



package akka

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ActorStack extends Actor


    Defines a trait supporting extending an Akka Actor's receive() via supreclasses and stackable traits without losing the extended behavior.

    Defines a trait supporting extending an Akka Actor's receive() via supreclasses and stackable traits without losing the extended behavior. ActorStack implementations should wrap the r: Receive with their behavior, and call

    case msg => super.around( r )( msg )

    in order to not hide upstream stack behavior.

    Concrete Actors must wrap all Receive expressions with around(...) in order to retain the stacked extension; e.g.,

    case _: PostAdded => context become around( created )

    ActorStack does not override any other Actor behavior.

Value Members

  1. object AskRetry


    An object to import to make the askretry extension available on ActorRef

  2. package envelope


    The enveloping package creates an envelope that carries a great deal more information than just the sender of the message.

    The enveloping package creates an envelope that carries a great deal more information than just the sender of the message. The envelope contains the following:

    • The class type of the sender
    • The unique identifier of the sender
    • The unique identifier of the intended recipient
    • The class type of the message being sent
    • The timestamp of the creation time of the message
    • A unique identifier for the current “unit of work” in which this message is participating
    • A sequence number that indicates where this message sits in the timeline of the unit of work
    • A version number for the protocol version of the envelope
    • The message itself

    Importantly, all of this information to be supplied without burdening the code that sends the message. However, instead of the regular Akka tell and ! operations, programmers must use the send operation to wrap the message in a envelope.

    someActor send SomeMessage( "Hello there, Mr. Actor" )
  3. package metrics

  4. package publish

  5. package stream

  6. package supervision

