Interface ApplicationApi

  • @Path("/")
    public interface ApplicationApi
    Pod API

    This document refers to Symphony API calls that do not need encryption or decryption of content. - sessionToken can be obtained by calling the authenticationAPI on the symphony back end and the key manager respectively. Refer to the methods described in authenticatorAPI.yaml. - Actions are defined to be atomic, ie will succeed in their entirety or fail and have changed nothing. - If it returns a 40X status then it will have made no change to the system even if ome subset of the request would have succeeded. - If this contract cannot be met for any reason then this is an error and the response code will be 50X.

    • Method Detail

      • v1AdminAppCreatePost

        ApplicationDetail v1AdminAppCreatePost​(ApplicationDetail body,
                                               String sessionToken)
        Creates a new app
      • v1AdminAppIdDeletePost

        SuccessResponse v1AdminAppIdDeletePost​(@HeaderParam("sessionToken")
                                               String sessionToken,
                                               String id)
        Deletes a app
      • v1AdminAppIdGetGet

        ApplicationDetail v1AdminAppIdGetGet​(@HeaderParam("sessionToken")
                                             String sessionToken,
                                             String id)
        Gets a app
      • v1AdminAppIdUpdatePost

        ApplicationDetail v1AdminAppIdUpdatePost​(ApplicationDetail body,
                                                 String sessionToken,
                                                 String id)
        Updates a app