addChatMessagesSyncListener(OnChatMessagesSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a chat recent messages listener
addChatMessagesSyncListener(OnWhatsappChatMessagesSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a chat recent messages listener
addChatsListener(OnChatMessagesSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a chats listener
addChatsListener(OnChats) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a chats listener
addContact(Contact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a contact in memory
addContact(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a contact in memory
addContactBlockedListener(OnContactBlocked) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a contact blocked listener
addContactBlockedListener(OnWhatsappContactBlocked) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a contact blocked listener
addContactPictureChangeListener(OnContactPictureChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a profile picture listener
addContactPictureChangeListener(OnWhatsappContactPictureChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a profile picture listener
addContactPresenceListener(OnContactPresence) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a contact presence listener
addContactPresenceListener(OnWhatsappContactPresence) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a contact presence listener
addContactsListener(OnContacts) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a contacts listener
addContactsListener(OnWhatsappContacts) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a contacts listener
addConversationMessageStatusListener(OnConversationMessageStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message status listener
addConversationMessageStatusListener(OnWhatsappConversationMessageStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message status listener
addDisconnectedListener(OnDisconnected) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a disconnected listener
addDisconnectedListener(OnWhatsappDisconnected) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a disconnected listener
addFeaturesListener(OnFeatures) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a features listener
addFeaturesListener(OnWhatsappFeatures) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a features listener
addGroupParticipant(ContactJidProvider, ContactJidProvider...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Adds any number of contacts to a group
addGroupPictureChangeListener(OnGroupPictureChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a group picture listener
addGroupPictureChangeListener(OnWhatsappContactPictureChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a group picture listener
addHistorySyncProgressListener(OnHistorySyncProgress) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a sync progress listener
addHistorySyncProgressListener(OnWhatsappHistorySyncProgress) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a sync progress listener
additionalAttributes() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Returns the value of the additionalAttributes record component.
additionalAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder
addListener(Listener) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a listener
addLoggedInListener(OnLoggedIn) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a logged in listener
addLoggedInListener(OnWhatsappLoggedIn) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a logged in listener
addMediaStatusListener(OnMediaStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a status listener
addMediaStatusListener(OnWhatsappMediaStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a status listener
addMessageDeletedListener(OnMessageDeleted) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message deleted listener
addMessageDeletedListener(OnWhatsappMessageDeleted) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message deleted listener
addMessageReplyListener(MessageInfo, OnMessageReply) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message reply listener for a specific message
addMessageReplyListener(MessageInfo, OnWhatsappMessageReply) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message reply listener for a specific message
addMessageReplyListener(String, OnMessageReply) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message reply listener for a specific message
addMessageReplyListener(String, OnWhatsappMessageReply) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message reply listener for a specific message
addMessageReplyListener(OnMessageReply) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message reply listener
addMessageReplyListener(OnWhatsappMessageReply) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a message reply listener
addMetadataListener(OnMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a metadata listener
addMetadataListener(OnWhatsappMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a metadata listener
addNewContactListener(OnNewContact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new contact listener
addNewMessage(MessageInfo) - Method in class
Adds a message to the chat in the most recent slot available
addNewMessageListener(OnNewMarkedMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new message listener
addNewMessageListener(OnNewMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new message listener
addNewMessageListener(OnWhatsappNewMarkedMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new message listener
addNewMessageListener(OnWhatsappNewMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new message listener
addNewMessages(Collection<MessageInfo>) - Method in class
Adds a collection of messages to the chat in the most recent slot available
addNewStatusListener(OnNewMediaStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new status listener
addNewStatusListener(OnWhatsappNewMediaStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a new status listener
addNodeReceivedListener(OnNodeReceived) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a received node listener
addNodeReceivedListener(OnWhatsappNodeReceived) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a received node listener
addNodeSentListener(OnNodeSent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a sent node listener
addNodeSentListener(OnWhatsappNodeSent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a sent node listener
addOldMessage(MessageInfo) - Method in class
Adds a message to the chat in the oldest slot available
addOldMessages(Collection<MessageInfo>) - Method in class
Adds a collection of messages to the chat in the oldest slot available
addPendingReply(ReplyHandler) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a replay handler to this store
addPreKey(SignalPreKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Adds the provided pre key to the pre keys
addRequest(Request) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a request to this store
address() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
Returns the value of the address record component.
address() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
Returns the value of the address record component.
address() - Method in class
Returns the address, if available
address() - Method in enum class
address() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The address of the location that this message wraps
address(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The address of the location that this message wraps
address(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
addSenderMessageKey(SenderMessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
addSettingListener(OnSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a setting listener
addSettingListener(OnWhatsappSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a setting listener
addSocketEventListener(OnSocketEvent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers an event listener
addSocketEventListener(OnWhatsappSocketEvent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers an event listener
addState(int, int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
addState(int, int, byte[], SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
addState(SessionState) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
addStatus(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Adds a status to this store
addUserNameChangeListener(OnUserNameChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a name change listener
addUserNameChangeListener(OnWhatsappUserNameChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a name change listener
addUserPictureChangeListener(OnUserPictureChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a picture change listener
addUserPictureChangeListener(OnWhatsappUserPictureChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a picture change listener
addUserStatusChangeListener(OnUserStatusChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a status change listener
addUserStatusChangeListener(OnWhatsappUserStatusChange) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Registers a status change listener
ADHESIVE_BANDAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class
A participant of the group with administration powers
ADMIN_REVOKE - Enum constant in enum class
ADMINS - Enum constant in enum class
Allows only admins
ADMISSION_TICKETS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AdReplyInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to an companion reply.
AdReplyInfo() - Constructor for class
AdReplyInfo(String, AdReplyInfo.AdReplyInfoMediaType, byte[], String) - Constructor for class
AdReplyInfo.AdReplyInfoBuilder - Class in
AdReplyInfo.AdReplyInfoMediaType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of companion that a AdReplyInfo can link to
advertiserName() - Method in class
The name of the advertiser that served the original companion
advertiserName(String) - Method in class
The name of the advertiser that served the original companion
advertiserName(String) - Method in class
The name of the advertiser that served the original companion
AERIAL_TRAMWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AesCbc - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
AesGmc - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
AFGHANISTAN - Enum constant in enum class
agent() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the agent record component.
agent() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
agent(int) - Method in class
agent(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
agent(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
agentAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
agentAction(AgentAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
AgentAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents an agent
AgentAction(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
AgentAction.AgentActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
agentId() - Method in class
Returns the agent id
agentId(String) - Method in class
Agent id
agentId(String) - Method in class
Agent id
AIRPLANE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AIRPLANE_ARRIVAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AIRPLANE_DEPARTURE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ALARM_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ALBANIA - Enum constant in enum class
ALEMBIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ALGERIA - Enum constant in enum class
ALIEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ALIEN_MONSTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
allowed() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
Whether unsupported actions are allowed
allowed(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
Whether unsupported actions are allowed
allowed(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions.AndroidUnsupportedActionsBuilder
Whether unsupported actions are allowed
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
AMBULANCE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AMERICAN_FOOTBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AMERICAN_SAMOA - Enum constant in enum class
amount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The amount of money being paid for this order
amount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The amount being paid
amount(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The amount of money being paid for this order
amount(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The amount of money being paid for this order
amount(PaymentMoney) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The amount being paid
amount(PaymentMoney) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The amount being paid
amount1000() - Method in class
The amount
amount1000() - Method in class
The amount of money involved in this transaction
amount1000() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The amount of money being paid
amount1000(long) - Method in class
The amount
amount1000(long) - Method in class
The amount
amount1000(long) - Method in class
The amount of money involved in this transaction
amount1000(long) - Method in class
The amount of money involved in this transaction
amount1000(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The amount of money being paid
amount1000(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The amount of money being paid
AMPHORA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANATOMICAL_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANCHOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANDORRA - Enum constant in enum class
ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
ANDROID_TABLET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
androidUnsupportedActions() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
androidUnsupportedActions(AndroidUnsupportedActions) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
AndroidUnsupportedActions - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents unsupported actions for android
AndroidUnsupportedActions.AndroidUnsupportedActionsBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
ANGER_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANGOLA - Enum constant in enum class
ANGRY_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANGRY_FACE_WITH_HORNS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANGUILLA - Enum constant in enum class
ANGUISHED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
animated() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
Determines whether this sticker message is animated
animated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
Determines whether this sticker message is animated
animated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
animated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
ANNOUNCEMENT - Enum constant in enum class
Announcements Chat Jid: Read only chat, usually used by Whatsapp for log updates
ANT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANTENNA_BARS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA - Enum constant in enum class
ANXIOUS_FACE_WITH_SWEAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
anyMatch(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
ANYONE - Enum constant in enum class
Allows both admins and users
APP_CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ClientType
A standalone client that requires an SMS countryCode sent to the companion's phone number on log-in Reversed from KaiOS Mobile App
APP_ENDPOINT_HOST - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
APP_ENDPOINT_PORT - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
APP_PROLOGUE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class
APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
App state dataSync key request
APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_SHARE - Enum constant in enum class
APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_SHARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
App state dataSync key share
APP_STORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
appCached() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
appCached(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
appCached(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceBuilder
appKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Get any available app key
APPROVED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the review was approved.
AppSocketSession() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.AppSocketSession
appStateFatalExceptionNotification() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
App state exception notification
appStateFatalExceptionNotification(AppStateFatalExceptionNotification) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
App state exception notification
appStateFatalExceptionNotification(AppStateFatalExceptionNotification) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
App state exception notification
AppStateFatalExceptionNotification - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateFatalExceptionNotification(List<String>, Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
AppStateFatalExceptionNotification.AppStateFatalExceptionNotificationBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
appStateKeys(ArrayList<AppStateSyncKey>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
App state keys
AppStateSyncKey - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKey(AppStateSyncKeyId, AppStateSyncKeyData) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
AppStateSyncKey.AppStateSyncKeyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyData - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyData(byte[], AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint, Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
AppStateSyncKeyData.AppStateSyncKeyDataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint(Integer, Integer, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprintBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyId - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyId(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
AppStateSyncKeyId.AppStateSyncKeyIdBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
appStateSyncKeyRequest() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
An app state sync key
appStateSyncKeyRequest(AppStateSyncKeyRequest) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
An app state sync key
appStateSyncKeyRequest(AppStateSyncKeyRequest) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
An app state sync key
AppStateSyncKeyRequest - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyRequest(List<AppStateSyncKeyId>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
AppStateSyncKeyRequest.AppStateSyncKeyRequestBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
appStateSyncKeyShare() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The app state keys
appStateSyncKeyShare(AppStateSyncKeyShare) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The app state keys
appStateSyncKeyShare(AppStateSyncKeyShare) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
The app state keys
AppStateSyncKeyShare - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
AppStateSyncKeyShare(List<AppStateSyncKey>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
AppStateSyncKeyShare.AppStateSyncKeyShareBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
appVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
appVersion(Version) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
appVersion(Version) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
AppVersionResponse - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.response
AppVersionResponse(boolean, boolean, boolean, long, String, String) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Creates an instance of a AppVersionResponse record class.
AQUARIUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
archive(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Archives a chat.
archiveChatAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
archiveChatAction(ArchiveChatAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
ArchiveChatAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents an archived chat
ArchiveChatAction.ArchiveChatActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
archived() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
Whether the chat was archived
archived() - Method in class
This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
archived(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction.ArchiveChatActionBuilder
Whether the chat was archived
archived(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
Whether the chat was archived
archived(boolean) - Method in class
This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
archived(boolean) - Method in class
This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
archiveV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
archiveV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
archiveV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
ARDEVICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
ARGENTINA - Enum constant in enum class
ARIES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ARMENIA - Enum constant in enum class
ARTICULATED_LORRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ARTIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ARTIST_PALETTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ARUBA - Enum constant in enum class
ASTONISHED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ASTRONAUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ATM_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ATOM_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
attachment() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Returns the attachment of this message if present
attachment(ProductHeaderAttachment) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderSimpleBuilder
attachmentDocument() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Returns the document attachment of this message if present
attachmentDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The document attachment
attachmentDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
The document attachment
attachmentImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Returns the image attachment of this message if present
attachmentImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The image attachment
attachmentImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
The image attachment
AttachmentProvider - Interface in
A sealed interface that represents a class that can provide data about a media
attachmentThumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Returns the thumbnail attachment of this message if present
attachmentThumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The jpeg attachment
attachmentThumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
The jpeg attachment
attachmentType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The type of attachment that this invoice provides
attachmentType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Returns the type of attachment of this message
attachmentType(PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The type of attachment that this invoice provides
attachmentType(PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
attachmentVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Returns the video attachment of this message if present
attachmentVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The video attachment
attachmentVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
The video attachment
attribute(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Attributes a message Usually used by the socket handler
attributes() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the value of the attributes record component.
Attributes - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
A utility class that wraps a toMap and provides easy methods to interact with its content
Attributes(ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Creates an instance of a Attributes record class.
attributeStore(Store) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerDeserializerProvider
Attributes the store asynchronously.
AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The message is an audio
AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
audioMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional AudioMessage.
audioMessage(AudioMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Audio message
AudioMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding an audio inside
AudioMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
AudioMessage(AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
AudioMessage(String, String, byte[], long, int, boolean, byte[], byte[], String, long, byte[], byte[], Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder<C extends AudioMessage,B extends AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
AudioMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
AUSTRALIA - Enum constant in enum class
AUSTRIA - Enum constant in enum class
auth() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the auth record component.
AUTH_CANCEL_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
AUTH_CANCEL_FAILED_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class
AUTH_CANCELED - Enum constant in enum class
AUTO_RICKSHAW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
autodetectListeners() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Whether listeners marked with @RegisteredListener should be registered automatically.
autodetectListeners(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Whether listeners marked with @RegisteredListener should be registered automatically.
autodetectListeners(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
autoDownloadCellular() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
autoDownloadCellular(AutoDownloadSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
autoDownloadCellular(AutoDownloadSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
autoDownloadRoaming() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
autoDownloadRoaming(AutoDownloadSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
autoDownloadRoaming(AutoDownloadSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
AutoDownloadSettings - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
AutoDownloadSettings(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
autoDownloadWiFi() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
autoDownloadWiFi(AutoDownloadSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
autoDownloadWiFi(AutoDownloadSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
AUTOMOBILE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
autoMuted() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
Auto mute
autoMuted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
Auto mute
autoMuted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction.MuteActionBuilder
Auto mute
autoRenewing() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
autoRenewing(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
autoRenewing(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction.SubscriptionActionBuilder
availability() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the availability record component.
AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class
When the contact is online
avatarUserSettings() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
avatarUserSettings(AvatarUserSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
avatarUserSettings(AvatarUserSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
AvatarUserSettings - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
AvatarUserSettings(String, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
AvatarUserSettings.AvatarUserSettingsBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
AVOCADO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
awaitLatch() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
awaitReply(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Awaits for a single response to a message
awaitReply(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Awaits for a single response to a message
AXE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
AZERBAIJAN - Enum constant in enum class


B_BUTTON_BLOOD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BABY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BABY_ANGEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BABY_BOTTLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BABY_CHICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BABY_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BACK_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
background() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The background of the payment
background() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
background(PaymentBackground) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The background of the payment
background(PaymentBackground) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The background of the payment
background(PaymentBackground) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
background(PaymentBackground) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage.SendPaymentMessageBuilder
backgroundArgb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The background color
backgroundArgb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The background color of this text message encoded as ARGB
backgroundArgb(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
backgroundArgb(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The background color
backgroundArgb(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The background color of this text message encoded as ARGB
backgroundArgb(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
BACKHAND_INDEX_POINTING_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BACKHAND_INDEX_POINTING_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BACKHAND_INDEX_POINTING_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BACKHAND_INDEX_POINTING_UP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BACKPACK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BACON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAD_PARAM - Enum constant in enum class
BADGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BADMINTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAGEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAGGAGE_CLAIM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAGUETTE_BREAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAHAMAS - Enum constant in enum class
BAHRAIN - Enum constant in enum class
BALANCE_SCALE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BALD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BALLET_SHOES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BALLOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BALLOT_BOX_WITH_BALLOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BANANA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BANGLADESH - Enum constant in enum class
BANJO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BANK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAR_CHART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BARBADOS - Enum constant in enum class
BARBER_POLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BASEBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
baseKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
baseKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Returns the value of the baseKey record component.
baseKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
baseKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
baseKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
baseKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey.SessionPreKeyBuilder
baseKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
BASKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BASKETBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BATHTUB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BATTERY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEACH_WITH_UMBRELLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEAMING_FACE_WITH_SMILING_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEANS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEATING_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEAVER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEBASNEUE_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Bebasnue Regular
BED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEER_MUG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BEETLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
beforeRequest(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession.OriginPatcher
BELARUS - Enum constant in enum class
BELGIUM - Enum constant in enum class
BELIZE - Enum constant in enum class
BELL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BELL_PEPPER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BELL_WITH_SLASH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BELLHOP_BELL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BENIN - Enum constant in enum class
BENTO_BOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BERMUDA - Enum constant in enum class
beta() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns the value of the beta record component.
BETA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
BEVERAGE_BOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BHUTAN - Enum constant in enum class
BICYCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BIKINI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BILLED_CAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BINARY_20 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
BINARY_32 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
BINARY_8 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
BIOHAZARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BIRD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BIRTHDAY_CAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BISON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BITING_LIP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BIZ_CHAT_ASSIGNMENT - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_CHAT_ASSIGNMENT_UNASSIGN - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_INTRO_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_INTRO_TOP - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_MOVE_TO_CONSUMER_APP - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_NAME_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_PRIVACY_MODE_INIT_BSP - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_PRIVACY_MODE_INIT_FB - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_PRIVACY_MODE_TO_BSP - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_PRIVACY_MODE_TO_FB - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_TWO_TIER_MIGRATION_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_TWO_TIER_MIGRATION_TOP - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_VERIFIED_TRANSITION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP - Enum constant in enum class
BIZ_VERIFIED_TRANSITION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class
bizMarketSegment() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
bizMarketSegment(ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
bizMarketSegment(ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
BLACK_BERRY_X - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
BLACK_BIRD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_LARGE_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_MEDIUM_SMALL_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_MEDIUM_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_NIB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_SMALL_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACK_SQUARE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLACKBERRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
blob() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
blob() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
blob(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
blob(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync.IndexSyncBuilder
blob(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
blob(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync.ValueSyncBuilder
block(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Blocks a contact
BLOCK_CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class
blocked() - Method in class
Whether this contact is blocked
blocked(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this contact is blocked
blocked(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this contact is blocked
BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class
blockedContacts() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns all the blocked contacts
BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLOWFISH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLUE_ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
BLUE_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLUE_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLUE_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLUE_IPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
BLUE_MSG_BSP_FB_TO_BSP_PREMISE - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_FB_TO_SELF_FB - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_FB_TO_SELF_PREMISE - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_FB_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_FB_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_PREMISE_TO_SELF_PREMISE - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_PREMISE_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_BSP_PREMISE_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_CONSUMER_TO_BSP_FB_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_CONSUMER_TO_SELF_FB_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_FB_TO_BSP_PREMISE - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_FB_TO_SELF_PREMISE - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_FB_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_FB_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_PREMISE_TO_BSP_PREMISE - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_PREMISE_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_SELF_PREMISE_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_TO_BSP_FB - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_TO_CONSUMER - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_TO_SELF_FB - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_UNVERIFIED_TO_BSP_FB_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_UNVERIFIED_TO_SELF_FB_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_UNVERIFIED_TO_VERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_VERIFIED_TO_BSP_FB_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_VERIFIED_TO_SELF_FB_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_MSG_VERIFIED_TO_UNVERIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
BLUE_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BLUEBERRIES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
body() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The body of the button
body() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The body of this row
body() - Method in class
The body of this advertisement
body() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The body of this message
body() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the body
body() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
body() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The body of this message
body() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns the value of the body record component.
body(ProductBody) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Product body
body(ProductBody) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
Product body
body(ProductBody) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
body(ProductBody) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The body of the button
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The body of the button
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The body of this row
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The body of this row
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
body(String) - Method in class
The body of this advertisement
body(String) - Method in class
The body of this advertisement
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The body of this message
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The body of this message
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The body of this message
body(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
BOLIVIA - Enum constant in enum class
BOMB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOOKMARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOOKMARK_TABS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOOKS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOOMERANG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA - Enum constant in enum class
BOTSWANA - Enum constant in enum class
BOTTLE_WITH_POPPING_CORK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOUQUET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOW_AND_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOWL_WITH_SPOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOWLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOXING_GLOVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRAZIL - Enum constant in enum class
BREAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BREAST_FEEDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRIDGE_AT_NIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRIEFCASE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRIEFS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRIGHT_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRITISH_VIRGIN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
broadcast() - Method in class
broadcast(boolean) - Method in class
broadcast(boolean) - Method in class
BROADCAST - Enum constant in enum class
Broadcast group
BROADCAST - Enum constant in enum class
Broadcast list
BROADCAST_ADD - Enum constant in enum class
BROADCAST_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
BROADCAST_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
BROCCOLI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
broken() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns the value of the broken record component.
BROKEN_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BROWN_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BROWN_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BROWN_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BRUNEI - Enum constant in enum class
BRYNDAN_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Brydan Write
BSP - Enum constant in enum class
BSP - Enum constant in enum class
Bsp encryption
BSP_AND_FB - Enum constant in enum class
Facebook and bsp encryption
BUBBLE_TEA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUBBLES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction.AgentActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions.AndroidUnsupportedActionsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction.ArchiveChatActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction.ChatAssignmentActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction.ClearChatActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction.ContactActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction.DeleteChatActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction.DeleteMessageForMeActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction.LabelAssociationActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction.MarkChatAsReadActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction.MuteActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction.NuxActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction.PinActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction.PrimaryVersionActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction.RecentEmojiWeightsActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction.RecentStickerWeightsActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction.RemoveRecentStickerActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction.StarActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction.SubscriptionActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction.TimeFormatActionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction.UserStatusMuteActionBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow.ButtonRowBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData.ButtonRowOpaqueDataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection.ButtonSectionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText.ButtonTextBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton.CallButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton.HydratedCallButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton.HydratedQuickReplyButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton.HydratedURLButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton.NativeFlowButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton.QuickReplyButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton.SingleSelectReplyButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton.URLButtonBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.InteractiveLocationAnnotationBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location.LocationBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point.PointBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage.NativeFlowResponseMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink.ActionLinkBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer.FutureMessageContainerBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatusBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage.CancelPaymentRequestMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage.DeclinePaymentRequestMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage.SendPaymentMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage.DeviceSentMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage.DeviceSyncMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage.EncryptedReactionMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage.SenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage.StickerSyncRMRMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.EmptyMessage.EmptyMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage.KeepInChatMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.SimplePollCreationMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.SimplePollUpdateMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage.RequestPhoneNumberMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney.PaymentMoneyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata.PollAdditionalMetadataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption.PollOptionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate.PollUpdateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions.PollUpdateEncryptedOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata.PollUpdateMessageMetadataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product.ProductBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody.ProductBodyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog.ProductCatalogBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter.ProductFooterBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderSimpleBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail.ProductHeaderThumbnailBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage.ProductListHeaderImageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection.ProductSectionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings.AvatarUserSettingsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting.EphemeralSettingBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting.LocaleSettingBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting.PushNameSettingBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting.SecurityNotificationSettingBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting.UnarchiveChatsSettingBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish.ClientFinishBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello.ClientHelloBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity.DeviceIdentityBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage.HandshakeMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate.ServerCertificateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello.ServerHelloBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC.SignedDeviceIdentityHMACBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList.SignedKeyIndexListBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey.SenderChainKeyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord.SenderKeyRecordBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session.SessionBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain.SessionChainBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey.SessionPreKeyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync.ActionMessageRangeSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature.PrimaryFeatureBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification.AppStateFatalExceptionNotificationBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey.AppStateSyncKeyBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData.AppStateSyncKeyDataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprintBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId.AppStateSyncKeyIdBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest.AppStateSyncKeyRequestBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare.AppStateSyncKeyShareBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode.ExitCodeBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig.HistorySyncConfigBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage.HistorySyncMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync.IndexSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration.KeyExpirationBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId.KeyIdBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.MediaRetryNotificationBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync.MutationsSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync.MutationSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange.PhotoChangeBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName.PushNameBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight.RecentEmojiWeightBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight.RecentStickerWeightBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.RecordSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt.ServerErrorReceiptBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage.SyncActionMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync.ValueSyncBuilder
build() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync.VersionSyncBuilder
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in record class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in record class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in record class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainerBuilder
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.EmptyMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
builder() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
builder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
builder(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainerBuilder from a message of any type
buildHash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
buildHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
buildHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
BUILDING_CONSTRUCTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BULGARIA - Enum constant in enum class
BULLET_TRAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BULLSEYE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BURKINA_FASO - Enum constant in enum class
BURRITO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BURUNDI - Enum constant in enum class
BUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUS_STOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
business() - Method in class
The business jid of the message
business(ContactJid) - Method in class
The business jid of the message
business(ContactJid) - Method in class
The business jid of the message
BusinessAccountInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a business account.
BusinessAccountInfo(long, String, long, BusinessStorageType, BusinessAccountType) - Constructor for class
BusinessAccountInfo.BusinessAccountInfoBuilder - Class in
BusinessAccountLinkInfo - Class in
A model class that holds a payload about a business link info.
BusinessAccountLinkInfo(long, String, long, BusinessStorageType, BusinessAccountType) - Constructor for class
BusinessAccountLinkInfo.BusinessAccountLinkInfoBuilder - Class in
BusinessAccountPayload - Class in
A model class that holds a payload about a business account.
BusinessAccountPayload.BusinessAccountPayloadBuilder - Class in
BusinessAccountType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of business accounts
BusinessActorsType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of actors of a business account
BusinessCatalogEntry - Record Class in
A record class that represents a business catalog entry.
BusinessCatalogEntry(String, URI, BusinessCatalogEntry.ReviewStatus, BusinessCatalogEntry.Availability, String, String, URI, String, long, String, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BusinessCatalogEntry record class.
BusinessCatalogEntry.Availability - Enum Class in
An enumeration of possible Availabilities.
BusinessCatalogEntry.ReviewStatus - Enum Class in
An enumeration of possible ReviewStatuses.
BusinessCategory - Record Class in
A model class that represents a business category
BusinessCategory(String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BusinessCategory record class.
BusinessCollection - Class in
A model class that represents a business collection
BusinessCollection(ContactJid, String, int) - Constructor for class
BusinessCollection.BusinessCollectionBuilder - Class in
BusinessCollectionEntry - Record Class in
Record class representing a business collection entry.
BusinessCollectionEntry(String, String, List<BusinessCatalogEntry>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BusinessCollectionEntry record class.
BusinessCurrency - Class in
A model class that represents a currency
BusinessCurrency.BusinessCurrencyBuilder - Class in
BusinessDateTime - Class in
A model class that represents a time
BusinessDateTime.BusinessDateTimeBuilder - Class in
BusinessDateTime.DateType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various type of date types that a date time can wrap
BusinessDateTimeComponent - Class in
A model class that represents a time component
BusinessDateTimeComponent(BusinessDateTimeComponent.DayOfWeek, int, int, int, int, int, BusinessDateTimeComponent.CalendarType) - Constructor for class
BusinessDateTimeComponent.BusinessDateTimeComponentBuilder - Class in
BusinessDateTimeComponent.CalendarType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the supported calendar types
BusinessDateTimeComponent.DayOfWeek - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the days of the week
BusinessDateTimeUnixEpoch - Class in
A model class that represents a time as a unix epoch
BusinessDateTimeUnixEpoch.BusinessDateTimeUnixEpochBuilder - Class in
BusinessHours - Record Class in
A business hours representation that contains the business' time zone and a list of business hour entries.
BusinessHours(String, List<BusinessHoursEntry>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BusinessHours record class.
BusinessHoursEntry - Record Class in
A business hours entry that represents the hours of operation for a single day of the week.
BusinessHoursEntry(String, String, long, long) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BusinessHoursEntry record class.
businessId() - Method in class
The business id for this link
businessId(long) - Method in class
The business id for this link
businessId(long) - Method in class
The business id for this link
BusinessIdentityInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to the identity of a business account.
BusinessIdentityInfo(BusinessVerifiedLevel, BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate, boolean, boolean, BusinessStorageType, BusinessActorsType, long, long) - Constructor for class
BusinessIdentityInfo.BusinessIdentityInfoBuilder - Class in
BusinessLocalizableParameter - Class in
A model class that represents a time a localizable parameter
BusinessLocalizableParameter(String, BusinessCurrency, BusinessDateTime) - Constructor for class
BusinessLocalizableParameter.BusinessLocalizableParameterBuilder - Class in
BusinessLocalizableParameter.ParameterType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of parameters that can be wrapped
BusinessLocalizedName - Class in
A model class that represents a time a localizable name
BusinessLocalizedName.BusinessLocalizedNameBuilder - Class in
businessName() - Method in class
Returns the business name of this card if defined
businessName(String) - Method in class
The business name
BusinessNativeFlow - Class in
A model class that represents a native flow
BusinessNativeFlow.BusinessNativeFlowBuilder - Class in
businessOwnerJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The jid of the WhatsappBusiness account that owns the product that this message wraps
businessOwnerJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The jid of the WhatsappBusiness account that owns the product that this message wraps
businessOwnerJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
businessPrivacyStatus() - Method in class
Returns the optional business verified status
businessPrivacyStatus(BusinessPrivacyStatus) - Method in class
Business privacy status
businessPrivacyStatus(BusinessPrivacyStatus) - Method in class
Business privacy status
BusinessPrivacyStatus - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of business privacy
BusinessProfile - Class in
This model class represents the metadata of a business profile
BusinessProfile(ContactJid, String, String, String, BusinessHours, List<URI>, List<BusinessCategory>) - Constructor for class
BusinessShop - Class in
A model class that represents a shop
BusinessShop.BusinessShopBuilder - Class in
BusinessShop.SurfaceType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of surfaces that a BusinessShop can have
BusinessStorageType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of hosting that a Whatsapp business account can use
BusinessVerifiedLevel - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of verification that a business account can have
businessVerifiedName() - Method in class
Returns the optional business verified push name
businessVerifiedName(String) - Method in class
Business verified name
businessVerifiedName(String) - Method in class
Business verified name
BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate - Class in
A model class that represents a business certificate
BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class
BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate.BusinessVerifiedNameCertificateBuilder - Class in
BusinessVerifiedNameDetails - Class in
A model class that represents a verified name
BusinessVerifiedNameDetails(long, String, String, List<BusinessLocalizedName>, long) - Constructor for class
BusinessVerifiedNameDetails.BusinessVerifiedNameDetailsBuilder - Class in
BUST_IN_SILHOUETTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUSTS_IN_SILHOUETTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUTTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
BUTTERFLY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
button() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The text of the button of this message
button(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The text of the button of this message
button(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The text of the button of this message
Button - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a button
Button(String, ButtonText, NativeFlowInfo, Button.ButtonType) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Device message
Button.ButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
Button.ButtonType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
buttonId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
The id of the button that was selected
buttonId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
The id of the button that was selected
buttonId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
ButtonMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model interface that represents a button message
ButtonOpaqueData - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents data about a button
ButtonOpaqueData(String, String, double, double, int, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, byte[], String, String, String, List<PollOption>, Integer, byte[], String, Long, String, PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata, String, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
ButtonReplyMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model interface that represents a reply to a button message
ButtonReplyMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonReplyMessage
ButtonReplyMessage(ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonReplyMessage
ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder<C extends ButtonReplyMessage,B extends ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
ButtonReplyMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder
ButtonRow - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a row of buttons
ButtonRow.ButtonRowBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
ButtonRowOpaqueData - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents data about a row
ButtonRowOpaqueData.ButtonRowOpaqueDataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
buttons() - Method in class
The buttons of this flow
buttons() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The buttons of this row
buttons() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The buttons of this row
buttons() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The buttons that this message wraps
buttons(List<Button>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The buttons that this message wraps
buttons(List<Button>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The buttons that this message wraps
buttons(List<Button>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
buttons(List<ButtonTemplate>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The buttons of this row
buttons(List<ButtonTemplate>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The buttons of this row
buttons(List<ButtonTemplate>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
buttons(List<HydratedTemplateButton>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The buttons of this row
buttons(List<HydratedTemplateButton>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The buttons of this row
buttons(List<HydratedTemplateButton>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
buttons(List<NativeFlowButton>) - Method in class
The buttons of this flow
buttons(List<NativeFlowButton>) - Method in class
The buttons of this flow
BUTTONS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Buttons response
BUTTONS_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Buttons response
ButtonSection - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a section of buttons
ButtonSection.ButtonSectionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
buttonsMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the ButtonsMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a buttons message.
buttonsMessage(ButtonsMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Buttons message
ButtonsMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that contains buttons inside
ButtonsMessage(String, DocumentMessage, ImageMessage, VideoMessage, LocationMessage, String, String, ContextInfo, List<Button>, ButtonsMessage.HeaderType) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
ButtonsMessage.HeaderType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various of types of headers that a ButtonsMessage can have
ButtonsMessageHeader - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model that represents the header of a ButtonsMessage
buttonsResponseMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the ButtonsResponseMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a buttons response message.
buttonsResponseMessage(ButtonsResponseMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Buttons response message
ButtonsResponseMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that contains a response to a previous ButtonsMessage
ButtonsResponseMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
ButtonsResponseMessage(ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder<C extends ButtonsResponseMessage,B extends ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
ButtonTemplate - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a template for a button
ButtonTemplate(int, QuickReplyButton, URLButton, CallButton) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
ButtonTemplate.ButtonType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of buttons that a template can wrap
buttonText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
The display text of the button that was selected
buttonText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The text of the button that was selected from the previous template message
buttonText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
buttonText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
The display text of the button that was selected
buttonText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The text of the button that was selected from the previous template message
buttonText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
ButtonText - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents the text of a button
ButtonText.ButtonTextBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
buttonTitle() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
The title of the action
buttonTitle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink.ActionLinkBuilder
The title of the action
buttonTitle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
The title of the action
buttonType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
Returns the type of button that this message wraps
buttonType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
Returns the type of button that this message wraps
BytesHelper - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
bytesToInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
bytesToMessage(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
bytesToVersion(byte) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper


CACTUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAG_INVITE_AUTO_ADD - Enum constant in enum class
CAG_INVITE_AUTO_JOINED - Enum constant in enum class
CAG_MASKED_THREAD_CREATED - Enum constant in enum class
calculate(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.MD5
calculate(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Sha256
calculate(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.MD5
calculate(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Sha256
calculateSha256(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hmac
calculateSha512(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hmac
calendar() - Method in class
The type of calendar
calendar(BusinessDateTimeComponent.CalendarType) - Method in class
The type of calendar
calendar(BusinessDateTimeComponent.CalendarType) - Method in class
The type of calendar
CALENDAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
call() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns the call wrapped by this message, if any is present
call(CallInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Call message
CALL - Enum constant in enum class
A call will be received from the associated phone number
CALL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
CALL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
Call button
CALL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
Call button
CALL_ME_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CALL_MISSED_GROUP_VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class
CALL_MISSED_GROUP_VOICE - Enum constant in enum class
CALL_MISSED_VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class
CALL_MISSED_VOICE - Enum constant in enum class
callButton() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
callButton() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
callButton(CallButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder
callButton(CallButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
callButton(HydratedCallButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
callButton(HydratedCallButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder
CallButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a button that can start a phone call
CallButton.CallButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
caller() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns the value of the caller record component.
CallInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a Whatsapp call.
CallInfo(byte[], String, byte[], int) - Constructor for class
CallInfo.CallInfoBuilder - Class in
callListenersSync(Consumer<Listener>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
CAMBODIA - Enum constant in enum class
CAMEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAMERA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAMERA_WITH_FLASH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAMEROON - Enum constant in enum class
campaignExpirationTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
campaignExpirationTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
campaignExpirationTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatusBuilder
campaignId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
campaignId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
campaignId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatusBuilder
CAMPING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CANCEL_PAYMENT_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Cancel payment request
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class
cancelPaymentRequestMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of CancelPaymentRequestMessage.
cancelPaymentRequestMessage(CancelPaymentRequestMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Cancel payment request message
CancelPaymentRequestMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message that cancels a RequestPaymentMessage.
CancelPaymentRequestMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
CancelPaymentRequestMessage.CancelPaymentRequestMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
CANCER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CANDY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
canEqual(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
CANNED_FOOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CANOE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
canonicalUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The canonical url of the button
canonicalUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The canonical url of the link that this text message wraps, if available
canonicalUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The canonical url of the button
canonicalUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The canonical url of the button
canonicalUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The canonical url of the link that this text message wraps, if available
canonicalUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
CAPE_VERDE - Enum constant in enum class
CAPI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
CAPRICORN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The caption of the button
caption() - Method in class
The caption of the original companion
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The caption of this invite
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The caption of this message
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The caption of this message
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The caption of this message
caption() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The caption, that is the text below the video, of this video message
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The caption of the button
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The caption of the button
caption(String) - Method in class
The caption of the original companion
caption(String) - Method in class
The caption of the original companion
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The caption of this invite
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The caption of this message
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The caption of this message
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The caption of this message
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The caption, that is the text below the video, of this video message
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
caption(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
CARD_FILE_BOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CARD_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CARD_INDEX_DIVIDERS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAROUSEL_HORSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CARP_STREAMER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CARPENTRY_SAW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CARROT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CASTLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAT_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAT_WITH_TEARS_OF_JOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CAT_WITH_WRY_SMILE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
catalog() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The catalog where the product that this message wraps is
catalog() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
catalog(ProductCatalog) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The catalog where the product that this message wraps is
catalog(ProductCatalog) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
catalog(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
catalog(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
CATALOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface
catalogImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
catalogImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
catalogImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog.ProductCatalogBuilder
categories() - Method in class
The category of the business
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
category() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
category() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.Message
Return message category
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns the category of the message
category() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PaymentMessage
category() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ServerMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.EmptyMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
category() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
CAYMAN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
CELLULAR_1XRTT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_CDMA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_EHRPD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_EVDO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_GPRS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_HSDPA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_HSPA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_HSPAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_HSUPA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_IDEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_LTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_UMTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CELLULAR_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class
certificate() - Method in class
The certificate of this account
certificate() - Method in class
The certificate of this account
certificate(BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate) - Method in class
The certificate of this account
certificate(BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate) - Method in class
The certificate of this account
certificate(BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate) - Method in class
The certificate of this account
certificate(BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate) - Method in class
The certificate of this account
CHAD - Enum constant in enum class
chainKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The value key of the message
chainKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
chainKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The value key of the message
chainKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
The value key of the message
chainKey(SenderChainKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
chainKey(SenderChainKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder
chains(ConcurrentHashMap<String, SessionChain>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
CHAINS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHANGE_EPHEMERAL_SETTING - Enum constant in enum class
changeBusinessAddress(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Change the address of this business profile
changeBusinessCategories(List<BusinessCategory>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Change the categories of this business profile
changeBusinessDescription(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Change the description of this business profile
changeBusinessEmail(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Change the email of this business profile
changeBusinessWebsites(List<URI>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Change the websites of this business profile
CHANGED_IN_CHAT - Enum constant in enum class
Changed in chat
changeEphemeralTimer(T, ChatEphemeralTimer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Enables ephemeral messages in a chat, this means that messages will be automatically cancelled in said chat after a week
changeGroupDescription(T, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the description of a group
changeGroupPicture(T, byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the picture of a group
changeGroupSubject(T, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the name of a group
changeName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the name of this user
changeNewChatsEphemeralTimer(ChatEphemeralTimer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the default ephemeral timer of new chats.
changeNumberV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
changeNumberV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
changeNumberV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
changePresence(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes your presence for everyone on Whatsapp
changePresence(T, ContactStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes your presence for a specific chat
changePrivacySetting(PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue, T...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes a privacy setting in Whatsapp's settings.
changeProfilePicture(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the profile picture of yourself
changeStatus(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes the status(i.e.
changeWhoCanEditInfo(T, GroupPolicy) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes which category of users can edit the group's settings
changeWhoCanSendMessages(T, GroupPolicy) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Changes which category of users can send messages in a group
CHART_DECREASING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHART_INCREASING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHART_INCREASING_WITH_YEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
chat() - Method in class
Returns the chat where the message was sent
chat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The chat where the message was sent
chat() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageMetadataProvider
Returns the chat of the message
chat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
The chat of the message
chat(Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The chat where the message was sent
chat(Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
The chat where the message was sent
Chat - Class in
A model class that represents a Chat.
CHAT_POLL_CREATION_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class
CHAT_PSA - Enum constant in enum class
Chat.ChatBuilder - Class in
Chat.EndOfHistoryTransferType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of trasnfers that can regard a chat history sync
chatAssignmentAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
chatAssignmentAction(ChatAssignmentAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
ChatAssignmentAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents the assignment of a chat
ChatAssignmentAction(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
ChatAssignmentAction.ChatAssignmentActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
chatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
chatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction(ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents the assignment of a chat as opened
ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
ChatDisappear - Class in
A model that represents a chat disappear mode
ChatDisappear(ChatDisappear.Type) - Constructor for class
ChatDisappear.ChatDisappearBuilder - Class in
ChatDisappear.Type - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various actors that can initialize disappearing messages in a chat
ChatEphemeralTimer - Enum Class in
Enum representing the ChatEphemeralTimer period.
chatJid() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatJid record component.
chatJid() - Method in class
Returns the jid of the contact or group that sent the message.
chatJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The jid of the chat where the message was sent
chatJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
chatJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The jid of the chat where the message was sent
chatJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
The jid of the chat where the message was sent
chatJid(Optional<ContactJid>) - Method in class
chatJid(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
chatJid(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
ChatMediaVisibility - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of media visibility that can be set for a chat
ChatMute - Record Class in
An immutable model class that represents a mute
ChatMute(long) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ChatMute record class.
ChatMute.Type - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of mute a ChatMute can describe
chatName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the chat where this message is or its pretty jid
chatOpened() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
Whether the chat was opened
chatOpened(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusActionBuilder
Whether the chat was opened
chatOpened(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
Whether the chat was opened
chats() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns all the chats sorted from newest to oldest
chats(ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, Chat>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null toMap of chats
ChatWallpaper - Class in
A model class that represents the wallpaper of a chat.
ChatWallpaper(String, int) - Constructor for class
ChatWallpaper.ChatWallpaperBuilder - Class in
CHECK_BOX_WITH_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHECK_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHECK_MARK_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHEESE_WEDGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHEQUERED_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHERRIES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHERRY_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHESS_PAWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHESTNUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHICKEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHILD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
children() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns a non-null list of children of this node
CHILDREN_CROSSING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHILE - Enum constant in enum class
CHINA - Enum constant in enum class
CHIPMUNK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHOCOLATE_BAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHOPSTICKS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
chosenName() - Method in class
The nullable name specified by this contact when he created a Whatsapp account.
chosenName(String) - Method in class
The nullable name specified by this contact when he created a Whatsapp account.
chosenName(String) - Method in class
The nullable name specified by this contact when he created a Whatsapp account.
CHRISTMAS_TREE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CHROME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
chunkOrder() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
chunkOrder() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
chunkOrder(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
chunkOrder(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
chunkOrder(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
chunkOrder(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
CHURCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CIGARETTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CINEMA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
cipher(byte[], boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Handshake
cipherKey() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the cipherKey record component.
cipherKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Returns the value of the cipherKey record component.
cipherKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder
ciphertext() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
ciphertext(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
ciphertext(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
cipherText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
cipherText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
cipherText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
CIPHERTEXT - Enum constant in enum class
CIRCLED_M - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CIRCUS_TENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CITYSCAPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CITYSCAPE_AT_DUSK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLAMP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLAPPER_BOARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLAPPING_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLASSICAL_BUILDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
clear(T, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Clears the content of a chat for this client and its companions using a modern version of Whatsapp Important: this message doesn't seem to work always as of now
clearChatAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
clearChatAction(ClearChatAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
ClearChatAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a cleared chat
ClearChatAction.ClearChatActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
clearMedia() - Method in class
Clear media
clearMedia(boolean) - Method in class
Clear media
clearMedia(boolean) - Method in class
Clear media
clearReadWriteKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Clears the signal keys associated with this object
clientFeatures() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
clientFeatures(List<ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
clientFeatures(List<ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
clientFinish() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
clientFinish(ClientFinish) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
clientFinish(ClientFinish) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage.HandshakeMessageBuilder
ClientFinish - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientFinish(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
ClientFinish.ClientFinishBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
clientHello() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
clientHello(ClientHello) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
clientHello(ClientHello) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage.HandshakeMessageBuilder
ClientHello - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientHello(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
ClientHello(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
ClientHello.ClientHelloBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload(Long, boolean, List<ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature>, UserAgent, WebInfo, String, Integer, boolean, ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType, ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason, List<Integer>, DNSSource, Integer, Integer, Integer, CompanionData, ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct, byte[], byte[], boolean, ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension, Integer, Long, byte[], Boolean, byte[], ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
clientTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The client timestamp if present
clientTimestampInMilliseconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The timestamp for the client in milliseconds
clientTimestampInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The timestamp for the client in milliseconds
clientTimestampInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
The timestamp for the client in milliseconds
clientType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Returns the type of client
clientType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
Returns the type of client
clientType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
Returns the type of client
clientType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The client type
clientType(ClientType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The client type
ClientType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of API that can be used to make Whatsapp work
clientUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
clientUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
clientUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
CLINKING_BEER_MUGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLINKING_GLASSES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Clock - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
CLOCKWISE_VERTICAL_ARROWS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
close() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.AppSocketSession
close() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
close() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.SocketEvent
Called when the socket is closed
closeCurrentState() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
closed - Variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
closed() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
closed(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
closed(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
CLOSED_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOSED_MAILBOX_WITH_LOWERED_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOSED_MAILBOX_WITH_RAISED_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOSED_UMBRELLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
closeTime() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the closeTime record component.
CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOUD_WITH_LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOUD_WITH_LIGHTNING_AND_RAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOUD_WITH_RAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOUD_WITH_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLOWN_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLUB_SUIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CLUTCH_BAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COCKROACH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COCKTAIL_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COCONUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
code() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The invite countryCode of this message
code() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
code(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
code(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode.ExitCodeBuilder
code(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The invite countryCode of this message
code(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
codeLength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the codeLength record component.
COFFIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COLD_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COLLECT_CANCELED - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_CANCELLING - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_FAILED_RISK - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_INIT - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECT_SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
COLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
collectionNames() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
collectionNames(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification.AppStateFatalExceptionNotificationBuilder
collectionNames(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
COLLISION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COLOMBIA - Enum constant in enum class
color() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The color of the label
color(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The color of the label
color(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder
The color of the label
COMET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COMMUNITY_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_LINK_PARENT_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_LINK_SIBLING_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_LINK_SUB_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_PARENT_GROUP_DELETED - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_PARTICIPANT_DEMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_PARTICIPANT_PROMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_UNLINK_PARENT_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_UNLINK_SIBLING_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
COMMUNITY_UNLINK_SUB_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
COMOROS - Enum constant in enum class
companion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
companion(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
companion(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
Companion - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
Companion(String, Version, Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType, boolean, HistorySyncConfig) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
COMPANION - Enum constant in enum class
Represents a device connected using the multi device beta
COMPANION_JID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
Companion.CompanionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
CompanionData - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
CompanionData(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
companionIdentity() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The bytes of the encoded SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC received during the auth process
companionIdentity(SignedDeviceIdentity) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
This function sets the companionIdentity field to the value of the companionIdentity parameter, serializes the object, and returns the object.
companionIdentity(SignedDeviceIdentity) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The bytes of the encoded SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC received during the auth process
companionKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The companion secret key
companionKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The companion secret key
COMPASS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
complete(Node, boolean) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Completes this request using response
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
Complete and no more messages remain on the phone
Complete, but more messages remain on the phone
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class
completeLatch() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class
Component date
componentDate() - Method in class
The date as a component
componentDate(BusinessDateTimeComponent) - Method in class
The date as a component
componentDate(BusinessDateTimeComponent) - Method in class
The date as a component
COMPOSING - Enum constant in enum class
When the contact is writing a text message
COMPUTER_DISK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COMPUTER_MOUSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CONFETTI_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CONFOUNDED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CONFUSED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
connect() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Opens a connection with Whatsapp Web's WebSocket if a previous connection doesn't exist
connect() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
connect(SocketListener) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.AppSocketSession
connect(SocketListener) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
connect(SocketListener) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
connectAttemptCount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
connectAttemptCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
connectAttemptCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
connectReason() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
connectReason(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
connectReason(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
connectType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
connectType(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
connectType(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
CONSTRUCTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CONSTRUCTION_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
contact() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
Returns the value of the contact record component.
Contact - Class in
A model class that represents a Contact.
Contact(ContactJid, String, String, String, ContactStatus, ZonedDateTime, boolean) - Constructor for class
CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
CONTACT_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Contact array
CONTACT_EXCEPT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
All the contacts saved on your Whatsapp's user except some
Contact.ContactBuilder - Class in
contactAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
contactAction(ContactAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
ContactAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a new contact push name
ContactAction.ContactActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
ContactCard - Class in
A model class to represent and build the vcard of a contact
ContactCard.ContactCardBuilder - Class in
ContactJid - Record Class in
A model class that represents a jid.
ContactJid(String, ContactJid.Server, int, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ContactJid record class.
ContactJid.ContactJidBuilder - Class in
ContactJid.Server - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various servers that a jid might be linked to
ContactJid.Type - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of jids currently supported
ContactJidProvider - Interface in
Utility interface to make providing a jid easier
contactMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional ContactMessage.
contactMessage(ContactMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Contact message
ContactMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a contact inside
ContactMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
ContactMessage(ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder<C extends ContactMessage,B extends ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
ContactMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder
contacts() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns all the contacts
contacts() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
A list of ContactMessage that this message wraps
contacts(ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, Contact>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null toMap of contacts
contacts(List<ContactMessage>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
A list of ContactMessage that this message wraps
contacts(List<ContactMessage>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder
CONTACTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
All the contacts saved on your Whatsapp's user
contactsArrayMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional ContactsArrayMessage.
contactsArrayMessage(ContactsArrayMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Contact array message
ContactsArrayMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a list of contacts inside
ContactsArrayMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
ContactsArrayMessage(ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
ContactsArrayMessage(String, List<ContactMessage>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder<C extends ContactsArrayMessage,B extends ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
ContactsArrayMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder
ContactStatus - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various status that a Contact can be in
ContactStatusResponse - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.response
ContactStatusResponse(Node) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
ContactStatusResponse(String, ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
Creates an instance of a ContactStatusResponse record class.
contactVcard() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
contactVcard(Boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
contactVcard(Boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
containsAutoReply() - Method in class
containsAutoReply(boolean) - Method in class
containsAutoReply(boolean) - Method in class
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
The text of this button
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The content of this row
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the content of this message if it's there
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Hydrated template
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns the first populated message inside this container.
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The operation as text
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
The body of this product
content() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
The footer of this product
content() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the value of the content record component.
content() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
content(HydratedFourRowTemplate) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Hydrated template
content(HydratedFourRowTemplate) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
content(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The content of this row
content(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The content of this row
content(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
content(InteractiveMessageContent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
content(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
content(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer.FutureMessageContainerBuilder
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText.ButtonTextBuilder
The text of this button
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
The text of this button
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The operation as text
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder
The operation as text
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
The body of this product
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody.ProductBodyBuilder
The body of this product
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
The footer of this product
content(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter.ProductFooterBuilder
The footer of this product
contentAsBytes() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the content of this object as bytes
contentAsDouble() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the content of this object as a double
contentAsLong() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the content of this object as a long
contentAsString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the content of this object as string
contentCollection() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the collection content of this message if present
contentCollection(BusinessCollection) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Collection message
contentCollection(BusinessCollection) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
Collection message
contentEquals(int) - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
contentEquals(int, byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
contentNativeFlow() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the native flow content of this message if present
contentNativeFlow(BusinessNativeFlow) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Native flow message
contentNativeFlow(BusinessNativeFlow) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
Native flow message
contentShop() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the shop content of this message if present
contentShop(BusinessShop) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Shop store message
contentShop(BusinessShop) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
Shop store message
contentType() - Method in class
contentType() - Method in class
contentType() - Method in class
contentType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the type of content that this message wraps
contentType() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContent
Returns the type of this content
contentWithContext() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns the first populated contextual message inside this container
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The context of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The context info of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The context of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage.RequestPhoneNumberMessageBuilder
The context of this message
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
contextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
ContextInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a ContextualMessage.
ContextInfo() - Constructor for class
ContextInfo(String, ContactJid, Contact, MessageContainer, ContactJid, Chat, List<ContactJid>, String, byte[], int, int, boolean, AdReplyInfo, MessageKey, int, long, byte[], ExternalAdReplyInfo, String, String, int, ChatDisappear, ActionLink, String, ContactJid, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
ContextInfo.ContextInfoBuilder - Class in
ContextualMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model interface that represents a message sent by a contact that provides a context.
ContextualMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
ContextualMessage(ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
ContextualMessage(ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder<C extends ContextualMessage,B extends ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
ContextualMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder
CONTROL_KNOBS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Controller<T extends Controller<T>> - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.controller
This interface represents is implemented by all WhatsappWeb4J's controllers.
ControllerDeserializerProvider - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.serialization
This interface provides a standardized way to deserialize a session.
ControllerProvider - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.serialization
This interface provides a standardized way to list all sessions.
ControllerProviderLoader - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.serialization
A utility class to load all controller providers
ControllerSerializerProvider - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.serialization
This interface provides a standardized way to serialize a session.
CONVENIENCE_STORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
conversations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
conversations(List<Chat>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
conversations(List<Chat>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
conversionData() - Method in class
Conversation data
conversionData(byte[]) - Method in class
Conversation data
conversionData(byte[]) - Method in class
Conversation data
conversionDelaySeconds() - Method in class
Conversation delay in endTimeStamp
conversionDelaySeconds(int) - Method in class
Conversation delay in endTimeStamp
conversionDelaySeconds(int) - Method in class
Conversation delay in endTimeStamp
conversionSource() - Method in class
Conversation source
conversionSource(String) - Method in class
Conversation source
conversionSource(String) - Method in class
Conversation source
convert(Object) - Static method in class
convert(Object) - Static method in record class
COOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COOK_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
COOKED_RICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COOKIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COOKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COOL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
copy() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
Copies this key
copy() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Copies this object
copy() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
COPYRIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CORAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COSTA_RICA - Enum constant in enum class
COUCH_AND_LAMP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COULD_NOT_COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
Could not complete
count() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The count for this reply
count(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The count for this reply
count(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
The count for this reply
counter() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
counter() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Returns the value of the counter record component.
counter(AtomicLong) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
Request counter
counter(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
counter(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
counter(AtomicInteger) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain.SessionChainBuilder
COUNTERCLOCKWISE_ARROWS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
countryCode() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the countryCode record component.
CountryCode - Enum Class in
COUPLE_WITH_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COUPLE_WITH_HEART_MAN_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COUPLE_WITH_HEART_WOMAN_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COUPLE_WITH_HEART_WOMAN_WOMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COW_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
COWBOY_HAT_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRAB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRAYON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
createdAt() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp for the creation of this chat if it's a group
createdAt(long) - Method in class
The timestamp at which the chat, if a group, was created
createdAt(long) - Method in class
The timestamp at which the chat, if a group, was created
createdBy() - Method in class
Returns the contact who created this chat if it's a group
createdBy(ContactJid) - Method in class
The user who created this chat, if a group
createdBy(ContactJid) - Method in class
The user who created this chat, if a group
createGdprAccountInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Creates a new request to get a document containing all the data that was collected by Whatsapp about this user.
createGroup(String, ContactJidProvider...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Creates a new group with the provided name and with at least one contact
createIncoming(SenderKeyName, SignalDistributionMessage) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
createIncoming(Session, SignalPreKeyMessage) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
createMatrix(String, int, int) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler
Utility method to create a matrix from a qr countryCode
createMediaUrl(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
createOutgoing(int, byte[], SignalSignedKeyPair, SignalSignedKeyPair) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
createOutgoing(SenderKeyName) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
createService() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
createState(boolean, SignalKeyPair, SignalKeyPair, byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
CREDIT_CARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRESCENT_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRICKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRICKET_GAME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRITICAL_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
CRITICAL_UNBLOCK_LOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
CROATIA - Enum constant in enum class
CROCODILE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROISSANT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROSS_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROSS_MARK_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROSSED_FINGERS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROSSED_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROSSED_SWORDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CROWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRUTCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRYING_CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRYING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CRYPTOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Cryptographic error
CRYSTAL_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ctwaClid() - Method in class
ctwaClid(String) - Method in class
ctwaClid(String) - Method in class
CUBA - Enum constant in enum class
CUCUMBER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CUP_WITH_STRAW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CUPCAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CURLING_STONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CURLY_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CURLY_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
currency() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the currency record component.
currency() - Method in class
The currency of this transaction
currency() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The currency countryCode for PaymentOrderMessage.amount.
currency() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The currency countryCode for RequestPaymentMessage.amount.
currency(String) - Method in class
The currency of this transaction
currency(String) - Method in class
The currency of this transaction
currency(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The currency countryCode for PaymentOrderMessage.amount.
currency(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The currency countryCode for PaymentOrderMessage.amount.
currency(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The currency countryCode for RequestPaymentMessage.amount.
currency(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The currency countryCode for RequestPaymentMessage.amount.
CURRENCY - Enum constant in enum class
Currency parameter
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
currencyCode() - Method in class
The currency countryCode
currencyCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
currencyCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
currencyCode(String) - Method in class
The currency countryCode
currencyCode(String) - Method in class
The currency countryCode
currencyCode(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
currencyCode(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney.PaymentMoneyBuilder
currencyCode(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
currencyCode(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
currencyDeprecated() - Method in class
currencyDeprecated(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoCurrency) - Method in class
currencyDeprecated(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoCurrency) - Method in class
currencyParameter() - Method in class
The currency parameter
currencyParameter(BusinessCurrency) - Method in class
The currency parameter
currencyParameter(BusinessCurrency) - Method in class
The currency parameter
current(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Exceptions
CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
currentIndex() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
currentIndex() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
currentIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
currentIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder
currentIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprintBuilder
currentIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
currentMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
The current message
currentMessage(ButtonOpaqueData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData.ButtonRowOpaqueDataBuilder
The current message
currentMessage(ButtonOpaqueData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
The current message
currentState() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
currentVersion() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns the value of the currentVersion record component.
CURRY_RICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CUSTARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CUSTOMS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CUT_OF_MEAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CYCLONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
CYPRUS - Enum constant in enum class
CZECH_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class


DAGGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DANGO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
darkThemeWallpaper() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
darkThemeWallpaper(ChatWallpaper) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
darkThemeWallpaper(ChatWallpaper) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
DARWIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
DASHING_AWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
data() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
data() - Method in enum class
Returns the name of this enumerated constant
data() - Method in enum class
The name of the role according to Whatsapp
data() - Method in enum class
The name of the setting linked to this enumerated constant
data() - Method in enum class
Returns the name of this enumerated constant
data() - Method in class
The data of this call
data() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
The sender key
data() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
data() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
data(byte[]) - Method in class
The data of this call
data(byte[]) - Method in class
The data of this call
data(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
The sender key
data(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage.SenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder
The sender key
DATE_TIME - Enum constant in enum class
Date time parameter
dateTime() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Pending
Returns the value of the dateTime record component.
dateTimeParameter() - Method in class
The time parameter
dateTimeParameter(BusinessDateTime) - Method in class
The time parameter
dateTimeParameter(BusinessDateTime) - Method in class
The time parameter
dateType() - Method in class
Returns the type of date that this wrapper wraps
day() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the day record component.
dayOfMonth() - Method in class
The day of the month
dayOfMonth(int) - Method in class
The day of the month
dayOfMonth(int) - Method in class
The day of the month
dayOfWeek() - Method in class
The day of the week
dayOfWeek(BusinessDateTimeComponent.DayOfWeek) - Method in class
The day of the week
dayOfWeek(BusinessDateTimeComponent.DayOfWeek) - Method in class
The day of the week
deactivated() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
deactivated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
deactivated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction.SubscriptionActionBuilder
DEAF_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DEAF_PERSON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DEAF_WOMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
DECIDUOUS_TREE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DECLINE_PAYMENT_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Decline payment request
declinePaymentRequestMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of DeclinePaymentRequestMessage.
declinePaymentRequestMessage(DeclinePaymentRequestMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Decline payment request message
DeclinePaymentRequestMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message to decline a RequestPaymentMessage.
DeclinePaymentRequestMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
DeclinePaymentRequestMessage.DeclinePaymentRequestMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
decoded() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
decodedMedia() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
Returns the cached decoded media wrapped by this object if available.
decodedMedia(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder
decodedMessages(ConcurrentLinkedDeque<MessageInfo>) - Method in class
decodeMessage(Node) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
Decoder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.binary
Decoder(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Decoder
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
decrypt(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesCbc
decrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesCbc
decrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesGmc
decrypt(long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesGmc
decrypt(long, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesGmc
decrypt(SignalMessage) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
decrypt(SignalPreKeyMessage) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
DECRYPTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
deepType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns the deep type of the message unwrapping ephemeral and view once messages
DEER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.Type
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment
DEFAULT - Static variable in record class
DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
DEFAULT_SUB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
defaultErrorHandler(BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>, BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler
defaultErrorHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler
defaultErrorHandler(Consumer<Throwable>, BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>, BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>, System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler
defaultMimeType() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The default mime type for this enumerated type.
defaultOptions() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
Constructs a new instance with default options
defaultSerialization() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Whether the default serialization mechanism should be used or not.
defaultSerialization(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Whether the default serialization mechanism should be used or not.
defaultSerialization(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
defaultSubGroup() - Method in class
Whether this chat is a default subgroup
defaultSubGroup(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is a default subgroup
defaultSubGroup(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is a default subgroup
defaultValue() - Method in class
The default value
defaultValue(String) - Method in class
The default value
defaultValue(String) - Method in class
The default value
deflate(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
delay() - Method in class
The delay of this call in endTimeStamp
delay(int) - Method in class
The delay of this call in endTimeStamp
delay(int) - Method in class
The delay of this call in endTimeStamp
delete(int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.LocalFileSystem
delete(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Deletes a message
delete(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Deletes a chat for this client and its companions using a modern version of Whatsapp Important: this message doesn't seem to work always as of now
deleteChatAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
deleteChatAction(DeleteChatAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
DeleteChatAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a deleted chat
DeleteChatAction.DeleteChatActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
deleteConnections() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Deletes all the known connections from memory
deleted() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
Whether the agent was deleted
deleted() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
Whether this label was deleted
deleted() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
Whether this quick reply was deleted
deleted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction.AgentActionBuilder
Whether the agent was deleted
deleted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
Whether the agent was deleted
deleted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
Whether this label was deleted
deleted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder
Whether this label was deleted
deleted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
Whether this quick reply was deleted
deleted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
Whether this quick reply was deleted
deleteMedia() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
Whether the media should be removed from the memory of the client
deleteMedia(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
Whether the media should be removed from the memory of the client
deleteMedia(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction.DeleteMessageForMeActionBuilder
Whether the media should be removed from the memory of the client
deleteMessageForMeAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
deleteMessageForMeAction(DeleteMessageForMeAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
DeleteMessageForMeAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a message deleted for this client
DeleteMessageForMeAction.DeleteMessageForMeActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
DELIVERED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Delivered(two ticks)
deliveredJids() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
A list of contacts who received the message(two ticks)
deliveredJids(List<ContactJid>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
A list of contacts who received the message(two ticks)
deliveredJids(List<ContactJid>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
A list of contacts who received the message(two ticks)
deliveredTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
Returns the date when the message was delivered
deliveredTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
When the message was delivered(two ticks)
deliveredTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
When the message was delivered(two ticks)
DELIVERY_TRUCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DEMOCRATIC_REPUBLIC_OF_THE_CONGO - Enum constant in enum class
demote(ContactJidProvider, ContactJidProvider...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Demotes any number of contacts to admin in a group
DEMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
Demotes a contact to user in a group
DENMARK - Enum constant in enum class
DEPARTMENT_STORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DERELICT_HOUSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
deriveSecrets(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hkdf
deriveSecrets(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hkdf
deriveSecrets(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hkdf
deriveSecrets(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hkdf
description() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the description record component.
description() - Method in class
Returns the description, if available
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The description of the button
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
The description of the row
description() - Method in class
Returns the description of this chat if it's a group
description() - Method in class
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The description of this message
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The description of this message
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The description of the link that this text message wraps, if available
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
description() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
description() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the value of the description record component.
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The description of the button
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The description of the button
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow.ButtonRowBuilder
The description of the row
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
The description of the row
description(String) - Method in class
The description of this chat, if a group
description(String) - Method in class
The description of this chat, if a group
description(String) - Method in class
The description of the group.
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The description of this message
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The description of this message
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The description of this message
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The description of the link that this text message wraps, if available
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog.ProductCatalogBuilder
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
description(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
descriptionId() - Method in class
The id of the description.
descriptionId(String) - Method in class
The id of the description.
deserializeKeys(int) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerDeserializerProvider
Serializes the keys
deserializeStore(int) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerDeserializerProvider
Serializes the store
DESERT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DESERT_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DESKTOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
DESKTOP_COMPUTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
destinationJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
The unique identifier that this message update regards.
destinationJid(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
The unique identifier that this message update regards.
destinationJid(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage.DeviceSentMessageBuilder
The unique identifier that this message update regards.
details() - Method in class
The details of this certificate
details() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
details() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
details() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
details() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
details(byte[]) - Method in class
The details of this certificate
details(byte[]) - Method in class
The details of this certificate
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate.ServerCertificateBuilder
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC.SignedDeviceIdentityHMACBuilder
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
details(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList.SignedKeyIndexListBuilder
DETECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
deterministicLc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
deterministicLc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
deterministicLc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
deterministicLg() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
deterministicLg(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
deterministicLg(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
DEVELOPMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
device() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the device record component.
device() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
device() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
device(int) - Method in class
device(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
device(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
device(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
device(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
DEVICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Device message
DEVICE_SENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Device sent
DEVICE_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Device sync
deviceAgentId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
The device agent id
deviceAgentId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction.ChatAssignmentActionBuilder
The device agent id
deviceAgentId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
The device agent id
deviceBoard() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
deviceBoard(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
deviceBoard(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
DeviceContextInfo - Class in
DeviceContextInfo(DeviceListMetadata, int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class
DeviceContextInfo.DeviceContextInfoBuilder - Class in
deviceId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The device id for the mobile api
deviceId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
The agent's device id
deviceId() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
deviceId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction.AgentActionBuilder
The agent's device id
deviceId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
The agent's device id
deviceId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The device id for the mobile api
DeviceIdentity - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
DeviceIdentity(Integer, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
DeviceIdentity.DeviceIdentityBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
deviceIdHint() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
deviceIdHint(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
deviceIdHint(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
deviceIndex() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
deviceIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
deviceIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
deviceIndexes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
deviceIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprintBuilder
deviceIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
deviceInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Message context info
deviceInfo(DeviceContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Message context info
deviceJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The jid of the device that saved this message
deviceJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The jid of the device that saved this message
deviceJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
The jid of the device that saved this message
deviceListMetadata() - Method in class
deviceListMetadata(DeviceListMetadata) - Method in class
deviceListMetadata(DeviceListMetadata) - Method in class
DeviceListMetadata - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
DeviceListMetadata(byte[], Long, List<Integer>, byte[], Long, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
deviceListMetadataVersion() - Method in class
deviceListMetadataVersion(int) - Method in class
deviceListMetadataVersion(int) - Method in class
deviceManufacturer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The manufacturer of the device running the client, can be fake
deviceManufacturer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
deviceManufacturer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
deviceName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The name of the device running the client, can be fake
deviceName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
deviceName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
deviceSentMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of DeviceSentMessage.
deviceSentMessage(DeviceSentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Device sent message
DeviceSentMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
A model class that represents a message that refers to a message sent by the device paired with the active WhatsappWeb session.
DeviceSentMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
DeviceSentMessage.DeviceSentMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
deviceSignature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
deviceSignature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
deviceSignature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder
deviceSyncMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of DeviceSyncMessage.
deviceSyncMessage(DeviceSyncMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Device dataSync message
DeviceSyncMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
A model class that represents a message that refers to a message sent by the device paired with the active WhatsappWeb session to dataSync.
DeviceSyncMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
DeviceSyncMessage.DeviceSyncMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
DEVX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment
DIAMOND_SUIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DIAMOND_WITH_A_DOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DICTIONARY_0 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
DICTIONARY_1 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
DICTIONARY_2 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
DICTIONARY_3 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
DIM_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
directPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The direct path to the sticker
directPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
directPath() - Method in class
directPath() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the directPath record component.
directPath() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the directPath record component.
directPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
directPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The direct path to the sticker
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The direct path to the sticker
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
directPath(String) - Method in class
directPath(String) - Method in class
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.MediaRetryNotificationBuilder
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
directPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
disableAppStateSync() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.TextPreviewSetting
Link previews will not be generated
disappear() - Method in class
disappear(ChatDisappear.Type) - Method in class
disappear(ChatDisappear.Type) - Method in class
DISAPPEARING_MODE - Enum constant in enum class
disappearingMode() - Method in class
Disappearing mode
disappearingMode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
disappearingMode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
disappearingMode(ChatDisappear) - Method in class
Disappearing mode
disappearingMode(ChatDisappear) - Method in class
Disappearing mode
disappearingMode(ChatDisappear) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
disappearingMode(ChatDisappear) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
disappearingMode(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
disappearingMode(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
disappearingModeDuration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
disappearingModeDuration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
disappearingModeDuration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
disappearingModeTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
disappearingModeTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
disappearingModeTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
disappearInitiator() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the disappearing status of this chat
disappearInitiator(ChatDisappear) - Method in class
The initiator of disappearing chats
disappearInitiator(ChatDisappear) - Method in class
The initiator of disappearing chats
DISAPPOINTED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DISCARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Ignores an error that was thrown by the socket
discarding() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler.ToFileConsumer
Discard the newly created file
disconnect() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Disconnects from Whatsapp Web's WebSocket if a previous connection exists
disconnect(DisconnectReason) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
DISCONNECT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Disconnects from the current session without deleting it
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.DisconnectReason
Default errorReason
DisconnectReason - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various reasons for which a session can be terminated
DISGUISED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
displayName() - Method in class
displayName(String) - Method in class
displayName(String) - Method in class
dispose() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Controller
Disposes this object
dispose() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
dispose() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
dispose() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
DIVIDE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DIVING_MASK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DIYA_LAMP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DIZZY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DJIBOUTI - Enum constant in enum class
DNA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
dnsMethod() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
dnsMethod(DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
dnsMethod(DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceBuilder
dnsSource() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
dnsSource(DNSSource) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
dnsSource(DNSSource) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
DNSSource - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
DNSSource(DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
DNSSource.DNSSourceBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Document title
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Document title
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Document message
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The message is a document
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
Document message
documentMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional DocumentMessage.
documentMessage(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Document message
DocumentMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a document inside
DocumentMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
DocumentMessage(DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
DocumentMessage(String, String, String, byte[], long, Integer, byte[], String, byte[], String, long, byte[], Boolean, String, byte[], byte[], Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder<C extends DocumentMessage,B extends DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
DocumentMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
documentTypes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
documentTypes(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
documentTypes(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
documentWithCaptionMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the FutureMessageContainer with document and caption, if present.
documentWithCaptionMessage(FutureMessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Document with caption
DODO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOG_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOLLAR_BANKNOTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOLPHIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOMINICA - Enum constant in enum class
DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class
DONKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
doNotPlayInline() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
Determines whether the preview can be played inline
doNotPlayInline(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
Determines whether the preview can be played inline
doNotPlayInline(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
DOOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOTTED_LINE_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOTTED_SIX_POINTED_STAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOUBLE_BYTE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
DOUBLE_CURLY_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOUBLE_EXCLAMATION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOUGHNUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOWN_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOWN_LEFT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOWN_RIGHT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DOWNCAST_FACE_WITH_SWEAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
download(AttachmentProvider) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
downloadAudio() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadAudio(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder
downloadAudio(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadDocuments() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadDocuments(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder
downloadDocuments(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadImages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadImages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder
downloadImages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadMedia(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Downloads a media from Whatsapp's servers.
downloadVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
downloadVideo(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder
downloadVideo(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
DOWNWARDS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DRAGON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DRAGON_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DRESS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DROOLING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DROP_OF_BLOOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DROPLET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DRUM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DUCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
DUMPLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
duration() - Method in class
duration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The unsigned codeLength of the decoded audio in endTimeStamp
duration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The codeLength in seconds of the video that this message wraps
duration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
duration(int) - Method in class
duration(int) - Method in class
duration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
duration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The unsigned codeLength of the decoded audio in endTimeStamp
duration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
duration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting.EphemeralSettingBuilder
duration(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The codeLength in seconds of the video that this message wraps
duration(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
DVD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


E_MAIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
E2E_DEVICE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
E2E_DEVICE_FETCH_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
E2E_ENCRYPTED - Enum constant in enum class
E2E_ENCRYPTED_NOW - Enum constant in enum class
E2E_IDENTITY_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
E2E_IDENTITY_UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class
E2EE - Enum constant in enum class
End-to-end encryption
e2ENotificationSync() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
e2ENotificationSync(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
e2ENotificationSync(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
EAGLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EAR_OF_CORN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EAR_WITH_HEARING_AID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EAST_TIMOR - Enum constant in enum class
ECUADOR - Enum constant in enum class
EDGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
EDIT_GROUP_INFO - Enum constant in enum class
Who can edit the metadata of a group
editedMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the FutureMessageContainer with edited message content, if present.
editedMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
editedMessage(FutureMessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
editedMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
editedMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
EGG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EGGPLANT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EGYPT - Enum constant in enum class
EIGHT_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EIGHT_POINTED_STAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EIGHT_SPOKED_ASTERISK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EIGHT_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EJECT_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EL_SALVADOR - Enum constant in enum class
ELECTRIC_PLUG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
elementName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
Element Name
elementName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
Element Name
elementName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
Element Name
ELEPHANT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ELEVATOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ELEVEN_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ELEVEN_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ELF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
email() - Method in class
Returns the email, if available
EMAIL_SENT - Enum constant in enum class
emoji() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
emoji(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
emoji(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight.RecentEmojiWeightBuilder
Emojy - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
A list of all emojys supported by Whatsapp Source
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Server message
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
EMPTY_NEST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EmptyMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents an empty message.
EmptyMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.EmptyMessage
EmptyMessage.EmptyMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.TextPreviewSetting
Link previews will be generated.
ENABLED_WITH_INFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.TextPreviewSetting
Link previews will be generated.
enableEphemeral() - Method in class
Enable ephemeral This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
enableEphemeral(boolean) - Method in class
Enable ephemeral This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
enableEphemeral(boolean) - Method in class
Enable ephemeral This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
encFileHash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The hash of the sticker
encFileHash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The hash of the sticker
encFileHash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The hash of the sticker
encIv() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
encIv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
encIv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage.EncryptedReactionMessageBuilder
encKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns the value of the encKey record component.
encode(Node) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Encoder
encodedFileHash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
encodedFileHash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
encodedFileHash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
encodedId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns the encoded id
encodedId() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
encodedPublicKey() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
encodedVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
Encoder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.binary
Encoder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Encoder
encPayload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
encPayload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
encPayload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage.EncryptedReactionMessageBuilder
encPollVote() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encPollVote(PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
encPollVote(PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encReactionEncIv() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encReactionEncIv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
encReactionEncIv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encReactionEncPayload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encReactionEncPayload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
encReactionEncPayload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encReactionTargetMessageKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encReactionTargetMessageKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
encReactionTargetMessageKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
encrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesCbc
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
encrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesGmc
encrypt(long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesGmc
encrypt(long, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesGmc
encryptAndPrefix(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.AesCbc
ENCRYPTED_REACTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
encryptedImage() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the encryptedImage record component.
encryptedMetadata() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The encryption data necessary to decipher this message
encryptedMetadata(PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The encryption data necessary to decipher this message
encryptedMetadata(PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
The encryption data necessary to decipher this message
encryptedReactionMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the EncryptedReactionMessage, if present.
encryptedReactionMessage(EncryptedReactionMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Encrypted reaction
EncryptedReactionMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
EncryptedReactionMessage(MessageKey, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
EncryptedReactionMessage.EncryptedReactionMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
encryptionKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The encryption key of this poll
encryptionKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The encryption key of this poll
encryptionKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
end() - Method in record class
Returns the date when this mute expires if the chat is muted and not indefinitely
END_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
endOfHistoryTransfer() - Method in class
Whether this chat has been trasfered completely
endOfHistoryTransfer(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat has been trasfered completely
endOfHistoryTransfer(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat has been trasfered completely
endOfHistoryTransferType() - Method in class
The history sync status
endOfHistoryTransferType(Chat.EndOfHistoryTransferType) - Method in class
The history sync status
endOfHistoryTransferType(Chat.EndOfHistoryTransferType) - Method in class
The history sync status
endTimeStamp() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the endTimeStamp record component.
ENRAGED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ENTERPRISE - Enum constant in enum class
ENTERPRISE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
entries() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the entries record component.
entryPointConversionApp() - Method in class
Entry point conversion app
entryPointConversionApp(String) - Method in class
Entry point conversion app
entryPointConversionApp(String) - Method in class
Entry point conversion app
entryPointConversionDelaySeconds() - Method in class
Entry point conversion delay in endTimeStamp
entryPointConversionDelaySeconds(int) - Method in class
Entry point conversion delay in endTimeStamp
entryPointConversionDelaySeconds(int) - Method in class
Entry point conversion delay in endTimeStamp
entryPointConversionSource() - Method in class
Entry point conversion source
entryPointConversionSource(String) - Method in class
Entry point conversion source
entryPointConversionSource(String) - Method in class
Entry point conversion source
ENVELOPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ENVELOPE_WITH_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ephemeral() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
ephemeral() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
ephemeral(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello.ClientHelloBuilder
ephemeral(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
ephemeral(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
ephemeral(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello.ServerHelloBuilder
EPHEMERAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
EPHEMERAL_KEEP_IN_CHAT - Enum constant in enum class
EPHEMERAL_SETTING - Enum constant in enum class
EPHEMERAL_SETTING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
A ProtocolMessage that notifies that the ephemeral settings in a chat have changed
EPHEMERAL_SETTING_NOT_APPLIED - Enum constant in enum class
EPHEMERAL_SYNC_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class
EPHEMERAL_SYNC_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
A ProtocolMessage that notifies that a dataSync in an ephemeral chat
ephemeral24HDuration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
ephemeral24HDuration(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
ephemeral24HDuration(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
ephemeralAllowGroupMembers() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
ephemeralAllowGroupMembers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
ephemeralAllowGroupMembers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
ephemeralDuration() - Method in class
Ephemeral duration This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralDuration(int) - Method in class
Ephemeral duration This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralDuration(int) - Method in class
Ephemeral duration This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralExpiration() - Method in class
ephemeralExpiration() - Method in class
The expiration in seconds for this ContextualMessage.
ephemeralExpiration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The expiration, that is the seconds in seconds after which a message is automatically deleted, of messages in an ephemeral chat.
ephemeralExpiration(int) - Method in class
The expiration in seconds for this ContextualMessage.
ephemeralExpiration(int) - Method in class
The expiration in seconds for this ContextualMessage.
ephemeralExpiration(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The expiration, that is the seconds in seconds after which a message is automatically deleted, of messages in an ephemeral chat.
ephemeralExpiration(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
The expiration, that is the seconds in seconds after which a message is automatically deleted, of messages in an ephemeral chat.
ephemeralExpiration(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
The expiration timer for this group if ephemeral messages are enabled
ephemeralKeyPair() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The ephemeral key pair
ephemeralKeyPair() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
ephemeralKeyPair(SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The ephemeral key pair
ephemeralKeyPair(SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
ephemeralKeyPair(SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
ephemeralMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the FutureMessageContainer associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain an ephemeral message.
ephemeralMessage(FutureMessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Ephemeral message
ephemeralMessageDuration() - Method in class
The seconds in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers.
ephemeralMessageDuration(ChatEphemeralTimer) - Method in class
The seconds in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers.
ephemeralMessageDuration(ChatEphemeralTimer) - Method in class
The seconds in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers.
ephemeralMessages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
ephemeralMessages(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
ephemeralMessages(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
ephemeralMessagesToggleTime() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on
ephemeralMessagesToggleTime(long) - Method in class
The seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on.
ephemeralMessagesToggleTime(long) - Method in class
The seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on.
ephemeralOutOfSync() - Method in class
Ephemeral out of sync This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in class
Ephemeral out of sync This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in class
Ephemeral out of sync This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralPublicKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
ephemeralPublicKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
ephemeralPublicKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
EphemeralSetting - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
EphemeralSetting(int, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
EphemeralSetting.EphemeralSettingBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
ephemeralSettingTimestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, of the last modification to the ephemeral settings for the chat where this ContextualMessage was sent.
ephemeralSettingTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, of the last modification to the ephemeral settings of a chat.
ephemeralSettingTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, of the last modification to the ephemeral settings for the chat where this ContextualMessage was sent.
ephemeralSettingTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, of the last modification to the ephemeral settings for the chat where this ContextualMessage was sent.
ephemeralSettingTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, of the last modification to the ephemeral settings of a chat.
ephemeralSettingTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, of the last modification to the ephemeral settings of a chat.
ephemeralSharedSecret() - Method in class
Ephemeral shared secret
ephemeralSharedSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
Ephemeral shared secret
ephemeralSharedSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
Ephemeral shared secret
ephemeralStartTimestamp() - Method in class
Ephemeral start timestamp This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralStartTimestamp(long) - Method in class
Ephemeral start timestamp This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
ephemeralStartTimestamp(long) - Method in class
Ephemeral start timestamp This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash.Result
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
equals(Object) - Method in class
Checks if this chat is equal to another chat
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Checks if this contact is equal to another contact
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Error
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Pending
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Ready
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Checks if this object is equal to another
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
equals(Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
equals(Object) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
EQUATORIAL_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class
ERITREA - Enum constant in enum class
ERRONEOUS_NODE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when a malformed node is sent
Error() - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Error
Creates an instance of a Error record class.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.SocketEvent
Called when an unexpected error is thrown, can be used as a safety mechanism
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Erroneous status(no ticks)
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Type
An error occurred and the report could not be delivered
ERROR_RECONNECT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
errorHandler() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Handles failures in the WebSocket.
errorHandler() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
errorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Handles failures in the WebSocket.
errorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
ErrorHandler - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.api
This interface allows to handle a socket error and provides a default way to do so
ErrorHandler.Location - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various locations where an error can occur in the socket
ErrorHandler.Result - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of actions that can be performed by an error handler in response to a throwable
errorReason() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the errorReason record component.
ESTONIA - Enum constant in enum class
ETHIOPIA - Enum constant in enum class
EURO_BANKNOTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EVERGREEN_TREE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EVERYONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
EWE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EXCEPTION_NOTIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
App state fatal exception notification
Exceptions - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
exchangeAmount() - Method in class
The exchange amount
exchangeAmount(PaymentMoney) - Method in class
The exchange amount
exchangeAmount(PaymentMoney) - Method in class
The exchange amount
EXCLAMATION_QUESTION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
exitCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
exitCode(ExitCode) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
exitCode(ExitCode) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
ExitCode - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ExitCode(Long, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
ExitCode.ExitCodeBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
experimentGroupId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
Experiment Group Id
experimentGroupId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
Experiment Group Id
experimentGroupId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
expiration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
Returns the expiration of this invite
expiration(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The expiration of this invite in seconds since Instant.EPOCH.
expiration(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
expirationDateSeconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
expirationDateSeconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
expirationDateSeconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction.SubscriptionActionBuilder
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class
EXPIRED_TXN - Enum constant in enum class
expiredKeyEpoch() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
expiredKeyEpoch(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
expiredKeyEpoch(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration.KeyExpirationBuilder
expiryTimestamp() - Method in class
The date of expiration of this transaction
expiryTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
The timestamp of expiration for this message
expiryTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, for the expiration of this payment request
expiryTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The date of expiration of this transaction
expiryTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The date of expiration of this transaction
expiryTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
The timestamp of expiration for this message
expiryTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageBuilder
The timestamp of expiration for this message
expiryTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, for the expiration of this payment request
expiryTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The timestamp, that is the seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH, for the expiration of this payment request
EXPLODING_HEAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EXPRESSIONLESS_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
externalAdReply() - Method in class
External ad reply
externalAdReply(ExternalAdReplyInfo) - Method in class
External ad reply
externalAdReply(ExternalAdReplyInfo) - Method in class
External ad reply
ExternalAdReplyInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to an advertisement.
ExternalAdReplyInfo(String, String, ExternalAdReplyInfo.ExternalAdReplyInfoMediaType, String, String, byte[], String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
ExternalAdReplyInfo.ExternalAdReplyInfoBuilder - Class in
ExternalAdReplyInfo.ExternalAdReplyInfoMediaType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of media that an ad can wrap
ExternalBlobReference - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ExternalBlobReference(byte[], String, String, long, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
externalMdOptInAvailable() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
externalMdOptInAvailable(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
externalMdOptInAvailable(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
externalMutations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
externalMutations(ExternalBlobReference) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
externalMutations(ExternalBlobReference) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
extractAndExpand(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hkdf
extractAndExpand(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Hkdf
EYE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EYE_IN_SPEECH_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


FACE_BLOWING_A_KISS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_EXHALING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_HOLDING_BACK_TEARS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_IN_CLOUDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_SAVORING_FOOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_SCREAMING_IN_FEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_VOMITING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_CROSSED_OUT_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_DIAGONAL_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_HAND_OVER_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_HEAD_BANDAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_MEDICAL_MASK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_MONOCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_OPEN_EYES_AND_HAND_OVER_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_OPEN_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_PEEKING_EYE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_RAISED_EYEBROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_ROLLING_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_SPIRAL_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_STEAM_FROM_NOSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_SYMBOLS_ON_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_TEARS_OF_JOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_THERMOMETER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITH_TONGUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACE_WITHOUT_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACEBOOK - Enum constant in enum class
Facebook encryption
FACEBOOK - Enum constant in enum class
FACEBOOK - Enum constant in enum class
Hosted by facebook
FACEBOOK_PAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
Facebook Pay
facebookId() - Method in class
The facebook jid
facebookId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
facebookId(long) - Method in class
The facebook jid
facebookId(long) - Method in class
The facebook jid
facebookId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings.AvatarUserSettingsBuilder
facebookId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
FACTORY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FACTORY_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
FAILED_DA - Enum constant in enum class
FAILED_DA_FINAL - Enum constant in enum class
FAILED_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class
FAILED_RECEIVER_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class
FAILED_RISK - Enum constant in enum class
FAIRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FALAFEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FALKLAND_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
FALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
fallbackLc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
fallbackLc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
fallbackLc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
fallbackLg() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
fallbackLg(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
fallbackLg(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
FALLEN_LEAF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_BOY_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_GIRL_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_GIRL_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_MAN_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_MAN_BOY_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_MAN_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_MAN_GIRL_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_MAN_GIRL_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_WOMAN_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_WOMAN_BOY_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_WOMAN_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_WOMAN_GIRL_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_MAN_WOMAN_GIRL_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_BOY_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_GIRL_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_GIRL_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_WOMAN_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_WOMAN_BOY_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_WOMAN_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_WOMAN_GIRL_BOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAMILY_WOMAN_WOMAN_GIRL_GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FARMER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAROE_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
FAST_DOWN_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAST_FORWARD_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAST_REVERSE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FAST_UP_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
favorite() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
favorite(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
favorite(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
favoriteStickerAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
favoriteStickerAction(FavoriteStickerAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
FavoriteStickerAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a favourite sticker
FavoriteStickerAction(String, String, String, String, String, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
favourite() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
Whether the sticker should be marked as favourite or not
favourite(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
Whether the sticker should be marked as favourite or not
favourite(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
Whether the sticker should be marked as favourite or not
FAX_MACHINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FB_LITE_ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
fbAppId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbAppId(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
fbAppId(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbCat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbCat(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
fbCat(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbDeviceId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbDeviceId(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
fbDeviceId(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbUserAgent() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
fbUserAgent(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
fbUserAgent(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
FEARFUL_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FEATHER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
featureControls() - Method in class
Feature controls
featureControls(long) - Method in class
Feature controls
featureControls(long) - Method in class
Feature controls
features() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
features(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
features(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
FEMALE_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FERRIS_WHEEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FERRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIELD_HOCKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIJI - Enum constant in enum class
FILE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias.Format
FILE_CABINET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FILE_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
fileEncSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
fileEncSha256() - Method in class
fileEncSha256() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the fileEncSha256 record component.
fileEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
fileEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
fileEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class
fileEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class
fileExtension() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
Returns the default extension of this media type
fileLength() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
fileLength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the fileLength record component.
fileLength() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
fileLength(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
fileLength(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
fileLength(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
fileLength(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
filename() - Method in class
The name of the file used as wallpaper
filename(String) - Method in class
The name of the file used as wallpaper
filename(String) - Method in class
The name of the file used as wallpaper
fileName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The name of the document that this object wraps
fileName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
fileName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The name of the document that this object wraps
fileName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
fileSha256() - Method in class
fileSha256() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the fileSha256 record component.
fileSha256(byte[]) - Method in class
fileSha256(byte[]) - Method in class
FILM_FRAMES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FILM_PROJECTOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
filter() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns the value of the filter record component.
finalLiveLocation() - Method in class
Final live location This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
finalLiveLocation(LiveLocationMessage) - Method in class
Final live location This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
finalLiveLocation(LiveLocationMessage) - Method in class
Final live location This field is suppressed because this information is available from the message itself
findAllIds(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerProviderLoader
Returns all the IDs
findAllSerializers(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerProviderLoader
Returns all the serializers
findAppKeyById(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Queries the app state key that matches id
findChain(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
findChatByJid(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first chat whose jid is equal to jid
findChatByName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first chat whose name is equal to name
findChatsByName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries every chat whose name is equal to name
findContactByJid(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first contact whose jid is equal to jid
findContactByName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first contact whose name is equal to name
findContactsByName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries every contact whose name is equal to name
findHashStateByName(PatchType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Queries the hash state that matches name.
findIds() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerProvider
Returns all the known IDs
findMessageById(ContactJidProvider, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first message whose id matches the one provided in the specified chat
findMessageByKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first message whose id matches the one provided in the specified chat
findNode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Finds the first child node
findNode(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the first node that matches the description provided
findNodes(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns all the nodes that match the description provided
findOnlyDeserializer(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerProviderLoader
Returns the best deserializer available
findPendingRequest(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first request whose id is equal to id
findPreKeyById(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Queries the trusted key that matches id
findSenderKeyByName(SenderKeyName) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Queries the first SenderKeyRecord that matches name
findSenderMessageKey(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
findSessionByAddress(SessionAddress) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Queries the Session that matches address
findSignedKeyPairById(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Queries the trusted key that matches id
findState() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
findState(int, byte[]) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
findStateById(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
findStatusById(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first status whose id matches the one provided
findStatusBySender(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries all the status of a contact
findStoreById(int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first store whose id is equal to id
fingerprint() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
fingerprint(AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData.AppStateSyncKeyDataBuilder
fingerprint(AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
finish() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Handshake
finish() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash
FINLAND - Enum constant in enum class
FIRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIRE_ENGINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIRE_EXTINGUISHER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIRECRACKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIREFIGHTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIREFOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
FIREWORKS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIRST_QUARTER_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIRST_QUARTER_MOON_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
firstConnection() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API from the first session opened.
firstConnection(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API from the first session opened.
firstFrameLength() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The codeLength of the first frame
firstFrameLength(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The codeLength of the first frame
firstFrameLength(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
firstFrameSidecar() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The sidecar for the first frame
firstFrameSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The sidecar for the first frame
firstFrameSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
firstImageId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
firstImageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
firstImageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
firstName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
Returns the first name of this contact
firstName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction.ContactActionBuilder
The first name of the contact
firstName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
The first name of the contact
firstScanLength() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The codeLength of the first scan
firstScanLength(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The codeLength of the first scan
firstScanLength(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
firstScanSidecar() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sidecar for the first sidecar
firstScanSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sidecar for the first sidecar
firstScanSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
FISH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FISH_CAKE_WITH_SWIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FISHING_POLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIVE_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FIVE_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_AFGHANISTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ALAND_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ALBANIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ALGERIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_AMERICAN_SAMOA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ANDORRA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ANGOLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ANGUILLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ANTARCTICA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ANTIGUA_BARBUDA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ARGENTINA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ARMENIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ARUBA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ASCENSION_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_AUSTRALIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_AUSTRIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_AZERBAIJAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BAHAMAS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BAHRAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BANGLADESH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BARBADOS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BELARUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BELGIUM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BELIZE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BENIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BERMUDA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BHUTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BOLIVIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BOTSWANA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BOUVET_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BRAZIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BRITISH_VIRGIN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BRUNEI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BULGARIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BURKINA_FASO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_BURUNDI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CAMBODIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CAMEROON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CANADA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CANARY_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CAPE_VERDE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CARIBBEAN_NETHERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CAYMAN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CEUTA_MELILLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CHAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CHILE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CHINA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CHRISTMAS_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CLIPPERTON_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_COCOS_KEELING_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_COLOMBIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_COMOROS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CONGO___BRAZZAVILLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CONGO___KINSHASA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_COOK_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_COSTA_RICA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_COTE_IVOIRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CROATIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CUBA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CURACAO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CYPRUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_CZECHIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_DENMARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_DIEGO_GARCIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_DJIBOUTI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_DOMINICA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ECUADOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_EGYPT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_EL_SALVADOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ENGLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_EQUATORIAL_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ERITREA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ESTONIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ESWATINI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ETHIOPIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_EUROPEAN_UNION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FALKLAND_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FAROE_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FIJI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FINLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FRANCE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FRENCH_GUIANA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FRENCH_POLYNESIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_FRENCH_SOUTHERN_TERRITORIES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GABON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GAMBIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GEORGIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GERMANY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GHANA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GIBRALTAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GREECE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GREENLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GRENADA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUADELOUPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUATEMALA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUERNSEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUINEA_BISSAU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_GUYANA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_HAITI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_HEARD_MCDONALD_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_HONDURAS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_HONG_KONG_SAR_CHINA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_HUNGARY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ICELAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_IN_HOLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_INDIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_INDONESIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_IRAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_IRAQ - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_IRELAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ISLE_OF_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ISRAEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ITALY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_JAMAICA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_JAPAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_JERSEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_JORDAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_KAZAKHSTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_KENYA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_KIRIBATI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_KOSOVO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_KUWAIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_KYRGYZSTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LAOS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LATVIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LEBANON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LESOTHO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LIBERIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LIBYA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LIECHTENSTEIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LITHUANIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_LUXEMBOURG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MACAO_SAR_CHINA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MADAGASCAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MALAWI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MALAYSIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MALDIVES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MALI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MALTA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MARSHALL_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MARTINIQUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MAURITANIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MAURITIUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MAYOTTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MEXICO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MICRONESIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MOLDOVA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MONACO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MONGOLIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MONTENEGRO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MONTSERRAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MOROCCO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MOZAMBIQUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_MYANMAR_BURMA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NAMIBIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NAURU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NEPAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NETHERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NEW_CALEDONIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NEW_ZEALAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NICARAGUA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NIGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NIGERIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NIUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NORFOLK_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NORTH_KOREA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NORTH_MACEDONIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_NORWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_OMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PAKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PALAU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PALESTINIAN_TERRITORIES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PANAMA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PARAGUAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PERU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PHILIPPINES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PITCAIRN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_POLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PORTUGAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_PUERTO_RICO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_QATAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_REUNION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ROMANIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_RUSSIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_RWANDA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SAMOA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SAN_MARINO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SAO_TOME_PRINCIPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SAUDI_ARABIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SCOTLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SENEGAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SERBIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SEYCHELLES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SIERRA_LEONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SINGAPORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SINT_MAARTEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SLOVAKIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SLOVENIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SOLOMON_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SOMALIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SOUTH_AFRICA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SOUTH_GEORGIA_SOUTH_SANDWICH_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SOUTH_KOREA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SOUTH_SUDAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SPAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SRI_LANKA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST__HELENA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST__KITTS_NEVIS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST__LUCIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST__MARTIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST__PIERRE_MIQUELON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST__VINCENT_GRENADINES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ST_BARTHELEMY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SUDAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SURINAME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SVALBARD_JAN_MAYEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SWEDEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SWITZERLAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_SYRIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TAIWAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TAJIKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TANZANIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_THAILAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TIMOR_LESTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TOGO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TOKELAU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TONGA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TRINIDAD_TOBAGO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TRISTAN_DA_CUNHA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TUNISIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TURKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TURKMENISTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TURKS_CAICOS_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_TUVALU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_U_S__OUTLYING_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_U_S__VIRGIN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UGANDA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UKRAINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UNITED_KINGDOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UNITED_NATIONS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UNITED_STATES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_URUGUAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_UZBEKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_VANUATU - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_VATICAN_CITY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_VENEZUELA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_VIETNAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_WALES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_WALLIS_FUTUNA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_WESTERN_SAHARA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_YEMEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ZAMBIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLAG_ZIMBABWE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
flags() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature
flags(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature.PrimaryFeatureBuilder
FLAMINGO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLASHLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
flashType() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the flashType record component.
FLAT_SHOE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLATBREAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLEUR_DE_LIS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLEXED_BICEPS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLOPPY_DISK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLOWER_PLAYING_CARDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLUSHED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLUTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLYING_DISC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FLYING_SAUCER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOGGY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOLDED_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOLDING_HAND_FAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FONDUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
font() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The type of font used for the text message.
font(TextMessage.TextMessageFontType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The type of font used for the text message.
font(TextMessage.TextMessageFontType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
FOOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
footer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The footer of this row
footer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The footer of this row
footer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The footer of this message
footer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the footer
footer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The footer text of this message
footer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The footer of this message
footer(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The footer of this row
footer(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The footer of this row
footer(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
footer(ProductFooter) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Product footer
footer(ProductFooter) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
Product footer
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The footer of this row
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The footer of this row
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The footer of this message
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The footer of this message
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The footer text of this message
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The footer text of this message
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The footer of this message
footer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
FOOTPRINTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
force() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Returns the value of the force record component.
force(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder
FORCE_UPGRADE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
FORK_AND_KNIFE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FORK_AND_KNIFE_WITH_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
format() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Returns the formatter of this message
formatType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Returns the type of format of this message
FORTUNE_COOKIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
forwarded() - Method in class
Whether this ContextualMessage is forwarded
forwarded(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this ContextualMessage is forwarded
forwarded(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this ContextualMessage is forwarded
forwardingScore() - Method in class
Forwarding score
forwardingScore(int) - Method in class
Forwarding score
forwardingScore(int) - Method in class
Forwarding score
foundationTimestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp for when this group was created
foundationTimestamp(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
The timestamp for when this group was created
founder() - Method in class
founder(ContactJid) - Method in class
The founder of the group.
FOUNDER - Enum constant in enum class
The founder of the group, also known as super admin
FOUNTAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOUNTAIN_PEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOUR_LEAF_CLOVER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOUR_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FOUR_ROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
Four row template
FOUR_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FourRowTemplate - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a four row template
FourRowTemplate(DocumentMessage, HighlyStructuredMessage, ImageMessage, VideoMessage, LocationMessage, HighlyStructuredMessage, HighlyStructuredMessage, List<ButtonTemplate>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
fourRowTemplateFormat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Returns the four rows formatter of this message if present
fourRowTemplateFormat(FourRowTemplate) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Four row template.
fourRowTemplateFormat(FourRowTemplate) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
FourRowTemplateTitle - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model that represents the title of a FourRowTemplate
FourRowTemplateTitleType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of title that a template can have
FOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FRAMED_PICTURE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FRANCE - Enum constant in enum class
FREE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FRENCH_FRIES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FRENCH_POLYNESIA - Enum constant in enum class
frequentlyForwardedSetting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
frequentlyForwardedSetting(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
frequentlyForwardedSetting(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
FRIDAY - Enum constant in enum class
FRIED_SHRIMP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FROG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
fromMe() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the fromMe record component.
fromMe() - Method in class
Determines whether the message was sent by you or by someone else
fromMe() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
Determines whether the message was sent by you or by someone else
fromMe(boolean) - Method in class
fromMe(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
Determines whether the message was sent by you or by someone else
fromMe(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
Determines whether the message was sent by you or by someone else
FRONT_FACING_BABY_CHICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FROWNING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FROWNING_FACE_WITH_OPEN_MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FUEL_PUMP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FULL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
FULL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
FULL_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
FULL_MOON_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
fullHashCode() - Method in class
Returns the hash code for this chat using all fields.
fullName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
Returns the full name of this contact
fullName() - Method in class
The nullable name associated with this contact on the phone connected with Whatsapp
fullName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction.ContactActionBuilder
The full name of the contact
fullName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
The full name of the contact
fullName(String) - Method in class
The nullable name associated with this contact on the phone connected with Whatsapp
fullName(String) - Method in class
The nullable name associated with this contact on the phone connected with Whatsapp
fullSyncDaysLimit() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
fullSyncDaysLimit(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
fullSyncDaysLimit(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig.HistorySyncConfigBuilder
fullSyncSizeMbLimit() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
fullSyncSizeMbLimit(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
fullSyncSizeMbLimit(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig.HistorySyncConfigBuilder
FUNERAL_URN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
future() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Returns the value of the future record component.
future() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns the value of the future record component.
FutureMessageContainer - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A container for a future message
FutureMessageContainer(MessageContainer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
FutureMessageContainer.FutureMessageContainerBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
FUTUREPROOF - Enum constant in enum class
futureproofBuffer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
futureproofBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
futureproofBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
futureProofData() - Method in class
Returns the optional quoted sticker data
futureProofData(byte[]) - Method in class
Upcoming data
futureProofData(byte[]) - Method in class
Upcoming data
futureProofed() - Method in class
Future proofed
futureProofed(boolean) - Method in class
Future proofed
futureProofed(boolean) - Method in class
Future proofed


GABON - Enum constant in enum class
GAMBIA - Enum constant in enum class
GAME_DIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GARLIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GdprAccountReport - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
A model interface that represents a gdpr account report.
GdprAccountReport.Error - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
An erroneous gdpr request
GdprAccountReport.Pending - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
A pending gdpr request
GdprAccountReport.Ready - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
A successful gdpr request
GdprAccountReport.Type - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
The constants of this enumerated type describe the status of a gdpr request
GEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GEM_STONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GEMINI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GENERAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
GENERAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
GENERIC_NOTIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class
GENIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GEORGIA - Enum constant in enum class
GERMANY - Enum constant in enum class
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value by key in the wrapped toMap
get(String, T, Class<T>) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value by key in the wrapped toMap
getBoolean(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value as a boolean by key in the wrapped toMap
getContextInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
The context of this message
getDimensions(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getDuration(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getGdprAccountInfoStatus() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries the document containing all the data that was collected by Whatsapp about this user.
getIndex() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChatType
getInt(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value as an int by key in the wrapped toMap
getJid(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets an optional value as a ContactJid by key in the wrapped toMap
getLong(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value as a long by key in the wrapped toMap
getMimeType(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getMimeType(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getMimeType(Path) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getNullableString(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a nullable value as a string by key in the wrapped toMap
getOptionalInt(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value as an int by key in the wrapped toMap
getOptionalLong(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value as a long by key in the wrapped toMap
getOptionalString(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets an optional value as a string by key in the wrapped toMap
getOrCreateLatch() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
getOrCreateSemaphore() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
getOrCreateService() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
getPreview(URI) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getProfilePic(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
getRequiredString(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a non-null value as a string by key in the wrapped toMap.
getString(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a non-null value as a string by key in the wrapped toMap.
getString(String, String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Gets a value as a string by key in the wrapped toMap.
getThumbnail(byte[], Medias.Format) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
GHANA - Enum constant in enum class
GHOST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GIBRALTAR - Enum constant in enum class
gifAttribution() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The source from where the gif that this message wraps comes from.
gifAttribution(VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The source from where the gif that this message wraps comes from.
gifAttribution(VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
gifAttribution(VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
gifPlayback() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
Determines whether this object wraps a video that must be played as a gif
gifPlayback(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
Determines whether this object wraps a video that must be played as a gif
gifPlayback(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
GINGER_ROOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GIPHY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
GIRAFFE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GIRL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLASS_OF_MILK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLASSES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
globalSettings() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
globalSettings(GlobalSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
globalSettings(GlobalSettings) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
GlobalSettings - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
GlobalSettings(ChatWallpaper, ChatMediaVisibility, ChatWallpaper, AutoDownloadSettings, AutoDownloadSettings, AutoDownloadSettings, boolean, boolean, int, long, AvatarUserSettings) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
GLOBE_SHOWING_AMERICAS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLOBE_SHOWING_ASIA_AUSTRALIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLOBE_SHOWING_EUROPE_AFRICA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLOBE_WITH_MERIDIANS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLOVES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GLOWING_STAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GOAL_NET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GOBLIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GOGGLES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GOOGLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
GOOSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GORILLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRADUATION_CAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRAPES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREECE - Enum constant in enum class
GREEN_ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
GREEN_APPLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREEN_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREEN_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREEN_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREEN_IPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
GREEN_SALAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREEN_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GREENLAND - Enum constant in enum class
GREGORIAN - Enum constant in enum class
Gregorian calendar
GRENADA - Enum constant in enum class
GREY_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRIMACING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_CAT_WITH_SMILING_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_FACE_WITH_BIG_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_FACE_WITH_SMILING_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_FACE_WITH_SWEAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GRINNING_SQUINTING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
group() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The jid of the group that this invite regards
group(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The jid of the group that this invite regards
group(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
Group Chat Jid
GROUP_ANNOUNCE_MODE_MESSAGE_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_BOUNCED - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CALL - Enum constant in enum class
Group call
GROUP_CALL - Enum constant in enum class
Group Call Jid
GROUP_CHANGE_ANNOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CHANGE_ICON - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CHANGE_INVITE_LINK - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CHANGE_NO_FREQUENTLY_FORWARDED - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CHANGE_RESTRICT - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CHANGE_SUBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CREATE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_CREATING - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_INVITE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Group invite
GROUP_INVITE_LINK_GROWTH_LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_JOIN_APPROVAL_MODE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_ACCEPT - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_ADD - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_ADD_REQUEST_JOIN - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_CHANGE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_DEMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_INVITE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_LEAVE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_LINKED_GROUP_JOIN - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_PROMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_PARTICIPANT_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
GROUP_V4_ADD_INVITE_SENT - Enum constant in enum class
GroupAction - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various actions that can be executed on a Contact in a Chat.
GroupBuilder - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
GroupBuilder(Keys) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
Creates an instance of a GroupBuilder record class.
GroupCipher - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
GroupCipher(SenderKeyName, Keys) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
Creates an instance of a GroupCipher record class.
groupDogfoodingInternalOnly() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupDogfoodingInternalOnly(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupDogfoodingInternalOnly(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
groupId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
The jid of the sender
groupId() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
Returns the value of the groupId record component.
groupId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
The jid of the sender
groupId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage.SenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder
The jid of the sender
groupingKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The grouping key
groupingKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The grouping key
groupingKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder
The grouping key
groupInviteMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of GroupInviteMessage.
groupInviteMessage(GroupInviteMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Group invite message
GroupInviteMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a whatsapp group invite inside
GroupInviteMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
GroupInviteMessage(GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder<C extends GroupInviteMessage,B extends GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
GroupInviteMessage.Type - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
GroupInviteMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
groupJid() - Method in class
The JID of the chat group.
groupJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The JID of the chat group.
groupJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The JID of the chat group.
GroupMetadata - Class in
This model class represents the metadata of a group
GroupMetadata(ContactJid, String, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime, ContactJid, String, String, Map<GroupSetting, GroupPolicy>, List<GroupParticipant>, ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for class
GroupMetadata.GroupMetadataBuilder - Class in
groupName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The name of the group that this invite regards
groupName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
groupName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The name of the group that this invite regards
GroupParticipant - Record Class in
A model class that represents a participant of a group.
GroupParticipant(ContactJid, GroupRole) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a GroupParticipant record class.
GroupParticipant.GroupParticipantBuilder - Class in
GroupPolicy - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various policies that can be enforced for a GroupSetting in a Chat.
GroupRole - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various roles that a GroupParticipant can have in a group.
GroupSetting - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various settings that can be toggled for a group.
groupSubject() - Method in class
Group subject
groupSubject(String) - Method in class
Group subject
groupSubject(String) - Method in class
Group subject
groupsV3() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupsV3(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupsV3(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
groupsV3Create() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupsV3Create(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupsV3Create(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
groupsV4JoinPermission() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupsV4JoinPermission(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupsV4JoinPermission(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
groupType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The type of this invite
groupType(GroupInviteMessage.Type) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
groupType(GroupInviteMessage.Type) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The type of this invite
groupUiiCleanup() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupUiiCleanup(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
groupUiiCleanup(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
GROWING_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GUAM - Enum constant in enum class
GUARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GUATEMALA - Enum constant in enum class
GUESSED_TOO_FAST - Enum constant in enum class
GUIDE_DOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class
GUINEA_BISSAU - Enum constant in enum class
GUITAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
GUYANA - Enum constant in enum class


HAIR_PICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAITI - Enum constant in enum class
HAMBURGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAMMER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAMMER_AND_PICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAMMER_AND_WRENCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAMSA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAMSTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAND_WITH_FINGERS_SPLAYED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HAND_WITH_INDEX_FINGER_AND_THUMB_CROSSED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HANDBAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
handle() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The handle of the sticker
handle() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
handle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The handle of the sticker
handle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The handle of the sticker
handle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
handle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
Handshake - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
Handshake(Keys) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Handshake
HANDSHAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HandshakeMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
HandshakeMessage(ClientFinish) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
HandshakeMessage(ClientHello) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
HandshakeMessage(ClientHello, ServerHello, ClientFinish) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
HandshakeMessage.HandshakeMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
HARDCODED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
hasAgent() - Method in record class
Returns whether this jid specifies an agent
hasAppKeys() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns whether any app key is available
hasCategory(MessageCategory) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Checks whether the message that this container wraps matches the provided category
hasChain(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
hasContent() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns whether this object's content is non-null
hasDescription(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Checks whether this node's description is equal to the one provided
hasDevice() - Method in record class
Returns whether this jid specifies a device
hasExternalMutations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
hash() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash.Result
Returns the value of the hash record component.
hash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
hash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
hash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
hash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
hash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder
hash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
hash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight.RecentStickerWeightBuilder
hash(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
hash(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage.StickerSyncRMRMessageBuilder
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash.Result
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns the hash code for this chat
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Error
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Pending
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Ready
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
hashCode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
hashCode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
hashStates(Map<PatchType, LTHashState>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Hash state
hasKey(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Checks whether a non-null key exists in this toMap
hasMessageKey(int) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
hasName() - Method in class
Returns whether this chat has a name.
hasNewJid() - Method in class
Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat has a new jid
hasNode(String) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Checks whether the child node with the given description exists
hasOldJid() - Method in class
Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat has an old jid
hasPreKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
hasPreKeys() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Checks if the client sent pre keys to the server
hasQuotedMessage() - Method in class
Returns whether this context info has information about a quoted message
hasSenderOverride() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
hasServer(ContactJid.Server) - Method in record class
Returns whether this jid ends with the provided server
hasSession(SessionAddress) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Checks whether a session already exists for the given address
hasState(int, byte[]) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
hasStub() - Method in class
Checks whether this message wraps a stub type
hasTrust(SessionAddress, byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Checks whether identityKey is trusted for address
hasType(MessageType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Checks whether the message that this container wraps matches the provided type
hasUnreadMessages() - Method in class
Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat has unread messages
hasVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
hasWhatsapp() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
Returns the value of the hasWhatsapp record component.
hasWhatsapp(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Executes a query to determine whether a user has an account on Whatsapp
hasWhatsapp(ContactJidProvider...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Executes a query to determine whether any number of users have an account on Whatsapp
HasWhatsappResponse - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.response
HasWhatsappResponse(ContactJid, boolean) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
Creates an instance of a HasWhatsappResponse record class.
HasWhatsappResponse(Node) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
HATCHING_CHICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
header() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the header of this message
header() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Returns the header
header() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
header(ButtonsMessageHeader) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
header(ProductHeader) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
Product header
header(ProductHeader) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
Product header
header(ProductHeader) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
headerDocument() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the document header of this message if present
headerDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The document message attached to this message
headerDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The document message attached to this message
headerImage() - Method in class
The header image of the messages that this message wraps
headerImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the image header of this message if present
headerImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The image message attached to this message
headerImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The image message attached to this message
headerImage(ProductListHeaderImage) - Method in class
The header image of the messages that this message wraps
headerImage(ProductListHeaderImage) - Method in class
The header image of the messages that this message wraps
headerLocation() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the location header of this message if present
headerLocation(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The location message attached to this message
headerLocation(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The location message attached to this message
headerText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the text header of this message if present
headerText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The text attached to this message
headerText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The text attached to this message
headerType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the type of header of this message
headerType(ButtonsMessage.HeaderType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The type of header
headerType(ButtonsMessage.HeaderType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The type of header
headerVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the video header of this message if present
headerVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
The video message attached to this message
headerVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
The video message attached to this message
HEADPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEADSTONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEALTH_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEAR_NO_EVIL_MONKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_DECORATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_EXCLAMATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_ON_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_SUIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_WITH_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEART_WITH_RIBBON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEAVY_DOLLAR_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEAVY_EQUALS_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEDGEHOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
height() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
height() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the height record component.
height() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The unsigned height of the decoded image that this object wraps
height() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The unsigned height of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
height() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The unsigned height of the decoded video that this object wraps
height() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
height(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
height(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
height(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
height(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
height(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The unsigned height of the decoded image that this object wraps
height(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
height(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The unsigned height of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
height(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
height(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The unsigned height of the decoded video that this object wraps
height(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
HELICOPTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HERB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HEX - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
HEX_8 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
HEX_REGEX - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
HIBISCUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
hidden() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the hidden record component.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
HIGH_HEELED_SHOE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HIGH_VOLTAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HIGHLY_STRUCTURED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Highly structured message title
HIGHLY_STRUCTURED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Highly structured
highlyStructuredMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional HighlyStructuredMessage.
highlyStructuredMessage(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Highly structured message
HighlyStructuredMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that contains a highly structured message inside.
HighlyStructuredMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
HighlyStructuredMessage(String, String, List<String>, String, String, List<BusinessLocalizableParameter>, String, String, TemplateMessage) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
HIKING_BOOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HINDU_TEMPLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HIPPOPOTAMUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HISTORY_SYNC_NOTIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class
HISTORY_SYNC_NOTIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
A ProtocolMessage that notifies that a history dataSync in any chat
historyLength() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
Describes how much chat history Whatsapp should send when the QR is first scanned.
historyLength(HistoryLength) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
Describes how much chat history Whatsapp should send when the QR is first scanned.
historyLength(HistoryLength) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
HistoryLength - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various chat history's codeLength that Whatsapp can send on the first login attempt
HistorySync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySync(HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType, List<Chat>, List<MessageInfo>, Integer, Integer, List<PushName>, GlobalSettings, byte[], Integer, List<RecentStickerMetadata>, List<PastParticipants>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
historySyncConfig() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
historySyncConfig(HistorySyncConfig) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
historySyncConfig(HistorySyncConfig) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
HistorySyncConfig - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySyncConfig(int, int, int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
HistorySyncConfig.HistorySyncConfigBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySyncMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySyncMessage(MessageInfo, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
HistorySyncMessage.HistorySyncMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
historySyncNotification() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
History dataSync notification.
historySyncNotification(HistorySyncNotification) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
History dataSync notification.
historySyncNotification(HistorySyncNotification) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
History dataSync notification.
HistorySyncNotification - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySyncNotification(byte[], long, byte[], byte[], String, HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType, Integer, String, Integer, Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
Hkdf - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
hmac() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
hmac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
hmac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC.SignedDeviceIdentityHMACBuilder
Hmac - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
HmacValidationException - Exception in it.auties.whatsapp.util
An unchecked exception that is thrown when a hmac signature cannot be validated
HmacValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception it.auties.whatsapp.util.HmacValidationException
HOLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOLLOW_RED_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
home() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.LocalFileSystem
HONDURAS - Enum constant in enum class
HONEY_POT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HONEYBEE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HONG_KONG - Enum constant in enum class
HOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HORIZONTAL_TRAFFIC_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HORSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HORSE_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HORSE_RACING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOSPITAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
hosts() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the hosts record component.
hostStorage() - Method in class
The type of storage
hostStorage() - Method in class
Indicates here this account is hosted
hostStorage() - Method in class
Indicates where this account is hosted
hostStorage(BusinessStorageType) - Method in class
The type of storage
hostStorage(BusinessStorageType) - Method in class
The type of storage
hostStorage(BusinessStorageType) - Method in class
Indicates here this account is hosted
hostStorage(BusinessStorageType) - Method in class
Indicates here this account is hosted
hostStorage(BusinessStorageType) - Method in class
Indicates where this account is hosted
hostStorage(BusinessStorageType) - Method in class
Indicates where this account is hosted
HOT_BEVERAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOT_DOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOT_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOT_PEPPER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOT_SPRINGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOTEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
hour() - Method in class
The hour
hour(int) - Method in class
The hour
hour(int) - Method in class
The hour
HOURGLASS_DONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOURGLASS_NOT_DONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
hours() - Method in class
Returns the business hours, if available
HOUSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOUSE_WITH_GARDEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HOUSES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HUNDRED_POINTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HUNGARY - Enum constant in enum class
HUSHED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HYACINTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
HYDRATED_FOUR_ROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
Hydrated four row template
HydratedCallButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a hydrated button that can start a phone call
HydratedCallButton.HydratedCallButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
HydratedFourRowTemplate - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a hydrated four row template
HydratedFourRowTemplate(String, DocumentMessage, String, ImageMessage, VideoMessage, LocationMessage, String, String, List<HydratedTemplateButton>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
hydratedFourRowTemplateFormat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Returns the hydrated four rows formatter of this message if present
hydratedFourRowTemplateFormat(HydratedFourRowTemplate) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Hydrated four row template.
hydratedFourRowTemplateFormat(HydratedFourRowTemplate) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
HydratedFourRowTemplateTitle - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model that represents the title of a HydratedFourRowTemplate
HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of title that a template can wrap
HydratedQuickReplyButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a hydrated quick reply button
HydratedQuickReplyButton.HydratedQuickReplyButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
HydratedTemplateButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a hydrated template for a button
HydratedTemplateButton(HydratedQuickReplyButton, HydratedURLButton, HydratedCallButton, int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of buttons that a template can wrap
HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
hydratedTitleType() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitle
Return the type of this title
hydratedTitleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
hydratedTitleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
hydratedTitleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
hydratedTitleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
hydratedTitleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
HydratedURLButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a hydrated url button
HydratedURLButton.HydratedURLButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button


IAS - Enum constant in enum class
IAS Chat jid
ICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ICE_CREAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ICE_HOCKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ICE_SKATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ICELAND - Enum constant in enum class
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The id of the session.
id() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Controller
Returns the id of this controller
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The client id
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The session id of this store
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The id of the label
id() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in class
The id of the message
id() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in class
The id of the shop
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The id of this button
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
The id of the row
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
The id of this button
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
The id of this button
id() - Method in class
Returns the id of the message
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
The id of this template
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The id of the button that was selected from the previous template message
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The id of the message
id() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageMetadataProvider
Returns the id of the message
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
The id of the message
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The jid of this order
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
id() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the nullable id of this node
id() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
id() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
id() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The jid of the sender
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
id() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
id() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
id(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
id(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
id(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
id(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId.KeyIdBuilder
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The id of the session.
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The client id
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The session id of this store
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The id of the label
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder
The id of the label
id(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The id of the message
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
The id of the message
id(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
id(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
id(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The jid of the sender
id(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
The jid of the sender
id(String) - Method in class
The id of the message
id(String) - Method in class
The id of the message
id(String) - Method in class
The id of the shop
id(String) - Method in class
The id of the shop
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonBuilder
The id of this button
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The id of this button
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow.ButtonRowBuilder
The id of the row
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
The id of the row
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton.HydratedQuickReplyButtonBuilder
The id of this button
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
The id of this button
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
The id of this button
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton.QuickReplyButtonBuilder
The id of this button
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
The id of this template
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The id of the button that was selected from the previous template message
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The jid of this order
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The jid of this order
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
id(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName.PushNameBuilder
ID_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
IDENTIFICATION_CARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
identifier() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
identifier(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
identifier(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
identityId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The identity id for the mobile api
identityId() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
identityId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The identity id for the mobile api
identityKey() - Method in class
Returns the identity token for this chat
identityKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
identityKey(byte[]) - Method in class
The public identity key of this chat
identityKey(byte[]) - Method in class
The public identity key of this chat
identityKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
identityKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
identityKeyPair() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The signed identity key
identityKeyPair(SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The signed identity key
IG_LITE_ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
ignore() - Method in class
Whether this message should be ignored or counted as an unread message
ignore(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this message should be ignored or counted as an unread message
ignore(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this message should be ignored or counted as an unread message
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Image title
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Image title
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class
Image type
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Image message
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The message is an image
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
Image attachment
imageMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional ImageMessage.
imageMessage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Image message
ImageMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding an image inside
ImageMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
ImageMessage(ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
ImageMessage(String, String, String, byte[], long, Integer, Integer, byte[], byte[], List<InteractiveLocationAnnotation>, String, long, byte[], byte[], Integer, Integer, byte[], List<Integer>, byte[], byte[], boolean, String, byte[], byte[], String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder<C extends ImageMessage,B extends ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
ImageMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
IN_REVIEW - Enum constant in enum class
IN_STOCK - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the item is in stock.
INBOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment
INBOX_TRAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INCOMING_ENVELOPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
index() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
index() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
The name of the role according to Whatsapp
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
index() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The index of the button that was selected from the previous template message
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.Type
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
index() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
index() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns the value of the index record component.
index() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
index() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
index(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder
index(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
index(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder
index(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
index(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder
index(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
index(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
The index of the button that was selected from the previous template message
index(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
index(IndexSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
index(IndexSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.RecordSyncBuilder
INDEX_POINTING_AT_THE_VIEWER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INDEX_POINTING_UP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
indexKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns the value of the indexKey record component.
indexName() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.Action
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
The name of this action
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
Always throws an exception as this action cannot be serialized
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
indexName() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.Setting
indexName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
IndexSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
IndexSync(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
IndexSync.IndexSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
indexValueMap() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash.Result
Returns the value of the indexValueMap record component.
indexValueMap() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
indexValueMap(Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
indexValueMap(Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder
INDIA - Enum constant in enum class
INDIVIDUAL_CHANGE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class
INDONESIA - Enum constant in enum class
INFINITY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
info() - Method in class
The info about this account
info() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Returns the value of the info record component.
info(BusinessAccountInfo) - Method in class
The info about this account
info(BusinessAccountInfo) - Method in class
The info about this account
info(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder
Info - Interface in
INFORMATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INIT - Enum constant in enum class
INITIAL_APP_STATE_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error is thrown while pulling initial app data
INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
INITIAL_SECURITY_NOTIFICATION_SETTING_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
Initial security notification setting dataSync
INITIAL_STATUS_V3 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
INITIAL_STATUS_V3 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
initializationTimeStamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The timestamp in seconds for the initialization of this object
initializationTimeStamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The timestamp in seconds for the initialization of this object
initialSecurityNotificationSettingSync() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
Initial security settings sent by Whatsapp
initialSecurityNotificationSettingSync(InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
Initial security settings sent by Whatsapp
initialSecurityNotificationSettingSync(InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
Initial security settings sent by Whatsapp
InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
initialSync() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Whether this store has already received the snapshot from Whatsapp Web containing chats and contacts
initialSync(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Whether this store has already received the snapshot from Whatsapp Web containing chats and contacts
initialSync(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
Whether this store has already received the snapshot from Whatsapp Web containing chats and contacts
INITIATED_BY_ME - Enum constant in enum class
Initiated by me
INITIATED_BY_OTHER - Enum constant in enum class
Initiated by other
INPUT_LATIN_LETTERS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INPUT_LATIN_LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INPUT_LATIN_UPPERCASE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INPUT_NUMBERS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INPUT_SYMBOLS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
INQUIRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus
INR - Enum constant in enum class
Indian rupees
INSTAGRAM - Enum constant in enum class
INTEGRITY_UNLINK_PARENT_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class
INTENTS_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
INTERACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
Interactive message
INTERACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
INTERACTIVE_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
interactiveAnnotations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
Interactive annotations
interactiveAnnotations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
Interactive annotations
interactiveAnnotations(List<InteractiveLocationAnnotation>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
interactiveAnnotations(List<InteractiveLocationAnnotation>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
Interactive annotations
interactiveAnnotations(List<InteractiveLocationAnnotation>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
Interactive annotations
interactiveAnnotations(List<InteractiveLocationAnnotation>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
InteractiveLocationAnnotation - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
A model class that describes an interactive annotation linked to a message
InteractiveLocationAnnotation(List<Point>, Location) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
The constants of this enumrated type describe the various types of sync that an interactive annotation can provide
InteractiveLocationAnnotation.InteractiveLocationAnnotationBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
interactiveMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the InteractiveMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain an interactive message.
interactiveMessage(InteractiveMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Interactive message
InteractiveMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message holding an interactive message inside.
InteractiveMessage(ProductHeader, ProductBody, ProductFooter, BusinessShop, BusinessCollection, BusinessNativeFlow, ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
InteractiveMessageContent - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that can be used as the content of a InteractiveMessage
InteractiveMessageContentType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of content that an interactive message can wrap
interactiveMessageFormat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Returns the interactive formatter of this message if present
interactiveMessageFormat(InteractiveMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Interactive message.
interactiveMessageFormat(InteractiveMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
interactiveResponseMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the InteractiveResponseMessage, if present.
interactiveResponseMessage(InteractiveResponseMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Interactive response
InteractiveResponseMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
InteractiveResponseMessage(InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
InteractiveResponseMessage(ProductBody, NativeFlowResponseMessage, ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder<C extends InteractiveResponseMessage,B extends InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
interactiveResponseMessageType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
INTERNET_EXPLORER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
intToBytes(int, int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
inviteLinkGroupType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkGroupType(TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkGroupType(TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
inviteLinkGroupTypeV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkGroupTypeV2(TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkGroupTypeV2(TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
inviteLinkParentGroupSubjectV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkParentGroupSubjectV2(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkParentGroupSubjectV2(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
inviteLinkParentGroupThumbnailV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkParentGroupThumbnailV2(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
inviteLinkParentGroupThumbnailV2(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
invoiceMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the PaymentInvoiceMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a payment invoice.
invoiceMessage(PaymentInvoiceMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Invoice message
IOS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
iosAppExtension() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
iosAppExtension(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
iosAppExtension(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
IPAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
IRAN - Enum constant in enum class
IRAQ - Enum constant in enum class
IRELAND - Enum constant in enum class
isAlwaysOpen() - Method in record class
Returns whether the business is always open.
isAvatar() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
isAvatar(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
isAvatar(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
isBest() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerDeserializerProvider
Returns whether this serializer should be favoured when compared to other serializers.
isCompanion() - Method in record class
Returns whether this jid is associated with a companion device
isEmpty() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns whether this container is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
isEphemeral() - Method in class
Returns a boolean to represent whether ephemeral messages are enabled for this chat
isGroup() - Method in class
Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat is a group or not
ISignalKeyPair - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair
isLive() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
isLive(Boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
isLive(Boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
isMuted() - Method in record class
Returns whether the chat associated with this object is muted or not.
isOpen() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.AppSocketSession
isOpen() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
isPinned() - Method in class
Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat is pinned or not
ISRAEL - Enum constant in enum class
isServerJid(ContactJid.Server) - Method in record class
Returns whether this jid is a server jid
isSuccessful() - Method in enum class
issuer() - Method in class
The issuer of this certificate
issuer(String) - Method in class
The issuer of this certificate
issuer(String) - Method in class
The issuer of this certificate
issueTime() - Method in class
The issue time of this link
issueTime() - Method in class
The timestamp when this certificate was issued
issueTime(long) - Method in class
The issue time of this link
issueTime(long) - Method in class
The issue time of this link
issueTime(long) - Method in class
The timestamp when this certificate was issued
issueTime(long) - Method in class
The timestamp when this certificate was issued
isTrue(boolean, String, Class<? extends Throwable>, Object...) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Validate
isTrue(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Validate
isTrue(boolean, Throwable) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Validate
it.auties.whatsapp.api - package it.auties.whatsapp.api
it.auties.whatsapp.binary - package it.auties.whatsapp.binary
it.auties.whatsapp.controller - package it.auties.whatsapp.controller
it.auties.whatsapp.crypto - package it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
it.auties.whatsapp.listener - package it.auties.whatsapp.listener
it.auties.whatsapp.model.action - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.action - package
it.auties.whatsapp.model.button - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.button - package - package - package
it.auties.whatsapp.model.location - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.location - package
it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard - package
it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
it.auties.whatsapp.model.product - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
it.auties.whatsapp.model.request - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
it.auties.whatsapp.model.response - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.response
it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair
it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync - package it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
it.auties.whatsapp.serialization - package it.auties.whatsapp.serialization
it.auties.whatsapp.socket - package it.auties.whatsapp.socket
it.auties.whatsapp.util - package it.auties.whatsapp.util
it.auties.whatsappweb4j - module it.auties.whatsappweb4j
ITALY - Enum constant in enum class
itemCount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The total number of items that was ordered
itemCount(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The total number of items that was ordered
itemCount(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The total number of items that was ordered
iteration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
iteration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The iteration of the message
iteration() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
Returns the value of the iteration record component.
iteration() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Returns the value of the iteration record component.
iteration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey.SenderChainKeyBuilder
iteration(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder
iteration(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
iteration(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
iteration(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The iteration of the message
iteration(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
The iteration of the message
iv() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the iv record component.
iv() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
The bytes of the iv, used to decode the payload internally in the message handler
iv() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Returns the value of the iv record component.
iv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
The bytes of the iv, used to decode the payload internally in the message handler
iv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadataBuilder
The bytes of the iv, used to decode the payload internally in the message handler
iv(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder
IV_LENGTH - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
IVORY_COAST - Enum constant in enum class


JACK_O_LANTERN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JacksonProvider - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.util
JAMAICA - Enum constant in enum class
JAPAN - Enum constant in enum class
JAPANESE_ACCEPTABLE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_APPLICATION_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_BARGAIN_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_CASTLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_CONGRATULATIONS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_DISCOUNT_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_DOLLS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_FREE_OF_CHARGE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_HERE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_MONTHLY_AMOUNT_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_NO_VACANCY_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_NOT_FREE_OF_CHARGE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_OPEN_FOR_BUSINESS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_PASSING_GRADE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_POST_OFFICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_PROHIBITED_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_RESERVED_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_SECRET_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_SERVICE_CHARGE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_SYMBOL_FOR_BEGINNER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAPANESE_VACANCY_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JEANS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JELLYFISH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
jid() - Method in class
The jid of the profile
jid() - Method in class
The non-null unique jid used to identify this chat
jid() - Method in class
The jid of the group
jid() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the jid record component.
jid() - Method in class
The non-null unique jid used to identify this contact
jid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The non-null unique jid used to identify this chat
jid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The jid of the group
jid(ContactJid) - Method in class
jid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The non-null unique jid used to identify this contact
JID_PAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
JOKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JORDAN - Enum constant in enum class
JOYSTICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
JPG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias.Format
JSON - Static variable in interface it.auties.whatsapp.util.JacksonProvider
JUDGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


KAABA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KAIOS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
KANGAROO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KAZAKHSTAN - Enum constant in enum class
KEEP_FOR_ALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChatType
KEEP_IN_CHAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
keepInChat() - Method in class
Returns the ephemeral kept message
keepInChat(KeepInChat) - Method in class
Keep in chat for ephemeral messages
keepInChat(KeepInChat) - Method in class
Keep in chat for ephemeral messages
KeepInChat - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model class that represents an ephemeral message that was saved manually by the user in a chat
KeepInChat(KeepInChatType, long, MessageKey, ContactJid, long, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
keepInChatMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the KeepInChatMessage, if present.
keepInChatMessage(KeepInChatMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Keep in chat
KeepInChatMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
KeepInChatMessage(MessageKey, KeepInChatType, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
KeepInChatMessage.KeepInChatMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
KeepInChatType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
keepType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The type of this action
keepType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
keepType(KeepInChatType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
The type of this action
keepType(KeepInChatType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The type of this action
keepType(KeepInChatType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage.KeepInChatMessageBuilder
keepType(KeepInChatType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
KENYA - Enum constant in enum class
key() - Method in class
The key of this call
key() - Method in class
The MessageKey of this message
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The key of the message that was saved
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message cancels
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message cancels
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The key of message that this server message regards
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The key of the quoted message
key() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Returns the value of the key record component.
key() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
key(byte[]) - Method in class
The key of this call
key(byte[]) - Method in class
The key of this call
key(MessageKey) - Method in class
The MessageKey of this message
key(MessageKey) - Method in class
The MessageKey of this message
key(MessageKey) - Method in class
key(MessageKey) - Method in class
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
The key of the message that was saved
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The key of the message that was saved
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage.CancelPaymentRequestMessageBuilder
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message cancels
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message cancels
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage.DeclinePaymentRequestMessageBuilder
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message cancels
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message cancels
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The key of message that this server message regards
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
The key of message that this server message regards
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage.KeepInChatMessageBuilder
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The key of the quoted message
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder
The key of the quoted message
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
key(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage.SyncActionMessageBuilder
key(AtomicReference<byte[]>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain.SessionChainBuilder
KEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEY_BUNDLE_TYPE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
KEYBOARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_0 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_1 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_10 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_2 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_3 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_4 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_5 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_6 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_7 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_8 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_9 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_ASTERISK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KEYCAP_SHARP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
keyData() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
keyData() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
keyData(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData.AppStateSyncKeyDataBuilder
keyData(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
keyData(AppStateSyncKeyData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey.AppStateSyncKeyBuilder
keyData(AppStateSyncKeyData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
keyExpiration() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
keyExpiration(KeyExpiration) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
KeyExpiration - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
KeyExpiration(int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
KeyExpiration.KeyExpirationBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
KeyHelper - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
keyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
keyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
keyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
keyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
keyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
keyId(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId.AppStateSyncKeyIdBuilder
keyId(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
keyId(AppStateSyncKeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey.AppStateSyncKeyBuilder
keyId(AppStateSyncKeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
keyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
keyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
keyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
keyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.RecordSyncBuilder
keyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
keyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder
KeyId - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
KeyId(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
KeyId.KeyIdBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
keyIds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
keyIds(List<AppStateSyncKeyId>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest.AppStateSyncKeyRequestBuilder
keyIds(List<AppStateSyncKeyId>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
keyIndex() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
keyIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity.DeviceIdentityBuilder
keyIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
KeyIndexList - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
KeyIndexList(Integer, Long, Integer, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
keyName() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
Returns the path for an encrypted url
keyPair() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Returns the value of the keyPair record component.
keys() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Returns the keys associated with this session
keys() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
Returns the value of the keys record component.
keys() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
Returns the value of the keys record component.
keys() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
Returns the value of the keys record component.
keys() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
Returns the value of the keys record component.
keys() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
keys() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
keys(List<AppStateSyncKey>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare.AppStateSyncKeyShareBuilder
keys(List<AppStateSyncKey>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
Keys - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.controller
This controller holds the cryptographic-related data regarding a WhatsappWeb session
Keys(int, SignalKeyPair, SignalKeyPair, SignalKeyPair, SignalSignedKeyPair, ArrayList<SignalPreKeyPair>, byte[], ClientType, byte[], String, String, String, SignedDeviceIdentity, Map<SenderKeyName, SenderKeyRecord>, ArrayList<AppStateSyncKey>, Map<SessionAddress, Session>, Map<PatchType, LTHashState>, boolean, AtomicLong, AtomicLong, Bytes, Bytes, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Keys.KeysBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.controller
keyType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
keyType(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
keyType(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
keywords() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The keywords for this reply
keywords(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The keywords for this reply
keywords(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
The keywords for this reply
KHANDA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KICK_SCOOTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KIMONO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KIRIBATI - Enum constant in enum class
KISS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISS_MAN_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISS_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISS_WOMAN_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISS_WOMAN_WOMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISSING_CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISSING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISSING_FACE_WITH_CLOSED_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KISSING_FACE_WITH_SMILING_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KITCHEN_KNIFE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KITE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KIWI_FRUIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KNOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KOALA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
KOSOVO - Enum constant in enum class
KUWAIT - Enum constant in enum class


LAB_COAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LABEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
labelAssociationAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
labelAssociationAction(LabelAssociationAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
LabelAssociationAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a label association
LabelAssociationAction.LabelAssociationActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
labeled() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
Whether the string was labeled
labeled(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction.LabelAssociationActionBuilder
Whether the string was labeled
labeled(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
Whether the string was labeled
labelEditAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
labelEditAction(LabelEditAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
LabelEditAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents an edit to a label
LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
labels() - Method in class
labels(List<String>) - Method in class
labels(List<String>) - Method in class
labelsDisplay() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
labelsDisplay(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
labelsDisplay(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
labelsEdit() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
labelsEdit(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
labelsEdit(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
LACROSSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LADDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LADY_BEETLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LAOS - Enum constant in enum class
LAPTOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LARGE_BLUE_DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LARGE_ORANGE_DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LAST_QUARTER_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LAST_QUARTER_MOON_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LAST_SEEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Refers to whether your last access on Whatsapp should be visible
LAST_TRACK_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
lastConnection() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API from the last session opened.
lastConnection(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API from the last session opened.
lastKnownPresence() - Method in class
The nullable last known presence of this contact.
lastKnownPresence(ContactStatus) - Method in class
The nullable last known presence of this contact.
lastKnownPresence(ContactStatus) - Method in class
The nullable last known presence of this contact.
lastMessageTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
lastMessageTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync.ActionMessageRangeSyncBuilder
lastMessageTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
lastPreKeyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns the id of the last available pre key
lastRemoteEphemeralKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
lastRemoteEphemeralKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
lastRemoteEphemeralKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
lastSeen() - Method in class
Returns an optional object wrapping the last seconds this contact was seen.
lastSeen(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
The nullable last seconds this contact was seen available.
lastSeen(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
The nullable last seconds this contact was seen available.
lastStickerSentTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
lastStickerSentTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
lastStickerSentTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction.RemoveRecentStickerActionBuilder
lastStickerSentTs() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
lastStickerSentTs(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
lastStickerSentTs(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
lastSystemMessageTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
lastSystemMessageTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync.ActionMessageRangeSyncBuilder
lastSystemMessageTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
lastUploadTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The last upload timestamp
lastUploadTimestamp(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The last upload timestamp
lastUploadTimestamp(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The last upload timestamp
latest(ClientType) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
LATIN_CROSS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
latitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The latitude of the button
latitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
The latitude of this location, in degrees
latitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The latitude of the location that this message wraps
latitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The latitude of the location that this message wraps
latitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The latitude of the button
latitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The latitude of the button
latitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The latitude of the location that this message wraps
latitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
latitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The latitude of the location that this message wraps
latitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
latitude(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
The latitude of this location, in degrees
latitude(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location.LocationBuilder
The latitude of this location, in degrees
LATVIA - Enum constant in enum class
lc() - Method in class
lc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
lc(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
lc(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
lc(String) - Method in class
lc(String) - Method in class
LEAF_FLUTTERING_IN_WIND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEAFY_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
leaveGroup(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Leaves a group
leaveReason() - Method in class
The errorReason for the past participant leaving the chat.
leaveReason(PastParticipant.LeaveReason) - Method in class
The errorReason for the past participant leaving the chat.
leaveReason(PastParticipant.LeaveReason) - Method in class
The errorReason for the past participant leaving the chat.
leaveTimestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp of when the past participant left the chat.
leaveTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of when the past participant left the chat.
leaveTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of when the past participant left the chat.
LEBANON - Enum constant in enum class
LEDGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
The past participant left the chat voluntarily.
LEFT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFT_ARROW_CURVING_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFT_FACING_FIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFT_LUGGAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFT_SPEECH_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFTWARDS_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEFTWARDS_PUSHING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEMON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LEOPARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LESOTHO - Enum constant in enum class
level() - Method in class
The level of verification of this account
level(BusinessVerifiedLevel) - Method in class
The level of verification of this account
level(BusinessVerifiedLevel) - Method in class
The level of verification of this account
LEVEL_SLIDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
lg() - Method in class
lg(String) - Method in class
lg(String) - Method in class
LIBERIA - Enum constant in enum class
LIBRA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LIBYA - Enum constant in enum class
lid() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the lid record component.
LID - Enum constant in enum class
LID - Enum constant in enum class
lidJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
Returns the lid jid of this contact
lidJid() - Method in class
Returns the lid jid Experimental
lidJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
lidJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
lidJid(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction.ContactActionBuilder
The lid jid
lidJid(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
The lid jid
LIECHTENSTEIN - Enum constant in enum class
LIGHT_BLUE_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LIGHT_BULB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LIGHT_RAIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
lightThemeWallpaper() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
lightThemeWallpaper(ChatWallpaper) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
lightThemeWallpaper(ChatWallpaper) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
LINK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LINKED_PAPERCLIPS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LIPSTICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
LIST_16 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
LIST_8 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
LIST_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
LIST_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
List response
listConnections() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Returns a list of all known connections
listConnections(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Returns a list of all known connections
listener - Variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
Listener - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
This interface can be used to listen for events fired when new information is sent by WhatsappWeb's socket.
listeners() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The non-null list of listeners
listeners(ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView<Listener, Boolean>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null list of listeners
ListenerScanner - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
listenersLimit() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The number of maximum listeners that the linked Whatsapp instance supports.
listenersLimit(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The number of maximum listeners that the linked Whatsapp instance supports.
listenersLimit(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
listMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of ListMessage.
listMessage(ListMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
List message
ListMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that contains a list of buttons or a list of products
ListMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
ListMessage(String, String, String, ListMessage.Type, List<ButtonSection>, ProductListInfo, String, ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
ListMessage.Type - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of ListMessage
listResponseMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the ListResponseMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a list response.
listResponseMessage(ListResponseMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
List response message
ListResponseMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that contains a response to a previous ListMessage
ListResponseMessage(ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
ListResponseMessage(String, SingleSelectReplyButton, ContextInfo, String, ListMessage.Type) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder<C extends ListResponseMessage,B extends ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
ListResponseMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
listType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The type of this message
listType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
listType(ListMessage.Type) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The type of this message
listType(ListMessage.Type) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The type of this message
listType(ListMessage.Type) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
listType(ListMessage.Type) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
LITHUANIA - Enum constant in enum class
LITTER_IN_BIN_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
live() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
Determines whether this message is a LiveLocationMessage
live(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
Determines whether this message is a LiveLocationMessage
live(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
LIVE_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Live location
liveLocationMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of LiveLocationMessage.
liveLocationMessage(LiveLocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Live location message
LiveLocationMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a live location inside
LiveLocationMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
LiveLocationMessage(double, double, int, float, int, String, long, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
LiveLocationMessage(LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder<C extends LiveLocationMessage,B extends LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
LiveLocationMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
liveLocations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
liveLocations(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
liveLocations(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
liveLocationsFinal() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
liveLocationsFinal(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
liveLocationsFinal(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
LIZARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LLAMA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOBSTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
loc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
loc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
loc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
locale() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
locale(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
locale(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting.LocaleSettingBuilder
localeCountryIso31661Alpha2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
localeCountryIso31661Alpha2(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
localeCountryIso31661Alpha2(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
localeLanguageIso6391() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
localeLanguageIso6391(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
localeLanguageIso6391(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
localeSetting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
localeSetting(LocaleSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
LocaleSetting - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
LocaleSetting(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
LocaleSetting.LocaleSettingBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
LocalFileSystem - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
localizableParameters() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
Localizable Params
localizableParameters(List<BusinessLocalizableParameter>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
Localizable Params
localizableParameters(List<BusinessLocalizableParameter>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
Localizable Params
localizedNames() - Method in class
The localizable names
localizedNames(List<BusinessLocalizedName>) - Method in class
The localizable names
localizedNames(List<BusinessLocalizedName>) - Method in class
The localizable names
localPath() - Method in class
localPath(String) - Method in class
localPath(String) - Method in class
location() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
location(Location) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.InteractiveLocationAnnotationBuilder
location(Location) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
Location - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
This model class describes a Location
Location() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
Location(Double, Double, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Location title
LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Location title
LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action
LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Location message
LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Location.LocationBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
locationMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional LocationMessage.
locationMessage(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Location message
LocationMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a location inside
LocationMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
LocationMessage(double, double, String, String, String, boolean, int, float, int, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
LocationMessage(LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder<C extends LocationMessage,B extends LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
LocationMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOCKED_WITH_KEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOCKED_WITH_PEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOCOMOTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOG_OUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Deletes the current session
LOGGED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.DisconnectReason
Logged out
LOGIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error is thrown while logging in
logout() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Disconnects from Whatsapp Web's WebSocket and logs out of WhatsappWeb invalidating the previous saved credentials.
LOLLIPOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LONG_DRUM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
longitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The longitude of the button
longitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
The longitude of this location, in degrees
longitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The longitude of the location that this message wraps
longitude() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The longitude of the location that this message wraps
longitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The longitude of the button
longitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The longitude of the button
longitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
longitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The longitude of the location that this message wraps
longitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
longitude(double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The longitude of the location that this message wraps
longitude(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location.LocationBuilder
The longitude of this location, in degrees
longitude(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
The longitude of this location, in degrees
longToBytes(long) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
LOTION_BOTTLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOTUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOUDLY_CRYING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOUDSPEAKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOVE_HOTEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOVE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOVE_YOU_GESTURE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LOW - Enum constant in enum class
LOW_BATTERY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LTHash - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
LTHash(LTHashState) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash
LTHash.Result - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
LTHashState - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
LTHashState(PatchType) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
LTHashState(PatchType, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
LTHashState(PatchType, long, byte[], Map<String, byte[]>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
LUGGAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LUNGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
LUXEMBOURG - Enum constant in enum class
LYING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


M_LITE_ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
mac() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
mac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
mac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder
MAC_LENGTH - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
MACEDONIA - Enum constant in enum class
macKey() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the macKey record component.
macKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns the value of the macKey record component.
MACOS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
MADAGASCAR - Enum constant in enum class
MAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAGIC_WAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAGNET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
magneticNorthOffset() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
Degrees Clockwise from Magnetic North
magneticNorthOffset() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
Degrees Clockwise from Magnetic North
magneticNorthOffset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
magneticNorthOffset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
Degrees Clockwise from Magnetic North
magneticNorthOffset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
magneticNorthOffset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
Degrees Clockwise from Magnetic North
MAGNIFYING_GLASS_TILTED_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAGNIFYING_GLASS_TILTED_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAHJONG_RED_DRAGON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MALAWI - Enum constant in enum class
MALAYSIA - Enum constant in enum class
MALDIVES - Enum constant in enum class
MALE_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MALI - Enum constant in enum class
MALTA - Enum constant in enum class
MAMMOTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_ARTIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_ASTRONAUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_BALD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_BEARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_BIKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_BLOND_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_BOUNCING_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_BOWING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_CARTWHEELING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_CLIMBING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_CONSTRUCTION_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_COOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_CURLY_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_DANCING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_DETECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_ELF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FACEPALMING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FACTORY_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FAIRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FARMER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FEEDING_BABY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FIREFIGHTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_FROWNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GENIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GESTURING_NO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GESTURING_OK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GETTING_HAIRCUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GETTING_MASSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GOLFING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_GUARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_HEALTH_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_IN_LOTUS_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_IN_MANUAL_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_IN_MOTORIZED_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_IN_STEAMY_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_IN_TUXEDO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_JUDGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_JUGGLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_KNEELING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_LIFTING_WEIGHTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_MECHANIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_MOUNTAIN_BIKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_OFFICE_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_PILOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_PLAYING_HANDBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_PLAYING_WATER_POLO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_POLICE_OFFICER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_POUTING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_RAISING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_RED_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_ROWING_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_S_SHOE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SCIENTIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SHRUGGING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SINGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_STANDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_STUDENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SUPERHERO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SUPERVILLAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SURFING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_TEACHER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_TECHNOLOGIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_TIPPING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_VAMPIRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_WALKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_WEARING_TURBAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_WHITE_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_WITH_VEIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_WITH_WHITE_CANE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAN_ZOMBIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MANGO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MANTELPIECE_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MANUAL_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
manufacturer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
manufacturer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
manufacturer(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
MAP_OF_JAPAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAPLE_LEAF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MARACAS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
markChatAsReadAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
markChatAsReadAction(MarkChatAsReadAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
MarkChatAsReadAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a new read status for a chat
MarkChatAsReadAction.MarkChatAsReadActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
markedAsUnread() - Method in class
Whether this chat was manually marked as unread
markedAsUnread(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat was manually marked as unread
markedAsUnread(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat was manually marked as unread
markPlayed(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Marks a message as played
markRead(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Marks a message as read
markRead(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Marks a chat as read.
markUnread(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Marks a chat as unread
MARSHALL_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
MARTIAL_ARTS_UNIFORM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MASKED_THREAD_CREATED - Enum constant in enum class
MASKED_THREAD_UNMASKED - Enum constant in enum class
matchedText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The matched text of the button
matchedText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The substring of this text message that links to TextMessage.canonicalUrl, if available
matchedText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The matched text of the button
matchedText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The matched text of the button
matchedText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The substring of this text message that links to TextMessage.canonicalUrl, if available
matchedText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
MATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MAURITANIA - Enum constant in enum class
MAURITIUS - Enum constant in enum class
MAX_MESSAGES - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
maxBuckets() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the maxBuckets record component.
mcc() - Method in enum class
mcc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
mcc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
mcc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
MD5 - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
mdForceUpgrade() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
mdForceUpgrade(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
mdForceUpgrade(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
MEAT_ON_BONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MECHANIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MECHANICAL_ARM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MECHANICAL_LEG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
media(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder
media(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
media(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
media(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
media(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
media(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
MEDIA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Payment message
MEDIA_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when the media connection cannot be renewed
mediaAttachment() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Whether this message had a media attachment
mediaAttachment(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
Whether this message had a media attachment
mediaAttachment(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
Whether this message had a media attachment
mediaCiphertextSha256() - Method in class
Media cipher
mediaCiphertextSha256(byte[]) - Method in class
Media cipher
mediaCiphertextSha256(byte[]) - Method in class
Media cipher
mediaConnection() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The media connection associated with this store
mediaConnection(Duration) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The media connection associated with this store
mediaConnection(MediaConnection) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Writes a media connection
mediaConnection(MediaConnection) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The media connection associated with this store
MediaConnection - Record Class in
MediaConnection(String, int, int, long, List<String>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MediaConnection record class.
mediaConnectionLatch(CountDownLatch) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The media connection latch associated with this store
mediaData() - Method in class
Media data
mediaData() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
mediaData(MediaData) - Method in class
Media data
mediaData(MediaData) - Method in class
Media data
mediaData(PaymentMediaData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
mediaData(PaymentMediaData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
MediaData - Class in
MediaData(String, Long, byte[], byte[], String) - Constructor for class
MediaData.MediaDataBuilder - Class in
MediaDimensions - Record Class in
MediaDimensions(int, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MediaDimensions record class.
mediaDirectPath() - Method in interface
Returns the direct path to the media
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The direct path to the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The direct path to the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The direct path to the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The direct path to the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The direct path to the encoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The direct path to the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in interface
Sets the direct path of this provider
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The direct path to the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The direct path to the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The direct path to the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The direct path to the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The direct path to the encoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The direct path to the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
mediaDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in interface
Returns the sha256 of this encrypted media
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The sha256 of the encrypted attachment that this invoice provides
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The sha256 of the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The sha256 of the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The sha256 of the encoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The sha256 of the encoded video that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaEncryptedSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in interface
Sets the sha256 of the encrypted media in this provider
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The sha256 of the encrypted attachment that this invoice provides
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The sha256 of the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The sha256 of the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The sha256 of the encoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The sha256 of the encoded video that this object wraps
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
mediaEncryptedSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
MediaFile - Record Class in
MediaFile(byte[], byte[], byte[], long, String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MediaFile record class.
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The media key of the sticker
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
mediaKey() - Method in interface
Returns the key of this media
mediaKey() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the mediaKey record component.
mediaKey() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the mediaKey record component.
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The media key of the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The media key of the audio that this object wraps.
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The media key of the document that this object wraps.
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The media key of the image that this object wraps
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The media key of the sticker that this object wraps
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The media key of the video that this object wraps.
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in interface
Sets the media key of this provider
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The media key of the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The media key of the audio that this object wraps.
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The media key of the document that this object wraps.
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The media key of the image that this object wraps
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The media key of the sticker that this object wraps
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The media key of the video that this object wraps.
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
mediaKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The media key of the sticker
mediaKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The media key of the sticker
mediaKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
mediaKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
MediaKeys - Record Class in
MediaKeys(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MediaKeys record class.
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The timestamp of the media key of the sticker
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
Returns the timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for AttachmentProvider.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The media key timestamp of the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for AudioMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for DocumentMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for ImageMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for StickerMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for VideoMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The timestamp of the media key of the sticker
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The timestamp of the media key of the sticker
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The media key timestamp of the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for AudioMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for DocumentMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for ImageMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for StickerMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The timestamp, that is the seconds elapsed since Instant.EPOCH, for VideoMessage.mediaKey()
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaKeyTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
mediaKeyTimestamp(Long) - Method in class
mediaKeyTimestamp(Long) - Method in class
mediaKeyTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
mediaKeyTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
MediaMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model class that represents a message holding media inside This class is only a model, this means that changing its values will have no real effect on WhatsappWeb's servers.
MediaMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
MediaMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
MediaMessage(MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder<C extends MediaMessage,B extends MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
MediaMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder
MediaMessageType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of media type that a MediaMessage can hold
mediaName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this media for Whatsapp
mediaName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
mediaName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
MediaRetryNotification - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
MediaRetryNotification(String, String, MediaRetryNotification.Result) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
MediaRetryNotification.MediaRetryNotificationBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
MediaRetryNotification.Result - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
Medias - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
Medias.Format - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
mediaSha256() - Method in interface
Returns the sha256 of this media
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The sha256 of the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The sha256 of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The sha256 of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the decoded image that this object wraps
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The sha256 of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The sha256 of the decoded video that this object wraps
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in interface
Sets the sha256 of the media in this provider
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The sha256 of the attachment that this invoice provides
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The sha256 of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The sha256 of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the decoded image that this object wraps
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The sha256 of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The sha256 of the decoded video that this object wraps
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
mediaSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaSize() - Method in interface
Returns the size of this media
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded image that this object wraps
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded video that this object wraps
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaSize() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaSize(long) - Method in interface
Sets the size of this media
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded media that this object wraps
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded image that this object wraps
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The unsigned size of the decoded video that this object wraps
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
mediaSize(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaType() - Method in class
The type of original companion
mediaType() - Method in class
The media type of this ad, if any is specified
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
Returns the media type of the media that this object wraps
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
Returns the media type of the media that this object wraps
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
Returns the media type of the audio that this object wraps
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
Returns the media type of the document that this object wraps
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
Returns the media type of the image that this object wraps
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
Returns the media type of the sticker that this object wraps
mediaType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
Returns the media type of the video that this object wraps
mediaType(AdReplyInfo.AdReplyInfoMediaType) - Method in class
The type of original companion
mediaType(AdReplyInfo.AdReplyInfoMediaType) - Method in class
The type of original companion
mediaType(ExternalAdReplyInfo.ExternalAdReplyInfoMediaType) - Method in class
The media type of this ad, if any is specified
mediaType(ExternalAdReplyInfo.ExternalAdReplyInfoMediaType) - Method in class
The media type of this ad, if any is specified
mediaUpload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
mediaUpload(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
mediaUpload(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
MediaUpload - Record Class in
MediaUpload(String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MediaUpload record class.
mediaUploadRichQuickReplies() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
mediaUploadRichQuickReplies(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
mediaUploadRichQuickReplies(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
mediaUrl() - Method in class
The url of the media of this ad, if any is specified
mediaUrl() - Method in interface
Returns the url to the media
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The upload url of the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The upload url of the encoded document that this object wraps
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The upload url of the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The upload url of the encoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The upload url of the encoded video that this object wraps
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class
The url of the media of this ad, if any is specified
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class
The url of the media of this ad, if any is specified
mediaUrl(String) - Method in interface
Sets the media url of this provider
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The upload url of the encoded media that this object wraps
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The upload url of the encoded document that this object wraps
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The upload url of the encoded image that this object wraps
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The upload url of the encoded sticker that this object wraps
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The upload url of the encoded video that this object wraps
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
mediaUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
mediaVisibility() - Method in class
The type of this media visibility set for this chat
mediaVisibility() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
mediaVisibility(ChatMediaVisibility) - Method in class
The type of this media visibility set for this chat
mediaVisibility(ChatMediaVisibility) - Method in class
The type of this media visibility set for this chat
mediaVisibility(ChatMediaVisibility) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
mediaVisibility(ChatMediaVisibility) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
MEDICAL_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MEGAPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MELON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MELTING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
memClass() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
memClass(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
memClass(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
MEMO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MEN_HOLDING_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MEN_S_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MEN_WITH_BUNNY_EARS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MEN_WRESTLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MENDING_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MENORAH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
mentions() - Method in class
A list of the contacts' jids mentioned in this ContextualMessage
mentions(List<ContactJid>) - Method in class
A list of the contacts' jids mentioned in this ContextualMessage
mentions(List<ContactJid>) - Method in class
A list of the contacts' jids mentioned in this ContextualMessage
MERMAID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MERMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MERPERSON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
message() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The full reply
message() - Method in class
The container of this message
message() - Method in class
message() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageMetadataProvider
Returns the message
message() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
The message
message() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The message of this order
message() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
The message container that this object wraps.
message() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
message(MessageContainer) - Method in class
The container of this message
message(MessageContainer) - Method in class
The container of this message
message(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage.HistorySyncMessageBuilder
message(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
message(Message) - Method in class
message(Message) - Method in class
message(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage.DeviceSentMessageBuilder
The message container that this object wraps.
message(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
The message container that this object wraps.
message(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The full reply
message(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
The full reply
message(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The message of this order
message(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The message of this order
Message - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model interface that represents a message sent by a contact or by Whatsapp.
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error occurs when serializing or deserializing a Whatsapp message
MESSAGE_BACK_FILL_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
Message back-fill request
MESSAGE_EDIT - Enum constant in enum class
messageC2STimestamp() - Method in class
Message c2s timestamp
messageC2STimestamp(long) - Method in class
Message c2s timestamp
messageC2STimestamp(long) - Method in class
Message c2s timestamp
MessageCategory - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various categories of messages that a MessageContainer can wrap
MessageContainer - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A container for all types of messages known currently to WhatsappWeb.
MessageContainer() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
MessageContainer(String, SenderKeyDistributionMessage, ImageMessage, ContactMessage, LocationMessage, TextMessage, DocumentMessage, AudioMessage, VideoMessage, CallInfo, ProtocolMessage, ContactsArrayMessage, HighlyStructuredMessage, SendPaymentMessage, LiveLocationMessage, RequestPaymentMessage, DeclinePaymentRequestMessage, CancelPaymentRequestMessage, TemplateMessage, StickerMessage, GroupInviteMessage, TemplateReplyMessage, ProductMessage, DeviceSentMessage, DeviceSyncMessage, ListMessage, FutureMessageContainer, PaymentOrderMessage, ListResponseMessage, FutureMessageContainer, PaymentInvoiceMessage, ButtonsMessage, ButtonsResponseMessage, PaymentInviteMessage, InteractiveMessage, ReactionMessage, StickerSyncRMRMessage, InteractiveResponseMessage, PollCreationMessage, PollUpdateMessage, KeepInChatMessage, FutureMessageContainer, RequestPhoneNumberMessage, FutureMessageContainer, EncryptedReactionMessage, FutureMessageContainer, FutureMessageContainer, DeviceContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
messageId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the messageId record component.
messageId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
messageId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
messageId(Optional<String>) - Method in class
messageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.MediaRetryNotificationBuilder
messageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
messageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
messageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt.ServerErrorReceiptBuilder
messageIndex() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
MessageIndexInfo - Record Class in
An index that contains data about a setting change or an action
MessageIndexInfo(String, Optional<ContactJid>, Optional<String>, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MessageIndexInfo record class.
MessageIndexInfo.MessageIndexInfoBuilder - Class in
MessageInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a Message.
MessageInfo(MessageKey, MessageContainer) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new MessageInfo from a MessageKey and a MessageContainer
MessageInfo(MessageKey, MessageContainer, long, MessageStatus, ContactJid, Contact, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, byte[], boolean, boolean, boolean, MessageInfo.StubType, boolean, List<String>, int, List<String>, PaymentInfo, LiveLocationMessage, PaymentInfo, long, int, boolean, boolean, BusinessPrivacyStatus, String, MediaData, PhotoChange, MessageReceipt, List<ReactionMessage>, MediaData, byte[], PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus, long, List<PollUpdate>, PollAdditionalMetadata, String, boolean, byte[], KeepInChat, ContactJid, long) - Constructor for class
MessageInfo.MessageInfoBuilder - Class in
MessageInfo.StubType - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of server message that a MessageInfo can describe
MessageKey - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A container for unique identifiers and metadata linked to a Message and contained in MessageInfo.
MessageKey(ContactJid, Chat, boolean, String, ContactJid, Contact) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
messageKeys() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
messageKeys() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Returns the value of the messageKeys record component.
messageKeys(ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, byte[]>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain.SessionChainBuilder
messageKeys(ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SenderMessageKey>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder
MessageMetadataProvider - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
Model interface to mark classes that can provide info about a message
messageRange() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
Returns the range of messages that were archived
messageRange() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
Returns the range of messages that were cleared
messageRange() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
Returns the range of messages that were deleted
messageRange() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
Returns the range of messages that were marked as read or not
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction.ArchiveChatActionBuilder
The message range on which this action has effect If this field is empty, all messages should be considered as affected
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
The message range on which this action has effect If this field is empty, all messages should be considered as affected
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction.ClearChatActionBuilder
The message range on which this action has effect
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
The message range on which this action has effect
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction.DeleteChatActionBuilder
The message range on which this action has effect
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
The message range on which this action has effect
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction.MarkChatAsReadActionBuilder
The message range on which this action has effect
messageRange(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
The message range on which this action has effect
MessageReceipt - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model that represents the receipt for a message
MessageReceipt(Long, Long, Long, List<ContactJid>, List<ContactJid>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
messages() - Method in class
Returns an immutable list of all the messages in this chat
messages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
messages(ConcurrentLinkedDeque<MessageInfo>) - Method in class
A non-null arrayList of messages in this chat sorted chronologically
messages(ConcurrentLinkedDeque<HistorySyncMessage>) - Method in class
messages(List<SyncActionMessage>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync.ActionMessageRangeSyncBuilder
messages(List<SyncActionMessage>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
messageSecret() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
messageSecret() - Method in class
messageSecret() - Method in class
Returns the message secret
messageSecret(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
messageSecret(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
messageSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
messageSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
messageSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
Message secret
messageSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
Message secret
MessageSendRequest - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
MessageSendRequest(MessageInfo, ContactJid, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Creates an instance of a MessageSendRequest record class.
MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
MessageStatus - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of status of a Message
messageTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
Returns when the deleted message was sent
messageTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
Returns when the subscription ends
messageTimestamp() - Method in class
messageTimestamp(long) - Method in class
messageTimestamp(long) - Method in class
messageTimestampSeconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
The timestamp of the message
messageTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction.DeleteMessageForMeActionBuilder
The timestamp of the message
messageTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
The timestamp of the message
messageToBytes(Message) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
messageToBytes(MessageContainer) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
messageType() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The message type for this media
MessageType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of messages that a MessageContainer can wrap
MessageWrapper - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.binary
MessageWrapper(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
MessageWrapper(Bytes) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
MESSENGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct
metadata() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
Returns the metadata of this message
metadata(PollUpdateMessageMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
Metadata about this message
metadata(PollUpdateMessageMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
Metadata about this message
method() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the method record component.
METRO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MEXICO - Enum constant in enum class
MICROBE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MICRONESIA - Enum constant in enum class
MICROPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MICROSCOPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MIDDLE_FINGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
midQualityFileEncSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the encoded image in medium quality
midQualityFileEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
midQualityFileEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the encoded image in medium quality
midQualityFileSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the decoded image in medium quality
midQualityFileSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
midQualityFileSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sha256 of the decoded image in medium quality
MILAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
MILITARY_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MILITARY_MEDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MILKY_WAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The mime type of the audio that this object wraps.
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The mime type of the audio that this object wraps.
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The mime type of the image that this object wraps.
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The mime type of the sticker that this object wraps.
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The mime type of the video that this object wraps.
mimetype() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The mime type of the audio that this object wraps.
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The mime type of the audio that this object wraps.
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The mime type of the image that this object wraps.
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The mime type of the sticker that this object wraps.
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The mime type of the video that this object wraps.
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
mimetype(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
mimeType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The mime type of the attachment that this invoice provides
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The mime type of the attachment that this invoice provides
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
mimeType(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
MINIBUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MINUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
minute() - Method in class
The minute
minute(int) - Method in class
The minute
minute(int) - Method in class
The minute
MIRROR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MIRROR_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MISSING_PARAM - Enum constant in enum class
mix(byte[], byte[], RecordSync.Operation) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash
mixIntoKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Handshake
mnc() - Method in enum class
mnc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
mnc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
mnc(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
MOAI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOBILE_DOWNLOAD_URL - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
MOBILE_PHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOBILE_PHONE_OFF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOBILE_PHONE_WITH_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOBILE_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
MOBILE_TOKEN - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
MobileOptions(WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
MobileOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
mode() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the mode record component.
MOLDOVA - Enum constant in enum class
MONACO - Enum constant in enum class
MONDAY - Enum constant in enum class
money() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
money(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
money(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney.PaymentMoneyBuilder
MONEY_BAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MONEY_MOUTH_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MONEY_WITH_WINGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MONGOLIA - Enum constant in enum class
MONKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MONKEY_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MONORAIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MONTENEGRO - Enum constant in enum class
month() - Method in class
The month
month(int) - Method in class
The month
month(int) - Method in class
The month
MONTSERRAT - Enum constant in enum class
MOON_CAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOON_VIEWING_CEREMONY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOOSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOROCCO - Enum constant in enum class
MOSQUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOSQUITO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOTOR_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOTOR_SCOOTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOTORCYCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOTORIZED_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOTORWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUNT_FUJI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUNTAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUNTAIN_CABLEWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUNTAIN_RAILWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUSE_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUSE_TRAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOUTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOVIE_CAMERA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MOZAMBIQUE - Enum constant in enum class
MRS__CLAUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MSG - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
MSG_FANOUT_BACKFILL_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class
msgOrderId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
msgOrderId(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage.HistorySyncMessageBuilder
msgOrderId(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
multicast() - Method in class
multicast(boolean) - Method in class
multicast(boolean) - Method in class
MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MUSICAL_KEYBOARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MUSICAL_NOTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MUSICAL_NOTES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MUSICAL_SCORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MutationKeys - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
MutationKeys(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Creates an instance of a MutationKeys record class.
mutations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
mutations() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
mutations(List<MutationSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
mutations(List<MutationSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync.MutationsSyncBuilder
mutations(List<MutationSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
mutations(List<MutationSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
MutationsSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
MutationsSync(List<MutationSync>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
MutationsSync.MutationsSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
MutationSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
MutationSync(RecordSync.Operation, RecordSync) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
MutationSync.MutationSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
mute() - Method in class
The mute status of this chat
mute(ChatMute) - Method in class
The mute status of this chat
mute(ChatMute) - Method in class
The mute status of this chat
mute(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Mutes a chat indefinitely
mute(T, ChatMute) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Mutes a chat
muteAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
muteAction(MuteAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
MuteAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a new mute status for a chat
MuteAction.MuteActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
muted() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
Whether this action marks the chat as muted
muted() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
muted() - Static method in record class
Constructs a new muted ChatMute
muted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction.MuteActionBuilder
Whether this action marks the chat as muted
muted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
Whether this action marks the chat as muted
muted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
muted(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction.UserStatusMuteActionBuilder
muted(Long) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new mute for a duration in endTimeStamp
MUTED_FOR_TIMEFRAME - Enum constant in enum class
This constant describes a ChatMute that holds a seconds greater than 0 Simply put, ChatMute.endTimeStamp() > 0
MUTED_INDEFINITELY - Enum constant in enum class
This constant describes a ChatMute that holds a seconds equal to -1 Simply put, ChatMute.endTimeStamp() == -1
MUTED_SPEAKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
mutedForEightHours() - Static method in record class
Constructs a new mute that lasts eight hours
mutedForOneWeek() - Static method in record class
Constructs a new mute that lasts one week
muteEnd() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
Returns when the mute ends
muteEndTimestampSeconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
Returns when the mute ends in seconds
muteEndTimestampSeconds(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction.MuteActionBuilder
The timestamp of the of this mute
muteEndTimestampSeconds(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
The timestamp of the of this mute
MX_CLAUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
MYANMAR - Enum constant in enum class


NAIL_POLISH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
The description provided to Whatsapp during the authentication process.
name() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
The agent's name
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
Returns the name of this contact
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The name of the label
name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in class
The localized name
name() - Method in class
The verified name
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
The name of this button
name() - Method in class
Returns the name of this chat
name() - Method in class
Returns the best name available for this contact
name() - Method in class
Returns the name of this card if defined
name() - Method in class
The name of the flow
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
The name of this location
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
The name of the contact that this message wraps
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
The name of the contact the first contact that this message wraps
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The name of the location that this message wraps
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
The name of the option
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
name() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
name() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
The description provided to Whatsapp during the authentication process.
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
name(PatchType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder
name(PatchType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction.AgentActionBuilder
The agent's name
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
The agent's name
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder
The name of the label
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
The name of the label
name(String) - Method in class
The localized name
name(String) - Method in class
The localized name
name(String) - Method in class
The verified name
name(String) - Method in class
The verified name
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
The name of this button
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton.NativeFlowButtonBuilder
The name of this button
name(String) - Method in class
The non-null display name of this chat
name(String) - Method in class
The non-null display name of this chat
name(String) - Method in class
The name of the contact
name(String) - Method in class
The name of the flow
name(String) - Method in class
The name of the flow
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location.LocationBuilder
The name of this location
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
The name of this location
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage.NativeFlowResponseMessageBuilder
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
The name of the contact that this message wraps
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
The name of the contact the first contact that this message wraps
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The name of the location that this message wraps
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
The name of the option
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption.PollOptionBuilder
The name of the option
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting.PushNameSettingBuilder
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
name(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName.PushNameBuilder
NAME_BADGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
namespace() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
namespace(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
namespace(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
NAMIBIA - Enum constant in enum class
NATIONAL_PARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NATIVE_FLOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
NATIVE_FLOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
Native flow
NATIVE_FLOW_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
NativeFlowButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a native flow button
NativeFlowButton.NativeFlowButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
nativeFlowInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The native flow content of this button.
nativeFlowInfo(NativeFlowInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonBuilder
The native flow content of this button.
nativeFlowInfo(NativeFlowInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The native flow content of this button.
NativeFlowInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a native flow.
NativeFlowInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class
NativeFlowInfo.NativeFlowInfoBuilder - Class in
nativeFlowResponseMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
nativeFlowResponseMessage(NativeFlowResponseMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
nativeFlowResponseMessage(NativeFlowResponseMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
NativeFlowResponseMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
NativeFlowResponseMessage(String, String, int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
NativeFlowResponseMessage.NativeFlowResponseMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
NAURU - Enum constant in enum class
NAUSEATED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NAZAR_AMULET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NECKTIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NEED_TO_ACCEPT - Enum constant in enum class
Need to accept
NEPAL - Enum constant in enum class
NERD_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NEST_WITH_EGGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NESTING_DOLLS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NETHERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
NETHERLANDS_ANTILLES - Enum constant in enum class
NETWORK_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
NETWORK_SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
NEUTRAL_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NEW_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NEW_CALEDONIA - Enum constant in enum class
NEW_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NEW_MOON_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NEW_ZEALAND - Enum constant in enum class
newChatsEphemeralTimer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The request tag, used to create messages
newChatsEphemeralTimer(ChatEphemeralTimer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The request tag, used to create messages
newChatsEphemeralTimer(ChatEphemeralTimer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The request tag, used to create messages
newConnection() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API
newConnection(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API.
newConnection(WhatsappOptions, Store, Keys) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Constructs a new instance of the API from a fresh connection using a random id
newestMessage() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the latest message in chronological terms for this chat
newestMessageFromMe() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the latest message in chronological terms for this chat sent from you
newestServerMessage() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the latest message in chronological terms for this chat with type server
newestStandardMessage() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the latest message in chronological terms for this chat with type that isn't server
newJid() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the new jid of this chat
newJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The nullable new unique jid for this Chat.
newPhoto() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
newPhoto(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
newPhoto(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange.PhotoChangeBuilder
newPhotoId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
newPhotoId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
newPhotoId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange.PhotoChangeBuilder
NEWSPAPER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
next() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
NEXT_METHOD - Enum constant in enum class
NEXT_TRACK_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
nextTag() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns a request tag
NG_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NIBBLE_8 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
NICARAGUA - Enum constant in enum class
NIGER - Enum constant in enum class
NIGERIA - Enum constant in enum class
NIGHT_WITH_STARS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NINE_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NINE_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NINJA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NIUE - Enum constant in enum class
NO_BICYCLES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NO_ENTRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NO_LITTERING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NO_MOBILE_PHONES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NO_ONE_UNDER_EIGHTEEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NO_PEDESTRIANS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NO_REVIEW - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that no review has been performed.
NO_ROUTES - Enum constant in enum class
NO_SMOKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NOBODY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
Node - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
An immutable model class that represents the primary unit used by WhatsappWeb's WebSocket to communicate with the client
Node(String, Attributes, Object) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Creates an instance of a Node record class.
noDeleteMessageTimeLimit() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
noDeleteMessageTimeLimit(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
noDeleteMessageTimeLimit(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
noiseKeyPair() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The secret key pair used for buffer messages
noiseKeyPair(SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The secret key pair used for buffer messages
NON_BLOCKING_DATA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
NON_POTABLE_WATER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NON_VERIFIED_TRANSITION - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No date
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No parameter
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
No button
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
No title
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
No title
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
No button
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown type
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No media
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
No content
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
No format
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType
No preview
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
No source was specified
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
Do not ask for a new verification code as you already have one
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
No attachment
NONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature
NORICAN_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Norican Regular
NORTH_KOREA - Enum constant in enum class
NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
NORWAY - Enum constant in enum class
NOSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
NOT_MUTED - Enum constant in enum class
This constant describes a ChatMute that holds a seconds equal to 0 Simply put, ChatMute.endTimeStamp() == 0
NOT_STARTED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
note() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The note of this invoice
note(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The note of this invoice
note(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
NOTEBOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
NOTEBOOK_WITH_DECORATIVE_COVER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
noteMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The caption message, that is the message below the payment request
noteMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
The caption message, that is the message below the payment confirmation
noteMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The caption message, that is the message below the payment request
noteMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The caption message, that is the message below the payment request
noteMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
The caption message, that is the message below the payment confirmation
noteMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage.SendPaymentMessageBuilder
The caption message, that is the message below the payment confirmation
NotificationMessageInfo - Class in
NotificationMessageInfo(MessageKey, Message, long, String) - Constructor for class
NotificationMessageInfo.NotificationMessageInfoBuilder - Class in
notifyAfter() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the notifyAfter record component.
notifyMessageCount() - Method in class
notifyMessageCount(int) - Method in class
notifyMessageCount(int) - Method in class
notifyMessages() - Method in class
notifyMessages(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in class
notifyMessages(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in class
notMuted() - Static method in record class
Constructs a new not muted ChatMute
notSpam() - Method in class
This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
notSpam(boolean) - Method in class
This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
notSpam(boolean) - Method in class
This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
NOVI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
nowInMilliseconds() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Clock
nowSeconds() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Clock
number() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the number record component.
number() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the number record component.
NUMBERS - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
NUMBERS_REGEX - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
NUT_AND_BOLT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
nuxAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
nuxAction(NuxAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
NuxAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
NuxAction(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
NuxAction.NuxActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action


O_BUTTON_BLOOD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
oc() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
oc(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
oc(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
OCTOPUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OCULUS_CALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
ODEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
of() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
of() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
of() - Static method in class
of() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
of() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
Returns a default message receipt
of() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
of(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
of(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
of(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
of(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
of(boolean) - Static method in enum class
Returns a GroupPolicy based on a boolean value obtained from Whatsapp
of(boolean, long) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
of(boolean, ActionMessageRangeSync) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
of(boolean, ActionMessageRangeSync) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
of(boolean, Long, boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
of(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
of(byte[]) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
Constructs a new thumbnail from a non-null array of bytes
of(byte[]) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
of(byte[]) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
of(byte[], String) - Static method in record class
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.Type
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
of(int) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
of(int, SignalKeyPair) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
of(long) - Static method in class
of(long) - Static method in enum class
Factory method for creating a ChatEphemeralTimer instance based on the specified value.
of(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns the keys saved in memory or constructs a new clean instance
of(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns the store saved in memory or constructs a new clean instance
of(Action) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
of(BusinessDateTimeComponent) - Static method in class
Constructs a new date time using a component
of(BusinessDateTimeUnixEpoch) - Static method in class
Constructs a new date time using a unix component
of(CallButton) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
Constructs a new template from a call button
of(HydratedCallButton) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
Constructs a new template from a call button
of(HydratedFourRowTemplate) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Constructs a new template message
of(HydratedFourRowTemplate, TemplateFormatter) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Constructs a new template message
of(HydratedFourRowTemplate, TemplateFormatter, ContextInfo) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Constructs a new template message
of(HydratedFourRowTemplate, ContextInfo) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
Constructs a new template message
of(HydratedQuickReplyButton) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
Constructs a new template from a quick reply
of(HydratedURLButton) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
Constructs a new template from an url button
of(QuickReplyButton) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
Constructs a new template from a quick reply
of(URLButton) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
Constructs a new template from an url button
of(ContextInfo) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
Constructs a quoted message from a context info
of(MessageInfo, Button) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
Constructs a response message from a buttons message and a selected button
of(MessageInfo, List<PollOption>) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
Constructs a new builder to create a PollCreationMessage The result can be later sent using Whatsapp.sendMessage(MessageInfo)
of(NativeFlowInfo) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
Constructs a new button with a native flow
of(MessageMetadataProvider) - Static method in class
Constructs a ContextInfo from a quoted message
of(Node) - Static method in record class
A factory method that creates a BusinessCatalogEntry object from a given Node.
of(Node) - Static method in record class
Constructs a category from a node
of(Node) - Static method in record class
Creates a BusinessCollectionEntry object from a Node object.
of(Node) - Static method in record class
Creates a BusinessHoursEntry from a Node.
of(Node) - Static method in class
Constructs a new profile from a node
of(Node) - Static method in class
of(Node) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new GroupParticipant from an input node
of(Node, Function<Node, Boolean>) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Constructs a new request with the provided body expecting a response
of(Setting) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
of(Object) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Constructs a new request with the provided body expecting a response
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
Constructs a new text button
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
Constructs a new HydratedQuickReplyButton from a text with a random id
of(String) - Static method in class
Parses a vcard
of(String) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new ContactId for a user from a jid
of(String) - Static method in enum class
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from a text message
of(String) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that only provides a non-null tag
of(String) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Constructs a new single reply
of(String, NativeFlowInfo) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
Constructs a new button with a native flow
of(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
Constructs a new text button
of(String, List<PollOption>) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
Constructs a new builder to create a PollCreationMessage The result can be later sent using Whatsapp.sendMessage(MessageInfo)
of(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag, a non-null toMap of attributes and a nullable content
of(String, ContactJid, String, boolean) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new message index info
of(String, Object) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag and a nullable content
of(Map.Entry<String, Object>...) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Constructs a new toMap using the non-null provided entries
of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Constructs a new toMap using the provided non-null toMap
of(PatchType, ActionValueSync, RecordSync.Operation) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
of(PatchType, ActionValueSync, RecordSync.Operation, int, String...) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
of(BusinessDateTimeComponent, BusinessDateTimeUnixEpoch) - Static method in class
of(BusinessVerifiedNameCertificate, BusinessAccountInfo) - Static method in class
of(ButtonOpaqueData, ButtonOpaqueData) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
of(ContactJid, String, long, String, byte[], String, ContextInfo, GroupInviteMessage.Type) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
of(MessageInfo) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
of(HighlyStructuredMessage, HighlyStructuredMessage) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
of(HighlyStructuredMessage, HighlyStructuredMessage) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
of(HighlyStructuredMessage, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
of(Message) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
of(MessageContainer) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
of(MessageKey) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
of(MessageKey) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
of(Node) - Static method in record class
of(Node) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
of(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
of(ActionMessageRangeSync) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
of(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
of(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns an Availability based on the given name.
of(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns a ReviewStatus based on the given name.
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
of(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns a GroupRole based on a String value obtained from Whatsapp
of(String) - Static method in enum class
of(String) - Static method in enum class
of(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
Constructs a TextMessage from a text
of(String) - Static method in record class
of(String) - Static method in enum class
of(String) - Static method in enum class
of(String) - Static method in enum class
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
of(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
of(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
of(String) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
of(String) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
of(String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.LocalFileSystem
of(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
of(String, long) - Static method in class
of(String, BusinessCurrency) - Static method in class
Constructs a new localizable parameter with a currency parameter
of(String, BusinessDateTime) - Static method in class
Constructs a new localizable parameter with a date time parameter
of(String, ContactJid.Server) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new ContactId for a user from a jid and a custom server
of(String, BusinessShop.SurfaceType, int) - Static method in class
of(String, ContactCard) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
of(String, MessageContainer, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
of(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
Constructs a new row with a random id
of(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
of(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
of(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
of(String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
of(String, String, Map<String, ContactJid>, String) - Static method in class
of(String, String, ContextInfo, ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
of(String, String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
of(String, String, String) - Static method in class
of(String, String, String) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
of(String, List<ButtonRow>) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
of(List<byte[]>) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
of(List<NativeFlowButton>, String, int) - Static method in class
of(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from a message of any type
ofAttributes(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag and a non-null toMap of attributes
ofChildren(String, Map<String, Object>, Node...) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag, a non-null toMap of attributes and a nullable var-args of children
ofChildren(String, Map<String, Object>, Collection<Node>) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag, a non-null toMap of attributes and a nullable var-args of children
ofChildren(String, Node...) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag and a nullable var-args of children
ofChildren(String, Collection<Node>) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a Node that provides a non-null tag and a nullable var-args of children
ofCompanion(String, int, int) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new ContactId for a companion
ofDevice(String, int) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new ContactId for a device
ofDocumentWithCaption(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from a document with caption message
ofEditedMessage(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from an edited message
ofEphemeral(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from a message of any type marking it as ephemeral
ofError() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport
Constructs an erroneous gdpr report
OFF - Enum constant in enum class
ChatEphemeralTimer with duration of 0 days.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class
OFFICE_BUILDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OFFICE_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OFFICIAL_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT - Enum constant in enum class
Official business account
OFFICIAL_SURVEY_ACCOUNT - Enum constant in enum class
Official survey account
offset() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
offset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
offset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney.PaymentMoneyBuilder
ofJid(ContactJid) - Static method in class
Constructs a chat from a jid
ofJid(ContactJid) - Static method in class
Constructs a new Contact from a provided jid
ofJson(String) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new index info from a json string
ofNullable(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Constructs a new toMap using the provided nullable toMap
ofPending(long) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport
Constructs a pending gdpr report from a timestamp
ofPrefix(String) - Static method in enum class
ofReady() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport
Constructs a successful gdpr report
ofSerialized(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
ofSerialized(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
ofSerialized(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
ofSerialized(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
ofServer(ContactJid.Server) - Static method in record class
Constructs a new ContactId that represents a server
ofViewOnce(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from a message of any type that can only be seen once
ofViewOnceV2(T) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Constructs a new MessageContainer from a message of any type that can only be seen once(version v2)
OGRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OIL_DRUM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OK - Enum constant in enum class
OK_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OK_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OLD_KEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OLD_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OLD_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class
OLD_WOMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OLDER_PERSON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
oldestMessage() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the first message in chronological terms for this chat
oldestMessageFromMe() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the first message in chronological terms for this chat sent from you
oldestMsgInChunkTimestampSec() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
oldestMsgInChunkTimestampSec(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
oldestMsgInChunkTimestampSec(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
oldestServerMessage() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the first message in chronological terms for this chat with type server
oldestStandardMessage() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the first message in chronological terms for this chat with type that isn't server
oldJid() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the old jid of this chat
oldJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The nullable old jid for this Chat.
oldPhoto() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
oldPhoto(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
oldPhoto(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange.PhotoChangeBuilder
oldWait() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the oldWait record component.
OLIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OMAN - Enum constant in enum class
ON - Enum constant in enum class
ON_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
onAction(Whatsapp, Action, MessageIndexInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a sync from Whatsapp.
onAction(Whatsapp, Action, MessageIndexInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappAction
Called when the socket receives a sync from Whatsapp.
onAction(Action, MessageIndexInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a sync from Whatsapp.
onAction(Action, MessageIndexInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnAction
Called when the socket receives a sync from Whatsapp.
onAction(Action, MessageIndexInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnAction - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onAnyMessageStatus(Whatsapp, Chat, Contact, MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the status of a message changes inside any type of chat.
onAnyMessageStatus(Whatsapp, Chat, Contact, MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappAnyMessageStatus
Called when the status of a message changes inside any type of chat.
onAnyMessageStatus(Chat, Contact, MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the status of a message changes inside any type of chat.
onAnyMessageStatus(Chat, Contact, MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnAnyMessageStatus
Called when the status of a message changes inside any type of chat.
OnAnyMessageStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onBinary(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
onChatMessagesSync(Whatsapp, Chat, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives the messages for a chat.
onChatMessagesSync(Whatsapp, Chat, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappChatMessagesSync
Called when the socket receives the recent message for a chat
onChatMessagesSync(Chat, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives the message for a chat This method is only called when the QR is first scanned and history is being synced.
onChatMessagesSync(Chat, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnChatMessagesSync
Called when the socket receives the recent message for a chat
OnChatMessagesSync - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onChatRecentMessages(Chat, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onChats() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onChats(Whatsapp, Collection<Chat>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives all the chats from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
onChats(Collection<Chat>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives all the chats from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
onChats(Collection<Chat>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnChats
Called when the socket receives all the chats from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket.
OnChats - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onClose() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onClose() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketListener
onClose(Session, CloseReason) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
ONCOMING_AUTOMOBILE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONCOMING_BUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONCOMING_FIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONCOMING_POLICE_CAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONCOMING_TAXI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
onContactBlocked(Whatsapp, Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a contact is blocked or unblocked
onContactBlocked(Whatsapp, Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappContactBlocked
Called when a contact is blocked or unblocked
onContactBlocked(Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a contact is blocked or unblocked
onContactBlocked(Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnContactBlocked
Called when a contact is blocked or unblocked
onContactBlocked(Contact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnContactBlocked - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onContactPictureChange(Whatsapp, Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a contact's profile picture changes
onContactPictureChange(Whatsapp, Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappContactPictureChange
Called when a contact's profile picture changes
onContactPictureChange(Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a contact's profile picture changes
onContactPictureChange(Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnContactPictureChange
Called when a contact's profile picture changes
onContactPictureChange(Contact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnContactPictureChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onContactPresence(Whatsapp, Chat, Contact, ContactStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives an update regarding the presence of a contact
onContactPresence(Whatsapp, Chat, Contact, ContactStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappContactPresence
Called when the socket receives an update regarding the presence of a contact
onContactPresence(Chat, Contact, ContactStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives an update regarding the presence of a contact
onContactPresence(Chat, Contact, ContactStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnContactPresence
Called when the socket receives an update regarding the presence of a contact
OnContactPresence - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onContacts() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onContacts(Whatsapp, Collection<Contact>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives all the contacts from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
onContacts(Whatsapp, Collection<Contact>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappContacts
Called when the socket receives all the contacts from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
onContacts(Collection<Contact>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives all the contacts from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
onContacts(Collection<Contact>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnContacts
Called when the socket receives all the contacts from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
OnContacts - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onConversationMessageStatus(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the status of a message changes inside a conversation.
onConversationMessageStatus(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappConversationMessageStatus
Called when the status of a message changes inside a conversation.
onConversationMessageStatus(MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the status of a message changes inside a conversation.
onConversationMessageStatus(MessageInfo, MessageStatus) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnConversationMessageStatus
Called when the status of a message changes inside a conversation.
OnConversationMessageStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onDisconnected(DisconnectReason) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket successfully disconnects from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
onDisconnected(DisconnectReason) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnDisconnected
Called when the socket successfully disconnects from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
onDisconnected(DisconnectReason) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onDisconnected(Whatsapp, DisconnectReason) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket successfully disconnects from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
onDisconnected(Whatsapp, DisconnectReason) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappDisconnected
Called when the socket successfully disconnects from WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
OnDisconnected - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
ONE_DAY - Enum constant in enum class
ChatEphemeralTimer with duration of 1 day.
ONE_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONE_PIECE_SWIMSUIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONE_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONE_WEEK - Enum constant in enum class
ChatEphemeralTimer with duration of 7 days.
ONE_YEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.HistoryLength
One year worth of chats
onError(Throwable) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketListener
onError(Throwable) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
onFeatures(Whatsapp, List<String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives new features from Whatsapp.
onFeatures(Whatsapp, List<String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappFeatures
Called when the socket receives new features from Whatsapp.
onFeatures(ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onFeatures(List<String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives new features from Whatsapp.
onFeatures(List<String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnFeatures
Called when the socket receives new features from Whatsapp.
OnFeatures - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onGroupPictureChange(Whatsapp, Chat) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a group's picture changes
onGroupPictureChange(Whatsapp, Chat) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappGroupPictureChange
Called when a group's picture changes
onGroupPictureChange(Chat) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a group's picture changes
onGroupPictureChange(Chat) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnGroupPictureChange
Called when a group's picture changes
onGroupPictureChange(Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnGroupPictureChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onHistorySyncProgress(int, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives the sync percentage for the full or recent chunk of messages.
onHistorySyncProgress(int, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnHistorySyncProgress
Called when the socket receives the sync percentage for the full or recent chunk of messages.
onHistorySyncProgress(Whatsapp, int, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives the sync percentage for the full or recent chunk of messages.
onHistorySyncProgress(Whatsapp, int, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappHistorySyncProgress
Called when the socket receives the sync percentage for the full or recent chunk of messages.
onHistorySyncProgress(Integer, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnHistorySyncProgress - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
ONION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ONLINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Refers to whether other people should be able to see when you are online
onLoggedIn() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket successfully establishes a connection and logs in into an account.
onLoggedIn() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnLoggedIn
Called when the socket successfully establishes a connection and logs in into an account.
onLoggedIn() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onLoggedIn(Whatsapp) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket successfully establishes a connection and logs in into an account.
onLoggedIn(Whatsapp) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappLoggedIn
Called when the socket successfully establishes a connection and logs in into an account.
OnLoggedIn - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onMediaStatus() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onMediaStatus(Whatsapp, Collection<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives all the status updated from WhatsappWeb's Socket.
onMediaStatus(Whatsapp, Collection<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappMediaStatus
Called when the socket receives all the status updated from WhatsappWeb's Socket.
onMediaStatus(Collection<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives all the status updated from WhatsappWeb's Socket.
onMediaStatus(Collection<MessageInfo>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnMediaStatus
Called when the socket receives all the status updated from WhatsappWeb's Socket.
OnMediaStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onMessage(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onMessage(byte[]) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketListener
onMessageDeleted(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a message is deleted
onMessageDeleted(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappMessageDeleted
Called when a message is deleted
onMessageDeleted(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a message is deleted
onMessageDeleted(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnMessageDeleted
Called when a message is deleted
onMessageDeleted(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnMessageDeleted - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onMessageReply(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, QuotedMessage) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a message answers a previous message
onMessageReply(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, QuotedMessage) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappMessageReply
Called when a message answers a previous message
onMessageReply(MessageInfo, QuotedMessage) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a message answers a previous message
onMessageReply(MessageInfo, QuotedMessage) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnMessageReply
Called when a message answers a previous message
OnMessageReply - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onMessageStatus(MessageStatus, Contact, MessageInfo, Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onMetadata(Whatsapp, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when an updated list of properties is received.
onMetadata(Whatsapp, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappMetadata
Called when an updated list of properties is received.
onMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when an updated list of properties is received.
onMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnMetadata
Called when an updated list of properties is received.
onMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnMetadata - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onNewContact(Whatsapp, Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a new contact
onNewContact(Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a new contact
onNewContact(Contact) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnNewContact
Called when the socket receives a new contact.
onNewContact(Contact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnNewContact - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnNewMarkedMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnNewMediaStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onNewMessage(Whatsapp, MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(Whatsapp, MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappNewMessage
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(Whatsapp, MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappNewMarkedMessage
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnNewMessage
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnNewMarkedMessage
Called when a new message is received in a chat
onNewMessage(MessageInfo, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnNewMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onNewStatus(Whatsapp, MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a new status from WhatsappWeb's Socket
onNewStatus(Whatsapp, MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappNewMediaStatus
Called when the socket receives a new status from WhatsappWeb's Socket
onNewStatus(MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a new status from WhatsappWeb's Socket
onNewStatus(MessageInfo) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnNewMediaStatus
Called when the socket receives a new status from WhatsappWeb's Socket
onNewStatus(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onNodeReceived(Whatsapp, Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a node from Whatsapp
onNodeReceived(Whatsapp, Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappNodeReceived
Called when the socket receives a node from Whatsapp
onNodeReceived(Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a node from Whatsapp
onNodeReceived(Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnNodeReceived
Called when the socket receives a node from Whatsapp
OnNodeReceived - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onNodeSent(Whatsapp, Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket sends a node to Whatsapp
onNodeSent(Whatsapp, Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappNodeSent
Called when the socket sends a node to Whatsapp
onNodeSent(Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket sends a node to Whatsapp
onNodeSent(Node) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnNodeSent
Called when the socket sends a node to Whatsapp
OnNodeSent - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onOpen(SocketSession) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onOpen(SocketSession) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketListener
onOpen(Session) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
onPrivacySettings() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onPrivacySettings(Whatsapp, Map<PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives the privacy settings from Whatsapp
onPrivacySettings(Whatsapp, Map<PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappPrivacySettings
Called when the socket receives the privacy settings from Whatsapp
onPrivacySettings(Map<PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives the privacy settings from Whatsapp
onPrivacySettings(Map<PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue>) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnPrivacySettings
Called when the socket receives the privacy settings from Whatsapp
OnPrivacySettings - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onReply(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onSetting(Whatsapp, Setting) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a setting change from Whatsapp.
onSetting(Whatsapp, Setting) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappSetting
Called when the socket receives a setting change from Whatsapp.
onSetting(Setting) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the socket receives a setting change from Whatsapp.
onSetting(Setting) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnSetting
Called when the socket receives a setting change from Whatsapp.
onSetting(Setting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnSetting - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onSocketEvent(SocketEvent) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when an event regarding the underlying is fired
onSocketEvent(SocketEvent) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnSocketEvent
Called when an event regarding the underlying is fired
onSocketEvent(SocketEvent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onSocketEvent(Whatsapp, SocketEvent) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when an event regarding the underlying is fired
onSocketEvent(Whatsapp, SocketEvent) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappSocketEvent
Called when an event regarding the underlying is fired
OnSocketEvent - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onUpdateChatPresence(ContactStatus, Contact, Chat) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
onUserLocaleChange(Whatsapp, String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's locale changes
onUserLocaleChange(Whatsapp, String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappUserLocaleChange
Called when the companion's locale changes
onUserLocaleChange(String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's locale changes
onUserLocaleChange(String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnUserLocaleChange
Called when the companion's locale changes
OnUserLocaleChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onUserNameChange(Whatsapp, String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's name changes
onUserNameChange(Whatsapp, String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappUserNameChange
Called when the companion's name changes
onUserNameChange(String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's name changes
onUserNameChange(String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnUserNameChange
Called when the companion's name changes
OnUserNameChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onUserPictureChange(Whatsapp, URI, URI) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's picture changes
onUserPictureChange(Whatsapp, URI, URI) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappUserPictureChange
Called when the companion's picture changes
onUserPictureChange(URI, URI) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's picture changes
onUserPictureChange(URI, URI) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnUserPictureChange
Called when the companion's picture changes
onUserPictureChange(URI, URI) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnUserPictureChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
onUserStatusChange(Whatsapp, String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's status changes
onUserStatusChange(Whatsapp, String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnWhatsappUserStatusChange
Called when the companion's status changes
onUserStatusChange(String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.Listener
Called when the companion's status changes
onUserStatusChange(String, String) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.listener.OnUserStatusChange
Called when the companion's status changes
onUserStatusChange(String, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
OnUserStatusChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappAction - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappAnyMessageStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappChatMessagesSync - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappContactBlocked - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappContactPictureChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappContactPresence - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappContacts - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappConversationMessageStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappDisconnected - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappFeatures - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappGroupPictureChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappHistorySyncProgress - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappLoggedIn - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappMediaStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappMessageDeleted - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappMessageReply - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappMetadata - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappNewMarkedMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappNewMediaStatus - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappNewMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappNodeReceived - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappNodeSent - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappPrivacySettings - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappSetting - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappSocketEvent - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappUserLocaleChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappUserNameChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappUserPictureChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
OnWhatsappUserStatusChange - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
opacity() - Method in class
The opacity of the wallpaper
opacity(int) - Method in class
The opacity of the wallpaper
opacity(int) - Method in class
The opacity of the wallpaper
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.SocketEvent
Called when the socket is opened
OPEN_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OPEN_FILE_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OPEN_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OPEN_MAILBOX_WITH_LOWERED_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OPEN_MAILBOX_WITH_RAISED_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
openTime() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the openTime record component.
OPERA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
operation() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
operation() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns the value of the operation record component.
operation() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
operation() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.Syncable
operation(RecordSync.Operation) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync.MutationSyncBuilder
operation(RecordSync.Operation) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
OPHIUCHUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OPTICAL_DISK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
options() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
ORANGE_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ORANGE_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ORANGE_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ORANGE_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ORANGUTAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
orderMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the PaymentOrderMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a payment order.
orderMessage(PaymentOrderMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Order message
originalMessageId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
originalMessageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
originalMessageId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
originalSelfAuthor() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
originalSelfAuthor(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
originalSelfAuthor(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
originalSender() - Method in class
Returns the original sender
originalSender(ContactJid) - Method in class
Original author of the message
originalSender(ContactJid) - Method in class
Original author of the message
OriginPatcher() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession.OriginPatcher
ORTHODOX_CROSS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
os() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
os(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
os(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
osBuildNumber() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
osBuildNumber(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
osBuildNumber(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
osName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
osName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The name of the os running the client, can be fake
osName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
osVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
osVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The version of the os running the client, can be fake
osVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
osVersion() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
osVersion(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
osVersion(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
OSWALD_HEAVY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Oswald Heavy
OTTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OUT_OF_STOCK - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the item is out of stock.
OUTBOX_TRAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OUTDATED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the review is outdated.
outdatedHard() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns the value of the outdatedHard record component.
outdatedSoft() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns the value of the outdatedSoft record component.
outdatedUpdateTime() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns the value of the outdatedUpdateTime record component.
OVERRIDE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
overrideSender() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Returns the value of the overrideSender record component.
overrideSender(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder
OVERSIZED - Enum constant in enum class
OWL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
OYSTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


P_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PACKAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PACKED_MAX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
padding() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
padding(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder
padding(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
paddingBytes() - Method in class
paddingBytes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
paddingBytes(byte[]) - Method in class
paddingBytes(byte[]) - Method in class
paddingBytes(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
paddingBytes(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
PAGE - Enum constant in enum class
PAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
PAGE_FACING_UP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PAGE_WITH_CURL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
pageCount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The unsigned codeLength in pages of the document that this object wraps
pageCount(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
pageCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
pageCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The unsigned codeLength in pages of the document that this object wraps
PAGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PAINTBRUSH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PAKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class
PALAU - Enum constant in enum class
PALESTINE - Enum constant in enum class
PALM_DOWN_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PALM_TREE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PALM_UP_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PALMS_UP_TOGETHER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PANAMA - Enum constant in enum class
PANCAKES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PANDA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PAPERCLIP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class
PARACHUTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PARAGUAY - Enum constant in enum class
parameters() - Method in class
The parameters of this flow as json
parameters() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
The parameters of this button as json
parameters() - Method in class
The params of the flow, encoded as json
parameters(String) - Method in class
The parameters of this flow as json
parameters(String) - Method in class
The parameters of this flow as json
parameters(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton.NativeFlowButtonBuilder
The parameters of this button as json
parameters(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
The parameters of this button as json
parameters(String) - Method in class
The params of the flow, encoded as json
parameters(String) - Method in class
The params of the flow, encoded as json
parameterType() - Method in class
Returns the type of parameter that this message wraps
params() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
params(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
params(List<String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
paramsJson() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
paramsJson(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage.NativeFlowResponseMessageBuilder
paramsJson(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
PARENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.Type
PARENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
parentGroup() - Method in class
Whether this chat is a parent group
parentGroup() - Method in class
Parent group
parentGroup(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is a parent group
parentGroup(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is a parent group
parentGroup(ContactJid) - Method in class
Parent group
parentGroup(ContactJid) - Method in class
Parent group
parentGroupJid() - Method in class
The parent group's jid in a community
parentGroupJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The parent group's jid in a community
parentGroupJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The parent group's jid in a community
PARROT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
parse(Object) - Static method in record class
parseMilliseconds(Long) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Clock
parseSeconds(Long) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Clock
PART_ALTERNATION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
participant() - Method in class
participant() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
participant(String) - Method in class
participant(String) - Method in class
participant(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
participant(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
participants() - Method in class
The participants of this chat, if it's a group
participants() - Method in class
The participants of this group
participants(List<GroupParticipant>) - Method in class
The participants of this group
participants(List<GroupParticipant>) - Method in class
The participants of this chat, if it's a group
participants(List<GroupParticipant>) - Method in class
The participants of this chat, if it's a group
participantsJids() - Method in class
participantsPreKeys() - Method in class
A set that hold all the jids of the participants in this chat that have received pre keys.
participantsPreKeys(Set<ContactJid>) - Method in class
A set that hold all the jids of the participants in this chat that have received pre keys.
participantsPreKeys(Set<ContactJid>) - Method in class
A set that hold all the jids of the participants in this chat that have received pre keys.
PARTY_POPPER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PARTYING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PASSENGER_SHIP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
passive() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
passive(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
passive(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
PASSPORT_CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
password() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
password(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings.AvatarUserSettingsBuilder
password(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
PastParticipant - Class in
Class representing a past participant in a chat.
PastParticipant(ContactJid, PastParticipant.LeaveReason, long) - Constructor for class
PastParticipant.LeaveReason - Enum Class in
Enum representing the errorReason for a past participant leaving the chat.
PastParticipant.PastParticipantBuilder - Class in
pastParticipants() - Method in class
The participants that used to be in this chat, if it's a group
pastParticipants() - Method in class
The list of past participants in the chat group.
pastParticipants() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
pastParticipants(List<PastParticipant>) - Method in class
The participants that used to be in this chat, if it's a group
pastParticipants(List<PastParticipant>) - Method in class
The participants that used to be in this chat, if it's a group
pastParticipants(List<PastParticipant>) - Method in class
The list of past participants in the chat group.
pastParticipants(List<PastParticipant>) - Method in class
The list of past participants in the chat group.
pastParticipants(List<PastParticipants>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
pastParticipants(List<PastParticipants>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
PastParticipants - Class in
Class representing a list of past participants in a chat group
PastParticipants(ContactJid, List<PastParticipant>) - Constructor for class
PastParticipants.PastParticipantsBuilder - Class in
patchMac() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
patchMac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
patchMac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
patchMacKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns the value of the patchMacKey record component.
PatchRequest - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
PatchRequest(PatchType, ActionValueSync, String, int, RecordSync.Operation) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Creates an instance of a PatchRequest record class.
PatchSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
PatchSync(VersionSync, List<MutationSync>, ExternalBlobReference, byte[], byte[], KeyId, ExitCode, Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
PatchType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.binary
path() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
Returns the path for an encrypted url
PAUSE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PAW_PRINTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
payload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
The bytes of the payload, decoded internally by the message handler
payload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
payload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
payload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
payload() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
The bytes of the payload, decoded internally by the message handler
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadataBuilder
The bytes of the payload, decoded internally by the message handler
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish.ClientFinishBuilder
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello.ClientHelloBuilder
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
payload(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello.ServerHelloBuilder
payload(WebPayload) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
payload(WebPayload) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder
PAYMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Payment message
PAYMENT_ACTION_REQUEST_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class
PAYMENT_ACTION_REQUEST_DECLINED - Enum constant in enum class
PAYMENT_ACTION_REQUEST_EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class
PAYMENT_ACTION_SEND_PAYMENT_REMINDER - Enum constant in enum class
PAYMENT_CIPHERTEXT - Enum constant in enum class
PAYMENT_FUTUREPROOF - Enum constant in enum class
PAYMENT_INVITE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Payment invite
PAYMENT_INVOICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Payment invoice
PAYMENT_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
paymentAmount1000() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The payment amount of the button
paymentAmount1000(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The payment amount of the button
paymentAmount1000(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The payment amount of the button
PaymentBackground - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
PaymentBackground(String, long, int, int, String, int, int, int, PaymentMediaData, PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
paymentInfo() - Method in class
Returns the optional payment info
paymentInfo(PaymentInfo) - Method in class
paymentInfo(PaymentInfo) - Method in class
PaymentInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a payment.
PaymentInfo(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoCurrency, long, String, PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoStatus, long, MessageKey, long, boolean, String, PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoTxnStatus, boolean, PaymentMoney, PaymentMoney) - Constructor for class
PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoBuilder - Class in
PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoCurrency - Enum Class in
PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoStatus - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the status of a payment described by a PaymentInfo
PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoTxnStatus - Enum Class in
paymentInviteMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the PaymentInviteMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a payment invite message.
paymentInviteMessage(PaymentInviteMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Payment invite message
PaymentInviteMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message to decline a RequestPaymentMessage.
PaymentInviteMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
PaymentInviteMessage(PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
PaymentInvoiceMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message to notify the invoice about a successful payment.
PaymentInvoiceMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
PaymentInvoiceMessage(PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
PaymentInvoiceMessage(String, String, PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType, String, byte[], long, byte[], byte[], String, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of attachment that an invoice can wrap
PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder<C extends PaymentInvoiceMessage,B extends PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
PaymentMediaData - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
PaymentMediaData(byte[], long, byte[], byte[], String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
PaymentMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model interface that represents a message regarding a payment
PaymentMoney - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
PaymentMoney(long, int, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
PaymentMoney.PaymentMoneyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment
paymentNote() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The note attached to the payment of the button
paymentNote(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The note attached to the payment of the button
paymentNote(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The note attached to the payment of the button
PaymentOrderMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message to pay an order.
PaymentOrderMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
PaymentOrderMessage(String, byte[], int, PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus, PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface, String, String, ContactJid, String, long, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
Unsupported, doesn't make much sense
PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
Unsupported, doesn't make much sense
PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
payments() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
payments(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
payments(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
PDF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType
PEA_POD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEACE_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEACH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEACOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEANUTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEER_DATA_OPERATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class
PEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PENCIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Pending(ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Pending
Creates an instance of a Pending record class.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the review is pending.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Pending status(no ticks)
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Type
Pending, should be ready in about three business days
PENDING_RECEIVER_SETUP - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_SETUP - Enum constant in enum class
pendingPreKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
pendingPreKey(SessionPreKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
pendingPreKey(SessionPreKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
PENGUIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PENSIVE_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEOPLE_HOLDING_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEOPLE_HUGGING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEOPLE_WITH_BUNNY_EARS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PEOPLE_WRESTLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERFORMING_ARTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
period() - Method in enum class
Getter for the duration period
PERSEVERING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_BALD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_BEARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_BIKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_BLOND_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_BOUNCING_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_BOWING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_CARTWHEELING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_CLIMBING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_CURLY_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_FACEPALMING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_FEEDING_BABY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_FENCING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_FROWNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_GESTURING_NO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_GESTURING_OK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_GETTING_HAIRCUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_GETTING_MASSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_GOLFING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_BED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_LOTUS_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_MANUAL_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_MOTORIZED_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_STEAMY_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_SUIT_LEVITATING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_IN_TUXEDO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_JUGGLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_KNEELING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_LIFTING_WEIGHTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_MOUNTAIN_BIKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_PLAYING_HANDBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_PLAYING_WATER_POLO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_POUTING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_RAISING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_RED_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_ROWING_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_SHRUGGING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_STANDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_SURFING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_TAKING_BATH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_TIPPING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WALKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WEARING_TURBAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WHITE_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WITH_CROWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WITH_SKULLCAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WITH_VEIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERSON_WITH_WHITE_CANE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PERU - Enum constant in enum class
PETRI_DISH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
phash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
The hash of the destination chat
phash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage.DeviceSentMessageBuilder
The hash of the destination chat
phash(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
The hash of the destination chat
PHILIPPINES - Enum constant in enum class
phoneId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The phone id for the mobile api
phoneId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
phoneId() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
phoneId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The phone id for the mobile api
phoneId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
phoneId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
phoneNumber() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
phoneNumber() - Method in class
The phone number of this link
phoneNumber() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
The phone number
phoneNumber() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
The phone number of this button
phoneNumber(ContactJid) - Method in class
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
phoneNumber(String, ContactJid) - Method in class
phoneNumber(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton.CallButtonBuilder
The phone number
phoneNumber(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
The phone number
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class
The phone number of this link
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class
The phone number of this link
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton.HydratedCallButtonBuilder
The phone number of this button
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
The phone number of this button
PhoneNumber - Record Class in
PhoneNumber(long, CountryCode) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a PhoneNumber record class.
phoneNumbers() - Method in class
The phone numbers, ordered by type
phoneNumbers(Map<String, ContactJid>) - Method in class
The phone numbers, ordered by type
photoChange() - Method in class
Photo change
photoChange(PhotoChange) - Method in class
Photo change
photoChange(PhotoChange) - Method in class
Photo change
PhotoChange - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
PhotoChange(byte[], byte[], int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
PhotoChange.PhotoChangeBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
PICK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PICKUP_TRUCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PIG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PIG_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PIG_NOSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PILE_OF_POO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PILL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PILOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
pin(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Pins a chat to the top.
pinAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
pinAction(PinAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
PinAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a new pin status for a chat
PinAction.PinActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
PINATA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PINCHED_FINGERS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PINCHING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PINE_DECORATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PINEAPPLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.SocketEvent
Called when a ping is sent
PING_PONG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PING_RECONNECT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
PINK_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
pinned() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
Whether this action marks the chat as pinned
pinned(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction.PinActionBuilder
Whether this action marks the chat as pinned
pinned(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
Whether this action marks the chat as pinned
pinnedChats() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns the chats pinned to the top sorted new to old
pinnedTimestamp() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the seconds this chat was pinned
pinnedTimestampSeconds() - Method in class
The seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when this chat was pinned to the top.
pinnedTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
The seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when this chat was pinned to the top.
pinnedTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
The seconds in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when this chat was pinned to the top.
PIRATE_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PISCES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PIZZA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PKMSG - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
PLACARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PLACE_OF_WORSHIP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
placeholderArgb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
placeholderArgb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
placeholderArgb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
placeholderKey() - Method in class
Placeholder key
placeholderKey(MessageKey) - Method in class
Placeholder key
placeholderKey(MessageKey) - Method in class
Placeholder key
platform() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
platform() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
platform(UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
platform(UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
platform(WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
platform(WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder
platformType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
platformType(Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
platformType(Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
PLAY_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PLAY_OR_PAUSE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PLAYED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Played(two blue ticks)
playedTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
Returns the date when the message was played
playedTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
Sets the played timestamp
playedTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
When the message was played(two blue ticks)
PLAYGROUND_SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PLEADING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PLUNGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PLUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PNG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias.Format
pnhDuplicateLidThread() - Method in class
pnhDuplicateLidThread(boolean) - Method in class
pnhDuplicateLidThread(boolean) - Method in class
pnJid() - Method in class
Returns the pn jid Experimental
pnJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
pnJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
Point - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
This model class describes a Point in space
Point() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
Point(int, int, Double, Double) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
Point.PointBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.location
POLAND - Enum constant in enum class
POLAR_BEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POLICE_CAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POLICE_CAR_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POLICE_OFFICER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
policies() - Method in class
The policies that regulate this group
policies(Map<GroupSetting, GroupPolicy>) - Method in class
The policies that regulate this group
poll(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.SimplePollUpdateMessageBuilder
POLL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error occurs when deciphering a poll message
POLL_CREATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
POLL_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
pollAdditionalMetadata() - Method in class
Returns the additional metadata of this message if it's a poll
pollAdditionalMetadata(PollAdditionalMetadata) - Method in class
Poll additional metadata
pollAdditionalMetadata(PollAdditionalMetadata) - Method in class
Poll additional metadata
PollAdditionalMetadata - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
A model class that represents additional metadata about a PollCreationMessage
PollAdditionalMetadata(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
PollAdditionalMetadata.PollAdditionalMetadataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
pollCreationMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the PollCreationMessage, if present.
pollCreationMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The actual message where the user voted
pollCreationMessage(PollCreationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Poll creation
pollCreationMessage(PollCreationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The actual message where the user voted
pollCreationMessage(PollCreationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
The actual message where the user voted
PollCreationMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a poll inside
PollCreationMessage(PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
PollCreationMessage(String, List<PollOption>, int, Map<String, PollOption>, Map<ContactJid, List<PollOption>>, byte[], ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder<C extends PollCreationMessage,B extends PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
PollCreationMessage.SimplePollCreationMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
PollCreationMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
pollCreationMessageKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The MessageKey of the poll where the user voted
pollCreationMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The MessageKey of the poll where the user voted
pollCreationMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
The MessageKey of the poll where the user voted
pollInvalidated() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
Whether the poll was invalidated
pollInvalidated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata.PollAdditionalMetadataBuilder
Whether the poll was invalidated
pollInvalidated(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
Whether the poll was invalidated
pollName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
pollName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
pollName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
PollOption - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
A model class that represents an option in a PollCreationMessage
PollOption.PollOptionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
pollOptions() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
pollOptions(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
pollOptions(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
pollSelectableOptionsCount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
pollSelectableOptionsCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
pollSelectableOptionsCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
PollUpdate - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
A model class that represents metadata about a PollUpdateMessage Not currently used, so it's package private
PollUpdate(MessageKey, PollUpdateEncryptedOptions, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
PollUpdate.PollUpdateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
A model class that represents the cypher data to decode a PollUpdateMessage
PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
PollUpdateEncryptedOptions - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
A model class that represents the cypher data to decode the votes of a user inside PollUpdateMessage
PollUpdateEncryptedOptions.PollUpdateEncryptedOptionsBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
pollUpdateMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the PollUpdateMessage, if present.
pollUpdateMessage(PollUpdateMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Poll update
PollUpdateMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a vote for a poll inside
PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
PollUpdateMessage.SimplePollUpdateMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
pollUpdateMessageKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
The message key
pollUpdateMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate.PollUpdateBuilder
The message key
pollUpdateMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
The message key
PollUpdateMessageMetadata - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
A model class that represents additional metadata about a PollUpdateMessage Currently empty
PollUpdateMessageMetadata() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata
PollUpdateMessageMetadata.PollUpdateMessageMetadataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll
pollUpdateParentKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
pollUpdateParentKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
pollUpdateParentKey(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
pollUpdates() - Method in class
Poll updates
pollUpdates(List<PollUpdate>) - Method in class
Poll updates
pollUpdates(List<PollUpdate>) - Method in class
Poll updates
polygonVertices() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
Polygon vertices
polygonVertices(List<Point>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.InteractiveLocationAnnotationBuilder
Polygon vertices
polygonVertices(List<Point>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
Polygon vertices
POODLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POOL_8_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POPCORN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
PORTAL_PLUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
PORTAL_TV - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
PORTUGAL - Enum constant in enum class
POST_OFFICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POSTAL_HORN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POSTBOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POT_OF_FOOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POTABLE_WATER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POTATO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POTTED_PLANT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POULTRY_LEG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POUND_BANKNOTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POURING_LIQUID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
POUTING_CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PRAYER_BEADS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
prefix() - Method in enum class
PREGNANT_MAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PREGNANT_PERSON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PREGNANT_WOMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
preKeyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
preKeyId() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Returns the value of the preKeyId record component.
preKeyId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey.SessionPreKeyBuilder
preKeyId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
preKeyId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
preKeys(ArrayList<SignalPreKeyPair>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Whether these keys have generated pre keys assigned to them
presences() - Method in class
A toMap that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat.
presences(ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, ContactStatus>) - Method in class
A toMap that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat.
presences(ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, ContactStatus>) - Method in class
A toMap that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat.
PRETZEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
previewType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The type of preview that this text message provides.
previewType(TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The type of preview that this text message provides.
previewType(TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
previousCounter() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
previousCounter() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
previousCounter(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
previousCounter(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
previousCounter(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
previousCounter(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
price() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the price record component.
priceAmount1000() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
priceAmount1000(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
priceAmount1000(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
primary() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
primary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
primary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
primaryAmount() - Method in class
The primary amount
primaryAmount(PaymentMoney) - Method in class
The primary amount
primaryAmount(PaymentMoney) - Method in class
The primary amount
primaryFeature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
primaryFeature(ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
PrimaryFeature(List<String>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature
primaryVersionAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
primaryVersionAction(PrimaryVersionAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
PrimaryVersionAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model class that contains the main Whatsapp version being used
PrimaryVersionAction(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
PrimaryVersionAction.PrimaryVersionActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
PRINCE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PRINCESS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PRINTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
privacyModeTs() - Method in class
The privacy mode of this account
privacyModeTs(long) - Method in class
The privacy mode of this account
privacyModeTs(long) - Method in class
The privacy mode of this account
privacySettings() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The non-null toMap of privacy settings
privacySettings(ConcurrentHashMap<PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null toMap of privacy settings
PrivacySettingType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of settings that a user can toggle in his account's preferences
PrivacySettingValue - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of preferences that can be toggled for a corresponding setting
privateKey() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
privateKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
Returns the value of the privateKey record component.
privateKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Returns the value of the privateKey record component.
privateKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class
product() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The product that this message wraps
product() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
product(ProductSnapshot) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
The product that this message wraps
product(ProductSnapshot) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
product(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
product(ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
Product - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
Product(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
PRODUCT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
PRODUCT_LIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
A list of products
Product.ProductBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductBody - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
A model class that represents the body of a product
ProductBody.ProductBodyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductCatalog - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductCatalog(ImageMessage, String, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
ProductCatalog.ProductCatalogBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductFooter - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
A model class that represents the footer of a product
ProductFooter.ProductFooterBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductHeader - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
A model class that represents the header of a product
ProductHeader(String, String, boolean, DocumentMessage, ImageMessage, byte[], VideoMessage) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
ProductHeader.AttachmentType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of attachment that a product header can have
ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductHeader.ProductHeaderSimpleBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductHeaderAttachment - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductHeaderThumbnail - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
A model that represents the jpeg thumbnail of a ProductHeader
ProductHeaderThumbnail(byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
Creates an instance of a ProductHeaderThumbnail record class.
ProductHeaderThumbnail.ProductHeaderThumbnailBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
productId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
productId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
productId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
productId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product.ProductBuilder
productId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
productId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
productId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage.ProductListHeaderImageBuilder
productId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
productId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
productImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
productImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
productImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
productImageCount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
productImageCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
productImageCount(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
PRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
ProductListHeaderImage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductListHeaderImage(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
ProductListHeaderImage.ProductListHeaderImageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
productListInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The product info of this message
productListInfo(ProductListInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The product info of this message
productListInfo(ProductListInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The product info of this message
ProductListInfo - Class in
A model class that holds the information related to a list of products.
ProductListInfo(List<ProductSection>, ProductListHeaderImage, ContactJid) - Constructor for class
ProductListInfo.ProductListInfoBuilder - Class in
productMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of ProductMessage.
productMessage(ProductMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Product message
ProductMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a product inside
ProductMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
ProductMessage(ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
ProductMessage(ProductSnapshot, ContactJid, ProductCatalog, String, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder<C extends ProductMessage,B extends ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
ProductMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
products() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the products record component.
products() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
products(List<Product>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
products(List<Product>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection.ProductSectionBuilder
ProductSection - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductSection(String, List<Product>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
ProductSection.ProductSectionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
productSections() - Method in class
The products that this message wraps
productSections(List<ProductSection>) - Method in class
The products that this message wraps
productSections(List<ProductSection>) - Method in class
The products that this message wraps
ProductSnapshot - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
ProductSnapshot(ImageMessage, String, String, String, String, long, String, String, Integer, String, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.product
PROFILE_PIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Refers to who should be able to see your profile pic
PROFILE_PIC_SIZE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
progress() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
progress() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
progress(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
progress(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
progress(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
progress(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
prologue() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The prologue to send in a message
prologue(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The prologue to send in a message
promote(ContactJidProvider, ContactJidProvider...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Promotes any number of contacts to admin in a group
PROMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
Promotes a contact to admin in a group
PROTOCOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
PROTOCOL - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
protocolMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional ProtocolMessage.
protocolMessage(ProtocolMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Sever message
ProtocolMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
A model class that represents a message sent by a WhatsappWeb.
ProtocolMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
ProtocolMessage(MessageKey, ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType, long, long, HistorySyncNotification, AppStateSyncKeyShare, AppStateSyncKeyRequest, InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync, AppStateFatalExceptionNotification, ChatDisappear, MessageContainer, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various type of data that a ProtocolMessage can wrap
protocolType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The type of this server message
protocolType(ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
The type of this server message
protocolType(ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
The type of this server message
PROVIDER_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class
PROVIDER_UNROUTABLE - Enum constant in enum class
psaStatus() - Method in class
Returns the optional psa status
psaStatus(PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus) - Method in class
Public service announcement status
psaStatus(PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus) - Method in class
Public service announcement status
publicKey() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
publicKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
Returns the value of the publicKey record component.
publicKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Returns the value of the publicKey record component.
publicKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus(String, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatusBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
PUERTO_RICO - Enum constant in enum class
pull() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
pull(Boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
pull(Boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
PULL_APP_STATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error is thrown while pulling app data
pullInitialPatches() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
pullPatch(PatchType...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
PURPLE_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PURPLE_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PURPLE_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PURSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PUSH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
PUSH_APP_STATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error is thrown while pushing app data
PUSH_NAME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
PUSH_NAME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
pushName() - Method in class
Returns the optional push name
pushName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
pushName(String) - Method in class
Push name
pushName(String) - Method in class
Push name
pushName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
pushName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
PushName - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
PushName(String, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
PushName.PushNameBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
pushNames() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
pushNames(List<PushName>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
pushNames(List<PushName>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
pushNameSetting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
pushNameSetting(PushNameSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
PushNameSetting - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
PushNameSetting(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
PushNameSetting.PushNameSettingBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
pushPatch(PatchRequest) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
PUSHPIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
put(String, Object) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Inserts a key-value pair in the wrapped toMap
put(String, Object, BooleanSupplier...) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Inserts a key-value pair in the wrapped toMap
put(String, T, Function<T, Boolean>...) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Inserts a key-value pair in the wrapped toMap
putSession(SessionAddress, Session) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Adds the provided address and record to the known sessions
putState(PatchType, LTHashState) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Adds the provided hash state to the known ones
PUZZLE_PIECE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
PYTHON_CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform


QATAR - Enum constant in enum class
qrHandler() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
Handles the qr countryCode when a connection is first established with Whatsapp.
qrHandler(QrHandler) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
Handles the qr countryCode when a connection is first established with Whatsapp.
qrHandler(QrHandler) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
QrHandler - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.api
This interface allows to consume a qr countryCode and provides default common implementations to do so
QrHandler.ToFileConsumer - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.api
This interface allows to consume a file created by QrHandler.toFile(Path, ToFileConsumer) easily
quaternary() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
quaternary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
quaternary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
queryBlockList() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries the block list
queryBlockList() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
queryBusinessCatalog() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the catalog of this business
queryBusinessCatalog(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the catalog of this business
queryBusinessCatalog(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the catalog of a business
queryBusinessCatalog(ContactJidProvider, int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the catalog of a business
queryBusinessCategories() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries all the known business categories
queryBusinessCollections() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the collections of this business
queryBusinessCollections(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the collections of this business
queryBusinessCollections(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the collections of a business
queryBusinessCollections(ContactJidProvider, int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Query the collections of a business
queryBusinessProfile(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries a business profile, if any exists
queryGroupInviteCode(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries the invite countryCode of a group
queryGroupMetadata(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries the metadata of a group
queryGroupMetadata(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
queryPicture(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries the profile picture
queryPicture(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
querySessionsForcefully(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
queryStatus(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Queries the written whatsapp status of a Contact
queryStatus(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
queryStatusV3Thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
queryStatusV3Thumbnail(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
queryStatusV3Thumbnail(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
queryVname() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
queryVname(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
queryVname(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
QUICK_REPLY_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
Quick reply button
QUICK_REPLY_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
Quick reply button
quickRepliesQuery() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
quickRepliesQuery(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
quickRepliesQuery(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
quickReplyAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
quickReplyAction(QuickReplyAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
QuickReplyAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents the addition or deletion of a quick reply
QuickReplyAction(String, String, List<String>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
quickReplyButton() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
quickReplyButton() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
quickReplyButton(HydratedQuickReplyButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder
quickReplyButton(HydratedQuickReplyButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
quickReplyButton(QuickReplyButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder
quickReplyButton(QuickReplyButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
QuickReplyButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents a quick reply button
QuickReplyButton.QuickReplyButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
quinary() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
quinary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
quinary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
quotedAd() - Method in class
The ad that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedAd(AdReplyInfo) - Method in class
The ad that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedAd(AdReplyInfo) - Method in class
The ad that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
The quoted message
quotedMessage() - Method in class
Returns the quoted message
quotedMessage() - Method in class
Returns the message quoted by this message
quotedMessage(ButtonOpaqueData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData.ButtonRowOpaqueDataBuilder
The quoted message
quotedMessage(ButtonOpaqueData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
The quoted message
quotedMessage(MessageContainer) - Method in class
The message container that this ContextualMessage quotes
QuotedMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
An immutable model class that represents a quoted message
QuotedMessage(String, Chat, Contact, MessageContainer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
quotedMessageChat() - Method in class
Returns the chat of the quoted message
quotedMessageChat(Chat) - Method in class
The contact that sent the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessageChat(Chat) - Method in class
The contact that sent the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessageChatJid() - Method in class
Returns the chat jid of the quoted message
quotedMessageChatJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The jid of the contact that sent the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessageId() - Method in class
Returns the id of the quoted message
quotedMessageId(String) - Method in class
The jid of the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessageSender() - Method in class
Returns the sender of the quoted message
quotedMessageSender(Contact) - Method in class
The contact that sent the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessageSender(Contact) - Method in class
The contact that sent the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedMessageSenderJid() - Method in class
Returns the jid of the sender of the quoted message
quotedMessageSenderJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The jid of the contact that sent the message that this ContextualMessage quotes
quotedPaymentInfo() - Method in class
Returns the optional quoted payment info
quotedPaymentInfo(PaymentInfo) - Method in class
Quoted payment info
quotedPaymentInfo(PaymentInfo) - Method in class
Quoted payment info
quotedStickerData() - Method in class
Media data
quotedStickerData(MediaData) - Method in class
Media data
quotedStickerData(MediaData) - Method in class
Media data


RABBIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RABBIT_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RACCOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RACING_CAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RADIO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RADIO_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RADIOACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAILWAY_CAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAILWAY_TRACK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAINBOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAINBOW_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAISED_BACK_OF_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAISED_FIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAISED_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAISING_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
random() - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
random(int) - Static method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
random(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns a new instance of random keys
random(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Constructs a new default instance of WhatsappStore
random(String) - Static method in record class
randomId() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
Generates a random message id
RAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
raw() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
rawId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
rawId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
rawId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
rawId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity.DeviceIdentityBuilder
rawId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
rawId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder
rawId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
rawId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprintBuilder
rawId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
RAZOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
REACTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
reactionMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the ReactionMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a reaction message.
reactionMessage(ReactionMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Reaction message
ReactionMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding an emoji reaction inside
ReactionMessage(MessageKey, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
reactions() - Method in class
reactions(List<ReactionMessage>) - Method in class
reactions(List<ReactionMessage>) - Method in class
read() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
Whether this action marks the chat as read
read(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction.MarkChatAsReadActionBuilder
Whether this action marks the chat as read
read(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
Whether this action marks the chat as read
READ - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Read(two blue ticks)
READ_RECEIPTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Refers to whether read receipts should be sent and received for messages
readCounter(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns read counter
readCounter(AtomicLong) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Read counter for IV
readGroupThumbnail(URI) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
readJids() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
A list of contacts who read the message(two blue ticks)
readJids(List<ContactJid>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
A list of contacts who read the message(two blue ticks)
readJids(List<ContactJid>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
A list of contacts who read the message(two blue ticks)
readKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
readKey(Bytes) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
readKey(Bytes) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
readNode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Decoder
readOnly() - Method in class
Whether this chat is read only
readOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is read only
readOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is read only
readString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Decoder
readTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
Returns the date when the message was delivered
readTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
Sets the read timestamp
readTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
When the message was read(two blue ticks)
Ready() - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Ready
Creates an instance of a Ready record class.
READY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Type
The report is ready to be downloaded
receipt() - Method in class
Message receipt
receipt(MessageReceipt) - Method in class
Message receipt
receipt(MessageReceipt) - Method in class
Message receipt
RECEIPT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
receiverJid() - Method in class
The jid of the beneficiary of this transaction
receiverJid(String) - Method in class
The jid of the beneficiary of this transaction
receiverJid(String) - Method in class
The jid of the beneficiary of this transaction
RECENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
RECENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
RecentEmojiWeight - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
RecentEmojiWeight(String, Float) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
RecentEmojiWeight.RecentEmojiWeightBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
recentEmojiWeightsAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
recentEmojiWeightsAction(RecentEmojiWeightsAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
RecentEmojiWeightsAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a change in the weight of recent emojis
RecentEmojiWeightsAction.RecentEmojiWeightsActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
recentStickerMetadata() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
recentStickerMetadata(RecentStickerMetadata) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
RecentStickerMetadata - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
RecentStickerMetadata(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, Long, Float, Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
recentStickers() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
recentStickers() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
recentStickers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
recentStickers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
recentStickers(List<RecentStickerMetadata>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
recentStickers(List<RecentStickerMetadata>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
recentStickersV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
recentStickersV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
recentStickersV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
recentStickersV3() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
recentStickersV3(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
recentStickersV3(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
RecentStickerWeight - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
RecentStickerWeight(String, Float) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
RecentStickerWeight.RecentStickerWeightBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
recentStickerWeightsAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
recentStickerWeightsAction(RecentStickerWeightsAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
RecentStickerWeightsAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a change in the weight of recent stickers
RecentStickerWeightsAction.RecentStickerWeightsActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
recipientKeyHash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
recipientKeyHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
recipientKeyHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
recipientKeyIndexes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
recipientKeyIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
recipientKeyIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
recipientTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
recipientTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
recipientTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
reconnect() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Disconnects and reconnects to Whatsapp Web's WebSocket if a previous connection exists
RECONNECT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Disconnects from the current session without deleting it and reconnects to it
RECONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.DisconnectReason
record() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
record() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
record() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.Syncable
record(RecordSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync.MutationSyncBuilder
record(RecordSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
RECORD_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RECORDING - Enum constant in enum class
When the contact is recording an audio message
records() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
records(List<RecordSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
records(List<RecordSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder
RecordSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
RecordSync(IndexSync, ValueSync, KeyId) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
RecordSync.Operation - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
RecordSync.RecordSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
RECYCLING_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_APPLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_ENVELOPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_EXCLAMATION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_PAPER_LANTERN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_QUESTION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_TRIANGLE_POINTED_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RED_TRIANGLE_POINTED_UP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ref() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the ref record component.
refToken() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
refToken(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
refToken(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder
REFUND_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
REFUND_FAILED_DA - Enum constant in enum class
REFUND_FAILED_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class
REFUND_PENDING - Enum constant in enum class
REFUNDED - Enum constant in enum class
REFUNDED_TXN - Enum constant in enum class
regData() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
regData(CompanionData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
regData(CompanionData) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
registered() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Whether the client was registered, if mobile app
registered(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Whether the client was registered, if mobile app
registered(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Whether the client was registered, if mobile app
REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RegisterListener - Annotation Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.listener
An annotation used to specify that a Listener should be dected automatically by Whatsapp.
registrationId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
registrationId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
registrationId() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
registrationId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
registrationId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
registrationId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
REGULAR_HIGH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
REGULAR_LOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the review was rejected.
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class
RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
releaseChannel() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
releaseChannel(UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
releaseChannel(UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
RELIEVED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
REMINDER_RIBBON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
remoteIdentityKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
remoteIdentityKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
Removes a contact from a group
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
removeChain(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class
The past participant was removed from the chat.
removeGroupParticipant(ContactJidProvider, ContactJidProvider...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Removes any number of contacts from group
removeListener(Listener) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Removes a listener
removeMessage(MessageInfo) - Method in class
Remove a message from the chat
removeMessage(Predicate<? super MessageInfo>) - Method in class
Remove a message from the chat
removeMessages() - Method in class
Removes all messages from the chat
removeReaction(MessageMetadataProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Remove a reaction from a message
removeRecentStickerAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
removeRecentStickerAction(RemoveRecentStickerAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
RemoveRecentStickerAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model class that represents the deletion of a sticker from the recent list
RemoveRecentStickerAction(long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
RemoveRecentStickerAction.RemoveRecentStickerActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
renderLargerThumbnail() - Method in class
renderLargerThumbnail(boolean) - Method in class
renderLargerThumbnail(boolean) - Method in class
REPEAT_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
REPEAT_SINGLE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
reply() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The selected option
reply(SingleSelectReplyButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
reply(SingleSelectReplyButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The selected option
ReplyHandler - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
A model class that represents a pending reply that accepts only a result
ReplyHandler(String, CompletableFuture<MessageInfo>) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Creates an instance of a ReplyHandler record class.
replyHandlers(ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView<ReplyHandler, Boolean>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null list of replies waiting to be fulfilled
REPUBLIC_OF_THE_CONGO - Enum constant in enum class
Request - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.request
An abstract model class that represents a request made from the client to the server.
Request(String, Object, CompletableFuture<Node>, Function<Node, Boolean>, Throwable) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Creates an instance of a Request record class.
REQUEST_PAYMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Request payment
REQUEST_PHONE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
requestFrom() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The name of the Whatsapp business account that will receive the money
requestFrom(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
The name of the Whatsapp business account that will receive the money
requestFrom(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
The name of the Whatsapp business account that will receive the money
requestMessageKey() - Method in class
The MessageKey of the RequestPaymentMessage that originated this transaction
requestMessageKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message confirms
requestMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class
The MessageKey of the RequestPaymentMessage that originated this transaction
requestMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class
The MessageKey of the RequestPaymentMessage that originated this transaction
requestMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message confirms
requestMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage.SendPaymentMessageBuilder
The key of the original RequestPaymentMessage that this message confirms
requestPaymentMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of RequestPaymentMessage.
requestPaymentMessage(RequestPaymentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Request payment message
RequestPaymentMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message to try to place a PaymentMessage.
RequestPaymentMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
RequestPaymentMessage(String, long, String, MessageContainer, long, PaymentMoney, PaymentBackground) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
requestPhoneNumberMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the RequestPhoneNumberMessage, if present.
requestPhoneNumberMessage(RequestPhoneNumberMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Request phone number
RequestPhoneNumberMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a request for a phone number inside Still needs to be implemented by Whatsapp
RequestPhoneNumberMessage(ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
RequestPhoneNumberMessage.RequestPhoneNumberMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
requests(ConcurrentHashMap<String, Request>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null list of requests that were sent to Whatsapp.
requestTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
requestTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
requestTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage.StickerSyncRMRMessageBuilder
requireFullSync() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
requireFullSync(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
requireFullSync(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
requireMediaReupload(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Asks Whatsapp for a media reupload for a specific media
RESCUE_WORKER_S_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RESET_TOO_SOON - Enum constant in enum class
resolveAllPendingRequests() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Clears all the data that this object holds and closes the pending requests
resolvePendingReply(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first reply waiting and completes it with the input message
resolvePendingRequest(Node, boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Queries the first request whose id equals the one stored by the response and, if any is found, it completes it
responseType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
responseType(ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
responseType(ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
ResponseWrapper - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.response
RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.DisconnectReason
Session restore
RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Deletes the current session and creates a new one instantly
RESTROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
result() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
result(MediaRetryNotification.Result) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.MediaRetryNotificationBuilder
result(MediaRetryNotification.Result) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
Result(byte[], Map<String, byte[]>) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash.Result
Creates an instance of a Result record class.
retailerId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
retailerId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
retailerId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
retryAfter() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the retryAfter record component.
REUNION - Enum constant in enum class
REVERSAL_PENDING - Enum constant in enum class
REVERSAL_SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
REVERSE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
reviewStatus() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the reviewStatus record component.
REVOKE - Enum constant in enum class
REVOKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
A ProtocolMessage that notifies that a message was deleted for everyone in a chat
revoked() - Method in class
Indicates whether the signed certificate of this account has been revoked
revoked(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether the signed certificate of this account has been revoked
revoked(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether the signed certificate of this account has been revoked
revokeGroupInvite(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Revokes the invite countryCode of a group
revokeTimestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp for this message
revokeTimestampSeconds() - Method in class
Timestamp for when the message was revoked
revokeTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
Timestamp for when the message was revoked
revokeTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
Timestamp for when the message was revoked
REVOLVING_HEARTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RHINOCEROS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIBBON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RICE_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RICE_CRACKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHT_ANGER_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHT_ARROW_CURVING_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHT_ARROW_CURVING_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHT_ARROW_CURVING_UP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHT_FACING_FIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHTWARDS_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RIGHTWARDS_PUSHING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RING_BUOY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RINGED_PLANET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
rmrSource() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
rmrSource(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
rmrSource(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage.StickerSyncRMRMessageBuilder
ROASTED_SWEET_POTATO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROBOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROCKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
role() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the role record component.
role(GroupRole) - Method in class
ROLL_OF_PAPER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROLLED_UP_NEWSPAPER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROLLER_COASTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROLLER_SKATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROLLING_ON_THE_FLOOR_LAUGHING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROMANIA - Enum constant in enum class
ROOSTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
rootKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
rootKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
rootKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
ROSE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROSETTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ROUND_PUSHPIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
rowId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
The id of the selected row
rowId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
The id of the selected row
rowId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton.SingleSelectReplyButtonBuilder
The id of the selected row
rows() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
The rows in this section
rows(List<ButtonRow>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection.ButtonSectionBuilder
The rows in this section
rows(List<ButtonRow>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
The rows in this section
RUGBY_FOOTBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RUNNING_SHIRT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RUNNING_SHOE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
RUSSIA - Enum constant in enum class
RWANDA - Enum constant in enum class


S40 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
S60 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
SAD_BUT_RELIEVED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAFARI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
SAFETY_PIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAFETY_VEST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAGITTARIUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAILBOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAINT_HELENA - Enum constant in enum class
SAINT_KITTS_AND_NEVIS - Enum constant in enum class
SAINT_LUCIA - Enum constant in enum class
SAINT_PIERRE_AND_MIQUELON - Enum constant in enum class
SAINT_VINCENT_AND_THE_GRENADINES - Enum constant in enum class
SAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
salePriceAmount1000() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
salePriceAmount1000(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
salePriceAmount1000(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
SALT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SALUTING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAMOA - Enum constant in enum class
SAN_MARINO - Enum constant in enum class
SANDWICH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SANS_SERIF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Sans Serif
SANTA_CLAUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SAO_TOME_AND_PRINCIPE - Enum constant in enum class
SARI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SATELLITE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SATELLITE_ANTENNA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SATURDAY - Enum constant in enum class
SAUDI_ARABIA - Enum constant in enum class
SAUROPOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
save() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
Saves this media to the internal memory of the host.
save(Path) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
Saves this media to the provided path.
save(Throwable) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Exceptions
SAXOPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
scan(Whatsapp) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.ListenerScanner
scanLengths() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The codeLength of each scan of the decoded image
scanLengths(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
scanLengths(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The codeLength of each scan of the decoded image
scansSidecar() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sidecar for the scans of the decoded image
scansSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
scansSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The sidecar for the scans of the decoded image
SCARF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCHEDULED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
SCHOOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCIENTIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCISSORS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCORPIO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCORPION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCREWDRIVER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SCROLL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SEAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SEAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
secondary() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
secondary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
secondary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
secretName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
secretName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
sections() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The button sections of this message
sections(List<ButtonSection>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The button sections of this message
sections(List<ButtonSection>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The button sections of this message
securityCodeSet() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the securityCodeSet record component.
securityNotificationEnabled() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
securityNotificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSyncBuilder
securityNotificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
securityNotificationSetting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
securityNotificationSetting(SecurityNotificationSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
SecurityNotificationSetting - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
SecurityNotificationSetting(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
SecurityNotificationSetting.SecurityNotificationSettingBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
SEE_NO_EVIL_MONKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
seed() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
Returns the value of the seed record component.
seed() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Returns the value of the seed record component.
seed(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey.SenderChainKeyBuilder
seed(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder
SEEDLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
selectableOptions() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
A list of options that can be selected in the poll
selectableOptions(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.SimplePollCreationMessageBuilder
selectableOptions(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
selectableOptions(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
A list of options that can be selected in the poll
selectableOptionsCount() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
Internal field required by the protobuf to count the number of selectable options
selectableOptionsCount(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
selectableOptionsCount(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
Internal field required by the protobuf to count the number of selectable options
selectableOptionsHashesMap() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The SHA256 hashes of PollCreationMessage.selectableOptions
selectableOptionsHashesMap(Map<String, PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
selectableOptionsHashesMap(Map<String, PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The SHA256 hashes of PollCreationMessage.selectableOptions
SELECTED_DISPLAY_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType
selectedOptions() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
selectedOptions(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
Returns an unmodifiable list of the options that a contact voted in this poll
selectedOptions(List<byte[]>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions.PollUpdateEncryptedOptionsBuilder
selectedOptions(List<byte[]>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
selectedOptionsMap() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The toMap of the options selected by each person that can vote in this poll
selectedOptionsMap(Map<ContactJid, List<PollOption>>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
selectedOptionsMap(Map<ContactJid, List<PollOption>>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The toMap of the options selected by each person that can vote in this poll
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
self() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
SELF - Enum constant in enum class
SELF_HOSTED - Enum constant in enum class
Hosted on a private server ("On-Premise")
SELFIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
seller() - Method in class
The jid of the seller of the products that this message wraps
seller(ContactJid) - Method in class
The jid of the seller of the products that this message wraps
seller(ContactJid) - Method in class
The jid of the seller of the products that this message wraps
sellerId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sellerId record component.
sellerId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The jid of the seller associated with this order
sellerId(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The jid of the seller associated with this order
sellerId(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The jid of the seller associated with this order
send(SocketSession, Keys, Store) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Sends a request to the WebSocket linked to session.
send(SocketSession, Keys, Store, boolean, boolean) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Sends a request to the WebSocket linked to session.
send(Node) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
send(Node, Function<Node, Boolean>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
SEND_MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class
Who can send messages in a group
SEND_PAYMENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Send payment
sendBinary(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.AppSocketSession
sendBinary(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
sendBinary(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
sender() - Method in class
Returns the contact that sent the message
sender() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
Returns the contact that sent the message
sender() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageMetadataProvider
Returns the sender of the message
sender() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
Returns the sender of this message
sender() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
Returns the value of the sender record component.
sender(Contact) - Method in class
The sender of the message
sender(Contact) - Method in class
The sender of the message
sender(Contact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
The sender of the message
sender(Contact) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The sender of the message
SENDER_KEY_DISTRIBUTION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Sender key distribution
SenderChainKey - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
SenderChainKey(int, byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
Creates an instance of a SenderChainKey record class.
SenderChainKey.SenderChainKeyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
senderJid() - Method in class
Returns the jid of the sender
senderJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
Returns the jid of the contact that sent the message
senderJid() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageMetadataProvider
Returns the sender's jid
senderJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
Returns the sender's jid
senderJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The jid of the sender
senderJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
The jid of the sender
senderJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
The jid of the sender
senderKey() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
senderKeyDistributionMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional SenderKeyDistributionMessage.
senderKeyDistributionMessage(SenderKeyDistributionMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Sender key distribution message
SenderKeyDistributionMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
A model class that represents a message sent by WhatsappWeb for security purposes.
SenderKeyDistributionMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
SenderKeyDistributionMessage(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
SenderKeyDistributionMessage.SenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
senderKeyHash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
senderKeyHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
senderKeyHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
senderKeyId() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
senderKeyIndexes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
senderKeyIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
senderKeyIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
SenderKeyMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SenderKeyMessage(int, int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
SenderKeyMessage(int, Integer, Integer, byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SenderKeyName - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
SenderKeyName(String, SessionAddress) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
Creates an instance of a SenderKeyName record class.
SenderKeyRecord - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
SenderKeyRecord() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
SenderKeyRecord(LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<SenderKeyState>>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord
SenderKeyRecord.SenderKeyRecordBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
senderKeys(Map<SenderKeyName, SenderKeyRecord>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Sender keys for signal implementation
SenderKeyState - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
SenderKeyState(int, int, byte[], SignalKeyPair) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
SenderKeyState(int, SignalKeyPair, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SenderMessageKey>, SenderChainKey) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
SenderMessageKey - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
SenderMessageKey(int, byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
SenderMessageKey(int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Creates an instance of a SenderMessageKey record class.
SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender
senderName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the person that sent this message or its pretty jid
senderTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
Returns the time when this message was sent, if available
senderTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
senderTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
senderTimestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
senderTimestampMilliseconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The timestamp of this message
senderTimestampMilliseconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
The timestamp
senderTimestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
The timestamp of this message
senderTimestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The timestamp of this message
senderTimestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate.PollUpdateBuilder
The timestamp
senderTimestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
The timestamp
senderTimestampMs() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
senderTimestampMs(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
senderTimestampMs(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
sendInteractiveQuery(Node, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendMessage(ContactJidProvider, ContextualMessage, ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Builds and sends a message from a chat, a message and a context
sendMessage(ContactJidProvider, ContextualMessage, MessageMetadataProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Builds and sends a message from a chat, a message and a quoted message
sendMessage(ContactJidProvider, Message) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Builds and sends a message from a chat and a message
sendMessage(ContactJidProvider, MessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Builds and sends a message from a chat and a message
sendMessage(ContactJidProvider, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Builds and sends a message from a chat and a message
sendMessage(ContactJidProvider, String, MessageMetadataProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Builds and sends a message from a chat, a message and a quoted message
sendMessage(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Sends a message info to a chat
sendMessage(MessageSendRequest) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendMessageAck(Node, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendNode(Node) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Sends a custom node to Whatsapp
sendPaymentMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the SendPaymentMessage associated with this message, or an empty Optional if the message does not contain a send payment message.
sendPaymentMessage(SendPaymentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Send payment message
SendPaymentMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
A model class that represents a message to confirm a RequestPaymentMessage.
SendPaymentMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
SendPaymentMessage(MessageContainer, MessageKey, PaymentBackground) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
SendPaymentMessage.SendPaymentMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment
sendQuery(ContactJid, String, String, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendQuery(String, ContactJid, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendQuery(String, String, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendQuery(String, String, Map<String, Object>, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendQueryWithNoResponse(String, ContactJid, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendQueryWithNoResponse(String, String, Node...) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendReaction(MessageMetadataProvider, Emojy) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Send a reaction to a message
sendReaction(MessageMetadataProvider, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Send a reaction to a message
sendReceipt(ContactJid, ContactJid, List<String>, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendSyncReceipt(MessageInfo, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendWithNoResponse(SocketSession, Keys, Store) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Sends a request to the WebSocket linked to session.
sendWithNoResponse(Node) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
sendWithPrologue(SocketSession, Keys, Store) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Sends a request to the WebSocket linked to session.
SENEGAL - Enum constant in enum class
SENT - Enum constant in enum class
SENT - Enum constant in enum class
sentByMe() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
sentByMe(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
sentByMe(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
sequenceNumber() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
This property probably refers to the number of updates that this live location message.
sequenceNumber(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
sequenceNumber(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
This property probably refers to the number of updates that this live location message.
SERBIA - Enum constant in enum class
serial() - Method in class
The verified serial
serial(long) - Method in class
The verified serial
serial(long) - Method in class
The verified serial
serialize(boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Controller
Serializes this object
serialize(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
serialize(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
serialized() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
serialized() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
This message in a serialized form
serialized() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
serialized() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
serialized() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalProtocolMessage
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
This message in a serialized form
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
This message in a serialized form
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
serialized(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
serializedSignalMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
serializedSignalMessage(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
serializedSignalMessage(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
serializedVersion() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalProtocolMessage
serializedXmlBytes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
The data that this synchronization wraps encoded as xml and stored in an array of bytes
serializedXmlBytes(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage.DeviceSyncMessageBuilder
The data that this synchronization wraps encoded as xml and stored in an array of bytes
serializedXmlBytes(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
The data that this synchronization wraps encoded as xml and stored in an array of bytes
serializeKeys(Keys, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerSerializerProvider
Serializes the keys
serializeStore(Store, boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerSerializerProvider
Serializes the store
SERIF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
server() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the server record component.
server(ContactJid.Server) - Method in class
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class
Server Jid: Used to send nodes to Whatsapp usually
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Server message
SERVER_ACK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Acknowledged by the server(one tick)
ServerCertificate - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ServerCertificate(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
ServerCertificate.ServerCertificateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ServerErrorReceipt - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ServerErrorReceipt.ServerErrorReceiptBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
serverHello() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
serverHello(ServerHello) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage.HandshakeMessageBuilder
serverHello(ServerHello) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
ServerHello - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ServerHello(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
ServerHello.ServerHelloBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
ServerMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
A model interface that represents a message sent by a WhatsappWeb's server
serverSignature() - Method in class
The server signature of this certificate
serverSignature(byte[]) - Method in class
The server signature of this certificate
serverSignature(byte[]) - Method in class
The server signature of this certificate
serverTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The server timestamp if present
serverTimestampMilliseconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The timestamp for the server in milliseconds
serverTimestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
The timestamp for the server in milliseconds
serverTimestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The timestamp for the server in milliseconds
serverTimestampSeconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The timestamp of this action
serverTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
The timestamp of this action
serverTimestampSeconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
The timestamp of this action
SERVICE_DOG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SERVICE_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
serviceType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
The type of service used for this payment
serviceType(PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageBuilder
The type of service used for this payment
serviceType(PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
The type of service used for this payment
Session - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
Session() - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
Session(Set<SessionState>) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
Creates an instance of a Session record class.
Session.SessionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SessionAddress - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SessionAddress(String, int) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
Creates an instance of a SessionAddress record class.
SessionBuilder - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
SessionBuilder(SessionAddress, Keys) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
Creates an instance of a SessionBuilder record class.
SessionChain - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SessionChain(int, byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
SessionChain(AtomicInteger, AtomicReference<byte[]>, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, byte[]>) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Creates an instance of a SessionChain record class.
SessionChain.SessionChainBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SessionCipher - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
SessionCipher(SessionAddress, Keys) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
Creates an instance of a SessionCipher record class.
sessionId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
sessionId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
sessionId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
SessionPreKey - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SessionPreKey(int, byte[], int) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Creates an instance of a SessionPreKey record class.
SessionPreKey.SessionPreKeyBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
sessions(Map<SessionAddress, Session>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Sessions toMap
SessionState - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SessionState(int, int, byte[], byte[], ConcurrentHashMap<String, SessionChain>, byte[], SessionPreKey, SignalKeyPair, byte[], int, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
SessionState.SessionStateBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session
SET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
setContextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
The context of this message
setting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
Setting - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
settingsSync() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
settingsSync(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
settingsSync(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
SEVEN_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SEVEN_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SEWING_NEEDLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SEYCHELLES - Enum constant in enum class
Sha256 - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.crypto
SHAKING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHALLOW_PAN_OF_FOOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHAMROCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
shards() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
shards(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
shards(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
SHARE_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
SHARE_PHONE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class
shareOwnPn() - Method in class
shareOwnPn(boolean) - Method in class
shareOwnPn(boolean) - Method in class
SHARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHAVED_ICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHEAF_OF_RICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHIELD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHINTO_SHRINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHIP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHOOTING_STAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHOP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
SHOPPING_BAGS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHOPPING_CART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHORTCAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
shortConnect() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
shortConnect(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
shortConnect(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
shortcut() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The shortcut for this reply
shortcut(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
The shortcut for this reply
shortcut(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
The shortcut for this reply
shortName() - Method in class
The nullable short name associated with this contact on the phone connected with Whatsapp If a name is available, theoretically, also a short name should be
shortName(String) - Method in class
The nullable short name associated with this contact on the phone connected with Whatsapp If a name is available, theoretically, also a short name should be
shortName(String) - Method in class
The nullable short name associated with this contact on the phone connected with Whatsapp If a name is available, theoretically, also a short name should be
SHORTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
showAdAttribution() - Method in class
showAdAttribution(boolean) - Method in class
showAdAttribution(boolean) - Method in class
SHOWER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
showGroupNotificationsPreview() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
showGroupNotificationsPreview(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
showGroupNotificationsPreview(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
showIndividualNotificationsPreview() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
showIndividualNotificationsPreview(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
showIndividualNotificationsPreview(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
showNotification() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
showNotification(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting.SecurityNotificationSettingBuilder
showNotification(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
SHRIMP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHUFFLE_TRACKS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SHUSHING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SIERRA_LEONE - Enum constant in enum class
SIGN_OF_THE_HORNS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Signal() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
SignalDistributionMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalDistributionMessage(int, int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
SignalDistributionMessage(int, Integer, Integer, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalKeyPair - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair
SignalKeyPair(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
Creates an instance of a SignalKeyPair record class.
signalMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
SignalMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalMessage(byte[], int, int, byte[], Function<byte[], byte[]>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
SignalMessage(int, byte[], Integer, Integer, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalPreKeyMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalPreKeyMessage(int, byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
SignalPreKeyMessage(int, Integer, byte[], byte[], byte[], Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalPreKeyPair - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair
SignalPreKeyPair(int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Creates an instance of a SignalPreKeyPair record class.
SignalProtocolMessage - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message
SignalSignedKeyPair - Record Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair
SignalSignedKeyPair(int, SignalKeyPair, byte[]) - Constructor for record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Creates an instance of a SignalSignedKeyPair record class.
signature() - Method in class
The signature of this certificate
signature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
signature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
signature() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Returns the value of the signature record component.
signature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
signature() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
signature(byte[]) - Method in class
The signature of this certificate
signature(byte[]) - Method in class
The signature of this certificate
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate.ServerCertificateBuilder
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
signature(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
SIGNATURE_LENGTH - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
signatureId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
signatureId(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
signatureId(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
signaturePublicKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
signaturePublicKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
signaturePublicKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
signed() - Method in class
Indicates whether this account has a signed certificate
signed(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether this account has a signed certificate
signed(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether this account has a signed certificate
SignedDeviceIdentity - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
SignedDeviceIdentity(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC.SignedDeviceIdentityHMACBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
signedKeyId() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Returns the value of the signedKeyId record component.
signedKeyId(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey.SessionPreKeyBuilder
SignedKeyIndexList - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
SignedKeyIndexList(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
SignedKeyIndexList.SignedKeyIndexListBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
signedKeyPair() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
The signed pre key
signedKeyPair(SignalSignedKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
The signed pre key
signedPreKeyId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
signedPreKeyId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
signedPreKeyId(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
signingKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
signingKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The signing key of the message
signingKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
signingKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
signingKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
signingKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
The signing key of the message
signingKey(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The signing key of the message
signingKey(SignalKeyPair) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
simpleBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
simpleGifBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
simpleVideoBuilder() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
SINGAPORE - Enum constant in enum class
SINGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SINGLE_BYTE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tokens
SINGLE_BYTE_MAX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
SINGLE_SELECT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
Only one option can be selected
SingleSelectReplyButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents the selection of a row
SingleSelectReplyButton.SingleSelectReplyButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
SIX_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SIX_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
size() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Returns the size of this object
SKATEBOARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SKIER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SKIS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SKMSG - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Signal
SKULL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SKULL_AND_CROSSBONES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SKUNK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLEEPING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLEEPY_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLIGHTLY_FROWNING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLIGHTLY_SMILING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLOT_MACHINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLOTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SLOVENIA - Enum constant in enum class
SMALL_AIRPLANE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMALL_BLUE_DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMALL_ORANGE_DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMB_ANDROID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
SMB_IOS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
SMILE - Static variable in interface it.auties.whatsapp.util.JacksonProvider
SMILING_CAT_WITH_HEART_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_HALO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_HEART_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_HEARTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_HORNS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_OPEN_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_SMILING_EYES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_SUNGLASSES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMILING_FACE_WITH_TEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMIRKING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SMS - Enum constant in enum class
An SMS containing the countryCode will be sent to the associated phone number
smsWait() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the smsWait record component.
SNAIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SNAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
snapshotMac() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
snapshotMac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
snapshotMac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
snapshotMacKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns the value of the snapshotMacKey record component.
SnapshotSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
SnapshotSync(VersionSync, List<RecordSync>, byte[], KeyId) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
SNEEZING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SNOW_CAPPED_MOUNTAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SNOWBOARDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SNOWFLAKE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SNOWMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SNOWMAN_WITHOUT_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOCCER_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when sending or receiving a socket message
SocketEvent - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of events regarding a socket
SocketHandler - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.socket
SocketHandler(Whatsapp, WhatsappOptions, Store, Keys) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
SocketListener - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.socket
SocketSession - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.socket
SocketSession() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
SocketSession.AppSocketSession - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.socket
SocketSession.WebSocketSession - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.socket
SocketSession.WebSocketSession.OriginPatcher - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.socket
SOCKS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOFT_ICE_CREAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOFTBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOLAR_HIJRI - Enum constant in enum class
Solar calendar
SOLOMON_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
SOON_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SOS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
source() - Method in class
The source of this call
source(String) - Method in class
The source of this call
source(String) - Method in class
The source of this call
sourceId() - Method in class
The source jid of this ad
sourceId(String) - Method in class
The source jid of this ad
sourceId(String) - Method in class
The source jid of this ad
sourceType() - Method in class
The source type of this ad
sourceType(String) - Method in class
The source type of this ad
sourceType(String) - Method in class
The source type of this ad
sourceUrl() - Method in class
The source url of this ad
sourceUrl(String) - Method in class
The source url of this ad
sourceUrl(String) - Method in class
The source url of this ad
SOUTH_AFRICA - Enum constant in enum class
SOUTH_KOREA - Enum constant in enum class
SOUTH_SUDAN - Enum constant in enum class
SPADE_SUIT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPAGHETTI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPAIN - Enum constant in enum class
SPARKLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPARKLER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPARKLES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPARKLING_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPEAK_NO_EVIL_MONKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPEAKER_HIGH_VOLUME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPEAKER_LOW_VOLUME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPEAKER_MEDIUM_VOLUME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPEAKING_HEAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Specification - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
Specification() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification
Specification.Signal - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
Specification.Whatsapp - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
SPEECH_BALLOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
speed() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The speed in meters per second of the device that sent this live location message
speed() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The speed in meters per second of the device that sent this live location message
speed(float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
speed(float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The speed in meters per second of the device that sent this live location message
speed(float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
speed(float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The speed in meters per second of the device that sent this live location message
SPEEDBOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPIDER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPIDER_WEB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPIRAL_CALENDAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPIRAL_NOTEPAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPIRAL_SHELL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPONGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPORT_UTILITY_VEHICLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPORTS_MEDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SPOUTING_WHALE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SQUID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SQUINTING_FACE_WITH_TONGUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SRI_LANKA - Enum constant in enum class
STADIUM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Standard message
stanzaId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
stanzaId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
stanzaId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
star(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Stars a message
STAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STAR_AND_CRESCENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STAR_OF_DAVID - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STAR_STRUCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
starAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
starAction(StarAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
StarAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a new star status for a message
StarAction.StarActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
starred() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
Whether this action set the message as starred
starred() - Method in class
Whether this message is starred
starred(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction.StarActionBuilder
Whether this action set the message as starred
starred(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
Whether this action set the message as starred
starred(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this message is starred
starred(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this message is starred
starredMessages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns all the starred messages
starredMessages() - Method in class
Returns all the starred messages in this chat
starredStickers() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
starredStickers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
starredStickers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
state() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
state(SocketState) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
states() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
Returns the value of the states record component.
states(LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<SenderKeyState>>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord.SenderKeyRecordBuilder
states(Set<SessionState>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session.SessionBuilder
staticText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
staticText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
staticText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
staticText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish.ClientFinishBuilder
staticText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
staticText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello.ClientHelloBuilder
staticText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
staticText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello.ServerHelloBuilder
staticText(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
staticUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
staticUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
staticUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
staticUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
staticUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
staticUrl(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
STATION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STATUE_OF_LIBERTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
status() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns all the status
status() - Method in class
The global status of this message
status() - Method in class
The status of this payment
status() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The status of this order
status() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the status record component.
status() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
Returns the value of the status record component.
status(MessageStatus) - Method in class
The global status of this message
status(MessageStatus) - Method in class
The global status of this message
status(ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, ConcurrentLinkedDeque<MessageInfo>>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The non-null list of status messages
status(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoStatus) - Method in class
The status of this payment
status(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoStatus) - Method in class
The status of this payment
status(PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The status of this order
status(PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The status of this order
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class
Image Status Jid of a contact
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Refers to who should be able to see your status
statusAlreadyViewed() - Method in class
Status already viewed
statusAlreadyViewed(boolean) - Method in class
Status already viewed
statusAlreadyViewed(boolean) - Method in class
Status already viewed
statusRanking() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
statusRanking(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
statusRanking(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
statusV3Messages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
statusV3Messages(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
statusV3Messages(List<MessageInfo>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
STEAMING_BOWL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STETHOSCOPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STICKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The message is a sticker
STICKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
STICKER_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Sticker sync
stickerAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
stickerAction(StickerAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
StickerAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a sticker
StickerAction(String, byte[], byte[], String, int, int, String, long, boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
stickerHashWithoutMeta() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The hash of the sticker without metadata
stickerHashWithoutMeta(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
The hash of the sticker without metadata
stickerHashWithoutMeta(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
The hash of the sticker without metadata
stickerMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of StickerMessage.
stickerMessage(StickerMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Sticker message
StickerMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a sticker inside
StickerMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
StickerMessage(StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
StickerMessage(String, byte[], byte[], byte[], String, Integer, Integer, String, long, long, Integer, byte[], boolean, byte[], long, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder<C extends StickerMessage,B extends StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
StickerMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
stickerPackQuery() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
stickerPackQuery(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
stickerPackQuery(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
stickerSentTimestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
stickerSentTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
stickerSentTimestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
stickerSyncMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the StickerSyncRMRMessage, if present.
stickerSyncMessage(StickerSyncRMRMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Sticker sync message
StickerSyncRMRMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
StickerSyncRMRMessage(List<String>, String, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
StickerSyncRMRMessage.StickerSyncRMRMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server
STOP_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STOP_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STOPWATCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
storageQuotaMb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
storageQuotaMb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig.HistorySyncConfigBuilder
storageQuotaMb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
store() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Returns the store associated with this session
store() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
Store - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.controller
This controller holds the user-related data regarding a WhatsappWeb session
Store(int, String, String, URI, String, ContactJid, ContactJid, ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, Chat>, ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, Contact>, ConcurrentHashMap<ContactJid, ConcurrentLinkedDeque<MessageInfo>>, ConcurrentHashMap<PrivacySettingType, PrivacySettingValue>, boolean, boolean, boolean, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Request>, ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView<ReplyHandler, Boolean>, ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView<Listener, Boolean>, AtomicLong, String, long, MediaConnection, CountDownLatch, boolean, ChatEphemeralTimer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Store.StoreBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.controller
STRAIGHT_RULER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STRAWBERRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
stream(boolean) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.serialization.ControllerProviderLoader
Streams all the providers loaded in the class loader
STREAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Called when an error arrives from the stream
STREAM_END - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
streamConnections() - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Returns a stream of all known connections
streamConnections(WhatsappOptions) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Returns a stream of all known connections
streamingSidecar() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The sidecar is an array of bytes obtained by concatenating every [n*64K, (n+1)*64K+16] chunk of the encoded media signed with the mac key and truncated to ten bytes.
streamingSidecar() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The sidecar for the decoded video that this message wraps
streamingSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
streamingSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The sidecar is an array of bytes obtained by concatenating every [n*64K, (n+1)*64K+16] chunk of the encoded media signed with the mac key and truncated to ten bytes.
streamingSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The sidecar for the decoded video that this message wraps
streamingSidecar(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
stubParameters() - Method in class
Message stub parameters
stubParameters(List<String>) - Method in class
Message stub parameters
stubParameters(List<String>) - Method in class
Message stub parameters
stubType() - Method in class
Returns the optional stub type
stubType(MessageInfo.StubType) - Method in class
The stub type of this message.
stubType(MessageInfo.StubType) - Method in class
The stub type of this message.
STUDENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STUDIO_MICROPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
STUFFED_FLATBREAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
subject() - Method in class
The subject or name of the group
subject(String) - Method in class
The subject or name of the group
subjectTimestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp when the subject was last changed
subjectTimestamp(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
The timestamp when the subject was last changed
subscribeToPresence(ContactJidProvider) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
subscribeToPresence(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Sends a request to Whatsapp in order to receive updates when the status of a contact changes.
subscriptionAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
subscriptionAction(SubscriptionAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
SubscriptionAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents a subscription
SubscriptionAction(boolean, boolean, long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
SubscriptionAction.SubscriptionActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
subtextArgb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
subtextArgb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
subtextArgb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
subtitle() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The subtitle of this header
subtitle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
The subtitle of this header
subtitle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderSimpleBuilder
subtitle(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The subtitle of this header
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
SUDAN - Enum constant in enum class
SUN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUN_BEHIND_CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUN_BEHIND_LARGE_CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUN_BEHIND_RAIN_CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUN_BEHIND_SMALL_CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUN_WITH_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUNDAY - Enum constant in enum class
SUNFLOWER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUNGLASSES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUNRISE_OVER_MOUNTAINS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUNSET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUPERHERO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SUPERVILLAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
support() - Method in class
Whether this chat is an official support chat from Whatsapp
support() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
support(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is an official support chat from Whatsapp
support(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat is an official support chat from Whatsapp
support(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
support(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
supportsDocumentMessages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsDocumentMessages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsDocumentMessages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsE2EAudio() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EAudio(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EAudio(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsE2EDocument() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EDocument(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EDocument(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsE2EImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EImage(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EImage(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsE2EVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EVideo(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsE2EVideo(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsMediaRetry() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsMediaRetry(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsMediaRetry(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsStarredMessages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsStarredMessages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsStarredMessages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
supportsUrlMessages() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsUrlMessages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
supportsUrlMessages(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
surface() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The surface of this order
surface(PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The surface of this order
surface(PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The surface of this order
surfaceType() - Method in class
The surface of the shop
surfaceType(BusinessShop.SurfaceType) - Method in class
The surface of the shop
surfaceType(BusinessShop.SurfaceType) - Method in class
The surface of the shop
SURINAME - Enum constant in enum class
SUSHI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
suspended() - Method in class
Whether this chat was suspended and therefore cannot be accessed anymore
suspended(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat was suspended and therefore cannot be accessed anymore
suspended(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat was suspended and therefore cannot be accessed anymore
SUSPENSION_RAILWAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SWAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SWAZILAND - Enum constant in enum class
SWEAT_DROPLETS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SWEDEN - Enum constant in enum class
SWITZERLAND - Enum constant in enum class
symbols() - Method in enum class
SYNAGOGUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
sync() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns the value of the sync record component.
SYNC_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
Syncable - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
SyncActionMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
SyncActionMessage(MessageKey, Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
SyncActionMessage.SyncActionMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
SYNCING - Enum constant in enum class
syncType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
syncType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
syncType(HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
syncType(HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
syncType(HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
syncType(HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
SYRIA - Enum constant in enum class
SYRINGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod


T_REX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
T_SHIRT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TACO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
tag(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The request tag, used to create messages
Tag - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.binary
TAIWAN - Enum constant in enum class
TAJIKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class
TAKEOUT_BOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TAMALE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TANABATA_TREE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TANGERINE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TANZANIA - Enum constant in enum class
targetMessageKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
targetMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage.EncryptedReactionMessageBuilder
targetMessageKey(MessageKey) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
TAURUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TAXI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TCL_TV - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
TEACHER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TEACUP_WITHOUT_HANDLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TEAPOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TEAR_OFF_CALENDAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TECHNOLOGIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TEDDY_BEAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TELEPHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TELEPHONE_RECEIVER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TELESCOPE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TELEVISION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TEMPLATE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
TEMPLATE_REPLY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Template reply
TemplateFormatter - Interface in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A formatter used to structure a button message
TemplateFormatterType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
The constant of this enumerated type define the various of types of visual formats for a TemplateMessage
templateId() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The id of the template
templateId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The id of the template
templateId(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The id of the template
templateMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
Hydrated message
templateMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of TemplateMessage.
templateMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
templateMessage(TemplateMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
Hydrated message
templateMessage(TemplateMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
Hydrated message
templateMessage(TemplateMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Template message
templateMessage(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
templateMessage(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
TemplateMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message sent in a WhatsappBusiness chat that provides a list of buttons to choose from.
TemplateMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
TemplateMessage(TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
TemplateMessage(String, HydratedFourRowTemplate, FourRowTemplate, HydratedFourRowTemplate, InteractiveMessage, ContextInfo) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder<C extends TemplateMessage,B extends TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
TemplateMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
templateMessageInteractivity() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
templateMessageInteractivity(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
templateMessageInteractivity(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
templateReplyMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of TemplateReplyMessage.
templateReplyMessage(TemplateReplyMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Template button reply message
TemplateReplyMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
A model class that represents a message that contains a response to a previous HighlyStructuredMessage
TemplateReplyMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
TemplateReplyMessage(TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
TemplateReplyMessage(String, String, ContextInfo, int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder<C extends TemplateReplyMessage,B extends TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button
TemplateReplyMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
templateType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
templateType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
templateType() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.TemplateFormatter
Returns the type of this formatter
templateType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class
TEN_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TEN_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TENNIS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TENOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
TENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
terminated() - Method in class
Whether this chat was terminated
terminated(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat was terminated
terminated(boolean) - Method in class
Whether this chat was terminated
tertiary() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
tertiary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
tertiary(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
TEST_TUBE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The text content of this button.
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
The text of this button
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
The text of this button
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
The text of this button
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
The text of this button
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
The text of this button
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
The text of this button
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The text that this message wraps
text() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
text(ButtonText) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonBuilder
The text content of this button.
text(ButtonText) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The text content of this button.
text(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton.CallButtonBuilder
The text of this button
text(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
The text of this button
text(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton.QuickReplyButtonBuilder
The text of this button
text(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
The text of this button
text(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
The text of this button
text(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton.URLButtonBuilder
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton.HydratedCallButtonBuilder
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton.HydratedQuickReplyButtonBuilder
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton.HydratedURLButtonBuilder
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
The text of this button
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The text that this message wraps
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode.ExitCodeBuilder
text(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Text title
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Text message
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
textArgb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The color of this text message encoded as ARGB
textArgb() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
textArgb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
textArgb(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
textArgb(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The color of this text message encoded as ARGB
textArgb(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
textMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional TextMessage.
textMessage(TextMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Text message
TextMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding text inside
TextMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
TextMessage(TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
TextMessage(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
Constructs a TextMessage from a text
TextMessage(String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, TextMessage.TextMessageFontType, TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType, byte[], boolean, String, byte[], byte[], byte[], Long, Integer, Integer, TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType, String, byte[], TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType, boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder<C extends TextMessage,B extends TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
TextMessage.TextMessageFontType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of fonts that a TextMessage supports.
TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of previuew that a TextMessage can provide.
TextMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
textPreviewSetting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Whether a preview should be automatically generated and attached to text messages that contain links.
textPreviewSetting(TextPreviewSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
Whether a preview should be automatically generated and attached to text messages that contain links.
textPreviewSetting(TextPreviewSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
TextPreviewSetting - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of text preview that can be used
textWithNoContextMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional string with no context message.
textWithNoContextMessage(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
THAILAND - Enum constant in enum class
THERMOMETER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THINKING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
thirdPartyStickers() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
thirdPartyStickers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
thirdPartyStickers(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
THONG_SANDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THOUGHT_BALLOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THREAD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
threadDsTimeframeOffset() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
threadDsTimeframeOffset(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
threadDsTimeframeOffset(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
threadIdUserSecret() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
threadIdUserSecret(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
threadIdUserSecret(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
THREE_MONTHS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.HistoryLength
Three months worth of chat
THREE_MONTHS - Enum constant in enum class
ChatEphemeralTimer with duration of 90 days.
THREE_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THREE_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
thumbnail() - Method in class
The thumbnail of the original companion encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class
The thumbnail for the media of this ad, if any is specified
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The thumbnail of the attachment that this invoice provides
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The thumbnail of this order
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The thumbnail for this document encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The thumbnail of the group that this invite regards encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The thumbnail for this image message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The thumbnail for this live location message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The thumbnail for this image message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The thumbnail for this sticker message encoded as png in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The thumbnail for this text message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The thumbnail for this video message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
Returns the value of the thumbnail record component.
thumbnail() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class
The thumbnail of the original companion encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class
The thumbnail of the original companion encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class
The thumbnail for the media of this ad, if any is specified
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class
The thumbnail for the media of this ad, if any is specified
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The thumbnail of the attachment that this invoice provides
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The thumbnail of this order
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The thumbnail of this order
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The thumbnail for this document encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
The thumbnail of the group that this invite regards encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The thumbnail for this image message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
The thumbnail for this live location message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
The thumbnail for this image message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The thumbnail for this sticker message encoded as png in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The thumbnail for this text message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The thumbnail for this video message encoded as jpeg in an array of bytes
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage.ProductListHeaderImageBuilder
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
thumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail.ProductHeaderThumbnailBuilder
THUMBNAIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
Jpeg attachment
thumbnailDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
thumbnailDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailDirectPath() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
thumbnailDirectPath(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
thumbnailEncSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailEncSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
thumbnailEncSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailEncSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
thumbnailEncSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
thumbnailHeight() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailHeight() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailHeight(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnailHeight(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailHeight(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
thumbnailHeight(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
thumbnailSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailSha256() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
thumbnailSha256(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
thumbnailUrl() - Method in class
The url of the thumbnail for the media of this ad, if any is specified
thumbnailUrl(String) - Method in class
The url of the thumbnail for the media of this ad, if any is specified
thumbnailUrl(String) - Method in class
The url of the thumbnail for the media of this ad, if any is specified
thumbnailWidth() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailWidth() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
thumbnailWidth(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
thumbnailWidth(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
thumbnailWidth(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
thumbnailWidth(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
THUMBS_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THUMBS_UP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
THURSDAY - Enum constant in enum class
TICKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TIGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TIGER_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
time() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp as a zoned date time
timeFormatAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
timeFormatAction(TimeFormatAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
TimeFormatAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents the time format used by the companion
TimeFormatAction(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
TimeFormatAction.TimeFormatActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
timeOffset() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
This offset probably refers to the seconds since the last update to this live location message.
timeOffset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
timeOffset(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
This offset probably refers to the seconds since the last update to this live location message.
TIMER_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
timestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp of the date
timestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp for the creation of this chat in seconds since Instant.EPOCH
timestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp of the account
timestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp for this message
timestamp() - Method in class
timestamp() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the timestamp record component.
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The timestamp of this message in milliseconds
timestamp() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
Returns the value of the timestamp record component.
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
timestamp() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
timestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the date
timestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the date
timestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the account
timestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the account
timestamp(long) - Method in class
timestamp(long) - Method in class
timestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting.EphemeralSettingBuilder
timestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
timestamp(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder
The timestamp of this message in milliseconds
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
The timestamp of this message in milliseconds
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity.DeviceIdentityBuilder
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification.AppStateFatalExceptionNotificationBuilder
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData.AppStateSyncKeyDataBuilder
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage.SyncActionMessageBuilder
timestamp(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
timestampMilliseconds() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
timestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage.KeepInChatMessageBuilder
timestampMilliseconds(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
timestampMs() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
timestampMs(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
timestampMs(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
timestampSeconds() - Method in class
The timestamp for the creation of this chat in seconds since Instant.EPOCH
timestampSeconds() - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds since Instant.EPOCH, when this message was sent
timestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
The timestamp for the creation of this chat in seconds since Instant.EPOCH
timestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds since Instant.EPOCH, when this message was sent
timestampSeconds(long) - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds since Instant.EPOCH, when this message was sent
timeZone() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the timeZone record component.
TIRED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The title of the button
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
The title of the row
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
The title of the section
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the title of this template
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the title of this template
title() - Method in class
The title of this advertisement
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The title of this message
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The title of this message
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The title of this order
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The title of the document that this object wraps
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The title of the poll
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The title of the link that this text message wraps, if available
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The title of this header
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
title() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.SimplePollCreationMessageBuilder
title(FourRowTemplateTitle) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
title(HydratedFourRowTemplateTitle) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
The title of the button
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
The title of the button
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow.ButtonRowBuilder
The title of the row
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
The title of the row
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection.ButtonSectionBuilder
The title of the section
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
The title of the section
title(String) - Method in class
The title of this advertisement
title(String) - Method in class
The title of this advertisement
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
The title of this message
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
The title of this message
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
The title of this message
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The title of this order
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The title of this order
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
The title of the document that this object wraps
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
The title of the poll
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
The title of the link that this text message wraps, if available
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog.ProductCatalogBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
The title of this header
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderSimpleBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
The title of this header
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection.ProductSectionBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
title(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
titleDocument() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the document title of this message if present
titleDocument() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the document title of this message if present
titleDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The document title of this row.
titleDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The document title of this row.
titleDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The document title of this row.
titleDocument(DocumentMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The document title of this row.
titleHighlyStructured() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the highly structured title of this message if present
titleHighlyStructured(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The highly structured title of this row.
titleHighlyStructured(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The highly structured title of this row.
titleImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the image title of this message if present
titleImage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the image title of this message if present
titleImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The image title of this row.
titleImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The image title of this row.
titleImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The image title of this row.
titleImage(ImageMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The image title of this row.
titleLocation() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the location title of this message if present
titleLocation() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the location title of this message if present
titleLocation(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The location title of this row.
titleLocation(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The location title of this row.
titleLocation(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The location title of this row.
titleLocation(LocationMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The location title of this row.
titleText() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the text title of this message if present
titleText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The text title of this row.
titleText(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The text title of this row.
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the type of title that this template wraps
titleType() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitle
Return the type of this title
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the type of title that this template wraps
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
titleType() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
titleVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
Returns the video title of this message if present
titleVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
Returns the video title of this message if present
titleVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
The video title of this row This property is defined only if FourRowTemplate.titleType() == FourRowTemplateTitleType.VIDEO.
titleVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
The video title of this row This property is defined only if FourRowTemplate.titleType() == FourRowTemplateTitleType.VIDEO.
titleVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
The video title of this row.
titleVideo(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
The video title of this row.
TIZEN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
toBuilder() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
toDesktop() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler.ToFileConsumer
Opens the file if a Desktop environment is available
toEphemeral() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Converts this message to an ephemeral message
toFile() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler.
toFile(QrHandler.ToFileConsumer) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler
Saves the QR countryCode to a temp file
toFile(Path, QrHandler.ToFileConsumer) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler
Saves the QR countryCode to a specified file
toFile(BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>, BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler.
toGenericKeyPair() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
toGenericKeyPair() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
toGenericKeyPair() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
toGenericKeyPair() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
TOGO - Enum constant in enum class
toHash() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
TOILET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toJid() - Method in class
Returns this object as a jid
toJid() - Method in class
Returns this object as a jid
toJid() - Method in enum class
toJid() - Method in record class
Returns this object as a jid
toJid() - Method in interface
Returns this object as a jid
toJid() - Method in record class
toJson() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Controller
Converts this controller to a json.
toJson() - Method in class
Converts this message to a json.
toJson() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Converts this node into a JSON String
TOKELAU - Enum constant in enum class
token() - Method in class
Returns the token for this chat
token() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The token of this invoice
token() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The token of this order
token(byte[]) - Method in class
The token of this chat
token(byte[]) - Method in class
The token of this chat
token(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
token(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
The token of this invoice
token(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
The token of this order
token(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
The token of this order
TOKEN_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
Tokens - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.binary
tokenSenderTimestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp for the token sender creation of this chat
tokenSenderTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the sender of the token of this chat
tokenSenderTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the sender of the token of this chat
tokenTimestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp for the creation of this chat's token
tokenTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the token of this chat
tokenTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp of the token of this chat
TOKYO_TOWER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toMap() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Returns the value of the toMap record component.
TOMATO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toMessageKey() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
TONGA - Enum constant in enum class
TONGUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toNode() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.ISignalKeyPair
toNode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
toNode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
toNode() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
toNode() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
toNodes(Keys) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
TOO_MANY - Enum constant in enum class
TOO_MANY_ALL_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class
TOO_MANY_GUESSES - Enum constant in enum class
TOO_RECENT - Enum constant in enum class
TOOLBOX - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TOOTH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TOOTHBRUSH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TOP_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TOP_HAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toPhoneNumber() - Method in record class
Converts this jid to a non-formatted phone number
toRequest(String, Function<Node, Boolean>) - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Constructs a new request from this node.
TORNADO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toSignalAddress() - Method in record class
Converts this jid to a signal address
toString() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.MessageWrapper
toString() - Method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupBuilder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.GroupCipher
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.LTHash.Result
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionBuilder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.SessionCipher
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction.AgentActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AgentAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions.AndroidUnsupportedActionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.AndroidUnsupportedActions
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction.ArchiveChatActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ArchiveChatAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction.ChatAssignmentActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction.ClearChatActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ClearChatAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction.ContactActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.ContactAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction.DeleteChatActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteChatAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction.DeleteMessageForMeActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.DeleteMessageForMeAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction.FavoriteStickerActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.FavoriteStickerAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction.LabelAssociationActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelAssociationAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction.LabelEditActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.LabelEditAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction.MarkChatAsReadActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MarkChatAsReadAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction.MuteActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.MuteAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction.NuxActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.NuxAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction.PinActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PinAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction.PrimaryVersionActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction.QuickReplyActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.QuickReplyAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction.RecentEmojiWeightsActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction.RecentStickerWeightsActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction.RemoveRecentStickerActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RemoveRecentStickerAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction.StarActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StarAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction.SubscriptionActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.SubscriptionAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction.TimeFormatActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction.UserStatusMuteActionBuilder
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData.ButtonOpaqueDataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonOpaqueData
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow.ButtonRowBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRow
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData.ButtonRowOpaqueDataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonRowOpaqueData
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection.ButtonSectionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonSection
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText.ButtonTextBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonText
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton.CallButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.CallButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate.FourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplate
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton.HydratedCallButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedCallButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate.HydratedFourRowTemplateSimpleBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplate
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton.HydratedQuickReplyButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedQuickReplyButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton.HydratedURLButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton.NativeFlowButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.NativeFlowButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton.QuickReplyButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.QuickReplyButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton.SingleSelectReplyButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.SingleSelectReplyButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton.URLButtonBuilder
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Converts this object in a valid vcard
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in record class
Converts this jid to a String
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.InteractiveLocationAnnotationBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location.LocationBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Location
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point.PointBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.ButtonsMessageSimpleBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ButtonsResponseMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage.HighlyStructuredMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage.InteractiveMessageSimpleBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage.InteractiveResponseMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.ListMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage.ListResponseMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage.NativeFlowResponseMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage.TemplateMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage.TemplateReplyMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink.ActionLinkBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ButtonReplyMessage.ButtonReplyMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage.ContextualMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ContextualMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer.FutureMessageContainerBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat.KeepInChatBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChat
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage.MediaMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Converts this container into a String
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey.MessageKeyBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageKey
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt.MessageReceiptBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageReceipt
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatusBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.PublicServiceAnnouncementStatus
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.QuotedMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage.CancelPaymentRequestMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage.DeclinePaymentRequestMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.PaymentInvoiceMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.PaymentOrderMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage.RequestPaymentMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage.SendPaymentMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage.DeviceSentMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage.DeviceSyncMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage.EncryptedReactionMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage.SenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage.StickerSyncRMRMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage.ContactsArrayMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.DocumentMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage.SimpleDocumentMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.DocumentMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.EmptyMessage.EmptyMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.GroupInviteMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.SimpleImageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage.KeepInChatMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage.LiveLocationMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.PollCreationMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage.SimplePollCreationMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.SimplePollUpdateMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage.ProductMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage.ReactionMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage.RequestPhoneNumberMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.SimpleStickerMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData.PaymentMediaDataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMediaData
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney.PaymentMoneyBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentMoney
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata.PollAdditionalMetadataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollAdditionalMetadata
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption.PollOptionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollOption
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate.PollUpdateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedMetadata
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions.PollUpdateEncryptedOptionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateEncryptedOptions
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata.PollUpdateMessageMetadataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdateMessageMetadata
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Error
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Pending
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Ready
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product.ProductBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.Product
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody.ProductBodyBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductBody
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog.ProductCatalogBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductCatalog
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter.ProductFooterBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductFooter
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.ProductHeaderSimpleBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail.ProductHeaderThumbnailBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeaderThumbnail
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage.ProductListHeaderImageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductListHeaderImage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection.ProductSectionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSection
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Attributes
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest.MessageSendRequestBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.MessageSendRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Node
Converts this node into a String
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.ReplyHandler
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.request.Request
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.AppVersionResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.ContactStatusResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.response.HasWhatsappResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownloadSettingsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AutoDownloadSettings
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings.AvatarUserSettingsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.AvatarUserSettings
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting.EphemeralSettingBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.EphemeralSetting
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings.GlobalSettingsBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.GlobalSettings
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting.LocaleSettingBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.LocaleSetting
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting.PushNameSettingBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.PushNameSetting
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting.SecurityNotificationSettingBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.SecurityNotificationSetting
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting.UnarchiveChatsSettingBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish.ClientFinishBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientFinish
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello.ClientHelloBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientHello
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData.CompanionDataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.CompanionData
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity.DeviceIdentityBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DeviceIdentity
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage.HandshakeMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.HandshakeMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate.ServerCertificateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerCertificate
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello.ServerHelloBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ServerHello
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity.SignedDeviceIdentityBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC.SignedDeviceIdentityHMACBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentityHMAC
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList.SignedKeyIndexListBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedKeyIndexList
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version.VersionBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalKeyPair
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalPreKeyPair
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.keypair.SignalSignedKeyPair
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey.SenderChainKeyBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderChainKey
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyName
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyRecord.SenderKeyRecordBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState.SenderKeyStateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderKeyState
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey.SenderMessageKeyBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.sender.SenderMessageKey
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session.SessionBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.Session
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionAddress
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain.SessionChainBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionChain
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey.SessionPreKeyBuilder
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionPreKey
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync.ActionMessageRangeSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionMessageRangeSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.PrimaryFeature.PrimaryFeatureBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification.AppStateFatalExceptionNotificationBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateFatalExceptionNotification
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey.AppStateSyncKeyBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKey
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData.AppStateSyncKeyDataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyData
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprintBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId.AppStateSyncKeyIdBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyId
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest.AppStateSyncKeyRequestBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyRequest
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare.AppStateSyncKeyShareBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.AppStateSyncKeyShare
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata.DeviceListMetadataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.DeviceListMetadata
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode.ExitCodeBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExitCode
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference.ExternalBlobReferenceBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ExternalBlobReference
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig.HistorySyncConfigBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncConfig
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage.HistorySyncMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync.IndexSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.IndexSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.InitialSecurityNotificationSettingSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration.KeyExpirationBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyExpiration
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId.KeyIdBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.KeyId
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.MediaRetryNotificationBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationKeys
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync.MutationsSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationsSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync.MutationSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MutationSync
toString() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange.PhotoChangeBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PhotoChange
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName.PushNameBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PushName
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight.RecentEmojiWeightBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight.RecentStickerWeightBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.RecordSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt.ServerErrorReceiptBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ServerErrorReceipt
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage.SyncActionMessageBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SyncActionMessage
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync.ValueSyncBuilder
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
toString() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync.VersionSyncBuilder
toString(Consumer<String>) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler
Transforms the qr countryCode in a UTF-8 string and accepts a consumer for the latter
toTerminal() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler.
toTerminal() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler.ToFileConsumer
Prints the location of the file on the terminal using the system logger
toTerminal() - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.QrHandler
Prints the QR countryCode to the terminal.
toTerminal(BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>, BiConsumer<ErrorHandler.Location, Throwable>) - Static method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler
Default error handler.
toUserJid() - Method in record class
Converts this jid to a user jid
toValue() - Method in enum class
toValue() - Method in class
Converts this object in a valid vcard
toValue() - Method in record class
toVcard() - Method in class
Converts this object in a valid vcard
toViewOnce() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Converts this message to a view once message
TRACKBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRACTOR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRADE_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRAM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRAM_CAR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
transactionStatus() - Method in class
The status of this transaction
transactionStatus(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoTxnStatus) - Method in class
The status of this transaction
transactionStatus(PaymentInfo.PaymentInfoTxnStatus) - Method in class
The status of this transaction
transactionTimestamp() - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds since Instant.EPOCH, when the RequestPaymentMessage that originated this transaction was sent
transactionTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds since Instant.EPOCH, when the RequestPaymentMessage that originated this transaction was sent
transactionTimestamp(long) - Method in class
The timestamp, that is the seconds since Instant.EPOCH, when the RequestPaymentMessage that originated this transaction was sent
TRANSGENDER_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRANSGENDER_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRIANGULAR_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRIANGULAR_RULER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRIDENT_EMBLEM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRINIDAD_AND_TOBAGO - Enum constant in enum class
TROLL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TROLLEYBUS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TROPHY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TROPICAL_DRINK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TROPICAL_FISH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TRUMPET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
trustBannerAction() - Method in class
Trust banner action
trustBannerAction(Integer) - Method in class
Trust banner action
trustBannerAction(Integer) - Method in class
Trust banner action
trustBannerType() - Method in class
Trust banner type
trustBannerType(String) - Method in class
Trust banner type
trustBannerType(String) - Method in class
Trust banner type
ttl() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the ttl record component.
TUESDAY - Enum constant in enum class
TULIP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TUMBLER_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TUNISIA - Enum constant in enum class
TURKEY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TURKEY - Enum constant in enum class
TURKMENISTAN - Enum constant in enum class
TURKS_AND_CAICOS_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
TURTLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TUVALU - Enum constant in enum class
TWELVE_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TWELVE_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
twentyFourHourFormat() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Whether the twenty-hours format is being used by the client
twentyFourHourFormat(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
Whether the twenty-hours format is being used by the client
twentyFourHourFormat(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Whether the twenty-hours format is being used by the client
twentyFourHourFormatEnabled() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
twentyFourHourFormatEnabled(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction.TimeFormatActionBuilder
twentyFourHourFormatEnabled(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.TimeFormatAction
TWO_HEARTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TWO_HUMP_CAMEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TWO_O_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
TWO_THIRTY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The type of this message
type() - Method in record class
Returns a non-null enum that describes the type of mute for this object
type() - Method in record class
Returns the type of this jid
type() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation
Returns the type of sync
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage
Returns the type of this message
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.HighlyStructuredMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveResponseMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListResponseMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateReplyMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessage
type() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.Message
Return message type
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns the type of the message
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.CancelPaymentRequestMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.RequestPaymentMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.SendPaymentMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSentMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.DeviceSyncMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.EncryptedReactionMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.SenderKeyDistributionMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.StickerSyncRMRMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactsArrayMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.EmptyMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.KeepInChatMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LiveLocationMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollCreationMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ProductMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ReactionMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.RequestPhoneNumberMessage
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
type() - Method in enum class
type() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
type() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Error
type() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Pending
type() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Ready
type() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport
Returns the type of this report
type() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns the value of the type record component.
type(String) - Method in class
type(Button.ButtonType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonBuilder
The type of this message
type(Button.ButtonType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button
The type of this message
type(PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
type(PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground


UGANDA - Enum constant in enum class
UKRAINE - Enum constant in enum class
UMBRELLA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UMBRELLA_ON_GROUND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UMBRELLA_WITH_RAIN_DROPS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UNAMUSED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
unarchive(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Unarchives a chat
unarchiveChats() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Whether chats should be unarchived if a new message arrives
unarchiveChats() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
unarchiveChats(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
Whether chats should be unarchived if a new message arrives
unarchiveChats(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Whether chats should be unarchived if a new message arrives
unarchiveChats(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
unarchiveChats(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting.UnarchiveChatsSettingBuilder
unarchiveChatsSetting() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
unarchiveChatsSetting(UnarchiveChatsSetting) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
UnarchiveChatsSetting - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
UnarchiveChatsSetting(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting.UnarchiveChatsSetting
UnarchiveChatsSetting.UnarchiveChatsSettingBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.setting
UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class
When the contact is offline
unblock(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Unblocks a contact
unbox() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.FutureMessageContainer
unbox() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an unboxed message where are all future-proof messages(i.e.
UNDO_KEEP_FOR_ALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChatType
UNICORN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES - Enum constant in enum class
UNITED_KINGDOM - Enum constant in enum class
UNITED_STATES - Enum constant in enum class
UNIX_EPOCH - Enum constant in enum class
Unix epoch date
unixEpochDate() - Method in class
The date as a unix epoch
unixEpochDate(BusinessDateTimeUnixEpoch) - Method in class
The date as a unix epoch
unixEpochDate(BusinessDateTimeUnixEpoch) - Method in class
The date as a unix epoch
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates an unknown availability.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown Jid type
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChatType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
Unknown service provider
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
UNKNOWN_CURRENCY - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown currency
UNKNOWN_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown status
UNKNOWN_SURFACE - Enum constant in enum class
UNLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
unmute(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Unmutes a chat
unpin(T) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Unpins a chat from the top
unreadChats() - Method in class
unreadChats(int) - Method in class
unreadChats(int) - Method in class
unreadMessages() - Method in class
Returns all the unread messages in this chat
unreadMessagesCount() - Method in class
The number of unread messages in this chat.
unreadMessagesCount(int) - Method in class
The number of unread messages in this chat.
unreadMessagesCount(int) - Method in class
The number of unread messages in this chat.
unstar(MessageInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Whatsapp
Removes star from a message
UNVERIFIED_TRANSITION - Enum constant in enum class
UP_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UP_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UP_DOWN_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UP_LEFT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UP_RIGHT_ARROW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
updateHash(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.crypto.Handshake
updateLocale(String, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
updateUserName(String, String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketHandler
UPI - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
upload(byte[], MediaMessageType, MediaConnection) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias
UPSIDE_DOWN_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
UPWARDS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
uri() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the uri record component.
url() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
url() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
The url of this button
url() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
The url of this button
url() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the url record component.
url() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the url record component.
url() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
The url of the action
url() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
A URL to visit the location that this message wraps in Google Maps
url() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
url(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton
The url of this button
url(HighlyStructuredMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.URLButton.URLButtonBuilder
The url of this button
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton.HydratedURLButtonBuilder
The url of this button
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedURLButton
The url of this button
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink.ActionLinkBuilder
The url of the action
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.ActionLink
The url of the action
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage.LocationMessageBuilder
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.LocationMessage
A URL to visit the location that this message wraps in Google Maps
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot.ProductSnapshotBuilder
url(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductSnapshot
URL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
Url button
URL_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
Url button
urlButton() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
urlButton() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
urlButton(HydratedURLButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.HydratedTemplateButtonBuilder
urlButton(HydratedURLButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton
urlButton(URLButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonTemplateBuilder
urlButton(URLButton) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate
URLButton - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
A model class that represents an url button
URLButton.URLButtonBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.button
urlNumber() - Method in class
Url number
urlNumber(boolean) - Method in class
Url number
urlNumber(boolean) - Method in class
Url number
urlText() - Method in class
Url text
urlText(boolean) - Method in class
Url text
urlText(boolean) - Method in class
Url text
URUGUAY - Enum constant in enum class
US_VIRGIN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class
useDefaultSerializer() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Controller
Whether the default serializer should be used
useDefaultSerializer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
useDefaultSerializer() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
useDefaultSerializer(boolean) - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Controller
Set whether the default serializer should be used
useDefaultSerializer(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
useDefaultSerializer(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
useDefaultSerializer(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
useDefaultSerializer(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
useNoviFormat() - Method in class
Whether the novi format should be used
useNoviFormat(boolean) - Method in class
Whether the novi format should be used
useNoviFormat(boolean) - Method in class
Whether the novi format should be used
user() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the user record component.
user(String) - Method in class
USER - Enum constant in enum class
A participant of the group with no special powers
USER - Enum constant in enum class
USER - Enum constant in enum class
Regular Whatsapp contact Jid
USER_ACTIVATED - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
userAgent() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
userAgent(UserAgent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
userAgent(UserAgent) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
UserAgent - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
UserAgent(UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform, Version, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel, String, String, String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent
UserAgent.UserAgentBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
userCompanionJid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The user linked to this account.
userCompanionJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The user linked to this account.
userCompanionJid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The user linked to this account.
userCompanionLid() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The lid user linked to this account.
userCompanionLid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The lid user linked to this account.
userCompanionLid(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The lid user linked to this account.
userJid() - Method in class
The user JID of the past participant.
userJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The user JID of the past participant.
userJid(ContactJid) - Method in class
The user JID of the past participant.
userLocale() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The locale of the user linked to this account.
userLocale(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The locale of the user linked to this account.
userLocale(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The locale of the user linked to this account.
username() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
username(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
username(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
userName() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The name of the user linked to this account.
userName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The name of the user linked to this account.
userName(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The name of the user linked to this account.
userNotice() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
userNotice(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
userNotice(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
userProfilePicture() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
Returns the profile picture of this user if present
userProfilePicture(URI) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The profile picture of the user linked to this account.
userProfilePicture(URI) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The profile picture of the user linked to this account.
userStatus() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The status of the user linked to this account.
userStatus(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store.StoreBuilder
The status of the user linked to this account.
userStatus(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Store
The status of the user linked to this account.
userStatusMuteAction() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync
userStatusMuteAction(UserStatusMuteAction) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionValueSync.ActionValueSyncBuilder
UserStatusMuteAction - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
A model clas that represents whether a user was muted
UserStatusMuteAction(boolean) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.UserStatusMuteAction
UserStatusMuteAction.UserStatusMuteActionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.action
usesParticipantInKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
usesParticipantInKey(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
usesParticipantInKey(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder
uuid - Variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession
UZBEKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class


Validate - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.util
validIndexes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
validIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList.KeyIndexListBuilder
validIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.KeyIndexList
value() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
value() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
value(ActionValueSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder
value(ActionValueSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
value(ValueSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.RecordSyncBuilder
value(ValueSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ClientType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.DisconnectReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.HistoryLength
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.SocketEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChatType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.TextPreviewSetting
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias.Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ClientType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.DisconnectReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Location
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ErrorHandler.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.HistoryLength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.SocketEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.PatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.binary.Tag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.Button.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.ButtonTemplate.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedTemplateButton.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.InteractiveLocationAnnotation.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsResponseMessage.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.InteractiveMessageContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ListMessage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.TemplateFormatterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.KeepInChatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.TextPreviewSetting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInviteMessage.PaymentInviteMessageServiceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentInvoiceMessage.AttachmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderMessageOrderStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.payment.PaymentOrderMessage.OrderSurface
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.server.ProtocolMessage.ProtocolMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.GroupInviteMessage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.InviteLinkGroupType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageFontType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.GdprAccountReport.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.privacy.PrivacySettingValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.BizMarketSegment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadClientFeature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadIOSAppExtension
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionPropsPlatformType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.DNSSource.DNSSourceDNSResolutionMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentReleaseChannel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySync.HistorySyncHistorySyncType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.HistorySyncNotification.HistorySyncNotificationHistorySyncType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.MediaRetryNotification.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecordSync.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
ValueSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
ValueSync(byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ValueSync
ValueSync.ValueSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
VAMPIRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VANUATU - Enum constant in enum class
VATICAN - Enum constant in enum class
vcard() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
The info about the contact that this message wraps encoded as a vcard
vcard(ContactCard) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage.ContactMessageBuilder
vcard(ContactCard) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ContactMessage
The info about the contact that this message wraps encoded as a vcard
VENEZUELA - Enum constant in enum class
VerificationCodeError - Enum Class in
verificationCodeHandler() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
verificationCodeHandler(Function<VerificationCodeResponse, String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
verificationCodeHandler(Function<VerificationCodeResponse, String>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
verificationCodeMethod() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
verificationCodeMethod(VerificationCodeMethod) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
verificationCodeMethod(VerificationCodeMethod) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
VerificationCodeMethod - Enum Class in
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various types of verification that can be used to receive the OTP required for an ClientType.APP_CLIENT
VerificationCodeResponse - Record Class in
VerificationCodeResponse(PhoneNumber, long, VerificationCodeStatus, VerificationCodeError, VerificationCodeMethod, int, int, long, long, long, long, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a VerificationCodeResponse record class.
VerificationCodeStatus - Enum Class in
VERIFIED_HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_INITIAL_HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_INITIAL_LOW - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_INITIAL_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_LOW_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_ANY_TO_HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_ANY_TO_NONE - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_HIGH_TO_LOW - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_HIGH_TO_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_LOW_TO_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_NONE_TO_LOW - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_NONE_TO_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
VERIFIED_TRANSITION_UNKNOWN_TO_LOW - Enum constant in enum class
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
The version of WhatsappWeb to use.
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
The version of WhatsappWeb to use.
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
version() - Method in class
The version of the message
version() - Method in class
The version of this flow
version() - Method in class
The version of the message
version() - Method in class
Returns the version of this card if defined
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The version of this message
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
version() - Method in interface it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalProtocolMessage
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
version() - Method in record class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchRequest
Returns the value of the version record component.
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
version() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
version(int) - Method in class
The version of the message
version(int) - Method in class
The version of the message
version(int) - Method in class
The version of this flow
version(int) - Method in class
The version of this flow
version(int) - Method in class
The version of the message
version(int) - Method in class
The version of the message
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage.NativeFlowResponseMessageBuilder
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.NativeFlowResponseMessage
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage.SenderKeyMessageBuilder
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SenderKeyMessage
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage.SignalDistributionMessageBuilder
The version of this message
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalDistributionMessage
The version of this message
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage.SignalMessageBuilder
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalMessage
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage.SignalPreKeyMessageBuilder
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.message.SignalPreKeyMessage
version(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.session.SessionState.SessionStateBuilder
version(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState.LTHashStateBuilder
version(long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.LTHashState
version(Version) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder
version(Version) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
version(Version) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion.CompanionBuilder
version(Version) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Companion
version(VersionSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync.PatchSyncBuilder
version(VersionSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
version(VersionSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync.SnapshotSyncBuilder
version(VersionSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.SnapshotSync
version(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync.ActionDataSyncBuilder
version(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.ActionDataSync
version(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
version(Long) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync.VersionSyncBuilder
version(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction.PrimaryVersionActionBuilder
version(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.PrimaryVersionAction
version(String) - Method in class
The version of the vcard
version(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
version(String) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder
Version - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
Version(int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
Version(String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
Version(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.Version
Version.VersionBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
VersionSync - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
VersionSync(Long) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.VersionSync
VersionSync.VersionSyncBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync
versionToBytes(int) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.BytesHelper
VERTICAL_TRAFFIC_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VIBRATION_MODE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VICTORY_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.FourRowTemplateTitleType
Video title
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.button.HydratedFourRowTemplateTitleType
Video title
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class
Video type
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.button.ButtonsMessage.HeaderType
Video message
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MediaMessageType
The message is a video
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessagePreviewType
Video preview
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.product.ProductHeader.AttachmentType
Video attachment
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Medias.Format
VIDEO_CAMERA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VIDEO_GAME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VIDEOCASSETTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
videoMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional VideoMessage.
videoMessage(VideoMessage) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
Video message
VideoMessage - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
A model class that represents a message holding a video inside
VideoMessage() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
VideoMessage(VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
VideoMessage(String, String, byte[], long, Integer, byte[], String, boolean, Integer, Integer, byte[], List<InteractiveLocationAnnotation>, String, long, byte[], byte[], VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution, boolean, String, byte[], byte[], String) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
VideoMessage.SimpleGifBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
VideoMessage.SimpleVideoMessageBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
VideoMessage.VideoMessageAttribution - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
The constants of this enumerated type describe the various sources from where a gif can come from
VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder<C extends VideoMessage,B extends VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard
VideoMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
videoPlaybackUrl() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
videoPlaybackUrl(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
videoPlaybackUrl(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
VIETNAM - Enum constant in enum class
VIEW_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageType
View once
VIEWED_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class
viewOnce() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
viewOnce() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
viewOnce() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
viewOnce(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
viewOnce(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
viewOnce(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage.TextMessageBuilder
viewOnce(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.TextMessage
viewOnce(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
viewOnce(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
viewOnceMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an optional instance of FutureMessageContainer with a view once message.
viewOnceMessage(FutureMessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
View once message
viewOnceV2ExtensionMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the FutureMessageContainer with view-once extension content, if present.
viewOnceV2ExtensionMessage(FutureMessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
View once v2 extension
viewOnceV2Message() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer
Returns an Optional containing the FutureMessageContainer with view-once content, if present.
viewOnceV2Message(FutureMessageContainer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.model.MessageContainer.MessageContainerBuilder
View once v2
VIOLIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VIRGO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
vnameV2() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
vnameV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
vnameV2(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
voiceLength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the voiceLength record component.
voiceMessage() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
Determines whether this object is a normal audio message, which might contain for example music, or a voice message
voiceMessage(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
voiceMessage(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.SimpleAudioMessageBuilder
voiceMessage(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
Determines whether this object is a normal audio message, which might contain for example music, or a voice message
voiceWait() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the voiceWait record component.
voipGroupCall() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipGroupCall(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipGroupCall(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
voipIndividualIncoming() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipIndividualIncoming(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipIndividualIncoming(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
voipIndividualOutgoing() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipIndividualOutgoing(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipIndividualOutgoing(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
voipIndividualVideo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipIndividualVideo(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
voipIndividualVideo(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder
VOLCANO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VOLLEYBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
vote() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
The vote
vote(PollUpdateEncryptedOptions) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate.PollUpdateBuilder
The vote
vote(PollUpdateEncryptedOptions) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.poll.PollUpdate
The vote
voter() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The jid of the contact who voted in this poll
voter(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
The jid of the contact who voted in this poll
voter(ContactJid) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
The jid of the contact who voted in this poll
votes() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
All the options, including the previous ones, that the user voted
votes(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.PollUpdateMessageBuilder
All the options, including the previous ones, that the user voted
votes(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage.SimplePollUpdateMessageBuilder
votes(List<PollOption>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.PollUpdateMessage
All the options, including the previous ones, that the user voted
VR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
VRDEVICE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
VS_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
VULCAN_SALUTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


WAFFLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WAITING - Enum constant in enum class
WAITING_FOR_PAYER - Enum constant in enum class
Waiting for payer
WALLIS_AND_FUTUNA - Enum constant in enum class
wallpaper() - Method in class
Returns an optional value containing the wallpaper of this chat, if any is set
wallpaper(ChatWallpaper) - Method in class
The wallpaper of this chat
wallpaper(ChatWallpaper) - Method in class
The wallpaper of this chat
WANING_CRESCENT_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WANING_GIBBOUS_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WASTEBASKET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WATCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WATER_BUFFALO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WATER_CLOSET - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WATER_PISTOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WATER_WAVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WATERMELON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
waveform() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The waveform as bytes
waveform(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage.AudioMessageBuilder
waveform(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.AudioMessage
The waveform as bytes
WAVING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WAVY_DASH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WAXING_CRESCENT_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WAXING_GIBBOUS_MOON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WEAROS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
WEARY_CAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WEARY_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WEB - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
WEB_BROWSER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
WEB_CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.ClientType
A standalone client that requires the QR countryCode to be scanned by its companion on log-in Reversed from Whatsapp Web Client
WEB_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
WEB_HOST - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
WEB_ORIGIN - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
WEB_PROLOGUE - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
WEB_UPDATE_URL - Static variable in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
WebFeatures - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
WebFeatures(WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag, WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebFeatures
WebFeatures.WebFeaturesBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
WebFeatures.WebFeaturesFlag - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
webInfo() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
webInfo(WebInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
webInfo(WebInfo) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
WebInfo - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
WebInfo(WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
WebInfo(String, String, WebPayload, WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo
WebInfo.WebInfoBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform - Enum Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
WebNotificationsInfo - Class in
WebNotificationsInfo(long, int, int, List<MessageInfo>) - Constructor for class
WebNotificationsInfo.WebNotificationsInfoBuilder - Class in
WebOptions(WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions
WebOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder
WebPayload - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
WebPayload(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebPayload
WebPayload.WebPayloadBuilder - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth
websites() - Method in class
The websites of the business
WebSocketSession() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.socket.SocketSession.WebSocketSession
WEDDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WEDNESDAY - Enum constant in enum class
weight() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
weight() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
weight() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
weight(Float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight.RecentEmojiWeightBuilder
weight(Float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentEmojiWeight
weight(Float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata.RecentStickerMetadataBuilder
weight(Float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerMetadata
weight(Float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight.RecentStickerWeightBuilder
weight(Float) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.RecentStickerWeight
weights() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
The weight of the emojis
weights() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
The weight of the stickers
weights(List<RecentEmojiWeight>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction.RecentEmojiWeightsActionBuilder
The weight of the emojis
weights(List<RecentEmojiWeight>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentEmojiWeightsAction
The weight of the emojis
weights(List<RecentStickerWeight>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction.RecentStickerWeightsActionBuilder
The weight of the stickers
weights(List<RecentStickerWeight>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.RecentStickerWeightsAction
The weight of the stickers
WHALE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
Whatsapp - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
A class used to interface a user to WhatsappWeb's WebSocket
Whatsapp() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.util.Specification.Whatsapp
WHATSAPP - Enum constant in enum class
WHATSAPP - Enum constant in enum class
WHATSAPP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadProduct
WhatsappOptions - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
A model class that contains the registration options for a Whatsapp instance
WhatsappOptions(WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions
WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
Options for the app client
WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder<C extends WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions,B extends WhatsappOptions.MobileOptions.MobileOptionsBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
WhatsappOptions.WebOptions - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
Options for the web client
WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder<C extends WhatsappOptions.WebOptions,B extends WhatsappOptions.WebOptions.WebOptionsBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder<C extends WhatsappOptions,B extends WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder<C,B>> - Class in it.auties.whatsapp.api
WhatsappOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class it.auties.whatsapp.api.WhatsappOptions.WhatsappOptionsBuilder
WHEEL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHEEL_OF_DHARMA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHEELCHAIR_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_CANE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_EXCLAMATION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_FLOWER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_LARGE_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_MEDIUM_SMALL_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_MEDIUM_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_QUESTION_MARK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_SMALL_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WHITE_SQUARE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
width() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
width() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the width record component.
width() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The unsigned width of the decoded image that this object wraps
width() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The unsigned width of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
width() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The unsigned width of the decoded video that this object wraps
width() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
width(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction.StickerActionBuilder
width(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.action.StickerAction
width(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground.PaymentBackgroundBuilder
width(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.payment.PaymentBackground
width(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage.ImageMessageBuilder
width(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.ImageMessage
The unsigned width of the decoded image that this object wraps
width(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage.StickerMessageBuilder
width(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.StickerMessage
The unsigned width of the decoded sticker that this object wraps
width(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage.VideoMessageBuilder
width(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.message.standard.VideoMessage
The unsigned width of the decoded video that this object wraps
WIFI_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadConnectType
WILTED_FLOWER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WIN_STORE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
WIN32 - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.WebInfo.WebInfoWebSubPlatform
WIND_CHIME - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WIND_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WINDOWS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
WINDOWS_PHONE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.UserAgent.UserAgentPlatform
WINE_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WINKING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WINKING_FACE_WITH_TONGUE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WIRELESS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
withAgent(int) - Method in record class
withDevice(int) - Method in record class
withDeviceIndex(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withExitCode(ExitCode) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withExternalMutations(ExternalBlobReference) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withHeader(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
withKeyId(KeyId) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withMutations(List<MutationSync>) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withoutHeader(byte[]) - Static method in class it.auties.whatsapp.util.KeyHelper
withoutKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.SignedDeviceIdentity
withoutServer(String) - Static method in record class
Parses a nullable jid to the Whatsapp Jid Format
withPatchMac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withServer(ContactJid.Server) - Method in record class
withSnapshotMac(byte[]) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
withUser(String) - Method in record class
withVersion(VersionSync) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.sync.PatchSync
WOLF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_AND_MAN_HOLDING_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_ARTIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_ASTRONAUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_BALD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_BEARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_BIKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_BLOND_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_BOUNCING_BALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_BOWING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_CARTWHEELING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_CLIMBING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_CONSTRUCTION_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_COOK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_CURLY_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_DANCING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_DETECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_ELF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FACEPALMING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FACTORY_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FAIRY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FARMER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FEEDING_BABY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FIREFIGHTER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_FROWNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GENIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GESTURING_NO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GESTURING_OK - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GETTING_HAIRCUT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GETTING_MASSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GOLFING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_GUARD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_HEALTH_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_IN_LOTUS_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_IN_MANUAL_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_IN_MOTORIZED_WHEELCHAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_IN_STEAMY_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_IN_TUXEDO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_JUDGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_JUGGLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_KNEELING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_LIFTING_WEIGHTS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_MECHANIC - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_MOUNTAIN_BIKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_OFFICE_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_PILOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_PLAYING_HANDBALL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_PLAYING_WATER_POLO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_POLICE_OFFICER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_POUTING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_RAISING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_RED_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_ROWING_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_S_BOOT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_S_CLOTHES - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_S_HAT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_S_SANDAL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SCIENTIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SHRUGGING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SINGER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_STANDING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_STUDENT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SUPERHERO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SUPERVILLAIN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SURFING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_TEACHER - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_TECHNOLOGIST - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_TIPPING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_VAMPIRE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_WALKING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_WEARING_TURBAN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_WHITE_HAIR - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_WITH_HEADSCARF - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_WITH_VEIL - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_WITH_WHITE_CANE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMAN_ZOMBIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMEN_HOLDING_HANDS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMEN_S_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMEN_WITH_BUNNY_EARS - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOMEN_WRESTLING - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOOD - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WOOZY_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WORLD_MAP - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WORM - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WORRIED_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WRAPPED_GIFT - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WRENCH - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
writeCounter(boolean) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Returns write counter
writeCounter(AtomicLong) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Write counter for IV
writeKey() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Session dependent keys to write and read cyphered messages
writeKey(Bytes) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys.KeysBuilder
Session dependent keys to write and read cyphered messages
writeKey(Bytes) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.controller.Keys
Session dependent keys to write and read cyphered messages
WRITING_HAND - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
WRONG_CODE - Enum constant in enum class


x() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
X coordinate
x(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point.PointBuilder
X coordinate
x(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
X coordinate
X_RAY - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
xDeprecated() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
use instead
xDeprecated(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point.PointBuilder
use instead
xDeprecated(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
use instead


y() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
Y coordinate
y(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point.PointBuilder
Y coordinate
y(Double) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
Y coordinate
YARN - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
YAWNING_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
yDeprecated() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
use instead
yDeprecated(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point.PointBuilder
use instead
yDeprecated(int) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.location.Point
use instead
year() - Method in class
The year
year(int) - Method in class
The year
year(int) - Method in class
The year
yearClass() - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
yearClass(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload.ClientPayloadBuilder
yearClass(Integer) - Method in class it.auties.whatsapp.model.signal.auth.ClientPayload
YELLOW_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
YELLOW_HEART - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
YELLOW_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
YEMEN - Enum constant in enum class
YEN_BANKNOTE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
YIN_YANG - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
YO_YO - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy


ZAMBIA - Enum constant in enum class
ZANY_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ZEBRA - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ZIMBABWE - Enum constant in enum class
ZIPPER_MOUTH_FACE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ZOMBIE - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
ZZZ - Enum constant in enum class it.auties.whatsapp.api.Emojy
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form