Class XParticle


public final class XParticle
extends Object
XParticle - The most unique particle animation, text and image renderer.
This utility uses ParticleDisplay for cleaner code. This class adds the ability to define the optional values for spawning particles.

While this class provides many methods with options to spawn unique shapes, it's recommended to make your own shapes by copying the code from these methods.
There are some shapes such as the magic circles, illuminati and the explosion method that mainly focus on using the other methods to create a new shape.

Note that some of the values for some methods are extremely sensitive and can change the shape significantly by adding small numbers such as 0.5 Yes, Chaos theory.
Most of the method parameters have a recommended value set to start with. Note that these values are there to show how the intended normal shape looks like before you start changing the values.
All the parameters and return types are not null.

It's recommended to use low particle counts. In most cases, increasing the rate is better than increasing the particle count. Most of the methods provide an option called "rate" that you can get more particles by decreasing the distance between each point the particle spawns. Rates for methods act in two ways. They're either for straight lines like the polygon method which lower rate means more points (usually 0.1 is used) and shapes that are curved such as the circle method, which higher rate means more points (these types of rates usually start from 30).
Most of the ParticleDisplay used in this class are intended to have 1 particle count and 0 xyz offset and speed.

Particles are rendered as front-facing 2D sprites, meaning they always face the player. Minecraft clients will automatically clear previous particles if you reach the limit. Particle range is 32 blocks. Particle count limit is 16,384. Particles are not entities.

All the methods and operations used in this class are thread-safe. Most of the methods do not run asynchronous by default. If you're doing a resource intensive operation it's recommended to either use CompletableFuture.runAsync(Runnable) or BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin, long, long) for smoothly animated shapes. For huge animations you can use splittable tasks. By "huge", the algorithm used to generate locations is considered. You should not spawn a lot of particles at once. This will cause FPS drops for most of the clients, unless they have a powerful PC.

You can test your 2D shapes at Desmos
Stuff you can do with with Java Math
Getting started with Vectors
Extra stuff if you want to read more:

Crypto Morin
See Also:
ParticleDisplay, Particle, Location, Vector
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static double PII
    A full circle has two PIs.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static void atom​(int orbits, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay orbit, ParticleDisplay nucleus)
    Spawns an atom with orbits and a nucleus.
    static void atomic​( plugin, int orbits, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay orbit)
    Spawns multiple animated atomic-like circles rotating around in their orbit.
    static void blackhole​( plugin, int points, double radius, double rate, int mode, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a blackhole.
    static void blackSun​(double radius, double radiusRate, double rate, double rateChange, ParticleDisplay display)
    Creates a blacksun-like increasing circles.
    static void cage​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, double barRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a cage.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask chaoticDoublePendulum​( plugin, double radius, double gravity, double length, double length2, double mass1, double mass2, boolean Dimension3, int speed, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a double pendulum with chaotic movement.
    static void circle​(double radius, double radius2, double extension, double rate, double limit, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a circle.
    static void circle​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a circle.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask circularBeam​( plugin, double maxRadius, double rate, double radiusRate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns connected 3D ellipses.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask cloud​( plugin, ParticleDisplay cloud, ParticleDisplay rain)
    A simple method to spawn animated clouds effect.
    static void cone​(double height, double radius, double rate, double circleRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a cone.
    static void crescent​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a crescent.
    static void cube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a cube with the inner space empty.
    static void cylinder​(double height, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Not really a cylinder.
    static void diamond​(double radiusRate, double rate, double height, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a diamond-shaped rhombus.
    static void displayRenderedImage​(Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color> render, org.bukkit.Location location, int quality, int speed, float size)
    Display a rendered image repeatedly.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask displayRenderedImage​( plugin, Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color> render, Callable<org.bukkit.Location> location, int repeat, long period, int quality, int speed, float size)
    Display a rendered image repeatedly.
    static void dna​(double radius, double rate, double extension, int height, int hydrogenBondDist, ParticleDisplay display, ParticleDisplay hydrogenBondDisplay)
    Spawn a DNA double helix string with nucleotides.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask dnaReplication​( plugin, double radius, double rate, int speed, double extension, int height, int hydrogenBondDist, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn an animated DNA replication with colored bonds.
    static void drawLine​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, double length, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Draws a line from the player's looking direction.
    static void ellipse​(double radius, double otherRadius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn an ellipse.
    static void explosionWave​( plugin, double rate, ParticleDisplay display, ParticleDisplay secDisplay)
    A sin/cos based smoothly animated explosion wave.
    static void eye​(double radius, double radius2, double rate, double extension, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns an eye-shaped circle.
    static void filledCircle​(double radius, double rate, double radiusRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a filled cirlce using circles.
    static void filledCube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a cube with all the space filled with particles inside.
    static void flower​(int count, double radius, ParticleDisplay display, Runnable runnable)
    Spawns the given shape(s) in the runnable in a circular form.
    static org.bukkit.Particle getParticle​(String particle)
    An optimized and stable way of getting particles for cross-version support.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask guard​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will move the particle around in an area randomly.
    static void heart​(double cut, double cutAngle, double depth, double compressHeight, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a circle with heart shaped circles sticking out.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask helix​( plugin, int strings, double radius, double rate, double extension, int height, int speed, boolean fadeUp, boolean fadeDown, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns animated helix shapes.
    static void hypercube​(org.bukkit.Location startOrigin, org.bukkit.Location endOrigin, double rate, double sizeRate, int cubes, ParticleDisplay display)
    Inaccurate representation of hypercubes.
    static void illuminati​(double size, double extension, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns an illuminati shape.
    static void infinity​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a 3D infinity sign.
    static void julia​(double size, double zoom, int colorScheme, double moveX, double moveY, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a julia set.
    static void lightning​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.util.Vector direction, int entries, int branches, double radius, double offset, double offsetRate, double length, double lengthRate, double branch, double branchRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a broken line that creates more and extended branches as it gets closer to the end length.
    static void line​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a line from a location to another.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask magicCircles​( plugin, double radius, double rate, double radiusRate, double distance, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns circles increasing their radius.
    static void mandelbrot​(double size, double zoom, double rate, double x0, double y0, int color, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a mandelbrot set.
    static void meguminExplosion​( plugin, double size, ParticleDisplay display)
    This is supposed to be something similar to this: The numbers on this shape are really sensitive.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask moveAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double endRate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will move the particle around in an area randomly.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask moveRotatingAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will move the shape around in an area randomly while rotating them.
    static void neopaganPentagram​(double size, double rate, double extend, ParticleDisplay star, ParticleDisplay circle)
    static void polygon​(int points, int connection, double size, double rate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a connected 2D polygon.
    static void rainbow​(double radius, double rate, double curve, double layers, double compact, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a rainbow.
    static int randInt​(int min, int max)
    A thread safe way to get a random integer in a range.
    static double random​(double min, double max)
    A thread safe way to get a random double in a range.
    static org.bukkit.Color randomColor()
    Generate a random RGB color for particles.
    static org.bukkit.Particle.DustOptions randomDust()
    Generate a random colorized dust with a random size.
    static org.bukkit.Particle randomParticle​(String... particles)
    Get a random particle from a list of particle names.
    static void rectangle​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a rectangle.
    static CompletableFuture<Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color>> renderImage​(BufferedImage image, int resizedWidth, int resizedHeight, double compact)
    Renders every pixel of the image and saves the location and the particle colors to a map.
    static CompletableFuture<Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color>> renderImage​(Path path, int resizedWidth, int resizedHeight, double compact)
    Renders a resized image.
    static void ring​(double rate, double radius, double tubeRadius, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a donut-shaped ring.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask rotateAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will rotate the shape around in an area randomly.
    static org.bukkit.util.Vector rotateAroundX​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector, double angle)
    Rotates vector around the X axis with the specified angle.
    static org.bukkit.util.Vector rotateAroundY​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector, double angle)
    Rotates vector around the Y axis with the specified angle.
    static org.bukkit.util.Vector rotateAroundZ​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector, double angle)
    Rotates vector around the Z axis with the specified angle.
    static void saveImage​(BufferedImage image, Path path)
    A simple method used to save images.
    static void sphere​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a sphere.
    static void spikeSphere​(double radius, double rate, int chance, double minRandomDistance, double maxRandomDistance, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a sphere with spikes coming out from the center.
    static void spread​( plugin, int amount, int rate, org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location originEnd, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns animated spikes randomly spreading at the end location.
    static void star​( plugin, int points, int spikes, double rate, double spikeLength, double coreRadius, double neuron, boolean prototype, int speed, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn 3D spiked circles.
    static CompletableFuture<BufferedImage> stringToImage​(Font font, Color color, String str)
    Converts a string to an image which can be used to display as a particle.
    static void structuredCube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    spawn a cube with the inner space and walls empty, leaving only the edges visible.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask tesseract​( plugin, double size, double rate, double speed, long ticks, ParticleDisplay display)
    Animated 4D tesseract using matrix motion.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask testDisplay​( plugin, Runnable runnable)
    A simple test method to spawn a shape repeatedly for diagnosis.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask vortex​( plugin, int points, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a galaxy-like vortex.
    static void waveFunction​(double extend, double heightRange, double size, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Something similar to Quantum Wave function

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • PII

      public static final double PII
      A full circle has two PIs. Don't know what the fuck is a PI? You can watch this YouTube video

      PI is a radian number itself. So you can obtain other radians by simply dividing PI. Some simple ones:

      Important Radians:

           PI / 2 = 90 degrees
           PI / 3 = 60 degrees
           PI / 4 = 45 degrees
           PI / 6 = 30 degrees
      Any degree can be converted simply be using PI/180 * degree
      See Also:
      Math.toRadians(double), Math.toDegrees(double), Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getParticle

      public static org.bukkit.Particle getParticle​(String particle)
      An optimized and stable way of getting particles for cross-version support.
      particle - the particle name.
      a particle that matches the specified name.
    • randomParticle

      public static org.bukkit.Particle randomParticle​(String... particles)
      Get a random particle from a list of particle names.
      particles - the particles name.
      a random particle from the list.
    • random

      public static double random​(double min, double max)
      A thread safe way to get a random double in a range.
      min - the minimum number.
      max - the maximum number.
      a random number.
      See Also:
      randInt(int, int)
    • randInt

      public static int randInt​(int min, int max)
      A thread safe way to get a random integer in a range.
      min - the minimum number.
      max - the maximum number.
      a random number.
      See Also:
      random(double, double)
    • randomColor

      public static org.bukkit.Color randomColor()
      Generate a random RGB color for particles.
      a random color.
    • randomDust

      public static org.bukkit.Particle.DustOptions randomDust()
      Generate a random colorized dust with a random size.
      a REDSTONE colored dust.
    • blackSun

      public static void blackSun​(double radius, double radiusRate, double rate, double rateChange, ParticleDisplay display)
      Creates a blacksun-like increasing circles.
      radius - the radius of the biggest circle.
      radiusRate - the radius rate change of circles.
      rate - the rate of the biggest cirlce points.
      rateChange - the rate change of circle points.
      See Also:
      circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • circle

      public static void circle​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn a circle.
      radius - the circle radius.
      rate - the rate of cirlce points/particles.
      See Also:
      sphere(double, double, ParticleDisplay), circle(double, double, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • circle

      public static void circle​(double radius, double radius2, double extension, double rate, double limit, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a circle. Most common shapes that can be built:
           The simplest shape, a circle
           circle(3, 3, 1, 30, 0, display);
           An ellipse only has a different radius for one of its waves.
           circle(3, 4, 1, 30, 0, display);

      Tutorial: Uses its own unique directional pattern.

      radius - the first radius of the circle.
      radius2 - the second radius of the circle.
      extension - the extension of the circle waves.
      rate - the rate of the circle points.
      limit - the limit of the circle. Usually from 0 to PII. If you choose 0, it'll be a full circle PII If you choose -1, it'll do a full loop based on the extension.
      See Also:
      illuminati(double, double, ParticleDisplay), eye(double, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • diamond

      public static void diamond​(double radiusRate, double rate, double height, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a diamond-shaped rhombus.
      radiusRate - the radius of the diamond. Lower means longer radius.
      rate - the rate of the diamond points.
      height - the height of the diamond.
    • circularBeam

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask circularBeam​( plugin, double maxRadius, double rate, double radiusRate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns connected 3D ellipses.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      maxRadius - the maximum radius for the ellipses.
      rate - the rate of the 3D ellipses circle points.
      radiusRate - the rate of the circle radius change.
      extend - the extension for each ellipse.
      the animation handler.
      See Also:
      magicCircles(JavaPlugin, double, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • flower

      public static void flower​(int count, double radius, ParticleDisplay display, Runnable runnable)
      Spawns the given shape(s) in the runnable in a circular form. The distance between the shapes are evenly separated.
      count - the count of the shapes.
      radius - the radius of the circular form.
      runnable - the shape(s) to display.
    • filledCircle

      public static void filledCircle​(double radius, double rate, double radiusRate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a filled cirlce using circles.
      radius - the radius of the circle.
      rate - the rate of the circle points.
      radiusRate - the radius change of the circle to fill it.
      See Also:
      circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • chaoticDoublePendulum

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask chaoticDoublePendulum​( plugin, double radius, double gravity, double length, double length2, double mass1, double mass2, boolean Dimension3, int speed, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a double pendulum with chaotic movement. Note that if this runs for too long it'll stop working due to the limit of doubles resulting in a Double.NaN

      Double pendulum is a way to show Chaos motion. The particles display are showing the path where the second pendulum is going from.

      Changing the mass or length to a lower value can make the shape stop producing new paths since it reaches the doubles limit. Source:

      plugin - the timer handler.
      radius - the radius of the pendulum. Yes this doesn't depend on length since the length needs to be a really high value and this won't work with Minecraft's xyz.
      gravity - the gravity of the enviroment. Recommended is -1 positive numbers will mean gravity towards space.
      length - the length of the first pendulum. Recommended is 200
      length2 - the length of the second pendulum. Recommended is 200
      mass1 - the mass of the first pendulum. Recommended is 50
      mass2 - the mass of the second pendulum. Recommended is 50
      Dimension3 - if it should enter 3D mode.
      speed - the speed of the animation.
      the animation handler.
    • magicCircles

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask magicCircles​( plugin, double radius, double rate, double radiusRate, double distance, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns circles increasing their radius.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      radius - the radius for the first circle.
      rate - the rate of circle points.
      radiusRate - the circle radius change rate.
      distance - the distance between each circle.
      the animation handler.
      See Also:
      circularBeam(JavaPlugin, double, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • infinity

      public static void infinity​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn a 3D infinity sign.
      radius - the radius of the infinity circles.
      rate - the rate of the sign points.
    • cone

      public static void cone​(double height, double radius, double rate, double circleRate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn a cone.
      height - the height of the cone.
      radius - the radius of the cone circle.
      rate - the rate of the cone circles.
      circleRate - the rate of the cone circle points.
    • ellipse

      public static void ellipse​(double radius, double otherRadius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn an ellipse.
      radius - the radius of the ellipse.
      otherRadius - the curve of the ellipse.
      rate - the rate of ellipse points.
      See Also:
      circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • blackhole

      public static void blackhole​( plugin, int points, double radius, double rate, int mode, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn a blackhole.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      points - the points of the blackhole pulls.
      radius - the radius of the blackhole circle.
      rate - the rate of the blackhole circle points.
      mode - blackhole mode. There are 5 modes.
    • rainbow

      public static void rainbow​(double radius, double rate, double curve, double layers, double compact, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a rainbow.
      radius - the radius of the smallest circle.
      rate - the rate of the rainbow points.
      curve - the curve the the rainbow circles.
      layers - the layers of each rainbow color.
      compact - the distance between each circles.
    • crescent

      public static void crescent​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a crescent.
      radius - the radius of crescent's big circle.
      rate - the rate of the crescent's circle points.
      See Also:
      circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • waveFunction

      public static void waveFunction​(double extend, double heightRange, double size, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Something similar to Quantum Wave function
      extend - the particle width extension. Recommended value is 3
      heightRange - the height range of randomized waves. Recommended value is 1
      size - the size of the terrain. Normal size is 3
      rate - the rate of waves points. Recommended value is around 30
    • vortex

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask vortex​( plugin, int points, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a galaxy-like vortex. Note that the speed of the particle is important. Speed 0 will spawn static lines.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      points - the points of the vortex.
      rate - the speed of the vortex.
      the task handling the animation.
    • cylinder

      public static void cylinder​(double height, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Not really a cylinder. It looks more like a cage. For an actual cylidner just use circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay) and use one the xyz axis to build multiple circles.
      height - the height of the cylinder.
      radius - the radius of the cylinder circles.
      rate - the rate of cylinder points.
    • moveRotatingAround

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask moveRotatingAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
      This will move the shape around in an area randomly while rotating them. The position of the shape will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis.
      plugin - the schedule handler.
      update - the timer period in ticks.
      rate - the distance between each location. Recommended value is 5.
      runnable - the particles to spawn.
      displays - the display references used to spawn particles in the runnable.
      the async task handling the movement.
      See Also:
      rotateAround(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...), guard(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...)
    • moveAround

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask moveAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double endRate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
      This will move the particle around in an area randomly. The position of the shape will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis.
      plugin - the schedule handler.
      update - the timer period in ticks.
      rate - the distance between each location. Recommended value is 5.
      runnable - the particles to spawn.
      displays - the display references used to spawn particles in the runnable.
      the async task handling the movement.
      See Also:
      rotateAround(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...), guard(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...)
    • testDisplay

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask testDisplay​( plugin, Runnable runnable)
      A simple test method to spawn a shape repeatedly for diagnosis.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      runnable - the shape(s) to display.
      the timer task handling the displays.
    • rotateAround

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask rotateAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
      This will rotate the shape around in an area randomly. The position of the shape will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis.
      plugin - the schedule handler.
      update - the timer period in ticks.
      rate - the distance between each location. Recommended value is 5.
      runnable - the particles to spawn.
      displays - the displays references used to spawn particles in the runnable.
      the async task handling the movement.
      See Also:
      moveRotatingAround(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...), guard(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...)
    • guard

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask guard​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
      This will move the particle around in an area randomly. The position of the shape will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis. Note that the ParticleDisplays used in runnable and displays options must be from the same reference.


           ParticleDisplays display = new ParticleDisplay(...);
           WRONG: moveAround(plugin, 1, 5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, () -> circle(1, 10, new ParticleDisplay(...)), display);
           CORRECT: moveAround(plugin, 1, 5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, () -> circle(1, 10, display), display);
      plugin - the schedule handler.
      update - the timer period in ticks.
      rate - the distance between each location. Recommended value is 5.
      runnable - the particles to spawn.
      displays - the displays references used to spawn particles in the runnable.
      the async task handling the movement.
      See Also:
      rotateAround(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...), moveRotatingAround(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...)
    • sphere

      public static void sphere​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn a sphere. Tutorial: Also uses its own unique directional pattern.
      radius - the circle radius.
      rate - the rate of cirlce points/particles.
      See Also:
      circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • spikeSphere

      public static void spikeSphere​(double radius, double rate, int chance, double minRandomDistance, double maxRandomDistance, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a sphere with spikes coming out from the center. The sphere points will not be visible.
      radius - the radius of the sphere.
      rate - the rate of sphere spike points.
      chance - the chance to grow a spike randomly.
      minRandomDistance - he minimum distance of spikes from sphere.
      maxRandomDistance - the maximum distance of spikes from sphere.
      See Also:
      sphere(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • ring

      public static void ring​(double rate, double radius, double tubeRadius, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a donut-shaped ring. When the tube radius is greater than the main radius, the hole radius in the middle of the circle will increase as the circles come closer to the mid-point.
      rate - the number of circles used to form the ring (tunnel circles)
      radius - the radius of the ring.
      tubeRadius - the radius of the circles used to form the ring (tunnel circles)
      See Also:
      circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • spread

      public static void spread​( plugin, int amount, int rate, org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location originEnd, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns animated spikes randomly spreading at the end location.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      amount - the amount of spikes to spawn.
      rate - rate of spike line points.
      start - start location of spikes.
      originEnd - end location of spikes.
    • heart

      public static void heart​(double cut, double cutAngle, double depth, double compressHeight, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a circle with heart shaped circles sticking out. This method can be used to create many other shapes other than heart.
      cut - defines the count of two oval pairs. For heart use 2
      cutAngle - defines the compression of two oval pairs. For heart use 4
      depth - the depth of heart's inner spike.
      compressHeight - compress the heart along the y axis.
      rate - the rate of the heart points. Will be converted to radians.
    • atomic

      public static void atomic​( plugin, int orbits, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay orbit)
      Spawns multiple animated atomic-like circles rotating around in their orbit.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      orbits - the orbits of the atom.
      radius - the radius of the atom orbits.
      rate - the rate of orbit points.
      See Also:
      atom(int, double, double, ParticleDisplay, ParticleDisplay)
    • helix

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask helix​( plugin, int strings, double radius, double rate, double extension, int height, int speed, boolean fadeUp, boolean fadeDown, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns animated helix shapes.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      strings - the amount of helix strings. The rotation angle will split equally for each.
      radius - the radius of the helix.
      rate - the rate of helix points.
      extension - the helix circle extension.
      height - the height of the helix.
      speed - the speed of the rate builder in each animation tick.
      fadeUp - helix radius will decrease to zero as it gets closer to the top.
      fadeDown - helix radius will increase to the original radius as it gets closer to the center.
      the animation task.
      See Also:
      dnaReplication(JavaPlugin, double, double, int, double, int, int, ParticleDisplay)
    • lightning

      public static void lightning​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.util.Vector direction, int entries, int branches, double radius, double offset, double offsetRate, double length, double lengthRate, double branch, double branchRate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a broken line that creates more and extended branches as it gets closer to the end length. This method doesn't support rotations. Use the direction instead.
      start - the starting point of the new branch. For the first call it's the same location as the displays location.
      direction - the direction of the lightning. A simple direction would be entity.getLocation().getDirection().normalize() For a simple end point direction would be endLocation.toVector().subtract(start.toVector()).normalize()
      entries - the number of entries for the main lightning branch. Recommended is 20
      branches - the maximum number of branches each entry can have. Recommended is 200
      radius - the radius of the lightning branches. Recommended is 0.5
      offset - the offset of the lightning branches. Recommended is 2
      offsetRate - the offset change rate of the lightning branches. Recommended is 1
      length - the length of the lightning branch. Recommended is 1.5
      lengthRate - the length change rate of the lightning branch. Recommended is 1
      branch - the chance of creating a new branch. Recommended is 0.1
      branchRate - the chance change of creating a new branch. Recommended is 1
    • dna

      public static void dna​(double radius, double rate, double extension, int height, int hydrogenBondDist, ParticleDisplay display, ParticleDisplay hydrogenBondDisplay)
      Spawn a DNA double helix string with nucleotides.
      radius - the radius of two DNA string circles.
      rate - the rate of DNA strings and hydrogen bond points.
      height - the height of the DNA strings.
      hydrogenBondDist - the distance between each hydrogen bond (read inside method). This distance is also affected by rate.
      display - display for strings.
      hydrogenBondDisplay - display for hydrogen bonds.
      See Also:
      helix(JavaPlugin, int, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, ParticleDisplay), dnaReplication(JavaPlugin, double, double, int, double, int, int, ParticleDisplay)
    • dnaReplication

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask dnaReplication​( plugin, double radius, double rate, int speed, double extension, int height, int hydrogenBondDist, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn an animated DNA replication with colored bonds.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      radius - the radius of DNA helix circle.
      rate - the rate of DNA points.
      speed - the number of points to build in a single tick. Recommended is 5.
      extension - the extension of the DNA helix sin/cos waves.
      height - the height of the DNA strings.
      hydrogenBondDist - the distance between two DNA string helix points in a single string for each hydrogen bond to be formed.
      the timer handling the animation.
      See Also:
      dna(double, double, double, int, int, ParticleDisplay, ParticleDisplay)
    • drawLine

      public static void drawLine​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, double length, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Draws a line from the player's looking direction.
      player - the player to draw the line from.
      length - the length of the line.
      rate - the rate of points of the line.
      See Also:
      line(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • cloud

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask cloud​( plugin, ParticleDisplay cloud, ParticleDisplay rain)
      A simple method to spawn animated clouds effect.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      cloud - recommended particle is Particle.CLOUD or Particle.SMOKE_LARGE and the offset xyz should be higher than 2
      rain - recommended particle is Particle.WATER_DROP or Particle.FALLING_LAVA and the offset xyz should be the same as cloud.
      the timer task handling the animation.
    • line

      public static void line​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a line from a location to another. Tutorial:
      start - the starting point of the line.
      end - the ending point of the line.
      rate - the rate of points of the line.
      See Also:
      drawLine(Player, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • rectangle

      public static void rectangle​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a rectangle.
      start - the starting point of the rectangle which is equals to the display location.
      end - the ending point of the rectangle.
      rate - the rate of the rectangle points.
      See Also:
      cube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay), cage(Location, Location, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • cage

      public static void cage​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, double barRate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a cage.
      start - the starting point of the cage.
      end - the ending point of the cage.
      rate - the rate of cage two rectangles and the bar lines.
      barRate - the chance of bars for the cage.
      See Also:
      rectangle(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay), cylinder(double, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • filledCube

      public static void filledCube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn a cube with all the space filled with particles inside. To spawn a cube with a width, height and depth you can simply add to the original location.


           Location start = player.getLocation();
           Location end = start.clone().add(width, height, depth);
           filledCube(start, end, 0.3, new ParticleDisplay(Particle.FLAME, null, 1));
      start - the starting point of the cube.
      end - the ending point of the cube.
      rate - the rate of cube points.
      See Also:
      cube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay), structuredCube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • cube

      public static void cube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a cube with the inner space empty.
      start - the starting point of the cube.
      end - the ending point of the cube.
      rate - the rate of cube points.
      See Also:
      filledCube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay), structuredCube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • structuredCube

      public static void structuredCube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
      spawn a cube with the inner space and walls empty, leaving only the edges visible.
      start - the starting point of the cube.
      end - the ending point of the cube.
      rate - the rate of cube points.
      See Also:
      filledCube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay), cube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • hypercube

      public static void hypercube​(org.bukkit.Location startOrigin, org.bukkit.Location endOrigin, double rate, double sizeRate, int cubes, ParticleDisplay display)
      Inaccurate representation of hypercubes. Just a bunch of tesseracts. New smaller tesseracts will be created as the dimension increases.

      I'm still looking for a way to make this animated but it's damn confusing:

      startOrigin - the starting point for the original cube.
      endOrigin - the endnig point for the original cube.
      rate - the rate of cube points.
      sizeRate - the size
      cubes - the dimension of the hypercube starting from 3D. E.g. dimension 1 -> 4D tersseract
      See Also:
      structuredCube(Location, Location, double, ParticleDisplay), tesseract(JavaPlugin, double, double, double, long, ParticleDisplay)
    • tesseract

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask tesseract​( plugin, double size, double rate, double speed, long ticks, ParticleDisplay display)
      Animated 4D tesseract using matrix motion. Since this is a 4D shape the usage should be highly limited. A failed prototype: Final Version:

      plugin - the timer handler.
      size - the size of the tesseract. Recommended is 4
      rate - the rate of the tesseract points. Recommended is 0.3
      speed - the speed of the tesseract matrix motion. Recommended is 0.01
      ticks - the amount of ticks to keep the animation.
      See Also:
      hypercube(Location, Location, double, double, int, ParticleDisplay)
    • mandelbrot

      public static void mandelbrot​(double size, double zoom, double rate, double x0, double y0, int color, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a mandelbrot set.
      size - the size of the mandelbrot. Recommended is 5
      zoom - the zooming length of the mandelbrot (Does not show the julia set.) Recommended is 1
      rate - the rate of the shape points. Recommended is 0.1
      x0 - the amount of x to move the shape. Recommended is 3
      y0 - the amount of y to move the shape. Recommended is 0
      color - the color set of the mandelbrot. This can change the shape. Recommended is 1000
    • julia

      public static void julia​(double size, double zoom, int colorScheme, double moveX, double moveY, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a julia set.
      size - the size of the image.
      zoom - the zoom ratio to the set.
      colorScheme - the color scheme for the julia set.
      moveX - the amount to move in the x axis.
      moveY - the amount to move in the y axis.
      See Also:
      mandelbrot(double, double, double, double, double, int, ParticleDisplay)
    • star

      public static void star​( plugin, int points, int spikes, double rate, double spikeLength, double coreRadius, double neuron, boolean prototype, int speed, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawn 3D spiked circles. Note that the animation is intended to be used with prototype mode enabled. Animations without prototype doesn't really look good. You might want to increase the speed.
      plugin - the timer handler.
      points - the number of circle sides with spikes.
      spikes - the number of spikes on each side.
      rate - the rate of star points.
      spikeLength - the length of each spike.
      coreRadius - the radius of the center circle.
      neuron - the neuron level. Neuron level is affected by the prototype mode. Normal value is 1 if prototype mode is disabled. If the value goes higher than 1 it'll form a neuron-like body cell shape. The value is used in small ranges for when prototype mode is enabled. Usually between 0.01 and 0.1
      prototype - if the spikes of the star should use helix instead of a random generator.
      speed - the speed of animation. Smoothest/slowest is 1
      See Also:
      spikeSphere(double, double, int, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • eye

      public static void eye​(double radius, double radius2, double rate, double extension, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns an eye-shaped circle.
      radius - the radius of the eye.
      radius2 - the other radius of the eye. Usually the same as the first radius.
      rate - the rate of the eye points.
      extension - the extension of the eye. Recommended is 0.2
    • illuminati

      public static void illuminati​(double size, double extension, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns an illuminati shape.
      size - the size of the illuminati shape.
      extension - the extension of the illuminati eye.
    • polygon

      public static void polygon​(int points, int connection, double size, double rate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display)
      Spawns a connected 2D polygon. Tutorial:
      points - the number of polygon points.
      connection - the connection level of two points.
      size - the size of the shape.
      rate - the rate of connection points.
      extend - extends the shape, connecting unrelated points together.
    • rotateAroundX

      public static org.bukkit.util.Vector rotateAroundX​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector, double angle)
      Rotates vector around the X axis with the specified angle. Cross-version compatibility.
      angle - the rotation angle, in radians.
      the rotated vector.
    • rotateAroundY

      public static org.bukkit.util.Vector rotateAroundY​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector, double angle)
      Rotates vector around the Y axis with the specified angle. Cross-version compatibility.
      angle - the rotation angle, in radians.
      the rotated vector.
    • rotateAroundZ

      public static org.bukkit.util.Vector rotateAroundZ​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector, double angle)
      Rotates vector around the Z axis with the specified angle. Cross-version compatibility.
      angle - the rotation angle, in radians.
      the rotated vector.
    • neopaganPentagram

      public static void neopaganPentagram​(double size, double rate, double extend, ParticleDisplay star, ParticleDisplay circle)
      See Also:
      polygon(int, int, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay), circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • atom

      public static void atom​(int orbits, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay orbit, ParticleDisplay nucleus)
      Spawns an atom with orbits and a nucleus.
      orbits - the number of atom orbits.
      radius - the radius of orbits.
      rate - the rate of orbit and nucleus points.
      See Also:
      atomic(JavaPlugin, int, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • meguminExplosion

      public static void meguminExplosion​( plugin, double size, ParticleDisplay display)
      This is supposed to be something similar to this: The numbers on this shape are really sensitive. Changing a single one can result in a totally different shape.
      size - the shape of the explosion circle. Recommended value is 6
      See Also:
      polygon(int, int, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay), circle(double, double, ParticleDisplay)
    • explosionWave

      public static void explosionWave​( plugin, double rate, ParticleDisplay display, ParticleDisplay secDisplay)
      A sin/cos based smoothly animated explosion wave. Source:
      rate - the distance between each cos/sin lines.
    • renderImage

      public static CompletableFuture<Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color>> renderImage​(Path path, int resizedWidth, int resizedHeight, double compact)
      Renders a resized image.
      path - the path of the image.
      resizedWidth - the resizing width.
      resizedHeight - the resizing height.
      compact - the pixel compact of the image.
      the rendered particle locations.
    • renderImage

      public static CompletableFuture<Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color>> renderImage​(BufferedImage image, int resizedWidth, int resizedHeight, double compact)
      Renders every pixel of the image and saves the location and the particle colors to a map.
      image - the image to render.
      resizedWidth - the new image width.
      resizedHeight - the new image height.
      compact - particles compact value. Should be lower than 0.5 and higher than 0.1 The recommended value is 0.2
      a rendered map of an image.
    • displayRenderedImage

      public static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask displayRenderedImage​( plugin, Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color> render, Callable<org.bukkit.Location> location, int repeat, long period, int quality, int speed, float size)
      Display a rendered image repeatedly.
      plugin - the scheduler handler.
      render - the rendered image map.
      location - the dynamic location to display the image at.
      repeat - amount of times to repeat displaying the image.
      period - the perioud between each repeats.
      quality - the quality of the image is exactly the number of particles display for each pixel. Recommended value is 1
      speed - the speed is exactly the same value as the speed of particles. Recommended amount is 0
      size - the size of the particle. Recommended amount is 0.8
      the async bukkit task displaying the image.
    • displayRenderedImage

      public static void displayRenderedImage​(Map<org.bukkit.Location,​org.bukkit.Color> render, org.bukkit.Location location, int quality, int speed, float size)
      Display a rendered image repeatedly.
      render - the rendered image map.
      location - the dynamic location to display the image at.
      quality - the quality of the image is exactly the number of particles display for each pixel. Recommended value is 1
      speed - the speed is exactly the same value as the speed of particles. Recommended amount is 0
      size - the size of the particle. Recommended amount is 0.8
    • saveImage

      public static void saveImage​(BufferedImage image, Path path)
      A simple method used to save images. Useful to cache text generated images.
      image - the buffered image to save.
      path - the path to save the image to.
      See Also:
      stringToImage(Font, java.awt.Color, String)
    • stringToImage

      public static CompletableFuture<BufferedImage> stringToImage​(Font font, Color color, String str)
      Converts a string to an image which can be used to display as a particle.
      font - the font to generate the text with.
      color - the color of text.
      str - the string to generate the image.
      the buffered image.
      See Also:
      saveImage(BufferedImage, Path)