Class NamedDataRangeExpander

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NamedDataRangeExpander
    extends ATermBaseVisitor

    Title: Named Data Range Expander

    Description: Substitutes one ATermAppl for another in a _data range description, based on input _map. Used to implement OWL 2 datatype definitions.

    Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009

    Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.

    Mike Smith
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      openllet.aterm.ATermAppl expand​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl input, java.util.Map<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl,​openllet.aterm.ATermAppl> map)  
      void visitAll​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'all' (allValuesFrom restriction) term.
      void visitAnd​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'and' (intersectionOf) term.
      void visitCard​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'card' (minCardinality restriction) term.
      void visitHasValue​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the hasValue restriction term.
      void visitInverse​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl p)  
      void visitLiteral​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the literal term.
      void visitMax​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'max' (maxCardinality restriction) term.
      void visitMin​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'min' (minCardinality restriction) term.
      void visitNot​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'not' (complementOf) term.
      void visitOneOf​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'oneOf' term.
      void visitOr​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'or' (unionOf) term.
      void visitRestrictedDatatype​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl dt)  
      void visitSelf​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the self restriction term.
      void visitSome​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the 'some' (someValuesFrom restriction) term.
      void visitTerm​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit a primitive term (with no arguments) that stands for a URI.
      void visitValue​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
      Visit the nominal term.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • NamedDataRangeExpander

        public NamedDataRangeExpander()
    • Method Detail

      • expand

        public openllet.aterm.ATermAppl expand​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl input,
                                               java.util.Map<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl,​openllet.aterm.ATermAppl> map)
      • visitAll

        public void visitAll​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'all' (allValuesFrom restriction) term.
      • visitAnd

        public void visitAnd​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'and' (intersectionOf) term.
      • visitCard

        public void visitCard​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'card' (minCardinality restriction) term. This is not a standard term that ise used inside the reasoner but sometimes used for display purposes. Normally, cardinality restrictions would be stored as a conjunction of min and max restrictions.
      • visitHasValue

        public void visitHasValue​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the hasValue restriction term. This term is in the form some(property,value(_individual)) or some(property,value(literal))
      • visitInverse

        public void visitInverse​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl p)
        p - inverse
      • visitLiteral

        public void visitLiteral​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the literal term. The literals are in the form literal(lexicalValue, language, datatypeURI)
      • visitMax

        public void visitMax​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'max' (maxCardinality restriction) term.
      • visitMin

        public void visitMin​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'min' (minCardinality restriction) term.
      • visitNot

        public void visitNot​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'not' (complementOf) term.
      • visitOneOf

        public void visitOneOf​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'oneOf' term. This term is in the form or([value(i1),value(i2),...,value(i3)] where i's are individuals or literal constants
      • visitOr

        public void visitOr​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'or' (unionOf) term.
      • visitRestrictedDatatype

        public void visitRestrictedDatatype​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl dt)
      • visitSelf

        public void visitSelf​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the self restriction term. This is in the form self(p).
      • visitSome

        public void visitSome​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the 'some' (someValuesFrom restriction) term.
      • visitTerm

        public void visitTerm​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit a primitive term (with no arguments) that stands for a URI. This URI may belong to a class, a property, an _individual or a datatype.
      • visitValue

        public void visitValue​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl term)
        Description copied from interface: ATermVisitor
        Visit the nominal term. This term is in the form some(property,value(_individual))