
trait KafkaSubscription[F <: ([_$1] =>> Any)]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class KafkaConsumer[F, K, V]

Value members


def subscribeTo(firstTopic: String, remainingTopics: String*): F[Unit]
Subscribes the consumer to the specified topics. Note that you have to
use one of the subscribe functions to subscribe to one or more topics
before using any of the provided Streams, or a NotSubscribedException
will be raised in the Streams.
def subscribe[G <: ([_$2] =>> Any)](topics: G[String])(evidence$1: Reducible[G]): F[Unit]
Subscribes the consumer to the specified topics. Note that you have to
use one of the subscribe functions to subscribe to one or more topics
before using any of the provided Streams, or a NotSubscribedException
will be raised in the Streams.
Value Params
the topics to which the consumer should subscribe
def subscribe(regex: Regex): F[Unit]
Subscribes the consumer to the topics matching the specified Regex.
Note that you have to use one of the subscribe functions before you
can use any of the provided Streams, or a NotSubscribedException
will be raised in the Streams.
Value Params
the regex to which matching topics should be subscribed
def unsubscribe: F[Unit]
Unsubscribes the consumer from all topics and partitions assigned
by subscribe or assign.