Class BindingGeneratorImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Iterable<VariableBinding>, BindingGenerator

    public class BindingGeneratorImpl
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements BindingGenerator

    Title: Binding Generator Implementation

    Description: Takes a list of _binding _helpers

    Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007

    Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.

    Ron Alford
    • Constructor Detail

      • BindingGeneratorImpl

        public BindingGeneratorImpl​(VariableBinding initialBinding,
                                    java.util.Collection<BindingHelper> helpers)
        Constructs a _binding generator with the given list of _helpers. The _helpers must be in such an _order that prerequisite variables of any helper are bound by a helper before it.
        initialBinding -
        helpers -
      • BindingGeneratorImpl

        public BindingGeneratorImpl()
        Empty Binding Generator