Class MultipartWebResourceFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class MultipartWebResourceFactory
    extends Object
    implements InvocationHandler
    Factory for client-side representation of a resource. See the package overview for an example on how to use this class. Extended to handle the Multipart annotation from Apache CXF, until such time as this gets standardized in JAX-RS.
    Martin Matula, Rob Moffat
    • Method Detail

      • newResource

        public static <C> C newResource​(Class<C> resourceInterface,
        Creates a new client-side representation of a resource described by the interface passed in the first argument. Calling this method has the same effect as calling WebResourceFactory.newResource(resourceInterface, rootTarget, false).
        Type Parameters:
        C - Type of the resource to be created.
        resourceInterface - Interface describing the resource to be created.
        target - WebTarget pointing to the resource or the parent of the resource.
        Instance of a class implementing the resource interface that can be used for making requests to the server.
      • newResource

        public static <C> C newResource​(Class<C> resourceInterface,
                                        boolean ignoreResourcePath,
                              <String,​Object> headers,
                                        List<> cookies,
        Creates a new client-side representation of a resource described by the interface passed in the first argument.
        Type Parameters:
        C - Type of the resource to be created.
        resourceInterface - Interface describing the resource to be created.
        target - WebTarget pointing to the resource or the parent of the resource.
        ignoreResourcePath - If set to true, ignores path annotation on the resource interface (this is used when creating sub-resources)
        headers - Header params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource)
        cookies - Cookie params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource)
        form - Form params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource)
        Instance of a class implementing the resource interface that can be used for making requests to the server.