

package tasks

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CleanTask(project: ProjectTrait, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with Product with Serializable

    Clean task - cleans up all build artifacts from the classpath

  2. case class DocTask(project: Project, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with ConfigPimps with Product with Serializable

    Doc generation task - produces scaladocs from project sources

  3. case class PackageJarTask(project: Project, version: Option[String], scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with EitherPimps with Product with Serializable

  4. case class PublishLocalTask(project: Project, version: String, signArtifacts: Boolean, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with ConfigPimps with Product with Serializable

  5. case class PublishSnapshotToSonatype(project: Project, version: String, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with SonatypeTask with EitherPimps with Product with Serializable

  6. case class PublishToSonatype(project: Project, version: String, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with SonatypeTask with EitherPimps with Product with Serializable

  7. case class RunMainTask(baseProject: ProjectTrait, className: String, opts: Seq[String], mainArgs: Seq[String], scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with ConfigPimps with Product with Serializable

    run a class main in a separate JVM instance (but currently synchronously to maker repl)

  8. case class RunUnitTestsTask(name: String, modules: Seq[Module], rootProject: ProjectTrait, classOrSuiteNames_: Option[Iterable[String]], scalaVersion: ScalaVersion, lastCompilationTimeFilter: Option[Long], testPhase: CompilePhase) extends Task with ConfigPimps with Product with Serializable

  9. case class RunUnitTestsTaskResult(task: RunUnitTestsTask, succeeded: Boolean, stopwatch: Stopwatch, testResults: MakerTestResults, message: Option[String] = scala.None, exception: Option[Throwable] = scala.None) extends TaskResult with Product with Serializable

  10. trait SonatypeTask extends ConfigPimps

  11. case class UpdateTask(project: ProjectTrait, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion) extends Task with ConfigPimps with EitherPimps with DependencyPimps with StringBufferPimps with Product with Serializable

    Updates any missing dependencies.

  12. case class UpdateTaskResult(task: UpdateTask, succeeded: Boolean, stopwatch: Stopwatch, failures: Seq[(Int, String)], message: Option[String] = scala.None, exception: Option[Throwable] = scala.None) extends TaskResult with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object RunUnitTestsTask extends Serializable

  2. object UpdateTask extends ConfigPimps with Serializable
