

package project

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait ArtifactScalaVersion extends AnyRef

  2. trait Bootstrapper extends AnyRef

  3. trait ClassicLayout extends FileUtils

  4. trait DependencyPimps extends AnyRef

  5. case class InvalidModuleException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  6. case class Module(root: File, name: String, compileDependencies: Seq[Module] = scala.collection.immutable.Nil, testDependencies: Seq[Module] = scala.collection.immutable.Nil, scalaVersion: ScalaVersion = ..., extraJars: Seq[File] = scala.collection.immutable.Nil, extraTestSystemProperties: Seq[String] = scala.collection.immutable.Nil) extends ProjectTrait with DependencyPimps with Log with Product with Serializable

    Corresponds to a module in IntelliJ

  7. case class Project(organization: String, name: String, root: File, modules: Seq[Module], scalaVersion: ScalaVersion = ..., extraProjectPomInfo: List[NodeSeq] = scala.collection.immutable.Nil) extends ProjectTrait with Product with Serializable

  8. trait ProjectTrait extends MakerConfig with ScalaJars with Log

  9. case class RichDependency(org: String, artifactId: String, version: String, artifactScalaVersion: ArtifactScalaVersion, scope: String = <error: <none>>.COMPILE, classifier: String = "", extension: String = "jar", isOptional: Boolean = false, toExclude: Seq[String] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait ScalaJars extends AnyRef

    A bit of a hack, the exact names of these jars is dependent on aether/update task settings.

  11. trait TmuxIntegration extends ProjectTrait

Value Members

  1. object ArtifactScalaVersion

  2. object ClassicLayout extends FileUtils

  3. object Continuously

  4. object DependencyPimps extends DependencyPimps

  5. object Module extends Log with Serializable

  6. object VimClasspath extends FileUtils
