case classCollection[T <: Parsed[S], S <: Schema[T]](fh: FHCollection[T, S])(implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.WeakTypeTag[T]) extends Logging with Product with Serializable
Created by kjolh on 12/26/2015.
Created by kjolh on 12/26/2015.
Forwards everything to FhCollection but returns twitter.util.Future instead of scala.concurrent.Future.
Useful in finagle services as they all use twitter futures.
This class just forwards all calls to FhCollection and converts returned scalafutures -> twitterfutures
+ Some minor other stuff
Created by kjolh on 12/26/2015.
Forwards everything to FhCollection but returns twitter.util.Future instead of scala.concurrent.Future. Useful in finagle services as they all use twitter futures.
This class just forwards all calls to FhCollection and converts returned scalafutures -> twitterfutures + Some minor other stuff