Interface DefinitionOrder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractDefinitionOrder, JGraphBasedDefinitionOrder, TaxonomyBasedDefinitionOrder

    public interface DefinitionOrder
    extends java.lang.Iterable<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl>
    A class to compute the definition order for concepts and tell if a concept is used in cyclic definition. The definition _order is computed after the TBox preprocessing is applied so the definitions used for computing this order is not always same as asserted definitions. The notion of cyclic definition depends on the expressivity of the ontology. If there are no inverses a definition the concepts used inside restrictions are ignored.
    Evren Sirin
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default java.util.List<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl> getList()  
      boolean isCyclic​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl concept)
      Returns if a concept is used in cyclic definitions.
      java.util.Iterator<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over all the classes in the ontology sorted based on the definition _order.
      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

        forEach, spliterator
    • Method Detail

      • iterator

        java.util.Iterator<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl> iterator()
        Returns an iterator over all the classes in the ontology sorted based on the definition _order.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl>
      • isCyclic

        boolean isCyclic​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl concept)
        Returns if a concept is used in cyclic definitions.
        concept - concept to check
        true if concept is used in a cyclic definition
      • getList

        default java.util.List<openllet.aterm.ATermAppl> getList()