Class IndicatorResetCountMin4

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class IndicatorResetCountMin4
    extends Object
    implements Frequency
    A sketch where the aging process is a dynamic process and adjusts to the recency/frequency bias of the actual workload recognized by the indicator.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndicatorResetCountMin4

        public IndicatorResetCountMin4​(Config config)
    • Method Detail

      • frequency

        public int frequency​(long e)
        Description copied from interface: Frequency
        Returns the estimated number of times the element was seen.
        Specified by:
        frequency in interface Frequency
      • increment

        public void increment​(long e)
        Description copied from interface: Frequency
        Increments the popularity of the element.
        Specified by:
        increment in interface Frequency
      • reportMiss

        public void reportMiss()
        Description copied from interface: Frequency
        Feedback to allow for adaptability.
        Specified by:
        reportMiss in interface Frequency
      • getEventsToCount

        public int getEventsToCount()
      • getPeriod

        public int getPeriod()